Sunday, October 24, 2021

The Maiden Called Hero or Monster - Chapter 5 - Two Monsters at the End of the Dream


    In the city of Arte, stood a massive structure called the Star Tower. Inside this tower, which served as the sanctuary of the Star Church, Pope Elena Ecarlate was leading her followers in a sermon of the stars. Those who visited Arte for the first time are struck with fascination upon witnessing its enormity and grandeur. Their aim was to get as close to the stars as possible, and so, utilizing modern technology to its very limits, they had succeeded in creating the Star Tower.

    Its construction was completed about a hundred years ago, and its beautiful design and meticulous details were created by a distinguished artist who poured their heart and soul into its design. The cost of its construction was enormous, but the power of the Star Church had grown to such an extent that they could easily raise the funds to afford it.

    "How is the investigation into the collapse of the Shrine of Sorrow faring?"

    ──The Pope's Room on the highest floor of the Star Tower.

   The Church's upper echelon were gathered here today to discuss matters of concern. 


    Pope Elena was a young woman dressed in luxurious red robes. The pope was obligated to wear such crimson robes to indicate they were the inheritor of the church founder's blood.

    "Yes, we are still in the process of clearing out the rubble and debris from the site. It's going to be a meticulous process, so it may take some time."

    Bishop Nikarag stepped forward and answered.

    "I want to confirm the authenticity of the prophecy. Work as quickly as possible. I am concerned about what may be inside."


    When Nikarag stepped down, Ilgachev, the Cardinal, stepped forward and raised his voice.

    "I can't believe those words came from Your Holiness the Pope. The prophecy was left behind by the great Founder Mina and has been passed down through generations of popes. Why would you doubt it!?"

    "If we need only act according to the prophecy, we wouldn’t need a pope. The essence of the church's teachings is harmony and not prophetic observance. Are you going to challenge me, Ilgachev?"

    When Elena sharply questioned him, Ilgachev's face twisted, and pulled back.

    "...... I am Elena's faithful servant. It is my greatest pleasure to be of service to your Holiness."

    "All is well then... When the seal on the Shrine of Sorrow is broken, the world will be plunged into disaster once again. It's hard to believe, but it's better to be prepared for anything."

    "We, La Florencia, will annihilate any enemy that comes our way!"

    "Likewise, The Inquisition will see to it that every heretic that defies your Holiness is exterminated."

    "Yes, continue to build up your forces. We must be ready to deal with any eventuality."



    The La Florencia was a unit composed of those especially devout to the church. Absolute obedience to the Pope's orders; the Inquisition was a bunch that lived by such a code and acted without even questioning the Pope. As the Pope's loyal pawns, they have slaughtered a great number of heretics.

    "Lady Elena. Now is the time to complete the Star church’s sacred treasure, the Star Sphere. Its completion has been a long-cherished dream of the Popes of the past, but its progress has come to a standstill right before our very eyes. I request the immediate authorization to resume the magic essence infusion process immediately!"

    Stepping out forward further than before, Ilgachev strongly urged her.

    "Please wait. We can't allow the completion of something so terrible. Instead, you should begin the magic essence removal process forthwith. We will be ready to do so soon."

    "Nikarag, what are you saying! How dare you call the Star Sphere, the greatest treasure of the Star Church, something terrible! Those are heretical words!"

    "I’m putting it honestly. Something like that doesn't belong in the hands of humans. Its very existence is a threat to this world. It's not some treasure, it's a mass of evil that will bring the world to ruin."

    "Silence! Inquisitors, seize this man immediately! I, Cardinal Ilgachev, command you!"

    In a fit of rage, Ilgachev ordered the commander of the Inquisition to act. But General Inquisitor, Ikona, remained unconcerned.

    "Cardinal Ilgachev. We, the Inquisitors, obey only Lady Elena's orders. I would like to first ask for your judgment, Lady Elena."

    "──Tch. Lady Elena, punish Nikarag accordingly immediately! We let him be as he is!"

    "I do not think now is the right time to make a decision regarding the Star Sphere. It is undoubtedly a terrifying force, but that force can also be a threat to us. This is not such an easy decision to make."

    "Even Lady Elena? Has the world gone astray!? As Pope, it is your duty to see the Star Sphere to its completion! When it's completed, the Star God will descend upon us and bring us salvation, that is what the Founder Mina left behind!"

    "Whether it is my duty or not is for me to decide. Besides, it is nothing but a giant mass of magic essence. The Star God is always shining above our heads, guiding us on the path of righteousness. In that way, has not salvation been already granted to us?"

    Elena dismissed Ilgachev's opinion.


    However, despite her words, Elena was uncertain. The infusion process was nearly complete before it had been put to a halt. Should it be allowed to reach completion? It was far from terrifying, it looked like an abominable aggregation of darkness. Under normal circumstance, such a thing would have been destroyed immediately. But that incredible power could also be used as a weapon. If the prophecy was true, then the Star Sphere's power might be needed. Once they began to remove magic essence, there would be no going back. One cannot fill a broken vessel with water again.

    Ilgachev, who led a radical faction among the church’s conservatives, insisted that it must be completed immediately. The same was true for older church officials, who believed the prophecy should be acted upon. On the other hand, Nikarag, who belonged to a group of reformists, argued that the church did not need something so excessively powerful; as did others from the reformist faction. They emphasized that even if disaster befell them, it would be best dealt with through humanity’s wisdom and strength.

    Elena was at a loss. To build it up, or to tear it down?

    "...... The Star Sphere will remain as is. Ilgachev, please wait a little longer for progress to resume. Nikarag, be ready to begin the removal process. In the near future, I will definitely come to a decision."


    "Understood. However, please make your decision as soon as possible. There is no guarantee that those under you won't do something foolish."

    Nikarag urged her to have the Star Sphere destroyed to the very end. While Ilgachev glared at him revealing a murderous intent.

    "The meeting is adjourned. Ikona, I need to talk to you, so please stay. May the stars guide us."

    "──May the Star God guide us. Let there be light for all."

    As Elena recited a prayer, all those present knelt down and prayed.

    When Ilgachev and the others left, only Elena and Ikona were left at the scene. Taking great care not to let her voice slip out, she spoke in a whisper..

    "....... Ikona, conduct an internal investigation of Cardinal Ilgachev. We have reason to suspect that he has been securing magic essence behind our backs. The Star Sphere is currently under his jurisdiction, so we can't just leave him be. However, please be very careful not to let the Ilgachev faction out of control."

    "Why not declare him a heretic and take him into custody? The charges can be whatever you want them to be."

    Ikona presented an aggressive disciplinary plan.


     It would be no exaggeration to say that the moment the Pope suspected you of heresy, your death was all but certain. They could forge any amount of needed evidence needed later.


    Elena shook her head. Even if they were to use force, there would be an inevitable reaction if the evidence presented wasn’t sufficient.

    "That could lead to internal strife. We still have no hard evidence that he is guilty. However, there are rumors that he’s also been colluding with a bounty head conducting nefarious research, working to shelter and hide them. Ikona, get me proof that he’s a heretic."

    Elena was at the top of the church, while the Cardinal and Bishop were below her. Each branch was divided further into a series of chapters, all interconnected. Any attempt to destroy Ilgachev would provoke a backlash from the conservatives. So, they needed enough evidence to convince all of their believers.

    "Leave it to us. All who defy Lady Elena are heretics. We will certainly present you with the evidence."

    "I'm counting on you."

    Elena nodded and stood up quietly.

    Suddenly remembering something, she called out to Ikona once more. Unlike before, there was a hint of mischievousness on her face.

    "By the way, Ikona. Is it true that a person claiming to be a hero has appeared in this city?"

    Elena caught wind of a rumor from a particular source that a girl claiming to be a hero had begun challenging the underground labyrinth.

    "Yes, it seems that this girl who calls herself a hero has slain the bounty targets Salvadore and Russ Nubes. She undoubtedly possesses a considerable amount of ability. If you have any concerns, we will take her into custody immediately."

     Ikona's proposal was dismissed with a wry smile.

    "There’s no need for that. I'm rather interested in her. Don’t you think it would be better for a hero to ward off a terrible disaster rather than the Star sphere?"

    "...... Is that so? I'm not quite sure I understand."

    "If I ever have a chance, I'd like to meet her just once."

    Elena smiled mischievously.

    There was no dignity on the Pope's face. There was only the look befitting of a girl her age.

    "L-Lady Elena! I've never seen such a face on you before!──"

    "Ikona. Find out who she is and report back when you know she's safe. Understood?"


    Elena left the Pope's Chamber, leaving behind an Ikona who had more to say. Having decided to leave the matter regarding the hero for later, she decided to focus on the impending prophecy.

    These were the final statements of the prophecy.


     『When the seal on the Shrine of Sorrow is broken, the world will be plunged into disaster once again. Gather magic essence and complete the Star Sphere. Then the Star God will descend. With the great god's guidance, salvation will shine upon humanity, and the Great Darkness will surely be driven away. 』


    These were the words of Mina Ecarlate, one of the three heroes who defeated the Demon King and the church’s founder. She was also a sage who discovered that magic essence could be extracted from the corpses of demons. Mina said that by condensing magic essence into a Star Sphere, which would serve as a divine surrogate, they would be able to bring the Star God down to this world. She earnestly preached to the people that if they could do this, they would surely be saved. After Mina's death, those who strongly believed in her words formed the Star Church and worked with diligence to see the prophecy realized and to grow their religion through missionary work. It was then The Founder Mina's child was installed as the first Pope.

   A hundred years later, when the remaining demons on earth became extinct, they began searching for a replacement from which they could derive magic essence. Experiments were conducted on selected martyrs, but the extraction of magic essence failed, and the activities of the Star Church seemed to have reached a standstill. Then, as if by design, an underground labyrinth appeared.

    That was exactly three hundred years ago.


    The Star Church, which wanted to gain a complete monopoly on magic essence, planned to expand its power base while cooperating with the ward master, G. Arte, to construct the Great Barrier. After the death of G. Arte, they sullied the head of the Arte family with alcohol, degrading them to an inebriate, and eventually succeeded in taking control of Arte. At the same time, the sealed off underground labyrinth was opened to adventurers, and a guild system was established to encourage its exploration. These guilds would encourage adventurers to challenge the underground labyrinth by offering rewards, and in turn the church would amass large amounts of magic essence through the guilds. Tools infused with magic essence also brought substantial wealth to the Star Church, distributing them to various countries to further expand their influence. With the underground labyrinth in their hands, the Star Church expanded at an astonishing rate, and within the past few hundred years, had become the bishop of the continent.

    Elena, who was of Mina's blood, did not question the prophecy at first. She was taught by her father, the former Pope, and took it for granted. She believed the completion of the Star Sphere was the Pope's greatest mission. However, as she became acquainted with Nikarag and the Guildmaster Klau, she broadened her horizons and doubt gradually began to rise within her. Could a thing such as the Star Sphere really bring them salvation? She didn't think there was anything wrong with the teachings of the Star Church; the preaching of salvation to people couldn't be evil. But of everything in the prophecy, the Star Sphere was the only thing that didn’t feel right. Why try to realize the Star God’s descent when they say the Star God was always watching over them, guiding them?

    Ilgachev's obsession with the Star Sphere also seemed unnatural. The normally calm and quiet old man turned to a completely different person regarding the Star Sphere. It was as if he were possessed by something. Once you harbor doubt, you will notice many inexplicable things; the history and origins of the church, the labyrinth, magic essence, and so on. It seemed that the Star Church's only reason for existence was to complete the Star Sphere.

    "Why?...... Just what is going to happen when we finish it? But, the Shrine of Sorrow did fall in my generation. But I don't believe in the prophecy; but I can't just let disaster befall us."

    The internal struggle of the young Pope Elena continued. What is the Star Church? What is salvation? What is the right thing to do? - "I have to make a decision"

    "It would help if that hero were a real one; a savior who’s appeared to rout the coming calamity. What if this is the return of the three heroes?"

    Elena smiled and shook the convenient idea from her head.

    "Ah, freshly baked bread is delicious. This soup is really good too. I wonder if that’s pumpkin? Master's cooking is really good, isn't it?"

    The hero devoured the bread in her hand and next brought the soup to her mouth. A smooth and rich taste spread throughout her mouth.

    Finding her next prey, the fried eggs were hard to pass up, but she ended up going for the ripe red tomatoes instead. She stuck the fork in and took a bite, careful not to let the juices drip out.


    "This salad is pretty good too. Oh, Matari, if you don't want the strawberries, I'll take them."

    "I was saving these strawberries for last! I’m not giving them to you!"

    "I'm kidding. I don’t take things from people. I've still got some of mine left."

    "No, it's not that. Uh..."

    Matari looked as if she was about to say something. While an indignant Lulurile was chewing on a carrot.

    "Lulurile, can you give me some of those carrots? I just feel like gnawing on something."

    "By all means. There's plenty.”

    The hero took a carrot in her mouth, and bit down on it.

