Thursday, November 25, 2021

The Maiden Called Hero or Monster - Bonus Chapter 2

    ── Nice short and sweet bonus chapter. We've got two chapters left now, so it seems like I'll actually be able to finish before the year ends as I planned. I don't really have much to say this time around other than Happy Thanksgiving to those celebrating. For those not celebrating it, just be sure to have yourselves a good one regardless. I appreciate you guys sticking through what I've translated so far. To be fair it's the only english version of this novel online atm, albeit being fan translated, so it's probably more a 'take what you can get' kind of situation. With that said, hope you all enjoy the chapter. 



     ── It was dusk.

    The hero and Matari, who had gone shopping, returned home with large bags in hand.

    "We're home. Could you guys come help us, please!...... Is anyone even here?"

    The hero called out several times at the door, but no one replied.

     Matari tilted her head in confusion.

    "Uh, the door was unlocked, wasn't it?"

    "Yeah, it was."

    "So, I guess they both went out."

    "And they didn't even lock the door? Well, it's fine. I don't have anything someone could steal anyway. If you're up there snoozing away, I'll hit you. I asked you to get stuff for me, Pinky and round eyes."

    "Um, I actually dropped an apple on the way back. Can I go get it?

    "...... You should've picked it up on the spot once you noticed it."

    The hero was taken aback.

    Matari quickly made an excuse.

    "I-It's because, we both had our hands full with the bags. If I set them down, all the apples would have rolled away."

    "Alright, alright, I get it. Just hurry and pick it up. Before some glutton eats it!"

    "Understood, I'll be quick!"

    Matari rushed off at full speed. 

    After seeing her off, the hero stepped inside again with the bags. Once she carried the food into the kitchen, she went back for Matari's things when she ran into the other people living in this house. The other inhabitants of the house being Edel, a necromancer, and Lulurile, a scholar.

    "Welcome home, hero-girl."

    "Thank you for buying groceries."

    Without answering their greeting, the hero scowled and squeezed out a reply.

    "...... It pains me greatly to ask this. But what the hell are you guys doing?"

    "We thought we'd greet you in these outfits. Matari was the one who was scared that something was in the house. So, I figured we'd try and dispel her unwarranted fears. I guess we did go a little overboard."

    "This is the so-called shock therapy. The idea is to build up a tolerance to something by deliberately exploiting the problem. If it proves successful, Ms. Matari's fear of ghosts will be eliminated. You will not know until you try, so we have decided to try."

    It could be said that their appearances were much different from the norm. They were dressed like corpses, and their faces were covered with elaborate death-like makeup. Their appearances were that of zombies swirling with resentment toward the living.
    It was apparent that Matari had a problem with something in this house from the start. An unidentified, suspicious shadow seemed to be in the house. A terrifying ghost, according to Matari. The hero told her repeatedly not to worry about it, but that was seemingly difficult for someone like her.
    So, in an attempt to relieve her fear, Edel and Lulurile were going to put her through trial by fire. Of course, their real reason for doing so was because of nothing more than boredom. They seemed to have had a great time preparing and planning.

    "...... Wasn't there someone who could've prevented this all from the start? ...... Surely they couldn't be in this house."

    The hero sighed while holding her temples. 

    The inhabitants of the house, including the hero, to put it simply, never listened to others. So, the aforementioned 'someone' could not exist among them.

    "Oh, did you want to help out too, hero-girl? It's just makeup, so I can easily whip you into shape right now. Wanna do it?"

    "I'm not gonna play along with your nonsense! Besides, I'm busy. Now, move over!"

    Pushing aside the two zombies, the hero began to organize their things. They had bought a complete set of daily necessities, including everyday clothing, nightwear, home and cooking utensils. Some of these things were already in the house prior to moving in, but she seemingly did not want to use them. She didn't even know who used them prior; so, obviously it would be disgusting to use them. Therefore, everything in this house would be disposed of sooner or later. It all would be burned to ashes and completely forgotten.

    "...... Hm?"

    The hero stopped unpacking and looked around.

    "Is something wrong? Did you by chance see a real ghost?"

    "No, it was nothing...... More importantly, why is your eye falling out? I'm sure you don't need to make something this elaborate to scare her."

    The hero poked Lulurile's eye with her finger. Behind her cracked glasses was an eyeball nearly torn out its socket. 

     Lulurile worked all night to craft such a thing. It was unnecessarily detailed and a faithful recreation to the touch. The workmanship was so good that it could be mistaken for the real thing.

