Tuesday, November 2, 2021

The Maiden Called Hero or Monster - Chapter 6 - Peace has come to the World, and I have Lost my Place to Die


    Everyone present was transfixed by the scene projected from the crystal. Stupefied, all they could do was watch in awe as in the world of dreams, a fierce battle raged between a hero and an ugly, evil monster. A mere human being was fighting against a terrifying demon several times larger than any man.


    The hero waded through the scorching flames and repelled the savage claws trying to gouge out her guts. Each time she did she took advantage of the opening, as she continuously swung her sword over and over again.


    " What... is that? I-It's not just a demon, is it?"


    "...... If such a monster was roaming freely in the labyrinth, it would be full of corpses by now. Well, I at least haven't seen anything like this before the seventieth floor."


    Rob answered Matari's question, his eyes glued to the scene.


    "S-So, you're saying that this demon doesn't actually exist?"


    "I'm afraid not. Only things seen by the examinee in person appear in this crystal. That means she's seen that monster somewhere before... But I can’t believe it."


    Rob's words left Matari speechless.


    The hero continued attacking boldly without hesitation; although, she herself had been attacked many times in return. The enemy's searing flames burned the arms of the hero causing them to blister and charcoal; she bled profusely from her torn abdomen, and one of her eyes had already been crushed, yet she showed no signs of faltering.




    "...... What an amazing person. Is she not scared, or does she not care for her life? That world is a fake illusion, but she'll still feel the pain as if it were real."


    Matari thought to herself.

    What if it was me in there? I don't know if I could handle it...... No, it wouldn't be possible. There's no way I could defeat such a thing.


    One could tell with merely a glance that it was in a class of its own. It looked like a terrifying monster existing only in legend. It would be impossible to fight against such a force alone.

    "Three twisted horns and four black wings. Skin like a fiery dragon, and the face of a lion which made its rage known. It was said that he led his kin in an all-out war against humanity and perished."

    Lulurile quietly recited something from memory. It was a fairy tale known by everyone on the continent.


    "You're right. That's the Demon King no matter how you look at it."


    "Are you talking about the one from the legend of the three heroes?"


    "I mean, he looks just as the legend describes, don't you think? He has the strength and majesty befitting a king of demons. It couldn’t be anything but the Demon King."


    "That's ridiculous, that was over five hundred years ago!"

    Rob vehemently denied it, but Edel continued to speak.


     "Let me ask you something. Where the hell could such a monster be? It's a demon that could easily bring an entire nation to ruin. I don’t even think the most elite armies would be able to stop it.”




    Rob groaned and stammered. He could not argue with Edel.


    "If the star gazing crystal only reflects what the person has actually seen. Then, where did Hero see him?"


    "I can't think of anywhere else but the labyrinth."


    There were no more demons that roamed the earth. Humanity had hunted them down to extinction in pursuit of magic essence. To date, there have been no reports of demons above ground. The only place where demons still existed was the underground labyrinth.


    "Yes, it's the only place where you can find demons. No matter where you look in the world, they’re nowhere to be found. Because they all died out a long time ago."

    Edel continued to talk as if to confirm for herself.  Several thoughts must have been bouncing around in her head.


    Even while listening to the conversation, Matari's eyes stayed fixated on the battle.

    The hero had severed the monster's right arm. She willingly took an attack from the monster, forcibly created an opening. Her face wore an expression of anguish as she healed her torn viscera; on the contrary, the monster was writhing on the ground. 

    The hero had the upper hand. She formed arrows; or rather, projectiles of light as large as spears and hurled them at the monster. The attack was as fierce as a raging tempest. At the same time, she worked to heal herself. She gave the monster not a single chance to retaliate.

    Perhaps this was how she normally fought. A fighting style incorporating both offense and defense, one that would allow her to fight alone to the very end.

    "But I didn't expect all this. She's even mastered healing magic?"


    "Yes. And it can heal your wounds in no time!"


    "...... What a guy. Who is she, really?"


     "You already know the answer to that question, no? She is a real hero. She has been saying it this whole time, there is no doubt about it. This is exactly what it means to be in the dark."

    Lulurile nodded as if she understood.


    "That girl's never been able to enter the labyrinth before recently, and you can't make it past the barrier unless you belong to a guild. That means that she's fought this monster somewhere before. I wonder, where could that have been."

    These were Edel's thought-provoking words. She more than likely knew the answer but chose not to say it aloud.


    "...... What are you trying to say? That this three-horned demon is the Demon King, and that little girl is a real hero? And that somewhere unbeknownst to us the legend has been recreated!?"


    "Well, who knows. When and where could they have fought? Once we figure that out, this whole mystery will be solved. But I'm sure she won’t tell us. Because she won't even tell us her name....... Because she's apparently forgotten it."


    Edel looked at the image of the hero projected by the crystal and smiled sadly.


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    Matari also looked at the hero. She did not have the face of the hero who could afford to be cocky. Instead, a look of resignation rested on her face as she fought on, desperately trying to defeat the monster. She had said before she only existed to kill demons. But Matari wondered… maybe she was terrified. Maybe she was stifling her desire to scream. They might be misguided thoughts to have, but for some reason, Matari really believed them.


    "I've seen it with my own eyes. From the very beginning, she's been calling herself a hero. It's no wonder she could kill Salvadore and Russ. Even if we all fought her together, we wouldn't be a match for her."


    Rob muttered with a sigh. There was no trace of frustration on his face, only one of resignation. He seemingly realized the dimensions they were in were completely different.


   The other guild members nodded in agreement. Even the veterans kept their eyes down and refused to argue. The difference in their abilities was too apparent. As long as she was of human blood like them, there was a chance. But the battle being fought in that world was of a whole different world. They knew with one swing from the monster they would be slaughtered, and with a single light arrow fired by the hero they would instantly die.


    "That's a fighting style you could fall in love with. She doesn't need any companions to fight with. She on her own is enough. Because she can use magic and can even use healing magic."

    At Edel's words, Matari couldn't contain what was welling up inside her.


    "Th-That's not true!"




     "If you think you're not good enough, if you think you can't keep up, you just need to train harder. I will definitely follow you, even if I have to cling to you and grit my teeth, Hero! Two heads are better than one, and if you have a friend, you can help each other out when you're in trouble. I might be a liability, but even so!"


    "H-Hey, take it easy."


    "I'll definitely get stronger! Strong enough to help you, Hero! Without question!"

    Matari strongly proclaimed.

    The hero was undoubtedly strong. She had no need for anyone's help. However, when Matari expressed her weakness before in the labyrinth, the hero became severely dejected. She looked so pained. She couldn't imagine what happened in the hero’s past and she didn’t know if she would tell her either. However, Matari still wanted to go with her. What’s important is what you want to do. You choose your own path. That was what the hero taught her.


    "Looks like you've found a good friend, hero-girl. There aren't many people as straightforward as you these days."


    “This girl hasn't changed since the day I met her. Once she sets her mind to something, she does nothing but charge forward. That's both a strength and a weakness."

    Rob chuckled as he stroked his stubbled chin.


    "It's nice to be young. So straightforward, eh?"


    "I wish I was a little younger too."


    "Our lives aren't over yet. Let's try to live straightforwardly, too!"


    The guild member's expressions softened somewhat and began making light talk. Perhaps it had something to do with Matari’s words.


    "Everyone keeps saying 'straightforward,' 'straightforwardly,' I'm not a boar!"


    "Is that so? I see, well, if you insist on following her, I won't stop you. You'll definitely get stronger if you train with her. Even if she hates it, clutch to her as if your life depended on it. She might be cheeky, but I don't think she's a bad person."


    "Yes, I'll clutch to her like I'm dying!"


    "Yes, yes, and of course, I'll go with you. It'll be livelier with three people instead of two. And life's more fun when it's lively. Besides, things work out better when there's at least one twisted person around."


    "Four rather than three. That is the appropriate number of members for a group. Three heads are better than two, but with the wisdom of a fourth, we will shine even brighter.”


    "Edel, Lulurile."


    "It really is lonely being by yourself. No matter how strong you are you can't win against loneliness. No one to listen to you, no one to help you. It's almost as if you're dead. That's why, that girl..."


    "...... That's why?"


    When Matari asked, Edel was stagnant for some reason.


    To be alone, to be lonely, Matari knew very well what that was like. That was why she was very curious about what Edel would say. But Edel just quietly shook her head quietly.


    "...... No, it's nothing. It looks like it's almost over. Let's make sure we see the end of the exam properly."

    Edel turned her gaze to the projection.

    A hero with wounds all over her body, held a sword to the neck of the fallen monster. The monster had lost both of its arms, and its three horns had been cruelly cut off.


     It seemed the end had come.

    Without hesitation, the hero beheaded him. She felt no pride in her victory.

    Unleashing fire magic onto the corpse, she annihilated it without leaving a single piece of flesh behind. Sheathing her sword, she roughly ruffled her hair as if to shake off her unpleasant mood.


    "I must say, only a hero could defeat the Demon King in such a short time."




   She hurriedly turned back to find a hooded figure standing behind her. While clapping their hands, they spoke words of praise for the hero. She seemed to be about the same height as her.


    "You are the one who saved the world. Even those outside were aghast in astonishment. No one will ridicule you anymore."


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    It was a vaguely familiar female’s voice. She didn't seem to be in possession of any particular weapons.


    "Good day, the legendary hero. How are you?"

    The woman greeted her with a familiar voice.


    "...... Who are you? Were you the real opponent of the exam?"


    "No, I'm not. You passed your Occupation Certification Exam. And have brilliantly defeated the Demon King."


    "Oh, I see. Then hurry and give me the star stone. I want to leave this unpleasant place as soon as possible."


    "..... This place is unpleasant? What makes you think that? Even though it's such a beautiful place."


    "Beautiful? You're out of your mind. How can such a dark and creepy place──"


    Just as the hero was about to complain, the scenery instantly changed. From the dimly lit ruins and debris where she fought a battle to the death with the Demon King, to a beautiful paradise filled with gentle, bright, and colorful flowers.


    "Hey, it’s a beautiful place, isn’t it? Because you saved the world. You deserve to live happily ever after here.”


    "No need to talk nonsense. If you're done with me, can you just send me back? This is a waste of time."

    The hero snorted and curtly rejected her offer. She didn't want to hear any more unnecessary ramblings. If the exam was over, she just wanted to go home.


    "Our conversation isn't being projected, so there is nothing to worry about. No one will laugh at you for exposing your true feelings. No one will mock you. This is the last paradise for you to live in peace."


    "...... Sorry, but I've got no idea what you're talking about."


    "You don't understand? Hey, you really don't get it?"


    "Apparently I don't."


    "There's no home for you to go back to."



    "You're acting pretty rude all of a sudden...... That’s about all I get."

    The hero answered while her eyes wandered.


    "That's just a lie. I know everything you're trying to hide. For example, I know that you are lonely. Therefore, even if Matari is a hindrance to you, you won't abandon her. You’ve even accepted a sophistic scholar and a necromancer who treads the taboo."


    Although the hero couldn't see her face under her hood, the woman seemed quite happy as she spoke. It was terribly unpleasant, and the hero grew even more irritated.


    "Give me the star stone now. I'm leaving."


    “I also know why you are so obsessed with being a hero. If you take the hero away from you, there will be nothing left. You’ve even forgotten your name in your arduous struggle. So, you desperately cling to it. When others call you, 'hero,' you're somehow able to recognize yourself. But your heart is nearing its limit. You know better than anyone that your role as a hero is over."


   "That's stupid. I've never thought that. I'm proud to be a hero. And if you don't shut your mouth, I'll shut it for you."


    The hero glared at her with murderous intent. But the woman remained unfazed, continuing to move her lips without fear.


    "Why do you kill demons? Why would you take on the labyrinth in a peaceful world?"


    "Because killing demons is the hero's mission. I don't need a reason."


    "The demons can't leave because of the Great Barrier. So, there's no need to kill them anymore. In this peaceful world, you can lay down your sword and live a quiet life."


    "I don't care what anyone says, as long as there are demons, I'll keep fighting. Because their existence is unpleasant."


    "As long as you believe that you won't have to think about anything else. You won't have to know about the happenings of the world. You won't have to think about what happened to you. As long as you lock yourself up in the dark labyrinth underground, you won't ever have to know the painful and sad truth."