    Edel, right beside her, laughed in amusement.

    "Fufu, you're like a small animal when you do that. Here, I'll give you some roasted sunflower seeds. They're sweet and delicious."

    Saying that, she offered her black plant seeds. The hero silently took them and threw them into her mouth. She crunched it noisily and spat out the thin layers of skin.

    "So, why is the sorcerer eating with us? Feel free to explain yourself by all means, I'd very much appreciate it."

    Lulurile asked Edel with hostility. Even the hero couldn’t come to an answer.

    "She just sat down and started talking to herself. I have no idea why."

    "Why are you treating me like a stranger?"

    "Hurry up and go back to your house. Why were you even in our room without permission in the first place? I don't get it."

    After the hero collapsed from exhaustion, she woke up to find Edel. It seemed that the pink wasn't a dream. Because of her, their room was now even smaller with a fourth bed forced in.

    "If you act so coldly towards your friends, you'll suffer for it sooner or later. Right, Matari?"

    "Uh, um... Y-Yes, that's right."

    "See, even Matari thinks so."

    Edel's face was full of pride, and when the hero shot a glare at Matari, she began to panic.

    "When the hell did you become our friend? Besides, you’ve got friends in your corpses. Go get along with them instead. Of course, somewhere I can't see you."

    "Oh dear, why can't we get along? Even though sorcerers are in demand everywhere. I can't believe you'd disrespect me."

    "Because you're pink hurts my eyes. Your clothes are pink, your hat is pink, your bed is pink. Even in my dreams, all I saw was pink!"

    The hero had a terrible night's sleep. As a nightmare of pink was eating away at her mind. At the end of it, they had even forced her to wear pink. Matari burst out laughing, rolling around on the floor, and Lulurile's glasses reflected the pink glow. Obviously, this had all happened in her dream.

    "What's wrong with pink? It's a bright and gentle color, don’t you think? It's a wonderful color that warms my heart."

    "There has to be a balance with this kind of stuff. Do sorcerers just like monochromatic colors? The last one was an all black wearing bigot."

    The hero thought of the chick with a black hat and the puppeteer demon who wore green.

    "Now that you mention it, you might be right. I wonder if many of them just prefer a uniform color."

    "And a lot of sorcerers seem to have really bad personalities, don’t they? All the guys we’ve met so far were weirdos."

    "That's right. It's a well-established theory that sorcerers have terrible personalities. There's no doubt about that."

    Edel looked unhappy with Lulurile's affirmation.

    "That's prejudice. If you want to be like that, I know a cheeky hero girl too. She's a pretty funny little girl to make fun of."

    Edel suddenly poked the hero with her finger, and her blood pressure rose. However, she tried to keep her composure, so as to not fall for her provocation.

    "Psh, I won't get angry over something like that. I'm an open-minded adult."

    "Oh, really? Then I'll take your strawberry."

    Edel pinched a strawberry from the hero's plate and ate it. It was a large strawberry that the hero had been saving for last.

    "You bitch! Food grudges run deep!"

    "Here you are."

    Edel pulled a strawberry out from her palm, the one she was supposed to have eaten. An expression of triumph was spread across her face.

    The hero silently took it and threw it into her mouth. Once Edel straightened her posture, she bowed her head forward.

    "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make fun of you. I'd like to ask you again. I want you to let me join you. I'll definitely be of use to you. I want to thank you for what you did for me."

    "...... Do you really just want to thank me? It’s you, so you’re up to something aren't you? Like, you want to know the secret of my magic."

    When the hero reminded her, Edel slightly averted her gaze. For a twisted woman, she was surprisingly easy to read.

    "No, not at all."

    "Your eyes are wandering."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "...... I knew it. Well, I don't really care. If it's good with Matari, then I'll let you join."

    "W-What!? It's my decision!?"

    "Yep. I'm leaving it to you."

    "Do I not have a say in this?"


    "You'll just say no anyway, there's no point in asking you."

    "I guess my eyes are as good as my mouth. I'm glad you understand."

    "Your mouth? Your whole body has an aura of hatred for sorcerers around it. Anyway, I'll let Matari's opinion decide. She needs practice making her own decisions."

    The hero dumped it all on Matari. She knew she would make the right decision. Though, none of it mattered anyway. One or two more people wouldn't make much of a difference. It was easier to act according to one's own desires than to work for the sake of the world or something grandiose like that; and eventually, at some point, they would leave her.

    "I think it's a good idea. It would be very reassuring to have a sorcerer with us.I look forward to working with you!"

    Matari answered immediately. She was a woman who made quick decisions. The hero felt she could have at least thought about it a little more, but she didn't say it aloud.

    "Thank you very much. Well then, I look forward to working with you for a long time. I'm sure you'll find me useful."

    "Please teach me about all sorts of things! You seem to be quite familiar with the labyrinth! Please treat me well!"

    And so, the oldest member of the hero's group just joined them.

    The hero was seventeen, and Matari was twenty. The hero guessed Lulurile was in her mid-twenties. But she was unsure of Edel's exact age, but judging from the luster of her skin and the way she talked, she guessed she was in her early to mid-thirties. In a matter of time, wrinkles would become gradually more noticeable around her mouth.

    Edel glared at the hero with a devilish gaze as if she had noticed her unscrupulous stare.

    "You weren't thinking about something rude just now, weren’t you? Like about my age, for example?"

    "No, not at all."

    The hero just shrugged it off and played stupid. Edel seemed to be quite perceptive.

    "I'm only twenty-nine. I'm actually not much older than you guys."

    As expected, she was quite perceptive.

    "I'm seventeen, they're not even close, and Matari is twenty. Speaking of which, what about you, Lulurile?"

    "I'm only twenty-seven years old. By the way, is it true that sorcerers age faster? If it’s really true, 'time flies like an arrow.' You're going to be an old woman before you even realize it──"

    "Of course it's not true! You're a scholar, don't believe in such nonsensical stories. What on earth do you even study?"

    Veins over Edel’s temples became more visible, and the snake’s tongue moved as if to corner her.

    "I'm studying how to erase sorcerers from this world. I pride myself on being the head of such a field."

    "Even hero-girl here uses magic. So I wonder, why are you with her if she's your mortal enemy? Wouldn't it be best if you two broke up right now?"

    "I hate sorcerers, not magic. Therefore, I'm working with Ms. Hero without compensation, so I can freely study her."

    "Ah, so that's it. Well, I guess there are a lot of scholars who’re shady characters too. You know, it smells kind of musty here, why don't you try sitting out in the sun one in a while to dry yourself off."

    It sounded like Lulurile's glasses cracked, and her braids were quivering. Perhaps the combination of musty and smell was a forbidden one.

    Edel and Lulurile glared at each other in silence, slashing violently with their stares.

    A strange and awkward silence enveloped the table.

    "H-Hero. What should we do? If we don’t stop them..."

    "Don’t they look like they’re having fun? Besides, things are about to get exciting."

    And in more ways than one. If they were left unchecked, magic and arrows were likely to fly. That sounded amusing to the hero, but they would have to evacuate.

    "How does that look like fun!? That’s enough, I'll stop this!"

    At the hero's words, Matari forcibly clapped her hands and changed the subject.

    "Let's all properly introduce ourselves again! My name is Matari Arte, and I'm training to become a great warrior!"

    "I'm Lulurile, a member of the Scholars Guild. I'll be careful not to mistake the pink one for an enemy, please forgive me for friendly fire. As they say, even monkeys fall from trees."

    "I'm the sorceress Edel Weiss. I'm a necromancer. If you ever feel like dying, please let me know. I've been especially looking for the corpse of a female scholar right now."

    "...... What are you guys talking about with smiles like that? If you screw around in battle, I'll seriously punch you guys."

    When the hero warned them, the two gave slight nods in understanding.

    "Lastly there’s me. I'm a hero. I’ve always been and always will be. And my name is......"

    No words followed, and Matari looked into her eyes.


    "I can't remember my name because of amnesia....... Was that really why? Well, you can call me whatever you want."

    The hero avoided their stares. How the hell did I lose my name? She seemed to have forgotten even that.

    "...... Are you okay? You look kind of pale."

    "Of course, I'm fine. I'm just full."

    "So, are you going to tell me your name?"

    "I said you can just call me, Hero. A name is only important for recognizing who someone is. I'll tell you as soon as I remember."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "What, do I have something on my face?"

    "No, I get it. Please, tell me about it sometime. I'll be looking forward to it."

    "Oh, M-Me too. Please be sure to tell us one day."

    When Edel obediently withdrew, Matari spoke as well, then remained silent.

    The hero, feeling somewhat uncomfortable, brought up the previous subject to Edel.

    "What do you really want? Are you after my magic just like Lulurile?"

    "I am certainly interested in the magic you used. It looks distinctly different from any magic we use now."

    Edel gave a vague answer. Curious, the hero decided to pry.

    "You didn't say that it wasn't."

    "I want to collect your corpse when you die. Don't worry, I'll put it to good use. It's always better to be nearby to retrieve a fresh corpse, right? A thing such as a hero’s corpse isn't something that’s easy to come by."

     Edel in a good mood, gave the hero a smile.


    She couldn't tell if she was serious or joking. As one would expect from a necromancer.

    “Ms. Hero. It's often said that hindsight is 20/20, but how are you feeling now?"

    "...... I feel like I'm losing the energy to complain."

    "I see. Please, let me know when you do something. I’d be happy to help you."

    Lulurile began playing with her right arm in a good mood. Underneath her clothes, was a specially made crossbow. A mechanical rattling could be heard occasionally.

    "You need to shut up for a second. And stop playing with that."

    "Yes. I understand."

    "Aah, but now it’s an old-fashioned four-person journey. I wonder what’s going to happen."

    "Groups of four are standard in the labyrinth. I'm sure it'll be easier for us!"

    Matari smiled happily.


    With two people acting as the vanguard and two as the rearguard, they've achieved a perfect balance. It seemed that the four of them would be exploring together for some time to come. Things may be nice and lively, but they were likely to tire her out in a multitude of ways later on.

    Therefore, the hero decided to charge Edel with a nuisance fee first.

    "Then, with my authority as the leader, I'll take your strawberries. As a way of welcoming you."

    Quickly removing the calyxes' to make them easier to chew, the hero threw them into her mouth. They let off a delicious sweet and sour taste. Even more so when they belonged to someone else.

    "H-hey! You're the one that said that food grudges were unforgivable!"

    "Shut up. It's your fault for not eating it sooner. Stu-pid, stu-pid!"

    The hero stuck out her tongue to provoke her.

    And Matari held her forehead for some reason, looking exhausted.

    "Y-You little shit!"

    "You get more wrinkles when you’re mad, you perverted pink hag!"

    "I'll turn you into a corpse right now and fix your crooked attitude!"

    Edel, with an amusing face, grabbed at her, and the hero stood up to fight back . They were making a lot of noise, but they didn't particularly stand out as the bustle of the tavern drowned them out. Since most adventurers were vulgar characters, with their naturally boisterous characters, they fit right in.

    "I'm going to get some new strawberries. Let's go eat together, Ms. Matari. This is what it means to profit while others fight."

    Said Lulurile.

    "S-somebody, please, stop these people. A-anyone..."

    Matari's small wish was drowned out by the hustle and bustle, reaching no one. Not to Lulurile or to those who were fighting each other.


    After finishing their meal, the group returned to their room to relax.


    Even though the hero was relaxed, the room was terribly cramped with the addition of the pink bed. She had also put away the pink curtains, tablecloths and the likes; her reason being, they were terrible for the eyes. And Lulurile along with Matari, took the initiative to replace them all.

    "...... Don't you guys have your own houses? Obviously, you do, right? You guys have lived in this city way longer than I have."

    The hero asked what she was most curious about.There wasn’t a need to stay together, as they could meet up whenever they were headed for the labyrinth.

    "W-well, I got kicked out of my house. I'm sorry."

    "Matari, you're fine. This was a room meant for two anyway. I'm talking about Pinky and Round-Eyes who both just barged in."

    "I have a dormitory at the Scholars Guild. But you would find that it’s filled with all of my research materials."

    "I have my own house too. But I only use it as a warehouse."

    "Then there’s no need to sleep here, right? Look how cramped it is! Get out of here!"

    The hero threw a pillow at Edel, but she caught it with ease.

    "No. That doesn't sound very fun."

    "Living together creates a sense of solidarity and facilitates communication. It's also a place to live. Home is where you make it, right? I'm surprisingly happy here. More than I thought I would be."

    "In what way is this room a “home”? It’d make more sense to call it a birdcage!"

    "Then why don't you look into buying an affordable house?"

    "...... A house?"

    The hero was slightly interested by what Lulurile said. She had never thought about owning a house before.

    "Yes. There are many houses for rent in this city. But if you have the money, you may just want to buy a house."

    "Hmm, a house."

    "Oh, do you want to buy a house? Why don't you ask Limoncy? She knows everything. If you give her some cash, she’ll give you a referral."