    The woman approached little by little, the hero unable to move.


    "...... Annoying."


    "... Hey, let me remind you. Off all the things you desperately try so hard to look away from."


    "Stop! Stay away from me!"


    "Wouldn’t you like to know? I'll tell you everything. About what happened that day at that shrine. And how this world has changed since then."


    "Annoying! Shut up!"


    When the hero raised her voice, the woman finally stopped.


    "...... Fufu, just kidding. I just wanted you to be aware of the facts. I want you to know how hard the outside world is for you."


    "The exam ended a long time ago! Hurry up and send me back right now!"

    "I don't care about the exam. What did I tell you before? You deserve to live happily ever after in this paradise. You won't have to think about anything anymore. Let's enjoy eternal peace in this world with no pain."

    The woman started walking again. If she reached out her hand, she would be within reach.


    "...... Come any closer, and I'll attack. I'll cut off your head without mercy!"


    "Take my hand, and you will be free from your shackles."

    "I refuse!"


    "Think about it. This is your last chance. If you reject me, you will once again return to hell once more. And continue to be tormented by the visions of your past."


    "...... What do you mean?"


    "You have no friends to trust, no loved ones. You have no home to go back to, and in the end, you even lost your name. All that's left is your pitiful pride of being a hero."


    At her wit's end, the hero struck with all of her might, but stopped just before the woman. An unknown force thwarted the attack.




    "In this city, you are so quickly denied your only value of being a hero. You’re regarded as a clown and ridiculed like trash....... I’m sure even with how strong you are it must be painful. To have to keep fighting to prove that you are a hero. That’s nothing short of hell."


     The sharp edge of her words gutted the hero. But she mustn't listen. Her goal was to undermine and violate the hero's spirit with her delusional words and finally destroy it. Therefore, she must cover her ears as soon as possible.

   However, the hero couldn't deny her words. Because they weren't wrong.


    "...... Shut up, shut up, shut up!"


    "Only when you're fighting can you feel uplifted and forget about everything. So, you keep killing demons. But you know, it is a hero who fights for the sake of the people. Not for yourself, and certainly not for the extermination of demons. You're just desperately trying to avoid facing that fact."


    In an indifferent tone, the woman cornered the hero. Trying to deny her being a hero, asserting a hero is one who fights to help humanity. But humanity abandoned and forgot the hero. They were the ones who propped up new heroes and acted as if she wasn’t there from the very beginning.

    So, the hero decided to only think about killing demons. She had no choice but to assume that was the only value of her existence. Training desperately on her own, she became strong. She killed and killed and killed every last demon. Even those who surrendered to the demons and became their soldiers were slain; a fallen human was no better than a demon after all. And in the end, she finally defeated the Demon King. Peace had come to the world. There shouldn't be anything wrong with that.


    "...... I'm not wrong! I'm not!"


    Did she do something wrong? Or did she do nothing wrong? The hero did not know. No one would tell her. And being in such ignorance, the end came— at the hands of her former comrades.


    "You probably noticed it yourself. That your mind is slowly starting to break. That is the reason why you’ve been feeling unwell these days. Come on, this is your last chance. Let us live happily in this paradise."


    "Shut up, you're just a demon trying to deceive me! You've just been saying whatever the hell you want! Now die!"

    The hero drew her sword and sharply swung at the woman's throat. She held nothing back, as she had full intention of sending her head flying.


    "It's useless. Violence won't work in this paradise."


    The hero's all-out swing stopped midway. It wasn’t blocked, but the hero's right arm refused to move any further. Her arm felt heavy as if something was holding down.


    "──Tsu. Why!? Why can't I move!? Th-Then I'll just use magic!"


    "You can never hurt me. Because..."

    The woman took off her hood and revealed herself. There, was a familiar face. But instead of the usual intrepid and unyielding expression, she had an expression of enviable serenity.


    "M-Me? No, it's the same illusion as Matari's!"


    "I'm not that sort of imitation. I'm the other you, you have forgotten. I understand you better than anyone else. Because you are me."


    "Quit messing around, I'm me! You're a demon imposter!"


    "There’s no need to yell. There’s no one here to hurt you. You don't have to be a lonely hero. There's no Demon King or demons here. No one will ridicule you."

    The hero in front of her smiled gently, holding out her hand with a happy smile on her face.


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    The hero thought for a moment.

    Should I take this hand? If I take it, it's all over. I'll stop being a hero and live quietly in this paradise forever. I know it's some kind of trap. But I don't think it matters anymore. No one would be troubled if I was trapped inside this world of deception. No one’s waiting for me. A peaceful world doesn't need a hero.

    The story should have ended when the Demon King was vanquished. Even if she went back, she would spend her days miserably clinging to being a hero. And it would last until the day she died— a veritable hell.


    ". . . . . . . . . ."


    "Now, give me your sword. You do not need weapons in paradise. A peaceful world doesn't need heroes. Let go of the burden of being a hero and live happily with me."


    The woman in front of her strongly urged her to give up her sword. She sweetly whispered in her ear to give up being a hero.


    The hero hesitated for a moment and then made a decision. After all, this was the only thing she could do. She knew it was stupid. But she wasn’t going to leave the path she's walked to this day.


    "My answer is no. This is the only way I can live."


    In a natural fluid motion, the hero slit her own throat. With no hesitation, she slid the blade across. Fresh blood sprayed out in the air, and the 'her' in front of her eyes widened in astonishment as the two heroes were dyed red.




    "Looks like, I can, attack myself. Th-That's, good. R-Really, good."


    "What a fool you are! This is your last chance!──"

    For the first time the woman in front of her had raised her voice.


    She didn't know if she was real or fake. Perhaps she was a demon, or perhaps she was real. Her other self she once killed to become the perfect hero. Maybe her former kind-hearted self was giving her one last chance, a chance to die happy. However──


    "I-I'd rather die, than give up, being a h-hero. B-Because, I, am a hero."

    The mouth of the hero distorted as she spat out her words along with blood from her mouth.


    She's a hero. So, it was fine. Even if no one recognized it. Live as a hero and die as a hero. These were the dregs of pride the hero had left. She wouldn't just throw them away.


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    The woman looked at her expressionlessly as she was bathed in blood. It might have been her imagination, but the hero thought she had a slight smile on her face. She wasn't sure, but the hero smiled a crooked smile.


    "──Well, see you, fake. Or, other me."


    The hero thrust the sword into her throat for good measure. The burning pain and heat seared her brain. Despite the nature of the illusionary world, the pain she felt did not differ from that of reality. Maybe she would die. Or perhaps she would be dropped into a real hell. The hero laughed; either way, it didn't matter. When she pushed with all her strength her consciousness began shrouding with darkness. Black and red intermixed, and the paradise became ugly and distorted.


    The hero fell to her knees, cowering like a baby in a pool of red blood. And until the moment she lost consciousness, the hero was laughing like a madman. Or was she crying?


    Feeling a terrible pain in her head, the hero woke up. The symptoms were much more severe than a hangover, and she felt worse than ever.


    "...... My head feels like it’s going to split open."


    Pulling the covers off, the hero languidly raised her body. Fruits and a jug of water were set on the table next to her. Feeling hungry, the hero reached out to grab a bite.


    "A-Almost there──"


    The moment she thought she reached it, the hero lost balance and fell off the bed. It felt like her body had become sluggish. She fell face-first onto the floor and let out a loud noise. Much like a croak escaping a crushed frog.


    "W-What was that sound!? What on earth are you doing, Hero!?"

    Matari, who flew over in a panic, looked wide-eyed and surprised.


    "Oh, uh, it's nothing, Matari. I was just trying to get some fruit."


   "Don't 'oh, uh' me! I'm really, really glad you're awake!!"

    Matari shouted as though she were sincerely relieved.

    The hero was amazed by her overreaction.


    "H-Hey, it’s not that worrisome. I just overslept a little."


    The hero drank too much, got a hangover, knocked out, and overslept. The hero guessed that something like that had happened.

    When Matari heard the hero's words, she squared her shoulders and raised her voice.


    "What are you talking about!? You've been unconscious for five days now! Do you have any idea how worried I was!? Anyway, I'll let everyone know right away. Please don’t do anything and sit here quietly!"

    After forcibly lifting the hero onto the bed, Matari ran out of the room.

    Things were developing way too fast for her dazed brain to keep up with. The hero reached out with her left hand to drink some water to calm herself down.




    When she touched the jug, she involuntarily froze. An unfamiliar emblem was engraved on the back of her left hand. It seemed that she had passed the Profession Certification Exam without realizing it. It must be her engraving.

    The hero stared at her left hand. Two wings sprouted from a sword wrapped in chains. She had no idea what it meant, but it seemed different from ordinary emblems. If she showed Lulurile, she would probably tell her a bunch of unnecessary information. Though she didn’t imagine her engraving would have wings. Smiling bitterly, she was reminded of the ugly white crow. The hero wondered what that white bird-face was doing right now.

    When the hero was lost in thought in a daze.


     "Even though you slept for five days you look surprisingly healthy. It was ridiculous of me to have been running around in a panic until now."


    "Your complexion looks fine, but I've prepared a cup of strong medication for you, so please drink it later."

    Before she knew it, Edel and Lulurile were standing beside her.


    "H-How long have you guys been here?"


    "We just swapped with Matari because she said you had woken up. If you’re a friend, it’s only natural we’d be worried about you, right?"

    Edel smiled in a way unfitting of her, and the hero looked away.


    "...... I-I wouldn’t know."


    "Well, I'm glad you're feeling better. But things would be even better if you could show a little more gratitude."


    "A-Annoying...... By the way, what do you guys mean I've been asleep for five days?"


    The hero felt awkward and tried to change the subject. However, Edel and Lulurile looked at the hero in suspicion.


    "After the exam ended, you still had not regained consciousness. We thought it some kind of accident and were trying our best to investigate."


    "You've been sleeping like you were dead. If you weren't breathing, we would have thought you were a corpse."


    "You were going to control me, weren't you? Close, too close."


    "Do you have any idea why this happened? Something like this is unprecedented."

    Lulurile asked the hero, but she didn't remember anything at all.


    "All the memories I had after touching the crystal are gone. But it seems like I passed the exam before I realized."


    Edel put her hand on her chin in a thinking posture.


    The hero had no idea what she was thinking.


    "Who was your opponent for the exam? Do you remember who you fought in the dream world?"


    "I don't remember any of it. I just woke up and there was an emblem on my hand. I'm as surprised as you are."


    Who was her opponent for the exam? Unfortunately, the hero had no recollection. However, she vaguely remembered having a conversation with someone. She didn't remember their face, but she felt as if they had said something unpleasant to her.


    "....... Well, then that's fine. But I'll hang on to your star stone and give it to you later."

    Despite her words, Edel's eyes were serious.


    "Hey, who was my opponent? Maybe it was a berserk Matari. She really made a strong impression on me then."


    "It was a big demon. A mighty and terrifying monster. It looked like the legendary Demon King."


    "Hm, that right?"

    The hero thought to herself. He was the strongest enemy she had ever faced. It was a battle either of them could have won. And it was also where the hero left the most regrets.


    "You defeated it. Using magic and healing spells, you overpowered the monster in the end. Like a hero in a fairy tale."


    "I don't remember anything. Well, if I won, it's fine."


    Edel asked a question to the uninterested hero.


    "...... Have you ever fought something like that before?"


    "I don't know what you're referring to, but only a hero could defeat the Demon King. So, that's just how it is."


    "I see. I'd love to hear more about it next time."


    "I would also like to know the details too."


    "...... When I have time."

    The hero popped her neck and began to move her body. She felt like her body had rusted over.


    "...... That emblem."

    Edel pointed with her finger.




    "It's quite rare. Like Matari's, something’s special about it. When the appraiser saw it, he rushed to the church. I wonder what the fuss was about."


    "Is it really that rare?"


    "As far as I know, you, Ramsey the swordsman, and Pope Elena all have a special emblem. I have heard of others, but I do not know their names. To put it simply, it is a so-called rarity. A common emblem like mine, which is found among scholars, can be found everywhere."

    Lulurile showed her left hand as she spoke. It bore an emblem consisting of a hammer and a compass.


    The hero thought little about the fact that it was rare. Whatever the engraving, she would still be a hero.


    "So, what should I do now?"


    "You do not have to do anything. Just rest for a while."


    "No. I'm going out right now──"


    "Absolutely not."

    Lulurile held down her body, and with her considerable strength, forced the hero to lie down.


    "H-Hey, I'm okay to move around now. I feel great!"

    For now, she just wanted to eat and get rid of her sweaty smell.

    The hero was ready to move around, but Edel narrowed her eyes and gave a strong warning.


    "A skilled cleric even told us you would never regain consciousness. You might want to drive the word 'restraint' into your head. And be sure to thank Matari later. She was trying her hardest to take care of you."

    Edel glared at her with the dignity of an adult. Unable to argue, the hero mumbled in spite of herself.


    "....... I-I get it."


    "Be obedient. Nursing an unconscious person is really hard. She was helping you all day long, day in and out. I even helped her a little, too."


    "There is a saying, 'Silence is golden.' Humility is a virtue. But I'll secretly say that I helped as well."

    Lulurile began preparing a dubious medicine. Despite its appearance, the fragrant aroma of fruit began to waft through the air.


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    "You have good friends. You're a very fortunate person."

     Edel began to clean up the messy room.

    The hero gave no response, only pulling the covers over her head.


    The hero with a sculpting knife and a serious expression on her face, was working devotedly in her artistic endeavors. While listening to the meddlesome Lulurile’s advice.

    Only the echo of scraping stone, and occasional groans could be heard. Looking at it from different angles, she chipped away at its surface again.  While Matari watched with interest, Edel consolidated her research with a pen in hand.


    "I-It's done. This is an emotional moment when all the hardship and mistakes I've made so far bear fruit."

    "...... Is it complete?"

    Luluruile frowned and pulled out a magnifying glass to deliberately observe it.


    "That's right. It's called 'Flight to Freedom.' You see, it's like it's about to take off. It’s overflowing with dynamism."


    "F-Flight to freedom?"

    Matari raised a confused voice.


    The hero was carving one of the ores mined in the labyrinth called a decorative stone. They're classified as rubbish stones that possess poor durability but are used as materials for ornaments as, despite being useless, they're quite beautiful. Since these stones contain minute amounts of magic essence, they can have unique qualities. However, these qualities are minor things, such as a faint glow.


    The hero, who was forbidden from going outside and had too much free time on her hands. And Lulurile, who couldn't help but notice her anguish, brought a large quantity to pass the time. At first, she was trying to make a small ornament, but unfortunately, she wasn't talented enough. And after ruining half of the decorative stones, the hero quickly gave up. So she decided to make a large one which would seemingly be easier to handle, and finally completed it. Incidentally, the hero wasn’t the only one engaged in artistic activities. Edel made a pair of star-shaped earrings, Matari made a pendant with a dog's face on it, and Lulurile had made a number of elaborate rings while teaching the others. The only one who had trouble was the hero.


    "Um, to me, it looks like a fat chick."


    "That's rude. It's a big eagle no matter how you look at it. You see, it exudes a kind of dignity, right?"


    "...... O-Oh, is it a big eagle?"

    Matari picked up the blue chicken with a suspecting expression. In truth, even the hero who created it didn't think it was a big eagle. No matter how you look at it, it was fat chick. Moreover, it was blue and had a small beak, with closed wings that remained closed instead of flapping. It also had a chunky body that looked like it would roll away forever if you set it down. It's important to know when to give up. The hero made such an excuse in her mind.


    "They say 'A talented hawk hides its talons'. This means that this is definitely a chick."

    Lulurile nodded meaningfully.


    "....... I have no idea what you said."


    Sometimes Lulurile proudly recites proverbs she learned from somewhere with a proud face, but no one knew if they actually fit the situation.


    "It's not good, but it's pretty cute. How about we call it "The Fate of Fallen Man?”

    Edel snickered and poked at the chick repeatedly.


    "Can you not give it a shady name? I'd still rather you call it a fat chick. Anyway, it's pretty much finished, so that's all that matters! I'll put this next to the white crow."


    "What do you mean, 'pretty much?'"


    The hero rolled over on the bed while hit with Matari’s poison-laced words, and looked at the "works of art" on display. The ugly white crow she bought a while ago and a stocky blue chick. The sight of them lined up by the window was truly comical. If she made one more, it would strike a perfect balance. However, she didn’t feel like making any more.

    The hero had been lazing around like this for a week since she woke up. She was repeatedly told that she wasn't allowed to explore the labyrinth until she had fully recovered. And as expected, her body was getting softer. It’s not good to lose your fighting instincts. Though, Matari and the others seemingly had been training on her own.


    "Hey, my body's going to rot away if I don’t do something. I think it's time I get out."


    "Well, I don't mind. But just don't push yourself."


    "I agree."


    "...... Are you sure it's alright?"

    Matari had a look of suspicion.

    Compared to Lulurile and Edel, she was incredibly anxious. Matari had virtually been there all week aside from when she went out to train.


    "If I wasn't feeling good, I wouldn't have said anything."


    "...... Okay, but please don’t overdo it."


    "Alright, alright, I get it, Dr. Matari."


    The hero nodded in exasperation and sprinkled in some sarcasm. The hero wasn't nice enough to say, "I understand; thank you for worrying about me."


    "Well, let's have some lunch before we go. But let's head to the church first to complete your registration. Since you guys passed the certification exam."


    "Oh, I completely forgot! Even if you pass the exam, it's pointless if you don't register, right?"


    "That's right. And you two have your own special emblems, so you'll have your own profession names."


    "They won't do anything in particular for you, but they are certainly eye-catching."


    The hero started at the emblem on her left hand, with no idea what occupation she'd be given. But she wasn’t very interested. As a hero is a hero.


    "...... Am I really going to be a berserker? Or skull warrior or whatever?"


    "There's no doubt about it. Why don't you just give up?"

    When the hero said so in a cold manner, Matari's back arched, and she became depressed.


    "I wonder what hero-girl's will be? Yeah, how about the chick warrior?"

    Edel smiled wickedly, comparing the wings on the hero's emblem with those of the stubby chick.


    "Heh, well, whatever it'll be, it'll be better than the Pinky Profession!"


     "Pinky isn't a profession. You're the only one who keeps spouting stupid stuff like that!"


    Edel met the hero's challenge. And with a smirk on her face, the hero continued.


    "Matari says a lot of stuff like that when you're not around. She says that you hurt her eyes because you're too pink and wear too much makeup. And even though you're old, you try to look young."


    "N-No, I didn't say anything like that!"


    "I heard it too. She shouted, 'Pinky makes me sick!' At the top of her lungs. It was a maelstrom of verbal abuse."


    "Lulurile! Don't lie with that smug look on your face!"


    When Edel glared at her with a sinister expression, Matari put her hands out in front of her and denied it. All the while, Lulurile was covering her mouth, trying to hold back her laughter.


    "But it's okay because it's true."


    Bursting out in laughter, the hero stretched out in her bed and had a triumphant look on her face.


    "Y-You damn devil! you're going to pay for making fun of an adult!"


    Edel began chanting while holding a mysterious plant in her hand.


    "What are you going to do?"


    "I'm going to cast a spell on you that will give you terrifying bowel movements. This magic is really popular with ladies who are stuck up."


    "Humph, that stupid spell won't work on me. ──Because I'm a hero!"

    The hero then grabbed the fat chick from the window and threw it at Edel, who quickly avoided it.

    But the hero already predicted such a move. The fat chick bounced off the wall and landed on Edel's head. It was a magnificent flight to freedom. The chick-shaped decoration stone had developed a unique property. It was a pointless elasticity that prevented it from being damaged even if it were thrown against a wall; something of no use to the world.


    "Chunky-Chick on Pink,” a wonderful work of art. Matari, you should draw a picture of it."


    "N-No. I'll pass."


    "...... I thought I'd take it easy on you because you were sick, but I guess you don't need that kind of courtesy."

    With a funny look on her face, Edel grabbed the chick on her head and threw it away. Clutching the plant in her hand, she crushed it.


    "Edel, calm down. Please don’t provoke Hero!"

    Matari intervened, forcibly mediating the situation.


    "H-Hey, if you pull it, it'll stretch!"


    "W-Wait! Th-That hurts."


    The hero was pulled by her sleeve, and Edel was grabbed by the scruff of her neck. Her face, which had been bright red, was gradually turning blue. It seemed that her throat was being squeezed. At this rate, the necromancer would become a corpse.


    "Come on, let's stop fighting and go eat lunch!"


    "I-I get it, s-stop strangling me. I'm, r-really going to die."


    "I haven't changed my clothes yet! Hey, listen to me!"


    The hero cried out, but the strength in her grip didn't weaken at all. The hero was carried out of the room in her pajamas, and Edel was dragged away, with a funny look on her face while she was dying.


    "They really are interesting people. I never get tired of watching them every day."

    Lulurile muttered to herself as talking to another person, and closed the door behind her.


    Having finished their meals, the group prepared to leave the Paradise Pavilion when Limoncy suddenly called out to them. Deciding that it was troublesome, the hero pretended not to have heard anything, but Limoncy walked around in front of her with swift movements.


    "You're so heartless, Hero, why are you ignoring me?"

    Limoncy, with her gaudy makeup, clung to her in a depressed manner.

    "Because you're going to give me trouble again."


    "Well, you're right. There's been a lot of requests for you. Here you are."


    "Hey, I don't want these. What a pain in the ass!"


    "Don't say that. At least look at them, it costs nothing."

    Limoncy forced the request documents into her hands.


    The hero had no choice and reluctantly looked through them. And Matari and the others peaked from her sides.


    "It's amazing how many requests you’re getting for having just started. They say you're the best of the younger generation right now. Your reputation has grown dramatically since you defeated Salvadore and Russ in succession! And I’m proud of you too!"


    "You don't have to be proud. Or what I should say is, don’t go off taking requests for me on your own!"


    "Whether you accept them or not, it's our basic policy to take requests. Please just look at them."


    "Ah, let’s see. 'I have a job for you. there's a guy I need you to kill,' 'Please somehow bring back a demon alive,'' 'Please help me earn ten thousand gold coins,' 'I am really worried about a strange object flying in the sky above Arte and I can't sleep, so please do something.' I see, I see."

    After nodding a few times, the hero tore up the requests and boldly tossed it away.


    "Ah-, what are you doing?"


    "You idiot! I'm not a jack-of-all-trades! And what even was that last one!?"


    "There's a weird thing wearing a cloth that's flying back and forth across the sky over the city. He's been so worried about it he hasn't been able to sleep. Pffft, maybe he's crazy. It's hilarious!"


    "That is certainly funny."


    "He's a scholar just like you."


    "It is not funny after all."


    "Really? Stuff like that makes me laugh my ass off."

    Limoncy didn't even try hiding her laughter.

    The hero's anger began to swell.


    "Th-This woman."


    "Now, now, calm down. Limoncy, we’re going to turn all of them down this time. I don't know if hero-girl here is in good shape yet."


    "Oh, yeah? It's okay. Well, until next time."

    Giving them a wink, Limoncy retreated back to the counter.


    "O-Oh, that’s right, wait a minute Limoncy."

    Edel followed after her.


    They seemed to have been acquainted for a long time, and the hero saw the two occasionally exchange small talk. When Limoncy was with Edel, the trouble not only doubled but tripled.


    "...... Did you find the painting? The one you showed me before."

    "Ah, I've been too busy, and it would be too much trouble to get it from the storehouse."


    "Then, could you do something with this?"

    Edel handed her something. It seemed that she was paying for her time.


    "Well, I guess I can't help it since Edel asked me to. I'll get someone with some free time to look for it, so be patient."


   "Well then, thanks in advance."


    When Edel finally returned, the hero asked.


    "Hey, what were you asking for?"


    "Hm? Just a little something. There's something I want you to see. It's a gem sleeping in the inn’s storehouse."


    "Well, I don't really care. Now l;et’s hurry up and leave before she calls for us again."


    After leaving the Paradise Pavilion, the group headed for the headquarters of the Star Church.