    "I'll think about it. At any rate, I want to get out of this birdcage. I know you think so too, Matari!"

    "Hey, Hero, what do you want to do today? Why don't we try and take the certification exam?"

    Apparently Matari hadn't been listening to their conversation at all.

    The hero lay down on her bed, disappointed. Matari wanted to take the exam as soon as possible. Even though she asked what she wanted to do, it was obvious, she seemed very excited about it.

    However, it was hard being a hero, so she decided not to do it today. As she was already tired from partaking in that morning’s shenanigans.

    "I'm taking the day off. The certification exam can wait until next week. Money shouldn’t been an issue, since I killed those two bounty heads."

    "We’re doing it next week?"

    Since the hero had defeated the bounty head, they had accumulated quite a lot of gold. With twenty gold coins, they could buy a house. They are what you'd call rich folk.

    "That's why I'm taking the day off, and doing absolutely nothing today!"

    The hero stretched widely and rubbed her eyes, and declared so.

    Edel muttered to herself as if to ridicule her.

    "...... You want me to relax even though I haven't even done anything yet?"

    "What're you talking about? Didn't we kill that bounty head together? So I don't think you're that useless."

    Edel's cheeks momentarily twitched at the word, “useless."

    Lulurile had a grin on her face.

    "Well, that’s fine. By the way, why are you crawling back into bed again? You’ve even discreetly changed back into your pajamas."

    The hero was already under the covers. Wearing a light blue pair of pajamas, an expression of bliss rested on her face as if ready for bed.

    Matari rolled her eyes and shouted.

    "Hey, you're right! When did you change your clothes!? And you're already in a sleeping position!"

    "They say children grow when they sleep, and I'm still growing. So good night, see you tomorrow."

    "Hero, it's not even noon yet!"

    "This isn't sleeping, it's resting. Feel free to go do whatever you want today. And don't be noisy in here, I'm going to sleep."

    While making excuses saying she wasn’t going to sleep, she unknowingly contradicted herself in saying to not be noisy as she was off to sleep.


    The hero pulled her hand out from the covers and waved it, and without waiting for a reply, morphed into a caterpillar. Without pause, Edel with a joyful laugh ripped the covers away from her with gusto.

    "Good morning, my dear hero, wakey, wakey. Say, let's all head out to town today. It would be a good opportunity to deepen our bonds. Shall we go shopping today while we're at it? We've got a lot of money, it would be a waste not to spend it."

    "That's a good idea! I also wanted to buy a helmet too. And Hero's dagger is falling apart, so let's go find her a replacement!"

    "That's a story for another time. The dagger's in shambles, but my body is in even more shambles. And I don't care about the dagger, I just picked it up anyway. Now, blankets and blankets."

    "I thought you said you liked shopping!?"

    "I like shopping, but I like sleeping even more. You’ll regret it if you don’t sleep when you can. Oh, I'm about to die from sleepiness."

    The hero decided to close her eyes again.

    "Would you like to try these prototype eye drops? I haven't tried them on a person yet. Though, I’ve mistakenly made it deathly potent. I tested it on a rat once, and one drop was all it took."

    "The color makes it look a little toxic don’t you think? Here let me show you a little bit of my magic."

    Interrupting her disturbing words, she began to mutter to herself.

    The hero wasn't exactly sure what she was doing, but she guessed it was probably a spell chant.


    The hero felt like she was wrapped in a refreshing breeze. Raising her upper body, she looked down to confirm her condition.

    "It's a spell that helps with drowsiness. I wonder if it’s worked. Doesn't your mind feel surprisingly refreshed?"

    A plant Edel held in her hands withered and disappeared as soon as she cast the spell. The spell seemed to have worked wonderfully, and the hero's drowsiness had completely disappeared.

    "W-Why did you do that!? I don't need this kind of refreshing feeling! I was enjoying the melting sensation!"

    Matari, pretending not to hear the hero's words, spoke to Edel.

    "There really are some useful spells out there. If you used it every day, would you not have to sleep?"

    "There's nothing that convenient. It just forcibly clears your head. Later, the drowsiness will come back and be twice as bad. Isn't that great?"

    "I-Is that so?"

    "It's one of the basic spells. Besides that, you could even use it to temporarily relieve hunger or sober up. But of course,  the afflicted suffering afterward will be doubled."

    "...... Somewhat convenient, but not really."

    "I feel like I'm being shown the reality of magic. The ghost, when examined closely, was just withered silver grass...... still, this is a bit different."

    Lulurile with a serious face was saying seriously complicated things.

    "It's not easy being a sorcerer. You pay many prices in consequence for it. You can study me closely while you study the hero-girl too, Lulu."

    "...... I'll think about it when I have the time. Also, don't refer to me as "Lulu," I'm twenty-seven."

    "No good? It seems you need to be in the mood for these sorts of things."


    Leaving the hero reinvigorated behind, the three were off to having a discussion about magic. Was it true that she’d be twice as sleepy later? The hero, for the moment, decided to complain.

    "Hey, why did you change the subject? It's not like I wasn’t in the mood for this sort of thing or anything, you stupid Pinky!"

    "Come on, let's get dressed and go before the drowsiness comes back twice as hard. Fufu."

    "You'd better remember this!"

    The hero began to change her clothes while complaining with a sharp mouth.


    Instead of wearing her armor, the hero decided to change into ordinary clothes with her sword at her waist. The hero liked the color blue, so her clothes naturally reflected as much, and emphasizing ease of movement, they lacked any sex appeal.

    If it weren't for the small bulge on your chest I’d say you were a handsome boy. Now all that’s left is to soften that cocky look on her face just a little bit── Matari had told this once with a smile. The hero was sure to pinch her cheeks and teach her a lesson for this transgression.

    Edel was in all pink, Matari wore her newly bought black armor, and Lulurile was still in her scholarly attire. It was hard to tell whether or not their group had what could be called sex appeal. If anything, it would be more proper to say they were colorful rather than sexy.

    "Well then, let's get going!"

    "First, we'll need to get cosmetics. And we'll need some daily necessities too."

    "I need some stationeries too. I think I'm going to be writing more than I anticipated."

    "And the armor shop too. As I said earlier, I want to buy a helmet!"

    "All right, all right, we’ll stop by them all. I guess I’ll buy the food. And Matari, I'm picking one with a horn on it, so you better be ready!"

    The hero shouted as if to get back at her.




   In the end, Matari chose an ordinary helmet. The hero recommended (pushed) helmets with horns, strange iron masks, and other conspicuous things to her, but Matari made a decision for herself.

    She bought a light helmet with a visor, though the back of her head would only be covered with cloth, this made it lighter. She also tried to emphasize protecting the front of her face; this way, her hair in the back wouldn't get in her way. The visor would act more like a decoration in the labyrinth where you wouldn’t have to worry about rain, but lowering it would offer some protection for the eyes. Matari was satisfied with the practicality of her purchase. Looking at herself in the mirror, she looked like a knight of some kind. Matari reaffirmed her determination to be as good as her armor.

    And as for the hero, she was a little dissatisfied that she couldn't get Matari to buy an eye-catching helmet with a horn on it. Though, she was already in a good mood since she had bought a new sword to replace her damaged dagger. She chose a moderately priced, high-quality steel sword. But she picked it at random, as it was likely to get worn out again in the near future anyway.

    "You're wearing really plain equipment. It's all black, from your helmet to your armor. The only reason why it stands out is because you're blonde."

    "But she looks like a rugged and simple-looking swordsman, it looks cool, and she's tall. If she were a man, I doubt anyone would leave her alone."

    "...... It doesn't feel like a compliment at all when you say it like that."


    Matari wasn’t exactly sure how to feel, while a smile had broken out across Edel’s face.


    Edel had a really feminine face, one that anyone would consider beautiful. Her body had no unnecessary muscle and was full of feminine charm. She had a large chest, and her long silver hair seemed to only add to Edel's bewitching luster.

    "On the contrary, I'm glad hero-girl seems to be in good spirits. But I really hate that cheeky look on her face."

    "...... What are you trying to say? Speak up."

    "It's nothing, fufu."

    When Edel began teasing her, the hero took the provocation. However, even though she was angry, the hero was seemingly having fun. If she really didn't like her, she wouldn't be messing with her right now, and wouldn't have let Edel join them in the first place.

    "Don't you think they look like sisters when they are like that?"

    Matari nodded to Lulurile's words.

    "Certainly, it's like the sly older sister is teasing her mischievous younger sister."

    "She’s shown us a terrifying strength with a hint of madness, and now she’s acting in an age-appropriate manner. Sometimes she shows a seemingly brittle and fragile precariousness, and sometimes she shows a bright vivacity....... Hero has a very strange personality. Very interesting."

    Matari agreed. Though she herself hasn't been able to fully grasp her personality yet, she was sure she was very kind. And, as her name suggested, she seemed to have a strong sense of justice. She was a little twisted, but overall, she assuredly seemed like a good person. She's also rescued a number of people up to this point. It hadn’t been long since she met her, but in the blink of an eye, they had formed a group of four. But everyone except for Matari were experienced and capable. If she was on her own, none of this would've happened. Her feelings towards the hero were beyond mere envy, it was reverence.

    She hoped this person would recognize her someday; she strongly wished to be her equal. So, Matari wanted to know more about the hero. As she was her precious first companion, and if she could gain her trust, she was sure the hero would tell her her name. Matari really believed so.

    ──And so, Matari decided to propose the quickest method for building a relationship of trust.


    "W-What do you want all of a sudden? I haven't bought any snacks yet, so just be patient."

    "I wonder. Isn’t there a bag full of sweets in your waist bag? Didn’t you just buy it from some ignorance-feigning peddler?”

    "...... As expected of Pinky. You’re as old as you are perceptive. I guess it can’t be helped, I'll share them with you. See, I've got plenty of beans. Here, I'll start with Matari."

    Seeing Edel’s face turn grim, she laughed and took out some beans.

    "Th-That’s not it! Actually, I have a request!"

    "That’s why I’m giving them to you now."

    "I don't want any beans, I want you to spar with me."


    "Yes! I wanted to fight you at least once. Please, by all means!"

    The hero looked away while chewing on the beans.

    "L-let me see. What should I do? I’m not really in the mood....... or I should say, I feel like saying no. I have a bad feeling."

    When the hero tried to refuse, Edel spoke to her from the side.

    "Why don't you just go along with it, it’ll be alright. It's no big deal, it’s not like you’re going to lose anything. I'd also like to see how you guys fight up close."

    "I would like to see if for my own research, no, for posterity’s sake."

    When Edel and Lulurile urged her, the hero frowned. And Matari, thinking she was just one push away, bowed deeply.

    "I'll be sure to study your fighting style, Hero!"

    "Y-You still want to go through with this after all? Well, let's just get it over with. Look, it's just going to be like a light workout, right?"

    "No, I'll give it my all!"

    "You don't strain yourself so much on a day off. It's important to rest your body, you know?...... Though, I know it's useless trying to tell you that."

    "Yes, of course!"

    Matari cheerfully replied to the hero's words.

    For some reason, the hero covered her eyes with her palm. And next to her, Edel turned her face away, her body slightly trembling.


    Matari firmly grasped the hilt of her sword.


    The hero was a top-notch warrior who defeated Salvadore and Russ all on her own. She was a girl who’s mastered a great number of spells and showed a great proficiency with a sword. There was undoubtedly too vast of a gap in ability between them now; Matari would surely be beaten. How far would she be able to go in a fight against her? How far would her sword go against her now? Matari felt the anticipation. Her mouth distorted into a smile involuntarily as a fighting spirit swelled within her. She could feel a belligerent red mix coalesce with her agitated spirit. She just wanted to pull out her sword then and there, but resisted the urge.

    "Hey, you’re acting kind of strange? Do you have a fever?"

    "...... No, I'm fine. Everything's fine."

    Matari replied to the puzzled look on the hero’s face with a big smile.

    "...... Well, all right. So, where do you want to do this? The Warriors Guild training grounds?"

    "No, let's go outside the city. There's a big river nearby; there, nobody will hear our screams."

    "Screams? Something like that is kind of unsettling, don't you think?"

    "Well then, I think I’ll go fishing while I watch. You’ll probably be hungry after a workout like that."

    Edel snapped her fingers, and out of nowhere a fishing rod and fishing basket appeared.

    "Hey, catch some for us too."

    "Well, I'll do my best. Also, hero-girl, try to keep up with her."

    "Yeah, yeah, I get it."

    The hero muttered in a languid voice.


    Matari told them she would show the way, and began walking towards the riverbank.




    The riverbank was sparsely populated with the figures of fishermen and merchants. And Matari and the hero faced each other with their swords drawn, wearing neither armor nor helmets.

    "I'm pretty much self-taught when it comes to my swordsmanship. So I can’t really give you any detailed advice so don’t get your hopes up."

    The hero held a steel sword out from her center. Despite saying it was her own style, there were no flaws in her stance.


    Matari held her shield out in front of her, and her beloved sword was pointed diagonally downward. Rob had taught her how to with a shield while utilizing it to its fullest. Forcibly push your way through an opening, bash them with your shield to break their posture, and if the opponent evades, follow up with your sword and pursue — always be prepared to get hit. It was a strategy against superiority.

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "Don't worry, I won't use any magic. And if you get hurt, I can heal you, so come at me with everything you've got."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    She could hear the hero's words, but they weren’t reaching her brain. As she had been anxiously looking for an opening, straining her nerves since the very beginning in search of one. But nevertheless, she just couldn’t find a chance to strike.

    "You're the one who said that you wanted to spar. Hey, come on."

    The hero put the sword she was holding on her shoulder and beckoned Matari as if to provoke her.

    ──There was an opening.

    "Here I come!!"

    Kicking off the ground with her right foot, she closed the distance in an instant, and the hero still had yet to ready her sword.

    She used her left shoulder to support her shield and accelerated, gaining enough momentum to crush her opponent. And at that moment, the hero swung down her sword at the shield. A sharp metallic ringing echoed throughout the riverbank, and her left hand which held the shield was numb from the impact.


    “Don’t stop there. I know that was a desperate attack."

    With words of condemnation, the hero's left fist caught Matari's left temporal region, violently shaking her brain. Normally, the fight would have been decided by her single punch. Controlling her wobbling body, she repeatedly slashed out her sword. This time, the hero met the strikes with her sword, their blades collided several times. Matari couldn't hit her. Her sword’s movements were completely read.

    "It's been a while since I've had a proper fight like this. There aren't many demons that use swords."


    In order to break the hero's posture, she attempted to close the distance by sliding her body in behind a thrust and close in. However, as she slipped in, she was caught just short, and the tip of the hero's sword slashed Matari's right leg. When she grunted in pain, the hero jumped into the pocket at her chest, and smiled.

    "There's a lot of thought that goes into swordplay, isn't there? But it's pretty much useless against a demon.”

    "Not yet!"

    Matari swung her sword down from above, judging that it would be able to hit its target from her current distance, but it was still easily avoided. The hero moved behind Matari's back and wrapped her arm around her neck, and began to tighten her grip. Unable to breathe, Matari let go of her sword.

    "That's one death. Well, I wonder how many times you'll die."

    "This isn't over yet──"

    "No, it's over. If I put any more strength into my arm, you'll die. Come on, let's keep going. If you keep talking like this you won’t get any training in.”

    The hero kicked Matari in the back and raised her sword again. Matari screamed in agony as she slammed into the ground, but stood up with enthusiasm – It wasn't over yet. The hero was trying to teach her seriously, so she was ready to put her life on the line against her.

    "O-Of course. We're just getting started!"

    "Come. With all the strength you can muster now."



    Matari picked up her fallen sword and took up a fighting stance.


    An hour later, the training still continued. Matari had yet to land a single blow. The slashes she thought she had landed with her sword were easily parried, and was met with a painful counterattack. Matari's body was covered with blue bruises and scratches while the hero was merely sweating. The hero rarely used her sword, but she showed no hesitation in her merciless punches, and though they were only punches, they were heavy attacks that shook her to the core of her body. Even if she were to wear her usual armor, it wouldn't be able to dampen the impact. For each blow inflicted, she could've attacked with her sword instead. Matari had been killed that many times, and with a single swing of the hero’s sharp sword, she would have been slaughtered. Despite her holding back, the difference in strength was as far apart as heaven and earth.


    Covered in mud, Matari bit her lip and distorted her face.

    "You might be overthinking the small details. Why don't you just try following your instincts without getting hung up on tactics or stance? The first method you learn isn’t always the right one for you.”

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    Matari silently threw down her shield, glaring at her enemy's face with heavy breathing, she could feel her heart filling with blood lust and anger. All she had to do was to let everything go and let it loose with her instincts.

    "You've got a good look on your face. Alright, let's end it with this next exchange. If you can hit me even once, you win. Does that make you happy? You can win. Even if you're such a pitiful mess, you've got a chance to be a winner."

    Mocked by the hero like a fool, something suddenly occurred to Matari. Before she even noticed, she was already running –screaming and shouting.


    All Matari could think of was swinging her sword down with all her might. The hero sheathed her sword and placed it on her right shoulder as if she were holding a hoe. But that didn’t matter anymore. Because now, Matari was going to attack with everything she had.

    "Eat this!!"

    "That's the best attack I've seen so far. You should work on that."

    The hero twisted her upper body forcefully and swung her sheath upward from the ground. The gravel on the riverbank was deeply carved out by the tremendous force, and the roaring blow completely caught the left side of Matari's torso as she was about to swing down. It was a perfect counter. Matari could feel her left ribs shattering, with a great deal of blood which was pouring from her mouth. Severe pain ran through her brain along with the sensation of her floating body. Never in her wildest dreams did she think she would be sent flying by a blow from a mere sheath.

    In her fading consciousness Matari felt the coldness of the water and a pleasant sense of defeat.




"...... I-I think I overdid it a bit. No, I definitely overdid it."

    The hero stuck in the pose with her sheath raised, broke out into a cold sweat. It was her fault for making spur-of-the-moment  provocations to make her mad as a test. The speed of her downward swing was so remarkable that even the hero took it seriously. Though she originally planned to parry it with her sheath and knock her down, she struck Matari. She had a bad feeling her bones were definitely broken. Without armor, it was tantamount to directly striking her flesh with a blunt weapon; and as an added bonus, she was thrown straight into the river.

    "It’s fine isn’t it? It's just tough love. I'm sure she would love to have been killed by you, whom she adores so much. Come now, let's pray for her soul together."

    Putting down her fishing rod, Pinky began a barefaced prayer to the heavens. The gesture was really quite a sight to behold.


    A strange white-haired fisherman next to Edel was also looking at the river with a puzzled look. He looked as if he had just witnessed a murder.

    "They say there's nothing to be gained from collecting a corpse, but I suggest picking up this corpse. Because drowned bodies bloat in water."

    "I-I didn't kill her!"

    "But her body hasn’t surfaced yet, right?"


    There were no signs of Matari rising to the surface of the river, and she was likely unconscious. This meant if she weren’t pulled out soon, she would drown, and it would be too late.

    "I-I have to help her."

    Just as the hero was about to run toward the river, a waterlogged Matari emerged from the river, and her tied ponytail had come undone –lacking her usual cheerful atmosphere.

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    Crawling up from the river gripping her sword, she looked at the hero with vacant eyes as blood flowed down from her forehead. It seemed she hit a rock at the bottom of the river. Fortunately, she did not appear to be seriously injured, which the hero was relieved to see. However, her ribs should have been broken, so the hero decided she should treat her immediately.

    "H-Hey, are you okay? Come on, let’s stop today. I'll patch you up in no time."


    Matari pressed her hand on her head and looked at the blood stained hand.

    "It's alright. If that’s it I can heal it in no time. Hey, come here!"

    The hero beckoned her, but Matari did not respond. Her eyes were different from usual, they were out of focus. The atmosphere around her felt dangerous.

    Matari stared at her palm for a moment, and then happily licked off the blood that had adhered it.

    "Blood is coming out. Just like before. There's so much blood, so much blood is flowing from my body."

    "What's wrong with you? Did you hit your head that hard?"

    "Yeah, I'm... I'm sure as I am now── I'm stronger."

    At that moment, a shiver ran through the hero's body.


    Matari's appearance suddenly changed drastically. Her eyes were bloodshot, her mouth aggressively distorted, and her eyes turned into those that had found their prey. She didn’t seem like her usual good-natured self, but more like a belligerent warrior.

    The hero reflexively unsheathed raised her sword.

    "Hehe, I'll try again. Let me try this out on your body, Hero!"

    "H-hey, wait a minute! What the hell are you──"


    She charged at the hero with a much greater speed and momentum then before; with no hesitation. It seemed she was following the hero’s advice. She attacked with all the strength her body could muster, and with a sword aimed to kill without hesitation, solely relied on her instinct.

    Matari's sword was swung down at the hero's head, and the blade she raised to catch it was smashed in half. The fairly-expensive steel sword was easily broken. Twisting her body, she was able to narrowly avoid the blade about to reach her head. But, Matari had already read that far. Grabbing the hero’s body with her left hand, she tried to forcefully push her down. The hero resisted the best she could, but was unable to shake off the terrifying force.

    "Damn it! Where is this power even coming from with your broken bones──"


    Matari let out a ferocious roar, and because of the size difference, the hero was pushed to the ground.


    While the hero was lying on her back, Matari jumped on top of her, pinning her down; tightly gripping her sword with both hands. Matari, convinced of her victory, smiled in satisfaction.

    "N-No, this idiot, she's going to swing it down on me!"

    "Ahahaha! I win this time! Thank you for everything you've taught me. Now, as proof of my victory, I'll take your head!"

    An elated Matari declared her death sentence. Her eyes were completely red and full of killing intent and combative instinct.

    "Stop, you boar!"




    A powerful sword strike was swung down at her throat.



    When the hero managed to avoid it by moving only her head, a fist immediately fell down on her without pause. It was a heavy blow with all of her weight behind it. Unable to avoid it, the punch struck her directly in the face. The hero's brain was shaken, and her vision was rocked violently.


    "Aha, I got you! I finally hit you, Hero! Well then, let's keep going!"

    "You damn boar! You're getting carried away!──"

    "Ahahahahaha! I'm the winner, and you're the loser, Hero!"

    Matari swung her fists down repeatedly from above the hero's cross-armed defense. The recoil from each blow caused the hero’s body to bounce off against the ground again and again; still, the attacks showed no signs of abating. Blood rushed to the hero's head. If she sat idly by, Matari probably wouldn't stop until she was dead.

    After healing Matari’s broken bones with a healing spell, the hero abandoned defense and threw a serious punch at her. Their fists crossed as they simultaneously struck each other. It seemed that the hero won the exchange slightly, as she was accustomed to the pain.


    "You were just talking big like you won, but here you are looking like you're about to vomit! Hey, come on, what happened to all that bravado!?"

    An elbow to the chin from below caused Matari to wobble, and while she was staggered, the hero delivered a head-butt to knock her off. Managing to have escaped from under her, the hero stood up and took a fighting stance.

    "Let's keep going, boar! I'm going to crush you so get your ass over here! I'll kill you!"

    "You know, you guys are really lively over there. I feel like I've just seen something amazing."

    "...... Huh?"

    The hero slightly regained her composure and observed her opponent who was still lying on the ground.

    "That was quite the brutal hand-to-hand wasn’t it? I’m sure I couldn’t ever fight in such a way."

    "Isn't she really dead this time?"

    "I-I didn't hit her that hard."

    She was a bit serious, but her poor stance should have completely mitigated the power of her blows; however, Matari still hadn't gotten up.


    Worried, the hero approached her, bent down, and gently shook Matari's shoulder.

    "Hey, you okay? I think we're done now, right? Sorry, I overdid it."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "Are you awake?"

    The hero checked Matari's face to confirm, and when their gazes met, Matari let out a grin, one akin to a ferocious beast. Its red eyes reflected their foolish prey caught in its trap.


    The hero tried to doge in a hurry, but she couldn’t make it in time. As Matari’s hidden dagger pierced through the hero's body.

    "Phew, that was a real mess. I'm never going to spar with this girl again."

    After healing the wound on her shoulder, the hero fell to the ground.


    Edel and Lulurile seemed to have watched until the very end. They really were heartless women. The two said they were incompatible, but they were both quite similar. Their twisted characters were a good match.

    "That was a great fight. It's not often you get to see a serious fistfight between two women. Especially Matari's transformation. That was really amazing."

    "Is it some kind of special trait? It is said that there are unique individuals with peculiar talents who rarely appear. I believe that may be the case for Ms. Matari."

    Edel wore a hearty smile, and Lulurile calmly analyzed the situation. The hero thought about hitting them both, but she didn't have that kind of energy left.


    "I don't know. I just knocked her into the river, and the second she saw her blood, it happened. If you really want to hear about it just ask this idiot directly."

    She pointed to Matari, who was lying down next to her, seemingly happily snoozing away. Even after stabbing someone in the shoulder, she was worry free.

    "I'll do that. And, that healing spell you just used. It's beyond common sense to be able to instantly heal wounds like that. If a priest saw you, they'd probably be crying and begging for you to teach it to them."

    After receiving the final blow, the hero immediately struck Matari's neck, knocking her unconscious. Afterward, she used her healing spell on the unconscious Matari and herself to heal their bodies.

    "It's not that convenient. Sure, the body can be completely healed. But you can’t heal the mind."

    "What do you mean?"

    "Even if my arm is torn off, my insides are ripped out or my eyes are gouged out, I can just fix everything with my healing spell. But normal people can't handle it."

    "Why? As long as the body is healed there should not be any problems."

    "My healing spell causes an equivalent pain while healing the body. Having to endure an intense pain again eventually destroys your mind."

    The hero picked up a nearby pebble and threw it into the river. After creating ripples, the stone quietly sank.