    When the hero and Matari arrived, they went through the procedure immediately. And as it was quite deserted, their turn came quickly. A woman with familiar glasses sat at the reception desk, so she flaunted her emblem as if to say, "Do you like it?" Though, all she got out of her was a slight eye roll. She wanted to get a more surprised reaction from her, but It seemed as if she failed. However, as soon as she found out that it was the hero who had killed the two bounty heads, her attitude completely changed. The woman with glasses began sweating profusely, and began restlessly adjusting the position of her glasses. It seemed she had misunderstood the situation, thinking that the hero had come to repay her for the past. She began begging for forgiveness with tears in her eyes, saying she was sorry over and over again. Once she found out that the little girl she mocked and belittled before turned out to have extraordinary strength, she was shaken up.


    The hero snorted and turned her back to the woman with glasses. It would be immature if she were to hit her now, and she felt somewhat deflated.


    Matari, who was watching the whole thing, said, "You've stepped up the stairs of adulthood." After saying something like that, the hero did not forget to pinch her cheeks.

    Having obtained their exploration permits, the group headed straight for the labyrinth square.

    The group arrived at the thirtieth floor of the underground labyrinth. The environment had drastically changed in contrast to the upper levels, as greenery was now growing from the stone floor of the labyrinth, with strange plants growing in clusters everywhere. With no water or sunlight, the hero had no idea how they were growing. Perhaps they just sprung into existence somehow.

    When the hero kicked the ground, the moss-laden soil peeled away. A large amount of sediment had accumulated, and it would be seemingly difficult to dig down to the stone floor. Here, one could really feel the passage of time.


    "Hey, why is there so much dirt in the labyrinth? Isn't it weird?"


    "That's just the way it is. There’s water reaching them somehow. I wonder if it's rainwater leaking in?"


    "The humidity in the air is high. And the plants here are growing by aborobing the moisture in the air."


    "It's kind of a strange place. Oh, I'm sorry."

    Other adventurers silently passed by Matari.


    There were many adventurers coming and going through this place. Each appeared to have graduated from their fledgling status', as they were moving seamlessly.


    "And, this labyrinth is slowly expanding."


    "What? What the hell do you mean the labyrinth is expanding?


    The hero had never heard of a labyrinth that grew on its own. When the hero asked with a quizzical look, Edel joined the conversation.


    "Walls which were supposed to be dead ends collapsed and opened up to new rooms."


    "If that’s the case, it would be better to seal off this labyrinth quickly. Who knows when things will get out of hand some time soon."


    "If they could, they would've done it by now.”


    “The idea seems to be that because of the Great Barrier, there are no problems.And besides that, this is the only place where magic essence can be obtained. It is indeed a Golden Labyrinth.”


    "....... I don't know."

    The hero kicked the ground in dismay.


    "We don't even fully understand the labyrinth yet. There are still new species of demon appearing too. Orcs and Urface also fall into that category."


    "Are humanoid demons going to appear in these levels soon?"

    Matari looked worried.


    Humanoid demons were indeed troublesome. They used equipment like humans and also possessed intellect. Some of them could even use magic and some show a level of coordination on par with that of humans.


    "From the thirtieth floor on, there will mostly be various types of plants and insects like demons. Humanoids won't start appearing until after the fortieth floor. But don't let your guard down. They've been known to come up from the lower levels to hunt humans."


    "They have a tendency to form human hunting parties. There are numerous people who have fallen victim to them."


    Just as humans hunt demons, demons also hunt humans. We are each other's natural enemy.


    "Y-Yes. I'll be careful."


    "There are some among them that can understand human speech, but fighting is inevitable. Though, if they were put in front of me, I don't think I would want to talk with them."


    "There's no reason to talk to a demon. Just cut them down without question. There's no need to show them mercy."


    "I-Is that so."


    While muttering to herself that that much was obvious, the hero bent down to observe the plants. They bear fresh and delicious-looking red fruits. They looked like mulberries but a bit larger.


     "Humanoid demons are quite strong and naturally possess a large amount of magic essence that can be extracted in correlation to their strength. You could even recover their equipment and sell it if you wanted to."


    "...... That’s kind of like stealing."


    "They also steal human equipment. So in that sense, we’re quite similar."


    "If left alone it would only become garbage. There is nothing wrong with reusing it."


    While listening to the conversation between Edel and the others, the hero tried reaching out for the plant.


    "──Don't touch it!"


    As Edel shouted, Lulurile rushed in and grabbed her hand.


    "W-What's with this all of a sudden?"


    "These fruits burst just by touching them. Curiosity killed the cat. I recommend that you avoid touching it."


    "And the splattered juice corrodes your skin. I tried it on a corpse once, but it became a terrible sloppy mess."


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    Upon closer inspection, the hero could see eerie black spots. Standing up, the hero created some distance and smashed the fruit with the sheath of her sword.


    "Just about every plant here can be considered poisonous. This can be attributed to the fact they’ve been taking in the miasma for a long time."


    "But the poison can be a valuable medication. If you collect some, you could sell it at some shady places that deal in these sorts of things."

    Edel muttered to herself as she ignited the poisonous plant on fire.


    "But wouldn't it burst if we tried to carry it back?"

    "Not all of them do. Well, it might be a dangerous venture for amateurs. But I'm fairly knowledgeable when it comes to this stuff, so if you want to take one, let me know. Although, there seems to be another expert already here."


    "I'm a bit annoying when it comes to poisonous plants. And by annoying, I mean I'll tell you everything in detail, I'm not really that annoying."

    Lulurile quickly plucked the poisonous plants with thick gloves. She really was a busy body, always mining ore and collecting plants.


    "I understand! You're right, Lulurile, you're annoying in a lot of ways!"


    "...... I'm glad you understand."


    After Matari used her poisonous tongue to express her understanding, the hero said what had been on her mind.


    "By the way, is it alright for us to jump to the thirtieth floor?"


    "Do you have any unfinished business on the upper levels?"


    "No, I thought you usually go down one floor at a time. It's like we're cheating."


    Using Edel's transfer stone, the group was suddenly sent to the thirtieth-floor underground. If multiple people held onto your body, you could move in groups. The hero's and Matari's stones didn’t have any locations stored, so they could only transfer to the ground for now.


    "It's no problem at all. There's no rule that you have to go down one floor at a time."


    According to Edel, there are some adventurers that act as couriers, taking adventurers down to their desired level as a business. The hero couldn't help but be impressed at how innovative some people can be. But the hero had no intention of doing it, as it sounded like too much trouble.

    "Besides, this is the best place to make money. I'm good with fire magic, which goes well with plants. The demons here are also reasonably strong, so it’s a good place to hone your skills. It's as if we moved for Matari’s sake."


    When Edel put magic power into her left hand, it began to glow red. With the snap of her fingers, a demon corpse appeared. It was a small, green-skinned, ugly fairy, the evil fairy Jackie.


    Edel was the one who gave him the name.

    He was agile, maneuverable, and quite strong, so he was good for tasks such as carrying luggage and collecting parts. Edel immediately made it easier for herself by having him carry her stuff.


    "So, what's the real reason we came all the way out here?"


    "I don't have time to deal with a bunch of filthy rats. I can't stand walking around in the upper levels. We have to take it easy by cutting corners when we can. Life is finite."


    "As expected of Pinky, you’re really sensitive -- when it comes to time."


    "I wish I could learn from you."


    When the hero and Matari praised her, Edel made a disgusted face.

    She snapped her fingers again and summoned the corpse of more demons. This time, it was Earth-Scraping rats with torches tied to their heads.


    "These will serve as decoys and warnings. I put two in the front and one in the back. Whenever I'm in the labyrinth by myself, I bring out dozens of them, but now that you guys are here."


    "You send out that many rats?"


    "That's right. They lead the way, and if they come across a demon, they'll self-destruct. After that, I leisurely stroll through. Thanks to that, I was able to make it up to this point smoothly."


    "Necromancers are really amazing!"


    "So it was your rats that I would occasionally hear exploding nearby…… "


    Matari was really impressed with her boldness, but the other adventurers found it very annoying. Now the hero knew one of the reasons why Edel was considered a nuisance among everyone.


    "Well, do whatever you want, but just don't drag us into it."


    "Of course. I'll also try to refrain from using human corpses as much as possible. They would probably make you guys feel uncomfortable."


    "...... I don't really care."


    Even though the hero said this, the putrid stench of death sticks to your nose. And if it were a human, it would be even more irritating. So if she didn't use them, it would be better for everyone.


    "And since I'm a sorcerer, you should refrain from using magic. What I really mean is, you shouldn't use it at all."




    "If you go off on a rampage all by yourself and annihilate everything instantly, Matari won't be able to improve her skills. And you're still sick, you need to show some restraint."

    As Edel warned her in a serious tone, the hero was at a loss for words. Edel glared at her as if she saw right through her.


    The hero hurriedly looked away and replied in understanding.


    "Alright, alright. I'll use it as little as possible. It’s fine."


    "...... Well then, let's get moving. I guess our goal should be to get about three floors down from here."


    "Let's keep our guard up!"


    "I'll cover you."


    Matari drew her sword, and behind her, Lulurile was holding her crossbow. Matari's large shield from before had been replaced with a smaller shield that was strapped to her arm. It seemed like she switched to a more attack-oriented fighting style. Now that she could swing with both hands, her attacks would have more weight behind them than before. And combined with the strength of the berserker, things would be problematic.

    Hoping that she wouldn't turn her sword against them, the hero started to walk behind the torchlight rats.




    After a short walk, a plant-like demon appeared before them. Lulurile explained that it was a Madness Bulb. A demon that fed on the blood of living things, and when it matured, blood-red flowers would bloom from its body. It crept across the ground, using its large roots to move forward toward them.


    "...... It’s kind of unnerving for some reason."


    "It's just the way it looks. Basically, they can only attack with their vines. Its movements are slow. It's important we don't panic and take it in stride."


    "Its weak point is the bulb itself. Note that the root will regrow even if you cut them off, so be cautious."


    "Everybody ready then?"

    When the hero tried to confirm, everyone nodded.


    "I'll send the rats in first, then you can move in to cut it down. Let's go!"

    Edel chanted, and the torch rats recklessly charged in. At that moment, the Madness Bulb unfolded its vines to restrain them. Then, the rats burst into flames, fire spread to the vines causing the Madness Bulb to shake violently and raise a high-pitched shriek.

    Lulurile threw chemicals into the fire, and the flames intensified, and the roots began dancing around in agony.

    Matari pounced in last and followed up with a single horizontal slash. Then, her blade flashed up into a vertical slash. The madness bulb was cut apart crosswise, and its activity had ceased completely.



    "It’s no big deal. I mean, I didn't even do anything."


    "You're sick, so please save your strength."


    "The buds coming out of the bulb contain magic essence. I'll collect them before they burn up, so be on the lookout."


    Edel pulled out a dagger, quickly plucked a reddish bud, and handed it to Jackie. Jackie happily took it, jumping for joy; he carefully put it into a bag. For some reason, he showed a very satisfied expression and was filled with an overwhelming sense of accomplishment, even his nostrils were enlarged.

    The hero couldn't figure out why he was so happy, but the hero was so angered that she felt like kicking him.


    "You can kick him if you want, but if he stops moving, you'll have to carry our stuff."


    "...... I wouldn't be that rough with him."

    Edel had hit a bullseye, and so the hero played it off.


    "Now, let's keep up the momentum!"

    The energized Matari moved onward.


    Edel used the corpses of their slain demons as decoys, Lulurile would provide suppressive fire, and Matari would deliver the final blow. And the hero would only occasionally intervene. It was a simple strategy, but it was very efficient in destroying the enemy. If both the hero and Matari acted as the vanguard, the rate at which they kill demons would increase even more.


    Giant white mushrooms, carnivorous flowers that emitted a putrid smell, and bizarre moss people along with various other demons appeared. Though, none of them posed much of a threat, and Matari was able to destroy them all with a single strike. There was no hesitation in her sword. Her attacks had become much sharper, and more fierce than before. Even the hero was astonished. If it were just based on swordsmanship alone, she might overtake the hero sooner or later. The hero’s technique with a sword wasn't particularly great, so it couldn’t be helped.Though, her purpose was to kill demons, so there was no need to stick to swords alone.

    Looking at Matari, she was currently attacking a giant spider. And the giant spider retaliated with its sharp fangs and legs, trying to land a crushing blow on Matari. As if to catch her, its legs suddenly spread wide, but Matari skillfully parried its attacks with her sword, having yet to be hit a single time. The experience she's accumulated so far seemed to be coming in handy.