    "...... Then, how can you bear it?"

    "I'm not normal. Because I'm a hero. I can't just say I don't want to because it hurts... Besides."

    The hero paused for a moment.

    "You can get used to the pain. Eventually, your mind and body will become numb to it. That’s something I've noticed."

    The hero laughed, but the two were at a loss for words. They might part ways sooner than expected.

    “I guess they’ll call me a monster before long. Because that’s exactly what happened before.”

    Matari began to move next to her, seemingly having woken up. So, the hero checked her eyes with caution. The red eyes had returned to normal, and there were no signs of her previous bloodlust. It seemed like she had come back to her senses.

    The hero decided to start with a sermon for now.

    "I-ich, hurshts, H-eroh."

    "Shut up. You’re lucky I even forgave you after all of this, you know? Besides, if you fight like that, you'll only get yourself killed faster. Control it with your own willpower!”

    "Th-Thash, h-horrebul."

    "We're just getting started!"

    When Matari woke up, the hero carried her punishment to her heart's content. Anyone would be upset if their faces were mercilessly smashed in while being mounted. What’s more, the bonus of a sword being swung down at them. It couldn’t be helped as it was training, but what makes you angry makes you angry. So she was pinching her cheeks as hard as she could until she was satisfied.

    Edel and Lulurile warmly watched the scene. It seemed their highest priority was to stay out of harm's way.


    For some reason, the strange gray-haired fisherman was looking at them, seemingly happy. He seemed to be a person of peculiar tastes.

    "Phew. I'll leave it at that for now. Now, let's go back to the inn and wash off this sweat. So, Edel, did you catch any fish?"

    "Today’s dinner will be a delicious fish dinner. I'll ask the master to prepare it for us."

    "That sounds nice doesn’t it? I'll drink so much that the fish will drown in it."

    The hero rotated her shoulders in a gesture to loosen her stiffness while Matari held both of her cheeks and pleaded her innocence.

    "Th-That hurt. Can someone please explain to me what's going on? Why did I have to be pinched!?"

    "I don’t want to. Remember for yourself."

    "I-It's terrible, look at it. See how bright red my cheeks are? It’s probably going to scar!"

    Matari showed her face to Edel and Lulurile. They were indeed red and swollen. The combination of her teary-eyed face and bright red cheeks combined to create an exquisitely strange and funny expression.

    The gray-haired fisherman started laughing as if he couldn't stand it any longer. Throwing away his fishing rod, he bent his body to hold his stomach.

    A puzzled Matari looked at the gray-haired fisherman.

    "No, no, I'm sorry. It’s just, you seem like a completely different person from the fierce and violent warrior here a second ago. Sorry for laughing all of a sudden."

    "U-Uh, who are you?"

    "Just a bored fisherman. As an apology for laughing at you, how about I give you some of my fish."

    Handing a large basket of fish to Matari, the gray-haired fisherman stood up. He looked to be about thirty or forty years old. He had a young-looking face, but his gray hair made him look old. He had a fine sword at his waist, but with his thin arms and frail-looking body, he probably wouldn’t be able to use it well. His complexion didn't look well either, he was undoubtedly suffering from a serious illness of some kind. There was a gentle smile on his face, but occasionally, you could see an expression as if he were holding something back.

    "Thank you very much. Are you an adventurer too?"

    "Yeah, I'm actually in the Swordsmen Guild. If you'd like, you could come pay us a visit. We'd gladly welcome fine swordsmen like you two."

    "Y-You're from the Swordsmen Guild!? You need a great deal of skill to even get in there!"

    "Well, let's not sweat the details....... Yeah, that’s..."

    The fisherman stroked his chin as if to hide his face. Then he seemed to have noticed something and raised his right hand towards the bank.

    "It looks like someone's come to pick me up. I guess that's it for today's fishing."

     A woman in a white coat came rushing in from the bank.

    "Y-you already slipped out again!? Please stop, Dr. Benz will get mad at me!"

    "What, staying cooped up in that gloomy place makes me feel depressed, you know."

    After saying that much, the gray-haired fisherman – Ramsey, coughed violently, covering his mouth. The palm used to hold his mouth was tinged with something red. He calmly wiped it off, and his face broke into a smile as if something had occurred to him.

    "If you feel like it, come pay us a visit. If you want, I should be able to help you both become officers. Your abilities certainly seem real."

    "I'll pass. I don't want to die serving anyone."

    "I-I'm grateful for the offer, but I'm still training."

    "I see, but life is long. Come by if you ever change your mind. Preferably, while I'm still conscious."

    Ramsey left after those words. However, after walking a minute, he turned around and raised his voice.

    "...... Hey, the girl who calls herself a hero. Where did you learn to use a sword?"

    "It was drilled into me a long time ago. It's just still ingrained in my body."

    "Is that so? Well, you've shown me something quite interesting. Thank you for showing me the real thing."


    The hero sensed a particular smell from Ramsey. It wasn't the stench of rot, but one of familiarity.

    "What's wrong?"

    "No, it's nothing. In any case, hopefully you don’t leave any regrets."

    "Hehe, yeah. I certainly hope so....... Mutually."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "See you later."

    Raising his hand, Ramsey left, supported by the nun.

    After watching them leave, Edel muttered.

    "As I thought; his condition seems to be as bad as the rumors say."

    "Do you know him?"

    "No. I just know he's quite a celebrity in this city."

    "Ramsey, the Swordsmen Guild's master. A descendent of one of the three legendary heroes, Ramsus. It would be terribly difficult to find someone who does not know about him."

    The hero's face tightened at those words.

    "I-Is that Ramsey!? He looks completely different from the last time I saw him."

    "He's been sick for a long time. Moreover, all his black hair has gone gray. It's no wonder you didn't notice."

    "...... Is he the descendant of one of the three heroes?"

    "Yes, a mighty demon with three horns and four wings── The three heroes were the ones who defeated the strongest demon, the Demon King. It is a legend from five hundred years ago known to everyone on the continent."

    "Oh, did you not know about it, hero-girl?"

    "I don't know."

    The hero expressionlessly responded with those words. 

    Ignoring Edel, who seemingly wanted to ask something, called to Matari.


    "Eh, w-what is it?"

    "Let's get the hell out of here. I'm covered in sweat and mud, and it feels gross. Come on, Pinky and Round-eyes, hurry up!"

    "I’m Lulurile, not Round-Eyes. It’s as if these round-framed glasses are my real body."

    "Wait a second, I haven't put away my fishing rod yet. And stop calling me Pinky!"

    "Just do it quickly. I'm going on ahead!"

    The hero picked up the fishing basket and began running towards the Paradise Pavilion.


    After washing away the unpleasantries, she could drink alcohol to her heart's content and forget about everything. Then she would certainly be happy.


    ──The Joint Research Hall of the Scholars Guild.

    Lulurile, who had not been to the guild for a while, was applying the finishing touches on a prototype left neglected. The prototype was a throwing projectile, in particular, a weapon that had failed spectacularly when tested on a slime. The main improvement since then was an extra addition of durability.This came at the expense of power, but that was no replacement for reliability. With this improvement, the throwing projectile was complete. But she had no intention of demonstrating it to those around her, as when it came to cost-effectiveness, it was a catastrophic failure. However, it was much too aggravating for her to scrap it half-way through, so she planned to present the completed failed work to Matari as a gift. Its contents could even be replaced with spices for use on Edel.

    If one was to show off their finished product and get approval from the guild master, they would be rewarded with research funds. This approval system was unique to the Scholars Guild and was limited not only to weapons and tools, but to research findings regarding demons and the labyrinth itself. A scholar's job was to research and study certain fields that could prove of use. Simply put, create something that would please their sponsor, the Star Church. The guild master was desperate to be recognized for his achievements, so naturally, his purse strings were tight – It was a scholar’s job to loosen it somehow.

    If one was unable to get approved, they would have to conduct their own research and experiments at their own expense. Many go bankrupt, but it was a small price to pay in the pursuit of their dreams and fame. Failure wouldn’t result in losing your life; even if they ran out of money, they always make more of it in the labyrinth. However, great caution was needed, as there they could lose your life.

    "Lulurile, did you hear that?"

    When Lulurile finished her work and sat down to take a break, a group of junior guild members called out to her.

    "No, I didn’t hear that. I was busy finishing my work today."

    "Listen, it's about the infamous Russ Nubes, he was defeated. The whole town's been talking about it. I wonder how they did it."

    A junior colleague was distressed with his arms crossed.


    Needless to say the answer, as it was the work of the hero who she was currently acting with. That was absolutely certain, as she had seen it with her own eyes. Lulurile tried to tell them, but the younger scholars had already moved on.

    "If that's the case, then weren’t those guys from the other day bounty hunters? Remember, that annoying group of people that came to buy crossbows."

    "Those people had the tables turned on them and were all killed. I heard that half of them died. In the labyrinth, no matter how strong a crossbow is──"

    A junior who was about to continue their rant, hurriedly clasped their mouth in realization of their mistake. The crossbow was a work developed by Lulurile, and it was no secret that she had an extraordinary enmity to sorcerers.

    "It's a fact, so it can't be helped. In the labyrinth, sorcerers are like fish in water. If you want to fight one, that's the last place you would want to be."

    On the ground, the crossbow had a superior rate of fire, and could completely kill a sorcerer whose magic power was depleted. However, in the underground labyrinth, a sorcerer could always refill their magic power. Moreover, there were many obstructions that killed any advantage the crossbow had. In an open field void of any obstacles or coverings is a battlefield where a crossbow can be fully utilized.

    "But if it's the reinforced crossbow that you’re developing."

    "Sorcerers aren't stupid. I don't think they would face something like that head-on. There's also a limit to how much its power can be increased. To develop it further, it will be necessary to look at it from a new perspective, to gain new insights and fresh inspiration."

    Lulurile let out a sigh, clicked her tongue, and pressed her temples. She was frustrated that she had succumbed to her usual bad habit again. It wasn't about the sigh, but about her hostility towards sorcerers. She intended to develop a weapon for use against demons, but before she knew it, was working on a weapon for use against sorcerers – and that motivated her to work harder. The crossbow, the repeating crossbow, and the reinforced crossbow in development were the product of her hatred of sorcerers. And the same could be said for the throwing projectile she had just completed. Its purpose was to recreate the effects of magic and to displace sorcerers from their role in society.

    "Why...... Do I hate sorcerers so much?"

    The hero used magic, but she wasn't particularly hostile to her. Though, she was a hero, not a sorcerer. However, she’s always felt a hatred towards Edel. Merely because she was a sorcerer. No matter how hard she tried, she could never be a sorcerer. Jealousy, a spiteful-envy, these were the feelings that raged in her heart.

    But even if she could use magic, would it really resolve her issues? She was a scholar, not a sorcerer. No one would ever call her one, and her parents who gave up on her would never accept her. They gave up on her because of something she had no control over: her natural aptitude.


    While Lulurile’s eyes were closed indulging in dark thoughts, another guild member approached her.

    "Ah, there you are, Ms. Lulurile. The old guild master called for you. He seemed pretty upset about something."

    "What is it? Have I been caught embezzling?"

    "Maybe it's because you haven't been in the guild lately? The old man wants to urge you to finish the reinforced crossbow. It seems he’s been urged by various parties for its completion."

    "If you say so, I wouldn't know anything about it."

    "Are you working on something new? I'm not going back to my dorm yet, so if you need it, I can help."

    "Actually, I’ve been working with a group since the other day. Now I'm staying at the Paradise Pavilion as we work together. Though, it’s quite hectic there."

    When Lulurile told them this, the other guild members' eyes widened, and their mouths opened to reveal their surprise. Some even dropped the chemicals they were mixing.

"L-Lulurile joined a group!? Y-You mean the research first, and extremely uncooperative Lulurile!?"

    "I can't believe it! What kind of people are you working with? Is there a big sturdy man who would be a good research subject? Or is there a mutant werewolf?"

    Lulurile glanced around while touching her glasses.

    "You see, they’re impertinent and crude characters. But, they're all lovely women....... Though there is one person that annoys me, she's a sorcerer."

    "A s-s-s-sorcerer. Y-you,  Lulurile, who hates sorcerers to death..."

    "If I don't put up with her, I'll be kicked out. It's unpleasant, but I have no choice. Because I still want to work with them. You mentioned Russ earlier, it was the leader of my group who killed him. It’s said that she’s a real hero. That's amazing, right?"

    Lulurile left the Joint Research Hall, leaving behind the junior scholars petrified in bewilderment.

    A smile appeared on her mouth. When she recalled her life with that noisy group, she realized that the dark feelings she felt earlier were blown away. For what it was worth, Lulurile really was fond of those people. Albeit only a few days having passed, so much had happened. And the hero's actions were unpredictable, and it was hard to take your eyes off of her. There are all sorts of new discoveries that cannot be found by confining yourself within a laboratory. And she was sure there would be more to come. Thinking about that, she couldn’t help but feel somewhat happy.

    ──Yes, Lulurile was sure it would certainly be fun.

    "Excuse me."

    When Lulurile entered the Guildmaster's office, there was an old man with a sullen expression on his face. The old man was the master of the Scholars Guild, and although he was narrow-minded, he had a vast array of knowledge in various fields. But one of his shortcomings was that he was too old to think open-mindedly. He tended to be reluctant to try new things and preferred to strengthen and develop existing conventional products.

    "Can I help you?"

    "Ah, I've been waiting for you, Lulurile. I've been worried because I haven't seen your face around lately. It’s great to see you're doing well."

    "There's no problem. Just like any other adventurer, I've been in the labyrinth."

    When Lulurile replied, the old man silently shook his head. It was very easy to guess what he wanted to say.

    “Stop wasting your time, and get on with the development of the reinforced crossbow."

    "Let the others handle those matters....... Let me be frank. I want you to stop your magic-related research immediately and continue developing the reinforced crossbow."

    "What on earth are you talking about?"

    Lulurile currently wasn't researching anything involving magic. She’s even admitted that the prototype grenade was a failure and moved on. The current subject of research was the hero. She really was interesting. It was fun to talk to her, and she was fascinating to watch. She couldn't help but wonder about her past and the secret of her strength. In any case, for the time being, she would follow her. There was no doubt that this was healthier than tempering her burning hostility towards sorcerers.


    The old man frowned at Lulurile's words.

    "There's no point playing dumb. I know that you've been carrying out research and experiments relating to magic in secret. I was tipped off that you've been taking advantage of your position as the lead developer to divert funds away from the development of the reinforced crossbow. This is why its progress has fallen significantly behind."

    The old man presented the investigation report. Looking through the papers carefully, it seemed to detail the funds that Lulurile had misappropriated in the past. There was nothing that could be done now that she’d been caught. Now she had no choice but to take responsibility honorably. It was a common story in this guild. As long as you paid back the money, there would be no problems. Though, obviously, if you didn't, you would have to work like a slave until you could pay it back.

    "I'm sorry, that is inexcusable. I will return all the funds entrusted to me."

    "No, if you resume development, that won't be necessary──"

    "Also, I'm not doing any magic related research currently. As I've found something else far more interesting."

    "Don't play dumb!"

    The old man spat and yelled.

    "It’s no lie."

    "Everything you do is useless. Many of our ancestors have already tried and proved that it leads to nothing but a dead end!"

    ". . . . . . . . . . . .Huh?"

      The conversation was incoherent to the point of being nonsensical, causing Lulurile’s head to hurt.


    I think this is what they call preaching someone to death, but this may be a little different. It seems a little more research into this field is needed.

    "An acquired ability to use magic. If such a thing were possible, the whole world would change. But something like that’s impossible. It's impossible for someone without a vessel to store magic power. Not only does our Scholars Guild recognize that fact, but so does the Star Church!"

    "Sorry, I'm busy with other research. As they say, time is money, so if that's all you need, please excuse me. I'm sorry, but there are people awaiting my return."

    Lulurile wanted to return as soon as possible. It seemed that today they would be training in the labyrinth for the Occupation Certification Exam. As Lulurile aspired to become the leading researcher in the study of the hero, she couldn't miss this. If she was too late, she might be left behind because of Edel's nasty character.

    "I've also received reports of the throwing projectile you've been developing. It seems that someone from the Sorcerers Guild has already created something with the exact same effect. It's been said that it's an extraordinary creation, something that would be much cheaper to produce than yours."

    "I know what it is. I was there for the experiment. It was the sorcerer Norman who developed it, no?"

    Lulurile turned and smiled fearlessly at him. The old man flinched at the unexpected response. Perhaps that was supposed to dampen her spirits.

    "I also know that I am despised, and scorned behind my back as a sorcerer’s failure. Therefore, I will take responsibility for the diversion of funds, and as pertinence, will be on suspension for the time being. The development of the reinforced crossbow will be frozen all the while. Feel free to expel me in the meantime. That wouldn’t be a problem."

    "W-Wait! I'm not done talking──"

    "Now, if you'll excuse me."

   She closed the door with a bang, and adjusted her glasses. Lulurile felt as if a weight had been lifted off her shoulders. Like the hero, she was able to say everything she wanted to say. She felt that she was able to clear her mind, if only a little bit.


    ──Someday, she would be a great sorcerer like her beloved parents. If that wasn’t possible, she wanted to become an outstanding person they would recognize. That was the only reason she had devoted herself to her research. Even if she couldn't use magic, she could do more than a sorcerer could, she wanted to prove that. When she made the crossbow, she thought something would change. She created a weapon that could turn the tide of war and received praise from those around her, but nothing changed. Her parents still wouldn't even see her; Lulurile's heart wasn't satisfied. The joy disappeared, leaving only a hollow emptiness remaining. To fill it, she threw herself back into her research. The cycle continued to repeat itself.

    Why didn't she have a vessel for magic? If both of her parents were sorcerers, she would almost certainly inherit it. Frustration, hate, misery, sadness, envy, jealousy, longing; If she could use magic, Luluriles parents would be so happy. If she were to tell the hero, she'd laugh at the ridiculousness of it all. Her criterion was whether or not you could kill a demon. Her way of thinking was just as long as you could; the means didn’t matter.If you think about it rationally, it was certainly a ridiculous story. Parents who've thrown out their children because they can't use magic or lack thereof. Why didn't she see it sooner?

    Someday, she would throw grenades full of spice at her parents. Lulurile, deciding to do so, began walking again.


    After returning to the research hall, Lulurile hurriedly prepared to leave. The time they promised to meet had already passed. A junior guild member called out to her with a suspicious look on his face.

    "Hey, Ms. Lulurile. You're already leaving?"

    "Yes. I won't be back for a while, so please take care of everyone."

    "...... What do you mean?"

    "I've been caught misappropriating funds. I'm taking responsibility for it and will be suspending my research for a while."

    Since the blueprints had already been submitted, there was a possibility that someone else might proceed with its development under the old man's instruction. If that was the case, it would be fine. Because she would just have to make another one that was superior.

    "N-No way!? There's no way we could proceed with its development without you! Please, reconsider!"

    "I don't know if this will happen. But supposing it’s handed over to you, best of luck. I'm not going to help."

    "Um, if you have any troubles..."

    "I don't have any in particular right now."

    Lulurile told him firmly, but the junior guild member folded their arms. He didn't seem to be convinced at all. If a person who was wholly devoted to their research suddenly left and said they were going to suspend everything, it would certainly be cause for worry. It wouldn't be strange for people to think she was giving up either. There was even a possibility that they could be mistaken for someone who was going to commit suicide.

    "This is different. I'm not worried about it."

    "If you don't want to rely on me as a counselor, why not go to Benz's Clinic? I’ve actually been going there recently myself."

    "Benz's Clinic, is it?"

    "It's a clinic run by a priest of the church. Dr. Benz has been really kind to me. He doesn't only help with your injuries and illnesses, but also any problems you might have. He said he can help treat the mind too. No matter how trivial my problems are, he listens to me without being too cruel."

    The junior guild member looked sincerely satisfied, as if they had no worries. Benz must be a good priest if he’s garnered so much trust.

    "Modern healing spells are pretty amazing. Could he really cure a mental illness?"

    "Don't worry, priests aren't sorcerers. They don’t use their magic for personal gain. I think he could really help you, Lulurile."

    Hearing such insistence from the junior member, Lulurile smiled bitterly. She was too old to believe in such a tall tale, because priests are human beings. However, it might be a good idea to go at least once. She was somewhat curious about the treatment for healing the mind.

    "...... Well. I guess you could call this a trial by fire. I'll visit one of these days."

    "Please do. Actually, I've already told him about you. I'm sure Dr. Benz would surely be pleased!"

    The junior guild member had a smile on their face until the end.

    "Hero! Please get up already!"

    The hero heard Matari's loud voice and turned over to respond.

    "Wake me up in about five hours. Then I'll be up and full of energy. Good night."

    She was ready to travel to the world of sleep again.

    "What are you talking about!? You said we were going to take the Profession Certification Exam today! I already told Rob!"

    "You guys, you're too noisy when it’s still morning. It's annoying, so please take it outside."

    Edel had already finished dressing and was drinking tea in an elegant manner. Everything from her clothes to her cup was dyed pink today. The eyes of the hero that were peeking out from under the covers were dazed.

    "I'm tired because I’ve been working myself to death training someone else. And I don't know why I was forced to help you guys collect corpses and dig for ore."

    Over the past week, the hero went into the labyrinth several times to help with Matari's training. After ignoring her request to spar again, the hero prepared an environment where she could fight one on one against demons.

    Edel said she wanted to replenish her supply of corpses she exhausted the other day, so the hero had to work with her to reclaim the bodies of demons they killed. Incidentally, the demons Matari had killed were left deformed from their original figures; her absurd physical strength was a sight to behold.

    Next was to dig for ore, pickaxe in hand. The hero was coerced into going along with Lulurile because she seemed to be free to do so. By the time she returned home, her entire body was black with dirt. After a week of that, she couldn’t help but be tired. Only Matari, Edel, and Lulurile were alive and well – and only the hero was tired. Such was the absurdity of the world.

    "You can sell collected ore for a good amount of pocket money. They contain small amounts of magic essence. As it’s said, many a little makes a mickle. And, sometimes gold is mixed within the ore."

    "I've never used a pickaxe before, so it was hard on my back."

    "I once dug for an entire day. Despite my appearance, I'm quite confident in my mining abilities."

    "...... Be careful not to get eaten from behind."

    "In that case, please protect me, Ms. Hero. As I'm but a feeble scholar."

    "Yeah, yeah, I get it."

    A feeble woman wouldn't be able to wield a pickaxe with one hand. The figure of her carrying a mountain of ore looked like that of a professional miner. While thinking so, the hero gave the appropriate response.

    After that, she looked around and let out a sigh.


    Matari tilted her head curiously and asked.

    "What's wrong?"

    "It really is too small and oppressive here. Edel, you said you had a house. Invite us already!"

    "My house is no good. I’ve got a lot of expensive tools for magic lying around. I don't need you getting out of control and breaking everything."

    "I'm not a kid!"

    When she involuntarily  jumped out of bed in a fit of anger, wondering why she was the only one called out, Matari handed her clothes from the side. It was perfect timing.

    "Here’s a change of clothes. Please get dressed quickly!"

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    The hero felt as if she'd become helpless, like a frail man being cared for by their devoted woman. Like a frail man who desperately clung to their past glory was taken care of by a woman who didn’t want to abandon him. People call these sorts, "dependents." When the hero imagined such a thing, she took her clothes grumpily, and Matari spoke with dismay.

    "Why are you so tired this morning? You went to bed the earliest."

    The hero had so much alcohol last night that she could've drowned in it. Which couldn’t be helped, as alcohol tasted best after a hard day's work. And afterward, Feeling better, the hero jumped into her covers and was first off to the world of dreams.

    "I'm not tired. I just sleep when I can. There’ve been times where I've fought without having slept. You don't want to think, 'I should've slept when I had the chance,' in times of emergency?"

    "I don't think that's what I would be thinking in the unlikely event that happens."

    Matari calmly interrupted while Edel continued drinking her tea, unconcerned. And Lulurile was noting the conversation in her notebook in detail.

    "Heroes eat well, drink well, and sleep well. It's important that you follow these rules. So you're always perfectly prepared."

    "Then please, get ready. It's almost time for breakfast. Please make sure you're perfectly prepared."

    Matari spoke coldly and handed her a towel. That must mean she should wash her face quickly.

    In the mornings, Matari radiated a strange energy that made it hard to argue with her. Moreover, she still wasn't awake enough to argue with her.

    "Hey, hero-girl. I have a couple things I’d like to ask you, if that’s okay?"

    Edel put down her cup and suddenly spoke to the hero.

    "What do you want all of a sudden?"

    "I want to know about your hometown, among other things. I'm very curious."

    "I'm interested in that too."

    "My hometown....... Sorry, I don't remember anything about it."

    The hero tried to pull the threads of her memory together, but it was of no avail. Her hometown, her parents’ faces, her friends’ faces, she couldn't remember a single thing. She covered her face with both hands. - How far back can I remember? Who can I remember? The hero grit her teeth and tried to remember.

    "....... Tch."

    All she could remember were her days she spent soaked in blood after becoming a hero. Sadly, her name didn't come to mind. Probably because there was no need for it. But why couldn't she forget the faces of those three when she didn't need them.

    "I'm sorry. I didn't really think about it. Take it easy."

    Edel put her hand on the hero's shoulder, as if it were an abscess.

    "...... What? This isn't like you?"

    "Don’t worry about it. Let's go on ahead."

    Edel signaled Matari and Lulurile.

    "H-Hey, wait a second. I'm still getting ready──"

    As the hero began to hurriedly take off her pajamas, Edel smiled.

    "Don't panic, we're not going anywhere. I'll prepare some food downstairs for you first, so take your time."