    As the hero languidly watched the fight, she suddenly felt a shock jolt throughout her head. Something had hit her on the back of her head. It felt as if stars were about to shoot out of the hero’s eyes.


    "You've got some nerve, you son of a bitch!"


    The hero looked around, but the only one there was Edel, who had her hands on her hips in disappointment. It was seemingly her that had punched her from behind.


    "It's no bitch, O’ great hero. You've got too much time on your hands to be doing nothing in this fight. Look, you should follow Matari’s example."


    "Eh, M-Matari?"


    "You see. She's been working so hard. She's gradually getting better at controlling her berserker state. Even Lulu can't do anything but watch."


    Looking to where Edel was pointing, she saw Matari, lunging at the creepy giant spider while letting out a roar. She stomped on the back of the giant spider and stabbed her sword through it over and over again. Her whole body was covered in green blood, and looked terrible.


    "...... O-Oh, I don't want to be anywhere near that."

    The hero slightly pulled back. She felt like if she called out to Matari, she would turn around and slash at her.


    Lulurile, who was positioned to support her, was slowly retreating, her proud glasses having slipped down some.


    "It seems she gets more elated as she fights. One of the giant spiders hit her, and that's when she changed. But giant spiders are a bit troublesome, so I would like to support her if at all possible."


    The giant spider was struggling to spit out its threads while Matari continued attacking relentlessly. The spider was surprisingly tenacious, even though its legs had been cut off, it still hadn't lost its will to fight.


    Edel, keeping her distance, deployed torch rats around Matari to protect her. An unfortunate rat had gotten too close and was trampled, no longer able to move. The remains were kicked away by Matari into smithereens.


    "Ah, the rat is dead. Though, I guess it was already dead to begin with."


    "I don't mind. I've got plenty in stock, and they'll just rot away anyway.── Oh, there's another one."

    Once she sensed the presence of another demon, Edel's expression changed to a serious one, and she quickly began chanting. The hero stopped messing around and readied her sword.


    "Lulurile, cover Matari!"


    "Understood. I won't take my eyes off her."


    In the hero's hand, she held a steel sword she had just bought. Despite being a cheap, mass-produced commodity, it was still reasonably sharp and sturdy. It could be used to forcefully crush your enemies.

    A demon silently crept up from behind Matari, trying to catch its prey. It was a variation of the carnivorous flower: the Sinister Flower. It's said to be a nasty demon that has captured and melted hundreds of newcomers who had just begun honing their abilities. This flower was a larger, stronger, and tougher variant of the typical carnivorous plants. It was easy to distinguish between them, as this one possessed a terrifying bright red color. At the center of the cluster of vines was a large flower bud that gave off a putrid odor. The pollen it scatters contains paralytic qualities, which can be dangerous if inhaled in large amounts. A dissolving solution is secreted inside the flower, into which captured prey is thrown. Any unfortunate prey is forced to wait in torment as they're slowly digested over time.


    The Scholars Guild is developing a mask that protects against its pollen and the likes. It can block around fifty percent of the particles. (Though it is quite expensive to produce.)

    ── The hero recalled that Lulurile was talking about it with a lot of enthusiasm. But it was a long explanation, so the hero didn't listen to more than half of it.


    Lulurile immediately put on the mask and was ready to hand them out to everyone, but didn't have enough time.


    "O, Mark of fire, grant me strength ── 『Great Flame Pillar!』"


    After chanting, Edel held up her staff and unleashed a geyser of fire from beneath the Sinister Flower. The flower had a natural aversion to fire, so they could be easily dealt with if you had a sorcerer. On the other hand, if you didn't have the means to attack with fire, you would have to fight in close quarters while trying not to inhale the pollen. It's the demons in this area that make it difficult for parties without sorcerers to proceed.


    The pillar of flames that pierced through the center of the flower grew stronger and stronger as it tried to incinerate everything. The Sinister Flower desperately struggled, scattering its dissolving fluids around in an attempt to extinguish the flames.


    "──I won't let you!"


    The hero took advantage of the opportunity and charged in, and split the flower in two with a single strike. The blazing flames consumed the dead demon and completely reduced it to ashes. The part for magic essence extraction was the petals of the flower, but it was no longer possible to collect them.


    "Cough, cough."


    The hero was choked by the stench of smoke and cinders that had begun to pervade the passageway. Edel seemed to have expected this, and was already holding her mouth with a wet handkerchief. This is the result of using fire in a poorly ventilated place such as the labyrinth. White smoke continued rising from the smoldering ashes, but they had no way to stop it. If one could use wind or ice magic, they could blow it away, but Edel seemingly couldn't use either, nor could the hero.

    The hero tried roughly stomping it out, but the smoke didn't stop. She could tolerate the pain, but the smoke was unbearable. She could feel tears welling in her eyes, and she couldn't stop coughing. The hero wanted to leave as quickly as possible.

    "Th-This smoke is so thick it’s not even funny. Hey, Matari! You still haven't finished them off yet!?"

    The hero asked out loud while enduring the smoke.

    Lulurile wiped her glasses and replied with an answer.

    "Yes, as you can see."

    "These damn bugs finally stopped moving!  I win!  I'm the winner, and these shitty bugs are the losers!"



    "You seem to be in a good mood."

    A masked Lulurile calmly expressed her thoughts.



    "You're annoyingly loud."



    Matari, in a delighted mood, was shouting with joy. And the hero struck her from the top of her helmet. As Matari was crouching in pain, she signaled the other two with her hand to move away from the smoke. Jackie, Edel's minion, reaped the parts of the giant spiders Matari had defeated. He seemed to be okay with the smoke. He could carry cargo, harvest parts, act as a decoy, and even self-destruct. The hero thought he was really useful indeed. Though his irritating voice and strange little leaps were anything but.


    The hero grabbed Matari by the scruff of her neck and trudged on. She was quite heavy, but she had no problem dragging her.


    "Things are going pretty well. We had no difficulties even against some pretty tough enemies. I feel like I've finally made wonderful companions."


    "Certainly, I agree. We are gradually getting better and better at working together."


    "Is that so?"

    Edel muttered happily with a twirl of her wand.


    Behind her, Jackie was dancing joyfully with one of the rats she summoned, and further behind was the reused corpse of one of the large spiders with wounds all over its body. It followed along, dragging along its diminished legs bit by bit. Edel seemed to be planning on sending it at the next enemy and explode.


    "It's not that we're working together, we're just fighting at our own fronts accordingly, and it's working. And this idiot is just rushing in without thinking."

    The hero lightly poked Matari's head, who was being dragged along - "Kya!" - The hero heard a cute scream, but she pretended not to hear it.


    "Hmm, it seems that hero-girl is leading us well. Thanks to that, I'm not having any trouble chanting spells either. As expected, you are a hero. And the way you give orders to your companions is also perfect."

    "Oh, yeah?"


    Edel praised the hero in a teasing manner. Though, when the hero was in tears from the smoke earlier, she had noticed Edel was secretly laughing. Therefore, even if she praised her now, she wouldn’t forgive her. One day, she would get revenge by writing on her forehead in her sleep.



    After a while, Matari had finally returned to normal and stood up. Looking around, she took off her helmet and scratched her head.


    "O-Oh... D-Did I do it again?"


    "You were in a good mood, going off on a rampage like that. Well, it's one of your traits, so I can't blame you. But you need to learn to control yourself."


    "Ugh, It's been happening ever since our sparring match. The more I fight, the more my fighting spirit rises, and the stronger I get. Then my head feels fuzzy, and before I know it, I’ve gone on a rampage. I-I wonder why......"


    "I think it's just one of your traits. If you hone it well, it should become a powerful weapon for you."


    The sparring match she was referring to must have been when the hero had kicked Matari into the river. At that moment, it seemed something awakened within her, and ever since then, she would completely change during battle. The trigger may be receiving an attack from an opponent while in an excited state. Then, she becomes a berserker and attacks with terrifying force. Perhaps, having a near-death experience changed something within her. It was difficult to judge whether it was a good or bad thing, but since she was alive, the hero decided not to worry about it.

    "We got your back, so it's fine, don't sweat the details. And as far as I can tell, your speed, strength, stamina, and aggression all increase."


    It was true that her abilities would greatly increase, but she didn't listen to reason when she went into a frenzy. Though, she never listened in the first place. But that wasn’t much of a problem either.


    "Yes, you're right. I'll keep working hard!"


    "Your shoulders are too tense, try and take it easy. There’s no point in rushing things."


    When the hero gave her advice, she stiffened her body even more. She immediately regretted having said anything.


    "L-Like this?"


    “Looks like you’re a little too stiff.”


    "......That's enough. Live as you want."


    "Yes, I understand!"


    The group began walking again. They were currently on the thirty-second floor and, according to Edel, were exploring the labyrinth at a considerable speed. Then, with a snap of her fingers, a torch rat moved to lead the way.

    Edel declared, "I'll make it a little easier for us," and summoned about thirty of the self-destructing torch rats at once. And attached to their backs were bags filled with Lulurile's special chemicals. She had advised them to keep their distance, as the reaction would be quite frightening. Whenever a demon appeared, once they confirmed no adventurers were nearby, two of the rats would immediately rush in and explode.


    Edel's necromancy spell, 'corpse explosion,' was enhanced by the chemicals, reducing any demons they found instantly to ash and ember. The force of the explosions only left cracks in the walls of the passageway, the stone seemed to be quite durable. Although this strategy was effective, its drawback was that they couldn't harvest any demon parts. But they collectively decided they had earned enough today, as Edel emphasized making progress.


    As the rats would close in and suddenly explode, from the enemy's point of view, this could be seen as an unreasonable way to fight. But the hero didn't care, she had no sympathy for demons. The hero thought that if she were to fight such an enemy, she would use a brute-force strategy to get through to the sorcerer while thinning out the minions, and create a close-quarters situation. But since it was presumed she would eat a self-destruct or two, it wasn’t recommended for non-heroes.


    Self-destructing torch rats led their current formation. The hero and Matari were next, acting as the vanguard, while Lulurile and Edel followed close behind. And at the end of the line was Jackie, their baggage handler and meat shield to prevent any surprise attacks from behind. The group consisted of the torch rat squad (corpses), a hero, a berserker, a scholar, a necromancer, and an evil fairy (also a corpse). They all formed a crazy group that would surprise even the Demon King. No matter how you look at it, they looked like a vanguard of cultists.


    When all the rats had died honorable deaths, the group reached the stairs to the thirty-third floor. It was a slightly open area where other groups of adventurers were resting, albeit cautiously. Having seemingly noticed them, their faces stiffened when they saw Edel’s figure. They suddenly took up a defensive formation as they were afraid of being blown up by a suicide-rat.


    "You seem to be quite infamous. They've all turned hostile."


    "I was just dusting off the sparks that fell on me. Sometimes when a sorcerer’s out alone, some idiots attack you for no reason. So, I simply kill them, and send them to work. And after happening over and over again, things ended up like this."


    "It is tough fighting a sorcerer in the labyrinth. If you choose to fight one, you need to do so above ground."

    Lulurile muttered something disturbing. Meanwhile, Matari comforted Edel.


    "If that's how it is, then there's nothing you can do. Don't worry about it, Pinky."


    "Thank you very much, Matari. And also, I'm not Pinky."

    Edel corrected her, but Matari already stopped listening, as her mind and gaze were already turned to the ground. Not listening to others was surely a prerequisite for becoming a berserker. The hero was strongly convinced of this.


    "Now, let's leave a record on the wall to commemorate our first exploration as a group."

    Edel began to carve a name into a labyrinth wall with a sharp stone  ──"The hero has arrived."

    The hero felt dizzy and almost collapsed, but she held on.


    "Hey. Stop, it’s embarrassing. Or better yet, stop carving, you old pink hag!"


    "Not yet. I haven't written down everyone's names yet."


    Before the hero could grab her arm, Edel quickly finished carving - 'Berserker Matari,' 'Edel, the Beautiful Sorcerer,' and 'The big-headed, round-eyed Lulurile.”


    "...... I have been unjustly humiliated. I feel like my hair is going to fly up in anger."