    "I-I'm not in a panic."

    "You'll be in trouble if you act so tough in your underwear. I can't help but feel like caressing you."

    Edel approached while moving her fingers suspiciously. The hero felt her chastity was in danger, and quickly drove her away.

    "H-Hey, get away from me! I'm not into that kind of stuff. I'm telling you in advance!"

    "Excuse me, neither am I. It's degenerative and immoral. And it's unproductive."

    "W-What are you talking about?"

    Matari curiously asked what they were talking about.

    "Yes, there are people with various hobbies and interests in this world. And one of them is──"

    "You don't need to explain it in detail, it's too soon for Matari! Don’t just go spouting off about all kinds of nonsense!"

    The hero quickly nailed Lulurile, who explained with a sheen in her glasses.

    "I see. In other words, it means you're not ready for it yet either."

    Edel quickly patted the hero on her head, and she quickly shook her off.

    "What the hell does that mean!?"

    "It means what it means. If you were an adult, you'd understand, right?"

    Gracefully placing her hand over her mouth and smiling, they all left the room, with Edel leading them.


    The hero had a feeling that if she didn't hurry, the boar would eat everything. So hurriedly changing her clothes, she followed after them.


    “It looks like it’s going to be another noisy day”

    But for just a moment, she thought that that wouldn’t be so bad.

    Upon arriving at the Warriors Guild, the group was led upstairs to a large room completely cut off from the sunlight, and Rob lit a candle.

    The hero didn't know why, but those taking the exam weren’t the only ones to enter the room. Other guild members who were drinking in their spare time entered the room one after another.

    "Are we going to take the exam in such a dark place?"

    "That's right. The reason why it's so dark is so the contents of the exam are projected clearly. Don't worry too much about it, that's just how it works."

    "What about these bored looking guys?"

    "They're just kind-hearted seniors who want to support their juniors...... Wouldn’t that be nice. If you don't like it you can kick them out. They've got nothing to do with the exam."

    Rob looked dumbfoundedly at the guild members bustling in excitement.

    "That's not true, Rob!"

    "We're going to support you too!"

    "...... I-I see. What should we do?"

    "I don't care, just as long as they don't get in the way."

    The hero looked at Matari, and responded with a nod indicating that there were no problems.

    "Well then, let's get started with the Profession Certification Exam. Are you ready?"

    "Can you tell us what we're doing first? Otherwise, we won't be mentally prepared for it."

    "Yeah, you're right. I haven't been told the details of the exam either."

    Matari was tense and nervous while the hero was acting naturally.

    "It's nothing complicated. I'll just be using this guy to take you to a little dream world."

    With that said, Rob took out a crystal that emitted a faint light. It looked fantastic in the dark room. Laying down a cloth, he placed the crystal on top of it and lightly tapped it with a sense of pride. The hero brought her face closer to observe it. She could feel a strange magic power, though it didn't seem to be particularly suspicious.

    "It just looks like a crystal. I wonder if it's used for some kind of ritual."

    "This is a Star-Gazing crystal. It's a tool provided by the Star Church to help with testing in guilds, and it's been in use since their founding. It's quite an old gem."

    "Hmm, so the Warriors Guild has the same test. I thought it was only for the Sorcerers Guild."

    "It's the same for the Scholars Guild as well. But there’s only a question-answer format test inside."

    Edel and Lulurile brazenly pushed aside the examinees' hero and Matari to take a closer look at the crystal. Why were they in here, acting as if they owned the place? They had nothing to do with the exam, so the hero had told them to do whatever they wanted.

    "Hey, what the hell's with these guys? I’ve been meaning to say something about it for a while now. Especially her in particular, the one who manipulates human corpses in the most repulsive way possible!"

    Rob glared at Edel with a scornful look.

    While Edel smiled bewitchingly as if to say, "What's wrong with that?"


    The hero was so irritated that she wanted to kick her, but put up with it, as the exam was beginning soon. If they got kicked out Matari would surely be really angry as well.

    "I'm the leader of these kids. I'm quite busy these days, but I'm here to support them."

    "Who's the leader? I told you to just hang around until we finished!"

    "Oh, I wonder. Weren't you the one that looked like you were about to cry from anxiety earlier?"

    "Why would I have been!?"

    When the hero involuntarily shouted, Edel smiled with satisfaction. The hero who had been provoked, averted her gaze and tried to calm her mind. This woman had a rotten personality that took pleasure in pissing people off. Keeping a level head was needed to deal with her.

    Matari, on the other hand, seemed to be deathly nervous and was completely off in her own world.

    "Anyway, you'll have to be quiet here. I won't tolerate any stupidity. Same goes for you, scholar!"

    "I know. I'll keep my mouth shut and watch closely. With both eyes wide open."

    "Goddamn it, if they weren't with these guys, I'd kick their asses out right now."

    Rob told them coldly, but they were undaunted. Not many people would be so bold.

    "You guys are killing the mood. If you get it, wait at the inn until we're done."

    The hero tried to drive them away with a shooing motion of her hand.

    "Isn’t it only natural to watch over your valued companions' exams? I'm so worried I can hardly stand it. I wouldn’t be able to make it home like this."

    Edel deliberately put her hand on the center of her ample chest and said so brazenly.

    "...... So, why is Saint Pinky really here?"

    "Of course, because I thought it would be fun. I'm very curious to see what kind of tests you two will have. I can hardly contain my excitement."

    "I knew it. Pinky is Pinky."

    "Fufu, I was worried about what I would do if I was kicked out without question. Apparently, my fears were unfounded."

    "Fear is often greater than the danger. It looks like it's about to start."

    Before they knew it, the exam was already prepared. The other guild members had taken chairs from somewhere and were camped around the crystal.

    "What are these drunks doing?"

    "An audience gathered around to watch the new recruits' exams. The image of your tests will be projected by the crystal, and these idiots see this as a way to pass the time, enjoy food and drinks, and make bets. Doesn't the sight of all your kind-hearted seniors make you want to cry?"

    "Thanks for the heads up."

    The hero felt dizzy in spite of herself. It really was a lousy guild that made her want to cry. She seriously thought about moving to the Rangers Guild. However, she didn't like the way the bear-man Bogan acted all high and mighty. And besides, the hero wasn't so great with her hands. She wasn't good at picking locks, and she didn't want to make traps.

    "Really, you’d only see this happen in a guild of warriors full of people with muscles for brains. Usually, you're not supposed to be watching someone else's exam. Well, thanks to that, it saved me from having to use a rat."

    "You were going to use necromancy to spy on us?"

    "That's right. You have to see what you're curious about with your own eyes. Fufu, necromancy is so convenient, isn’t it?"

    The hero was so dumbfounded she had no words. It seemed that she was really going to use a dead rat to peep on them if she got kicked out. So, it was seemingly possible for her to see through a corpse's eyes.

    "As expected of you, Edel! Peeping isn’t something a normal person with a normal moral sense would do! I guess that pink color isn't just for show!"

    Releasing the tension, Matari returned from her world and suddenly spat a fierce poison. The hero sometimes wondered if she really was an airhead. But she couldn't feel any maliciousness behind her radiant smile.

    "Th-Thank you very much. I'm honored by your compliments. And no, pink has nothing to do with it."

    Edel, who had been poisoned from the front, put on a fake smile while her face twitched violently.

    Rob lightly cleared his throat and started over.

    "Ahem. I'll make this short and sweet. You're going to use this crystal to go into the so-called dream world. The exam is to defeat the enemy there and bring back the star stone. I don't care how you do it. And don't worry, if you die there you won’t be affected out here."

    "What's a star stone?"

    "It's a stone that engraves the user's occupation on the one who obtains it. It's also an excellent tool that allows you to transfer to a previously stored location in the labyrinth, and it can even be used to transfer back above ground, this makes it a necessity for adventurers. It’s also known as a transfer stone."

    The hero remembered that they had used something to bring the victims underground up to the surface. That must have been a star stone. Edel and Lulurile must already have their own.

    "Can the stone be used on the ground?"

    It would be very convenient to be able to freely travel to and from other cities and countries. If that was possible, there wouldn't be a need for carriages and boats.

    "You can only use it in the magic-dense labyrinth. There can’t be something that convenient in this world."

    "Well, that's true. By the way, how hard is the exam?"

    "I'd say the pass rate is about seventy percent. I also only let those I think can pass the exam take it. Don't worry, even if you fail, I'll let you take it as many times as you like."

    "...... What kind of enemy will we see?"

    Matari asked anxiously.

    "I can't say yet. Anyway, just think about showing your mettle as a warrior, and don't give up until the very end. And you won't have anything to worry about. Matari, remember all the training you’ve done so far."

    Rob strongly encouraged her, and Matari clenched her fists.

    "I-I understand. I'll do my best!"

    "All right. Then it's about time we get started. Who wants to start us off? There's no way to do both of you at once since there's only one crystal."

    The hero and Matari locked eyes. Matari's eyes were pleading with her to go ahead first. And after thinking for a moment, the hero decided to let Matari take the test first. Prolonging her turn would only increase her anxiety. It would be best to let her challenge it quickly.

    "Matari, I'll give you the honor of being the first to go. Get yourself together and try your best."

    "Y-You're not going first, Hero!? I wanted to see what kind of test it was."

    Matari's eyes rounded in surprise. It seems that she didn't see it coming at all whatsoever.

    "The more you think about it, the more nervous you'll get. I'm sure you'll do better if you just go in there without thinking about it. Come on, get going!"

    The hero tried to encourage Matari by giving her a hard pat on the back.

    "I-I suppose so....... Alright, I'll gather up my courage and go!"

    A fired up Matari approached the crystal and sat in a seat that had been prepared for her. When Rob signaled, a skinny appraiser approached. It seems that he wasn't only in charge of appraisal and extraction work, but also of exams.

    "We'll start with Matari. Ease up and relax your breathing. When you're ready, put your hand on the crystal and close your eyes. Don't think about anything, let your mind go blank."


    Matari took a few deep breaths, then placed her hand on the crystal.

    "Alright, do it."

    "...... Okay. Let us begin."

    When the appraiser began to chant, the crystal started to emit a pale blue light. When the spell was activated, the crystal radiated a strong light toward a white cloth stretched out at the back of the room. Matari's body went completely stiff. It seemed that she had lost consciousness without incident, and was off to the dream world, or something like that. Would she be able to return safely?


    The men around a table immediately made bets on whether or not she would pass or fail. A good majority of the idiots in the room brought alcohol and were making a lot of noise. Watching two people fight seriously must go well with drinks and good food.

    "Looks like it’s started. Matari’s dream world is being projected on that white cloth."

    At Edel's words, the hero turned her attention to the large white cloth. The white cloth showed a place that looked like the inside of a temple, with a fully armed Matari looking around.

    "There’s some useful magic out there to project a person’s consciousness. I never thought I would get to see something like this."

    "This crystal is said to be technology left behind by Mina, the founder of the Star Church. Though, I don't know what its original purpose is."

    "Projecting consciousness isn't that big of a deal. Compared to the miracle of resurrecting the dead."

    Edel deliberately muttered something, but the hero did not respond.

    "Oh, it looks like Matari's opponent has appeared. I wonder who it might be. Well, I have a rough idea."

    As Edel spoke, someone wearing a gray hood appeared in front of Matari. They were shorter than her in stature.

    "Who is that?"

    "That's who Matari should be fighting. Earlier, I said I couldn't tell you what your enemy would be. That’s because you never know who you're going to face until you get in."

    The mysterious figure in the dream world thoughtlessly took off their hood, drew their sword, and assumed a fighting stance.

    "....... Eh?"

    The hero involuntarily exclaimed.

    Rob stroked his chin with a grin.

    Edel wore a big smile on her face.

    And Lulurile adjusted her glasses with a strange enthusiasm.

    "Well, I didn't expect this. I was expecting the head of the Arte family to show up for Matari."

    "As expected, I was almost certain this would happen."

    "Perhaps she has been holding back something she could not talk about. I would say this is an example of enduring unspeakable hardships to attain one's goal."

    If one does not refute, one can say all one wants.


    The mysterious figure that emerged was short, had a set of short black hair, and a cocky face, she played with her sword in a pompous manner as if she were invincible. The familiar figure was simply put, a hero.

    Matari held up her sword with a look of astonishment on her face. She seemed to be saying something to her, but the hero couldn't hear what she was saying. It seemed that the crystal didn't pick up voices or sounds.

    After a short exchange of words, a devilish smile appeared on the hero’s face, and attacked Matari. Matari was suddenly struck by a sharp kick to the abdomen, The fake-hero began to chase after her, continuing the attack, all the while, Matari fought back desperately.

    "Hey, why is there a fake of me in there!?"

    "This is what makes this exam special. The one you perceive to be the strongest being you’ve ever met will appear as your enemy. The crystal judges whether or not you passed or failed based on how you stand up to your opponent. Even if you lose, the crystal may still give you a star stone. By the way, I've served as the adversary many times. It's an honor in a manner of speaking. You should be happy about it."