    "What's so beautiful about you? That's a mistake, you're an annoying hold hag that manipulates corpses!"


    "...... Um, 'berserker' isn't necessary."

    "It's a little something extra, You're welcome. And I've cast a preservation spell on it, so now it's perfect. It won't fade away even after a thousand years."


    "A thousand years? I'm going to destroy it right now!"


    "I shall assist you. There is a pickaxe right here, so let us destroy it."


    "Alright, alright. Instead of that, how about we store this location in our transfer stones. This time Matari can do it."

    Edel forcibly changed the subject, took a transfer stone from the baggage handler, and handed it to Matari.


    “U-Uhh, I just need to sprinkle the dust on it, right?"


    "Yes, then we'll be able to transfer to this location next time. My stone is set for the thirtieth floor, and yours will be on the thirty-third floor."

    When Matari sprinkled powder on the stone, it began emanating a strong light. After a moment, the light disappeared, and a number was engraved on the stone.

    This seemed to be the ritual to store their current location into their star Stone. The hero did not know what the dust was, but it was seemingly a venerable substance that was laden with magic power. When you wish to enter the labyrinth again, you can use the star stone ── transfer stone, at the entrance to instantly transfer to the location where you sprinkle the powder. Although, the location is overwritten each time dust is sprinkled over it. It's an extremely useful stone and certainly a necessity for adventurers.


    "All things considered, it's a really useful stone. Well, it would be stupid to have to start over from the first floor every time."


    "I'm not really sure who came up with this method, but apparently it was somebody from the Star Church. There's no doubt that this ritual has made labyrinth exploration much smoother. Now everyone uses them."


    "According to popular belief, it was Mina, the founder of the Star Church. As expected from a sage."


    Incidentally, the dust could be bought from the gatekeeper at the entrance to the labyrinth. They wouldn't have to pay "offerings" anymore, but now would have to buy dust for transferring. One bag of dust was needed to store a location once, and each bag cost one silver coin each. It really was a profitable business. But without it, one wouldn't be able to make progress in their exploration. The gatekeeper had a proud grin on his face while saying, "You don't have to use it if you don't want to." The hero wanted to punch him in the face and pour the dust on his body, but Matari stopped her.


    "Well. Is that it for today?"

    Matari asked no one in particular.


    The hero could still go on a little longer, but she was getting hungry, so she really wanted to go home quickly today.


    "You're right, let's not push ourselves. Besides, this is where it gets real. As I said before, sometimes humanoid demons appear. So let's get well prepared and in the right mindset before we challenge them. Underestimate them, and you'll get your head cracked open."

    Edel tapped the ground lightly as she fiddled with her staff.


    "What were they again, Orcs and Urfa-somethings?"


    "Orcs and Urfaces. They’re beastmen like boars and wolves. "


    "On their own, they're not unmanageable. I've done some exploring on my own. With a corpse of course... But."




    Edel stopped her words intentionally, and Matari gasped and asked in response.


    "They're very dangerous when they attack in groups. Humanoid demons are quite cunning. And if by some chance they had a commander, it would be trouble. You would have to decide whether to fight with your life, or withdraw immediately."


    "A commander? It sounds like some kind of army."


    "It's similar. They attack in formation and are very well coordinated.”

    “I have rarely come across them. But it seems as if only a select few are chosen to be commanders."


    "Hmph. Either way, I'll absolutely annihilate every single one of them."

    The hero's mouth twisted.


    Army or not it didn't matter. The battle of the Demon King's castle where ten thousand demons awaited her, each ready to die — nothing would ever surpass that.


    "The favorite food of the beastmen are Earth-Scraping rats and humans. I mean, most demons inside the labyrinth like to eat people. But among them, Orcs are the worst of them. They love young women in particular. And with their cruel nature, if you're caught, they'll torture and eat you alive."

    Edel threatened Matari in a menacing voice. As expected of Pinky, she was an unpleasant character.


    "Yes, they have been confirmed to have intercourse with humans. After which, they eat them alive. So, we do not know if humans can conceive."

    Next, Lulurile, who was also an unpleasant character, aroused more fear.


    "Th-That's quite scary. L-Let's be careful, Hero!"

    Matari's face turned pale, more than likely from imaging the horrible image in her head.


    "You need to be very careful to not get lost. I'll be fine."


    "I-I'm not going to get lost! I'll be sure to follow you, Hero. I'll just stick by you and never leave your side!"


    "Hey, it’s too hot, get away from me!”

    She was scared now, but when she went berserk, the hero was sure she would recklessly charge forward. It really was a difficult trait.


    "Orcs are basically stupid, so if you keep a level-head, you shouldn't have any problems killing them individually. So be discreet, and watch them closely."


    "Poison is an effective method too. So just let me shoot them. I've got plenty."


    "Yeah, yeah, I get it. Thanks for the advice, professors."


    "This is stuff you need to know. It's really troublesome to have a terrible student."


    "Professor, that had a nice ring to it. Professor Lulurile. How can I put this, it sounds really fitting, right?”


    Lulurile was off to the world of dreams by herself.


    "Well, if it's so problematic, why go all the way down there?"


    "You can make a lot of money. As you're not only getting parts but also equipment, a little risk is worth it for the potential of a big payout. The only people who explore beyond that are crazy scholars and people satiating their curiosity. As the miasma there is very dense."


    "...... I-I see."


    "Choose your hunting ground based on which enemies suit you best. Most adventurers stick to the middle levels. Now that we're here, we need to use our heads."

   Edel finished her explanation with a look of satisfaction. She probably loved explaining things, as she looked to be filled with a sense of accomplishment.

    Jackie, the luggage carrier, was excitedly applauding. It wasn't clear whether he was being made to do so or if it was of his own will.


    "Well, now that Pinky's long explanation is over, let's get out of here quickly. I'm heading back first!”

    The hero quickly raised her transfer stone and her body was enveloped in a pale light.


    "A-Ah, p-please wait! Why don't we leave together!?"


    "The sooner, the better."


    "Oh dear, this is why children are so troublesome."


    Each of them raised their own transfer stones and followed after the hero. After safely returning to the surface, they headed to the guild to exchange their parts for money. Then they washed off their bodies and cleaned their weapons well. Afterward, they met up at the Paradise Pavilion and enjoyed a sumptuous meal with alcohol.


    Thus, their boisterous and lively day, had come to an end.


    ──Though, it was boisterous and lively even while they went to bed.

    Edel and Lulurile, wearing orc masks, attacked Matari in an attempt to scare her. Despite usually not getting along very well, they could really come together in times like this. They really were difficult people.

    Incidentally, after that, the situation turned for the worse. Matari ended up going berserk and went on a rampage. But for some reason, even the hero ended up being scolded by the tavern master.



    After exploring the labyrinth, the group was wandering around aimlessly along Arte’s boulevard. They had a major goal in mind, but they were in no rush. Lulurile was the only one who had something to attend to, so she was currently on her own. As a scholar, she must have her hands full with all sorts of things.

    The streets were lined with street vendors and were overflowing with customers looking for bargains, those who were just window shopping. With a quick look around, one could see a great plethora of shops. Antiques, paintings, weapons and armor, food, and even a variety of livestock were on display.



    The hero, who loved shopping, happily browsed through each vendor one by one, and each time was almost sold something by the shopkeepers whose commercial spirit burned. The calm Edel kept a close eye on her, as to make sure unnecessary expenses are kept to a minimum.

    After a few incidents like this, Edel told her, "You need to behave yourself." Then she gave the hero a candy apple from one of the street vendors, which the hero proceeded to lick in frustration. Once she licked the candy apple clean, she complained while holding the stick in her mouth.


    "Hey, why can't I just buy that one? A dagger that won't chip, no matter how many times you cut with it sounds amazing! And it won't rust either."

    "...... There's no such thing as a dagger that convenient. But even if there was, do you really think you could buy one at that price? By the time the blade chips or rusts, the street vendor will be long gone."


    "That was a scam wasn’t it!? I'll pay him a visit and punch him in the face."

    When the hero turned around, Matari hurriedly held her down.


    "Please, don't make a scene!"


    "I'm kidding, obviously. Well, let's get down to business. Edel!"


    "Yes, yes. I’ve got the map from Limoncy. Let's head there now."


    The real purpose of this trip, the "business," was to find a new base – to find a house. As four people in their room at the Paradise Pavilion was too small. Besides, it would be kind of exciting to have your own place. The hero was more enthusiastic than anyone else.


    "Where is it at?"


    "Let's see, it looks like it's right around the corner in a back alley. It's close to the boulevard, so it's a suitable location."


    Making their way through the crowds, they entered a back alley. Amidst the row of simple houses, a well-built two-story house stood out. Edel pointed out that this was the house.

    The hero, hoping that it was as beautiful as it looked, clenched her fist involuntarily.


    "This is definitely the place. I’ve also got the key, so let's go in right now."


    "Um, why is no one living in such a nice house? Is it because it's so expensive?"


     "...... More on that later. Let’s take a look around first, shall we?"

    The suggestive Edel inserted the key, and opened the white door to get inside.

    The room was quiet and still. It was a little dusty, but it wasn't entirely dirty. Furniture and other  things were left in place; the house would seemingly be ready to live in after some cleaning.


    "It's pretty clean inside. And it even has furniture."


    "...... Why is there furniture if no one lives here? Isn't that strange?"


    "They probably left it behind when they moved because it was too bulky. Let's take a look upstairs next."


     Edel led them upstairs. The second floor was a large room with three beds lined up in a row. It seemed that the second floor itself was a bedroom. Compared to their birdcage in the Paradise Pavilion, this was large enough.


    "This is good. How much is this?"


    "Ten gold coins with the furniture. I think that's a pretty reasonable price. I doubt we’ll find anything better than this."


    "Um, don't you think it would be better to look at other houses too?"

    Matari showed a little reluctance, but the hero had already decided this was the one.


    "Alright, I’ve decided on this one! Moving is a pain, and there's no guarantee we'll find anything better."


    "This is the best of the listings Limoncy gave us. The others are pretty terrible. It seemed she was trying to sell us some run-down houses in the slums."

    Edel showed them the documents, and other than this house, there were only houses in the city’s slums. Although they were former mansions, it was needless to say what they looked like now.


    "I'll wipe the thick makeup off that scheming face one of these days!"


    "Well then, let’s confirm with Lulu before we go through with this. There's a lot of formalities involved, so I’ll just give Limoncy the down payment."

    Edel leaned back against the sofa after dusting it off.


    "Edel, can you tell me why nobody was living here?"

    Matari was unusually insistent. The fact that the house was empty and reasonably priced really seemed to worry her.


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    "Why did you suddenly go quiet?"


    "No particular reason. I don't really care that much, so it doesn't matter. But just to be clear, are you sure you want to hear this? No matter what?"


    When asked by Edel, Matari's complexion gradually faded, and a cold sweat loomed.


    "Because, if we’re going to be living here ....... Is there something wrong with it?"


    "It's not that there's something wrong with the house per se. It's just that there was a little accident in this house before."


    "Huh? An accident?"


    "Since that day, no one’s lived in this house. That's about it. But if you want to know the details, I'll tell you everything."


    ". . . . . . . . . . . . Uh, I-I'll pass."


    Matari curled up in the corner of the room, wishing she never asked. And in the corner, was startled by the sight of a black stain. It wasn't traces of blood, but  just soot from the fireplace. When a drop of water hit her from above, the frightened Matari involuntarily bumped her head against the wall in front of her. With tears in her eyes, she squealed in the corner all by herself.


    "How do you react like that to this, but not to the one that moves corpses in front of you?"

    "It's good to be pure. It's at least better than being twisted like you. Lulu would probably have a dry reaction too. Only Matari's reaction will be amusing."


    "You’re acting quite pretentious even though you’re wearing nothing but pink."


    "Pink is a color that can destroy evil, you know. Did you know that?"


    "How would I know? Also, how much of what you said a second ago is true?"


    "It's all true. So, what do you want to do? Do you still want to buy it?"

    "Of course. If anything comes out around and misbehaves, I'll cut it down with a single blow."

    The hero said so while sitting down on the sofa.


    The hero looked up at the ceiling and noticed a black stain. After a moment, the stain vanished. There was a sense of being watched, but there wasn't a particularly rotten stench. Judging that it was no big deal, the hero took a deep breath. She had no idea if it was a ghost or not, but there were more terrible things in this world. This was nothing compared to that.

    Such is life.


    Lulurile, who was acting on her own, visited Dr. Benz's clinic, which she had been referred to some time ago. She wasn't too keen on the idea, but since a junior guild member strongly recommended it, she couldn’t help it. Ramsey, the master of the Swordsmen Guild, whom she met at the riverbank before, was said to be hospitalized here. Benz the priest's reputation and abilities were certain, evident by the patients constantly visiting the clinic. Everyone seems to have a great deal of trust in him, as they all look relieved when they come to visit.


    "Sorry to keep you waiting. Well then, Ms. Lulurile, please, come inside."



    Guided by a woman in a white coat, she was led to the examination room. Inside was a man with a warm smile on his face.


    "Nice to meet you. I'm Benz. The others have told me so much about you, Ms. Lulurile."


    "...... Is that so?"


    "From what I've heard, you seem to have a lot of troubles."


    "...... Me? I used to, but not anymore."


    "You’re just pretending not to see it. Something could trigger it and cause it all to come spewing out again at any moment. Then an even deeper darkness will overtake you. Therefore, it's essential that we take care of the problem completely."


    "That sounds too nonsensical for me to understand."

    Lulurile shrugged, but Benz smiled benignly. Behind her, several people in white coats stood by. For some reason, it felt as if she were surrounded. Very uncomfortable.


    "Please, talk to me. I'm sure I can help you with your plights. The healing techniques I've learned are meant to help those in suffering."


    "I told you, I have no problems now. And besides, I only came here today because I was interested in your healing technique. Seeing is believing──"


    "One eye-witness is better than many hearsays....... However, it would be much easier to understand the concept if you experienced it rather than saw it. You're a smart and discerning individual, so I’m sure you’ll understand once you’ve seen it."

    What on earth were they going to do? Would they help her reflect on herself through a question-answer exchange? If that really were enough to relieve your troubles, you would not have any to begin with.


    "...... Does Dr. Benz solve his patients' problems with the art of clever conversation?"


    "Such a thing does nothing but deceive yourself. It’s not a fundamental solution."

    Benz pointed to his head.


    "So, are you using some kind of spell or medication to soothe the mind?"

    "That's not right either. In that case, once the spell’s effect wears off, they would return to normal. And while there are certainly psychoactive drugs, they only lead to increase one’s suffering. I'm not one for that kind of deception."


    Lulurile had become annoyed and decided to ask him bluntly; then, she would refuse the treatment this time. It would save the face of the junior who referred her.


    "──So, how do you solve people's problems?"


    "Why, it's a simple matter really. For the mentally ill, I manipulate their brain using a technique I’ve developed. For those who are physically ill, we promise to provide them with a new body. And for those who suffer from the former and the latter, we use both for a complete treatment. This is the perfect healing technique I've devised."

    Concepts beyond Lulurile's understanding were spat out one after another. Manipulating the brain? Providing a new body? She couldn't understand what he was talking about.


    "....... Do you even know what you are saying?"


    "Isn't this what I've been saying? I'm here to solve your problems. You have an inferiority complex because you're incapable of using magic, right? It's because your mind is being tortured by your physical limitations. I can prepare a new body for you. Though you'll be temporarily placed into another body until it's completed. Rest assured, we can completely remove your aversion to it by manipulating your brain."


    Benz spoke quickly, rambling on and on, and Lulurile couldn't understand any of it. There was certainly a sense of inferiority that came with not being able to use magic. That feeling was still smoldering in the back of her mind. But that didn't mean she wanted an entirely new body. It's no laughing matter to have your brain tampered with. Was the Star Church aware of their own priests' heretical methods?


    "...... This information will not be divulged to anyone. But I will be leaving now. I have no intention of going along with human experimentation."


    “I'm afraid that's not possible. I have my own circumstances as well. I would've preferred to do it with your consent if at all possible, but...... It’s really a pity."


    Sensing the danger, Lulurile quickly tried to raise her crossbow on her right hand, but was quickly restrained by the people in white coats. It seemed that she had completely fallen into his trap. The junior guild member who referred her was likely sent by Benz.

    "As you can probably guess, I've promised to provide that junior of yours with a new body. He's already been treated in the labyrinth. He seemed to be delighted with his new body. Though, I did mess around with his brain a little bit. Hehe, hahahahaha!!"


    "I will not let you have your way with me. I──"


    "I will only make good on my promise regarding your use of magic without fail. We as people keep our promises, as a matter of course. I don't know what will happen afterwards. But at best, you can at least be of some use to me. Hahahaha!!"


    With a heavy blow to her head, Lulurile's consciousness darkened - How did this happen? It was all her fault. She knew it was a bad idea to come here. If she really thought she had no worries, then there was no reason to come. She should have just refused. But despite all this, she still came with a reason, then this happened. It’s a shame. She had just made some interesting friends. Once her brain was tampered with, she wouldn't be Lulurile anymore, she would become a different creature. There would be no going back.


    Lulurile's round frame glasses fell to the ground, and Benz stomped them to pieces in amusement, with a wicked smile on his face.



── The Star Tower, Pope Elena's office.

    There were two unusual visitors today. Dressed in the robes of the Star Church, the two attempted to look like members of the church. Aside from the woman, the robe's of the man next to her seemed to be disproportionate to his size, and his huge body seemed to stand out against it.

    "...... As I've always thought, you don't need to force yourself to wear the church’s robes. Everyone already knows you're from the Rangers Guild. You just look unnatural and suspicious."

    Elena spoke to the large man in robes with dismay. The large man ── Bogan, shook his head.


    "It's important to look the part. If you just brazenly walked into Star Tower, it could affect your honor and reputation. People need to look the part."


    "Then why not fix your language too? I am the Pope, after all."

    Elena reverted to her proper speech mannerisms. The dignified tone she only used in public gatherings. She only shows her true self to those she can trust.


    "Well, I'm not very good at speaking respectfully."



    "Then why not practice?"


    "Haha, there's no point in telling this bear something like that. Any nutrition that should be going to his head goes to his body."




    "What's the matter? Do you have any complaints to direct to me? Tell me, I'm listening.”

    The red-haired woman, the master of the Rangers Guild, Klau, glared at him, and Bogan straightened his back in a panic.


    "No, nothing in particular. Yeah, it was just my imagination."

    Bogan averted his gaze with a forced smile.


    Elena was forced to make a desperate attempt to hold back her laughter. It was hard for her to maintain her dignity as the Pope in front of these two. They were always like this.


    "You're still under your wife's butt aren't you? Bogan."


    "Haha, not only her ass, but she's also got her foot down on my face."






    When Klau set her hand on the whip at her waist, Bogan shuddered violently. Elena smiled at the sight of his fully trained figure. Even though they acted like this, their marriage was in a good place, and they had three children. Perhaps the unevenness of their relationship was just the right balance for them. This really is a strange world.


    "This idiot aside, I'm not here to play today. It's about Ilgachev, the matter you entrusted to me a while ago. I came to report that we've caught an unexpected associate."


    "...... What do you mean by that?"


     Elena asked not only the inquisitor but also Klau to investigate. The possibility that the inquisition was in league with Ilgachev couldn’t be ruled out. Ikona was trustworthy, but she couldn't be sure about his subordinates.


    "They've been secretly holding private meetings in Ilgachev's home. Despite how discreet they've been moving, my men can see right through them."


    "...... Who in the hell are they? Please tell me."

    When Elena asked, Klau came close to her and whispered.


    "First, Ilgachev's protégés. And the conservative bishops."


    "Wasn’t that to be expected?"



    "Who's next is the most important...... Reken, the head of the Arte family. He's also been caught in their net."



    Elena involuntarily raised her voice at the unexpected name.

    Reken, the head of the Arte family, is the descendant of the meritorious G. Arte, the former head of the Arte family and the administrator of the Great Barrier. However, despite being the administrator, he never had to do anything particular. His status as the administrator of the Great Barrier was just a nominal role.


    "My hunch is that the cardinal is planning to do something in the near future. He's meeting with his associates more often, and they're becoming more vigilant."


    "...... It’s a pity, but with the current situation, we can’t do anything yet. We still don't have definitive evidence. Besides, though he’s fallen from grace, Reken is still the head of the Arte family."


    "In that case, guess we have no choice but to leave them alone."


    "It can’t be helped right now...... From now on, it will be necessary to monitor Rekken as well. I'll let Ikona know too."


    "You seem a little worried....... Yeah, I'll lend you my idiot. He just lounges around and snoozes all day anyway. Let this big-headed guy teach the inquisitors a thing or two about reconnaissance."


     "Is this idiot you're talking about me!? I don't have time for that! I'm busy with housework every day, you know that!  I don't have time to snooze around!!"


    "Who else could it besides you, you idiotic oaf! You were too stupid to even poach a novice! What happened to the stray bear who slapped his chest saying he could handle it!?"


    "Wait, calm down and listen to me. She's different. If such a ferocious and relentless demon was in our guild, my body would be in shambles even more than it already is. You’re enough on your own──"


    "What do you mean by I’m? Look me in the eyes and say it you bear!"


    "N-No, it was nothing! This stupid dumb bear has blundered!"


    When Klau threatened him, Bogan quickly backed down. The next time he spoke back, he would probably be slapped in the face. It was more like a hand knife rather than a slap. Elena had seen it before. The stout Bogan had been laid out with a single blow that rocked his brain.


    " So, Elena, I'll lend you this oaf. He's got a big body, and he's clumsy, but he's surprisingly good at teaching people. You might find him more useful than the stray dogs here."


    "Are you sure it’s okay? That would be like giving away the rangers techniques for free you know?"


    "I don't mind. It wouldn't be anything other than the rudiments of the rudiments anyway. And if it keeps us out of trouble, then I've got no complaints."


    "...... All right, I'll take your word for it. Bogan, it's not easy for you. I sympathize with you a little."


    "You're the only one who can speak like that. As expected of the ever so kind Pope."


    "That kind of compliment doesn't make me thrilled, but what do I say.


    Ikona, the leader of the inquisitors, was a serious and difficult character and definitely wouldn't be compatible with the daring and crude Bogan. But, Bogan's skills as a ranger were first-rate, and there would be no downsides to having him teach them the art of reconnaissance. Now all she had to do was to convince Ikona to let him.


    While thinking of a good reason, Elena took out some 'medicine' from a drawer. Perhaps she was too relaxed. When she unconsciously picked it up and was about to throw it into her mouth, she stopped as the pair's gazes were focused on her with reproachful looks.


    "...... Elena. How many times have we told you not to use that again? I made sure I got rid of everything last time, where the hell did you even get it!?"


    "......Ah, n-no, this is just some I forgot to throw away. Well, y-you know, it was out of habit."

    This was a short-lasting drug that briefly calms and stabilizes the mind. It's made of dried and finely cut leaves from a plant that grew in clusters in the labyrinth. If one overdosed, they could become comatose, and in severe cases, die. Due to its rarity, it was expensive, so there was normally no need to worry about people taking too much. But as Elena was the Pope, it was quite easy for her to secure the money needed.

    When Klau and Nikarag, her former educator, found out about it, they confiscated everything and forbade her from taking it. It had been recently banned as well. But she had continued taking it under the guise of candy, but was found out when a follower, who was entrusted with buying it for her, tipped them off. He was a man of great faith and tight-lipped, but he became concerned with the increasing frequency of purchases. Of course, this story was never made public.


    "Give it all to me right now. From now on, we'll use a weaker substitute and gradually wean you off those drugs."


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."




    Klau urged her, but Elena couldn't move her hands. Ever since she started taking them, Elena had avoided severe migraines. It calmed her down enough to allow her to concentrate on her work.there wouldn’t be any problems as long as she didn’t take it in large doses.. Besides, Elena was the Pope, she didn't need to be told what to do. And the  other alternatives were too ineffective. Elena was a weak person by nature, but thanks to the drug, she could endure the immense pressure of her position.

    When Elena showed reluctance, Bogan forcefully snatched the bag from her.


    "These are a little too strong. Children should stick to something a little milder. I'll be taking these."