    "If I took this same test now, I feel like a 'hero' would appear."

    "She makes a strong impression, doesn't she? She's ridiculously strong for how small she is. She calls herself a hero and uses powerful magic, and she has a bad mouth and an irreverent attitude. You couldn’t forget about her even if you wanted to.”

    Feeling humiliated, the hero glared at Edel. 

    Edel saying it was all true, poked her forehead with her fingertip.

    "Even so. I'm a hero, so why am I the one who's getting beaten up!? I don’t get it. Hey, send me in there right now."

    "Don't be crazy. You can't intervene. What the hell would you even do?"

    "It's simple. I'm going to beat up that bastard hero for her. It would be fine if I did it, but if someone else does, it makes me angry!"

    "What are you getting so worked up about? Look, if you're Matari’s friend, you should be supporting her. You should be praying for her to beat that hateful little girl with everything she's got."

    Edel looked sincerely happy, and the hero made a mental note to get even with her soon.

    In the dream world, Matari was beginning to lose herself as she did in her previous sparring match. Does her personality change whenever she’s driven into a corner?

    Her attacks were becoming more and more fierce and relentless. It was a single-minded offensive that completely abandoned defense. Contrary to one's assumption, it was an effective strategy as it prevented the opponent from attacking. However, she wouldn’t want to get close, as Matari’s expression had become very fearsome. She doubted she could judge friend from foe like this.

    "...... Hey, when did she start fighting so fiercely?"

    "Why are you looking at me? It's not my fault she's like that!"

    Rob looked at her with skeptical eyes, and the hero firmly denied it.

    Meanwhile, both Matari and the hero had thrown away their swords for some reason. They both stopped, and a fierce close-quarters fistfight began. Matari swung her arms savagely, battering her with a ferocious smile. The hero was being pushed back but managed to fight back. Their faces were both severely swollen and unsightly, and their noses were bleeding, but the melee continued.

    The drunks who were watching the fight were completely taken aback. Rob also seemed to be in a cold sweat and was moving a hand towel restlessly about.

    It was time to put an end to this seemingly endless struggle. Matari's fist perfectly caught the hero's face and succeeded in staggering her and kicked down the crumpled hero with a manic force. When she hit the ground, Matari quickly mounted her and mercilessly attacked her, putting all her weight behind her punches. The figure was that of a berserker. Unlike before, she was holding down her right arm to impede her action, seemingly having learned from her previous mistake.

    The pitiful enemy was completely incapacitated. With a twisted smile, Matari grabbed the hero’s neck with both and snapped it with a burst of strength. The slender neck twisted in an unpleasant direction. ── Unfortunately, the hero had died.

    "It’s over. It's a stunning victory for Matari."

    "The hero's dead. Oh god, please grant her a peaceful slumber. May her poor soul be saved."

    "...... Please don't declare me dead on your own."

    "Fufu, Matari is pretty good. I was surprised by how well she fought. That last attack gave me chills."

    Edel was smiling happily while offering a derisive prayer.


    While trampling on the corpse of the deceased hero, Matari raised her first and roared in triumph.

    "That idiot, that’s a little overkill. I'm getting more and more pissed off."

    "It's an exam, so forgive her. You're a grown up, aren't you?"

    “W-Well, it looks like the exam is over. Don't worry about it too much. It's not like she feels any hostility towards you or anything, it's the perception of strength that determines who her enemy is....... Hey, are you listening?"

    Rob followed up, trying to keep her from getting upset, but his words never made it to the hero’s ears. She would punish Matari as soon as she got back by pinching her cheeks as hard as she could. This was already set and stone.

    The light of the crystal gradually faded, and the test seemed to have ended. Upon regaining consciousness, Matari hurriedly confirmed the situation. She touched her face to check for any injuries, but she appeared unharmed, as those events were not of reality but of the dream world.

    The hero slowly approached Matari.

    "O-Oh. I guess it's over. But I should've got a stone for defeating the imposter Hero."

    "...... Welcome back, Matari. It looked like that was really tough. I was really worried about you."

    "Ah, Hero! That's right, the enemy of the test was actually Huro──"

    Before she could finish, the hero squeezed Matari's cheeks as hard as she could, pinching and twisting them without holding back.

    "I know, I saw the whole thing. You seemed like you were in a pretty good mood fighting me. I wonder if the grudge you've been holding back accidentally slipped out."

    "Itch, hurtsch!!"

    "Yeah? I don't think it's that big a deal. I just had my neck snapped."

    "Hiya, sh-top!"

    Matari grew teary-eyed, but the hero continued to pull her cheeks.

    "O-Oi, that's enough. Matari, show us the stone you brought back."

    At Rob's words, the hero had no choice but to let go.

    "Th-This is terrible! You'll leave a scar!"

    "Don’t worry about that, just show me the stone. Look, you're holding something in your left hand. I'm sure it's probably the star stone."

    Matari looked like she had more to say, but reluctantly showed Rob the stone she was holding.

    "U-Uh. I-Is this it?"

    "Alright. You've passed the exam. Now the star stone will mark you as a warrior. Hold the stone and think hard. But be careful, the hand holding it will be the one engraved."

    "Think? But what should I even think about?"

    "Why don't you think about your dreams and what you wish to achieve? It doesn't matter what it is, just do it."

    Matari was puzzled but did as Rob instructed. Holding the star stone in her left hand, she began to groan as she meditated.

    "...... I want to be a warrior, a great warrior. A worthy warrior that won't bring shame to the Arte name!"

    The hero thought she would be more likely to become a berserker but didn't say so aloud. As Matari's expression was serious, she decided not to make fun of her.

    A strong light emanated from her first, and Matari's left hand began to shine. An emblem-like pattern emerged, and then the light faded away.

    "...... It seems like it was a success. Hey, you can open your eyes now. You've got an emblem engraved on your left hand."


    "Y-Yes. You've been accepted as a worthy warrior. G-Good for you, Matari."

    Rob stumbled over his words for some reason, his face was completely tense.

    Matari opened her eyes and happily checked her left hand. Her big smile gradually faded, and she rubbed her eyes several times. There seemed to be something she couldn’t grasp. The hero also peeked at it. And there certainly was an engraving on her left hand.

    "S-Say, I-Isn't there something wrong with this? S-somehow, this feels a little extreme......"

    "The sword is a symbol of a warrior. I don't think there's anything wrong with it at all. Everything is just extra detail. You won't make it big if you get caught up on something like this."

    Rob made a blanket statement without looking directly at the emblem. He seemingly didn't want to get into it.

    "N-No, well, it's just that, isn't there something wrong with this engraving?"

    "The star stones never make mistakes....... Just give up quietly."

    "N-No way."

    Matari's shoulders slumped.


    An emblem was engraved on her left hand. Two swords crossed to pierce a skull. An emblem that looked like it belonged on a pirate flag. It did indeed mean she was a warrior, so it was not wrong, but more specifically, a mad warrior - a berserker.

    "It's a great fit for you, Matari. Isn't it great that you've been recognized as a berserker? That's a really nice emblem, too. I'm so jealous."

    "Y-You have a big smile on your face, Hero. And everyone is backing away! Ugh, can't I erase it?"

    Matari began to rub the back of her left hand with a scrubbing motion, but unfortunately, it showed no signs of disappearing. It was called an engraving, so that's what it was.

    "There's no way to erase it. Well, not that there's no way to erase it. But once you erase it, you can't get it back. And you'll never be able to enter the labyrinth."

    "...... N-Never?"

    Lulurile began to cheer up the depressed and sullen Matari.

    "I'm sorry for your loss, Ms. Matari. You have my condolences...... Pf-f."

    "...... Lulurile. Why are you covering your mouth?"

    "G-Good things come to those who smile."

    "This is far from something good; you're bringing bad things! Why do I have a skull and crossbones!?"

    "It's okay, Matari. Small fry will run away in fear just at the sight of your emblem. Fufu, I'm sure you'll get a nice title to go along with it one day."

    "Skull Warrior Matari. Matari, the Death God. Matari, The Girl Who Looks Good With a Skull...... Pfft."

    "H-Hero, stop trying to make me laugh!"

    ". . . . . . . . . . . . Pff!"

    "Th-This isn’t funny you three! Think about it from the other person's perspective!"

    When the hero involuntarily burst out laughing, Edel and Lulurile held back their laughter while their bodies shook.

    Matari's face was a bright red.

    "I-I'll hide it in a gauntlet so nobody can see it. A skull and crossbones are bad luck. Besides, everyone would look at me funny if they knew about this!"

    "It's a little late for that, don't you think? Tomorrow, it'll be the talk of the guild. And the day after, it'll be the talk of the town."

    Loud-mouthed drunks were watching the exam, so word would spread quickly. Matari's shoulders slumped again. And the hero would also help spread the word. She told herself that there wasn't anything wrong with that in her heart, as she hadn't gotten revenge for the previous matter.

    "All right, Matari’s good. So now it's your turn."

    "...... It's not good at all. It's a big problem."

    Matari mumbled to herself, but the hero casually ignored her.

    "It's finally my turn. I'll make this quick."

    "Ah, Hero, good luck! If it's you, I'm sure you'll be fine!"

    Matari, hiding her left hand, offered her words of support.

    "I'd like to say no to push yourself, but I'm not sure what you're gonna find."

    "As it's the hero's opponent, I'm sure something amazing will appear. I'm really looking forward to it."

    "I am really looking forward to it as well. My heart is pounding."

    The hero just shrugged their words off with a "yeah, yeah."

    "Now, take a seat here. Put your hands on the crystal and relax. Don't be nervous, just try and calm yourself. Well, there really isn't a point in telling you that, is there?"

    "I always act naturally. I can't be nervous."

    "Good luck. Fufu, I wonder what sort of enemy will appear."

    "I knew I should've just kicked you out."

    The appraiser called out to the hero, interrupting their small talk.

    "Are you ready?"

    "Whenever you’re ready. Get on with it."

    "Then I will now use the spell."

    The appraiser began to chant, and covered in a strong light, she could feel herself sink deep into her consciousness. It was as if she were sinking underwater. She sank deeper and deeper, until the feeling of floating in the air disappeared, and her feet touched ground.


    The hero opened her eyes and warily looked around. It was not a temple like Matari’s dream, but a terribly dimly lit place with a single giant throne. And the one who sat atop the throne was a man dressed in luxurious garments. At first glance, the figure looked to be only a human. But upon closer inspection, you could easily tell that it was no human. And in its scaled hand was a sword that emitted an eerie black glow.

    "As I thought. You're my opponent... You and I are very much alike. Those words are a little nostalgic now after all this time, don’t you think?"

    The hero recalled the first time she ever met the Demon King. A few words exchanged in a brief moment. The hero still remembered them vividly. She believed that the both of them, despite looking completely different from one another, were quite similar. The hero fought only to kill demons, and the Demon King fought only to kill humans. So they both could understand the burden one another had to bear.

    "...... Why don't you just show your true form? I don't need you to hold back. You did this 'then' too."

    The Demon King stood up with a twisted smile. When he held the black sword above his head, a deep darkness began enveloping their surroundings. With a flash of lightning the darkness vanished; and there, where a humanoid figure stood moments ago, was a deformed monster. This was the true form of the Demon King.

    In their battle before, the humanoid form of the Demon King had been cornered, forcing him to finally reveal himself. The pride of the Demon King would not allow him to show a human his true strength from the beginning.

    The might of the Demon King's true form was incomparable to that of the humanoid form.

     Its body bore red scales as tough as a dragon’s, shining sharp teeth able to effortlessly crush and rip through heavy armor, three long twisted horns protruding from its head, and four massive black wings outstretched behind its back. Its body possessed a brilliant physical strength that surpassed even giants, and its hands were equipped with four deadly claws capable of tearing anything apart.

    It was a hideous monster that forsook reason and intellect, and attacked with a hatred pervading every inch of its entire body. It was truly the mightiest and most supreme demon worthy of being the king of demons.



    "...... But you’re different from him. We fought to the end, as far as our wills would take us. We never danced to anyone's tune. Without a will of your own you're just a fake; a meaningless ghost."

    The Demon King, enraged, released his anger with a hate-filled roar; in turn, the hero drawing a shining sword, began running towards the throne with all her might.

    The proud Demon King led many demonic beasts in a war against humanity. If the human who was forced to bear the hopes of humanity was a hero, then the demon who was forced to bear the hatred of demons was the Demon King. The hero and the Demon King; Light and darkness; because they were so contradictory, they were so alike. But understanding each other would change nothing. Humans and demons could never coexist. The only way their conflict would end was with death.


    Flames burst forth from the Demon King’s mouth with a wrathful roar.


    Diving head-on through the scorching inferno, the hero leapt forward, thrusting out her sword.

    ──The battle between the hero and the Demon King had begun once again in the fake, world of deceit.


  1. "You were going to use necromancy to spy with necromancy?"
    seems there is somethin wrong here