    "You'll end up a cripple before long. The pretense of sedatives might sound great, but in reality, they're just drugs that serve as an escape from reality. They're pleasant as long as they're effective in numbing your emotions, but once it wears off, you're hit with a backlash. If you use it too much, you'll get too addicted to stop."


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    When Elena turned away, Klau gently stroked her head.


    "Elena. I knew you didn’t belong in a place like this. Haven’t you done enough? Let Nikarag's bald head take care of the troubles. You've done plenty. No one will blame you for leaving."


    Elena almost took the helping hand that Klau lent. But, that wasn’t an option.


    "I can't do that. I have a responsibility. If I leave now, there would be chaos. And the authenticity of the calamity is unknown. I also need to decide on what to do with the Star Sphere. So I can't just run away."


    "...... I understand. But, the moment you can't take it anymore, tell me immediately. Just because you were born as the Pope’s daughter, that doesn't mean you have to be the Pope. You decide how you live your life. Otherwise, I’m sure you’ll regret it someday."


    "Thank you, Klau. Once everything is over, I'm sure I will be in your debt . When that time comes, please treat me well."


    "Oh, it would be great if Elena could help me with the housework! The girls in my house don’t do anything! We can trade promptly──"


    "You shut up!"

    Klau's whip explodes into Bogan, making him cry out in anguish as he coweringly held his face.



    Elena laughed as she saw them, seeing that they still hadn't changed.


    The pain of being thrust into the position of Pope without understanding the reason, and having to preach to devout believers of a god who might not even exist. She didn't even know if the teachings were correct. But there was no escape. As that was the fate of the Pope who held the Star Church together. When all was said and done, she wanted to step down from her position as Pope and live a free life. To live unbound with Klau and the others. With that hope, Elena was living in the present. However, she didn’t think that would come true. She was sure she would break before that happened. She was convinced of that.




    ──It was dusk, and Reken was invited to Ilgachev's private residence, one of the largest in Arte.

    Recently, it seemed some people had been snooping around as of late, and so the meetings had become less frequent and smaller in size. At the gathering, to reaffirm their unity, the conservative bishops gathered and loudly pledged work in tandem with Ilgachev. But who knew what their true intentions were. Of course, Reken had no intention of going along with them. He aimed to take as much advantage of them as possible. The same was true for Ilgachev. This was nothing more than just a coincidence of interests, a common goal. He looked at Ilgachev, who was sitting in the head seat. White hairs began to mix with his hair, but his eyes were sharp, and his figure exuded a complete confidence. In fact, he possessed an outstanding talent for magic and an excellent mentor who's taught many disciples. His title of being the second most powerful person in the church was no embellishment.


    "Well then, let's get started. I've asked you all to gather here for one reason. Something urgent has come up that needs to be brought to your attention immediately."

    Ilgachev looked at everyone one by one as if to intimidate them.

    Reken took his glare on without turning away.

    The faces gathered here today consisted of Cardinal Ilgachev, his young protégés, Reken, and a recent addition to their group, a priest named Benz.


    "I wonder what on earth that could be?"


    A friendly-looking man in his forties, Benz, asked. He was a recently reputed priest in the city of Arte. It was rumored that he was not only able to heal physical illnesses but also mental illnesses. His polite way of speaking and pleasant atmosphere was enough to earn him the trust of his patients.


    "The one bearing the sigil of calamity has appeared. Exactly as the prophecy foretold. They are still in chains for now, but there's no telling when they will awaken. The collapse of the Shrine of Sorrow was really an omen of disaster after all."


    "...... What?"

    Reken recalled the contents of the prophecy told to him by Ilgachev.


    ── When the seal of the Shrine of Sorrow has broken, an evil will befall the world. In the end, upon a white bird of disaster, they will bring calamity to the world, and bring death to the righteous.



    It was a prophetic text foretelling of a calamity. It warned to watch over the Shrine of Sorrow, and never let the source of that calamity revive. This information was never disclosed to the general public, and was known to only a limited number of believers. Reken didn't believe in this prophecy in the slightest. It seemed like a suspicious story, and was seemingly nothing more than an unsubstantiated rumor. It was probably something made up by those in the Star Church as an excuse to finish the Star Sphere. But for them, it was a dire situation, as they saw it as the brink of human extinction.


    "They have already entered the city and insolently calls themself a hero. They are quiet for now, but they will reveal their true nature as a bloodthirsty beast in due time. There is no longer a moment to spare!"

    When Ilgachev raised his voice, his protégés strongly agreed with him.


    "You're right."


    "The time to take a stand is now."


    "Master Ilgachev, please make a decision. As always, our will is as one."


    Looking around at them with satisfaction, Ilgachev shook his head.


    "However, I wouldn’t like to cause any unnecessary strife. I'm going to urge Elena to change her mind one last time. She mustn't be misled by falsehoods, we must finish the Star Sphere immediately. Our goal is to complete the Star Sphere and bring down the Star God upon this world. This is all to impede the coming calamity before it happens. As long as Lady Elena agrees, there will be no need to take desperate measures."


    "But, Master Ilgachev, the inquisitors have been sniffing around recently. I'm afraid we have little time left. If they get to us before we're able to act, it will be too late."

    One of his protégés expressed their opinion.



    It was true that surveillance was getting tighter these days. It also seemed that Reken had been deemed a part of Ilgachev's faction, and a man who looked to be an inquisitor was also wandering around in front of his mansion. But he didn't care if they suspected him anymore, so he let them be.


    "That's not a problem. Lady Elena won't do anything drastic. Or rather, it would be more accurate to say she can't. She avoids making serious decisions on her own and believes it best to maintain the status quo. Otherwise, Nikarag's delusional words would have already destroyed the Star Sphere."


    "If that’s the case, won't our pleas to finish the Star Sphere go unheard?"


    "In her body flows the blood of the crimson robes. She is the legitimate descendent of Lady Mina. Though at the moment, she's merely lost her way,  I'm sure this time, she will make the right decision... But, if that doesn't happen, we will have no choice but to use our last resort."

    Ilgachev looked at Benz.


    "Leave it to me. I can heal the mind, but that also means I can interfere with it. Forcefully doing so is an inhumane act, so I would prefer not to do so if at all possible."


    "Sacrifices must be kept to a minimum. If those who are in the position of Pope cannot fulfill their mission, they should be held accountable."


    "Understood....... Master Ilgachev, what of the bearer of the sigil of calamity?"

    Benz asked with narrowed eyes.


    A dark shadow had been cast on his previously calm face. Was this his true nature? Reken couldn't tell. There were many people in this city who hid their blades behind a smile. Reken's father had taught him many times to never judge someone by their appearances. His father’s words were convincing, as he’s tasted them to the point of disgust.


    "Interference is unnecessary. Don't get involved with the calamity until the Star Sphere is complete."


    "...... Understood."


    "Now then, let's go over our plans for the future. There is no time to lose. We cannot afford to fail."

    Ilgachev declared so resolutely, and everyone in attendance nodded strongly.



    The long meeting had finally ended, and everyone present had disbanded. It was already late into the night, and there was a cold chill in the air. Ilgachev had taken his young protégés to the room containing the Star Sphere in the Star Tower. The Star Sphere’s chamber was under the jurisdiction of Cardinal Ilgachev but was currently sealed off. Church guards watched over it, and strict precautions were taken to ensure that no magic essence could be infused without permission.



    Only Reken and Benz were the only ones remaining in the room. When Reken stood up silently, he heard a voice call to him from the side.


    "May I have a word, Lord Reken?"


    "What can I do for you, Mr. Benz?"


    "Why are you cooperating with Master Ilgachev?"


    "......Well, that’s a bit sudden."

    Reken frowned. He was wary he might be probing into his true intentions.


    "I'm sorry, but I really wanted to know. Why are you, the head of the Arte family, cooperating with Master Ilgachev's plan? It is no secret that the Arte family has a very particular opinion of the Star Church."


    "I merely agreed with his thoughts. The coming of the calamity must be deterred."


    "You don't have to be so vigilant. Everyone has their own reasons. But just as they have their own thoughts on the matter, I have my own."

    "...... Ho? May I ask what they are?"


    "I don't mind. To tell you the truth, I don't believe in Master Ilgachev's story. I don't believe God will descend upon us when the Star Sphere is complete."

    Benz expressed his thoughts without hesitation.


    Reken was speechless. It was too dangerous to risk saying things like that in this place. It was even possible that he was trying to pry into Reken's true intentions. In any case, he wasn't going to imitate his careless behavior.



    The man in front of him continued to talk without regard for Reken's nervousness.


    "However, it’s certain that the Star Sphere possesses tremendous magic power. Yes, it's a strength that could rival God. I had no intention of cooperating until I laid eyes upon it. Seeing it from up close changed my mind. Is it not the same for you?"


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    Reken remained silent.

    When he was approached with the plan, Reken planned to use it as blackmail. If he informed Pope Elena, she would be greatly indebted to him. However, he changed his mind once he was shown the Star Sphere, the centerpiece of the plan. He was enthralled by the dazzling light of the Star Sphere. This was the moment when ambition had rooted itself in Reken's heart. Riding on Ilgachev's plan, he would revive the prestige of the Arte family. He would take advantage of the opportunity and take the Star Sphere for himself. Only with the radiance of the Star sphere could the afflicted Reken be freed from his shackles.


    "I don't care what merit you found in it or what you think of it at all, for that matter. But whoever holds the Star Sphere will ensure that my wish is fulfilled upon its completion. To create a god."

    "Create a god?...... "


    "I interpret the Star Sphere as a means to create a real god. Unfortunately, there is no god in this world. I say that as a priest. I have been made keenly aware of this the hard way. Over the past few decades, I've saved many lives, and have witnessed twice as many deaths. So I know very well. If there was a god, they wouldn't allow such inequality to exist in this world."


    "What do you mean by inequality?"


     "Good people are left to wander the edge of death while the wicked live selfishly like they own the world. This is truly inequality. An innocent child loses their life, and a devout father goes mad, taking many lives in turn. Is it really the father who is at fault? I don't think so. God should have reached out to offer aid."


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    "Why do such callous things happen? There can be only one answer. That's because the Star God that people cling to never existed. It's just a pathetic fantasy created by man."


   "...... I see. I don't quite understand, but you seem to have some rather radical and progressive views. I would like it if we could talk again some other time."

    Reken offered to end the conversation. He was afraid of playing right into Benz's hands.


    "I apologize for holding you here. I just wanted someone to hear my thoughts. I will risk my life against the source of calamity. As I have a trump card."


    "I'm sure we were strictly told not to interfere with the one who bears the sigil of calamity."

    Benz's eyes widened at Reken's words.


    "I want to avenge the death of my friend, Russ Nubes with my own hands!"


    "As I recall, Russ Nubes was the bounty head that was killed a while back, right?"


    "Yes, he was a sad father forsaken by God. A genius who performed the miracle of bringing back a soul, all to bring his daughter back to life. He was a good friend and respected researcher. His untimely death will likely delay the process of providing new bodies to the patients for several years. Our long-cherished wish is to create a perfect human being. This is truly unforgivable!"

    Benz stuck out his tongue like a snake and showed a chilling smile.

    This was the true nature of the benevolent priest. It was true that he had saved many people's lives, but who knew how many lives had been used as research material. Though that didn't matter to Reken, and he wanted nothing to do with it either. All that mattered to him was the prosperity of the house of Arte. That was all.


    "In any case, you seem determined. So do as you please....... It's getting late, so I'll be going now."

    Reken began to walk towards the exit.


    "Lord Reken, please don't misunderstand. My research is only for the benefit of those in suffering. I'm just doing everything in my power to help them. Yes, I'm helping them!"


    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    "And now, with the help of the most powerful person alive, the source of calamity need not be feared. After all..."


    Reken turned his head at the sound of his voice.


    "I was able to obtain the power of one of the three heroes through the descendant of Ramsus! Who could be more qualified to exorcize such a great evil!? We will crush the source of the calamity, and with the power of the Star Sphere, create a new god! To bring upon salvation to those in misery! It doesn't get better than this! Hehe- hahahahaha!"


    Benz, illuminated by the faint candlelight, shouted, and laughed uproariously.


  1. Thank you for the translation!!!!

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  3. Thanks for the chapter! It's been a blast reading so far. Next chapter goes into untranslated territory, I'm excited to see what comes next!