    "I am a firm believer that if you are going to do something, do it thoroughly. Though, I did have a hard time getting the eyeballs to be tactile."

    "Well, just make sure you clean up after yourselves."

    "I understand. It is what we call joint and several liability. I look forward to working with you then."

    "You don't get it at all, do you!? ──I mean, look, you can see there's fake blood everywhere! Even though I went through the trouble of cleaning!!"

    As the hero got angry, her face blushed. 

    Indeed, a red liquid was dripping from Edel and Lulurile's ragged garments, staining the floor yet again in red.

    ──Even though she had just made the previous ones less noticeable.

    "Do not worry. This fake blood does not smell and is easily wiped away. I was sure to think about what was to come after."

    "I don't like how proud you are of dressing up like dead people. Anyway, you guys are cleaning this up on your own!"

    "I know── Oh, no, Matari's coming back. Come on, Lulu, let's go!"

    "Please stop calling me, Lulu. Ms. Pinky."

    "Then how about you stop too."

    "I will take that into consideration."

    Two zombie-like figures bickered while making their way to the front door. To sell the act, the two stuck out their hands and staggered to and fro much like a zombie would. After seeing that, the hero fell back onto the sofa with a sigh. It seems that the audience has a good idea of what is going to happen next.

    A short time later, she could hear them rushing from the door up to the second floor. The two zombies were running as if to escape from something.
    Matari followed; her eyes were hyper-focused as she slowly ascended after them. Her mouth was slightly twisted, and a boiling rage could be felt emanating from her entire body.
    As a result of Edel and Lulurile getting carried away and scaring her, Matari fainted. And when she awoke, the atmosphere around her had changed completely. As soon as Matari got up, she unleashed a powerful punch that left a huge hole in the entrance wall. If one was to get hit by it, they would surely die.
    The voices of the two zombies trying to explain themselves fell on deaf ears, as Matari began to move towards them with a maniacal smile on her face. That one was much more terrifying to the hero.

    The two zombies had been cornered in the upstairs bedroom. Edel held out her hands in front while desperately trying to appease Matari. Drops of sweat lined her forehead, unable to hide her desperation.

    "W-Wait. H-Hey Matari? Just calm down for a second. You'll understand if you hear us out! Come on, take a deep breath and relax!"

    "This is the so-called one that does not listen. It is said that when people are infuriated, the hair on their heads stands towards the sky, this must be exactly what that implies. I am learning a lot."

    "This is no time to be calm! We have nowhere to run!"

    "It is okay. I will survive at your expense. I probably will not forget you."

    "Not a chance!"

    "H-Hey, stop it. I do not want to be in front. S-Stop pushing me!"

     Lulurile, who had been calm all this time, suddenly panicked and resisted. The two wrestled with each other trying to push one another forward. Meanwhile, Matari slowly approached, one step at a time.

    "... Kill"

    Matari stopped as she was about to take her next step, as Edel muttered something.

    "You've got it all wrong. We were just trying to help you get over your fear. Yeah, with a little bit of will, and a little bit of luck, you'll──"

    "Kill, kill, kill! Evil spirits must die!! All those possessed by evil spirits must also die!!"

    "...... Her eyes are completely gone. Ms. Matari really is relentless as a berserker. Ms. Pinky, I am sorry, but you will have to give up this time."

    "This time!?' There's not going to be a next time! And I keep telling you my name isn't  Pinky, you musty smelling four-eyes! Has all that scholar crap made your memory worse!?"

    "I do not smell musty. Please retract those words immediately!"

    "No, I hate you and your scheming glasses! Why don't you wipe off those tacky round lenses and ask me again!"

    "I-I cannot tolerate this rotten Pinky any longer! I will dye that pink, red!"

    A blushing Lulurile grabbed Edel.

    "L-Lulu, l-look in front of us!"


    Matari smiled with a grin and twisted at her waist, firing a ferocious punch. The roaring iron fist hit Lulurile directly in the face.

    ... Or so it seemed. But the hero successfully stopped her just in time. She entwined her arms around the tall Matari's neck, tightening her grip as hard as she could.

    "Really, playing a prank like that on her is like throwing oil on a fire. You guys saw the sparring match we had before."

    "B-By a hair's breadth. Really, you have saved me."

    "... Kill, evil spirits!!"

    "I told you, there aren't any evil spirits in this house, and if anything comes out, I'll protect you. So, calm down."

    "Ugh, guaaaaah!!" 

    Matari shook her head and was flailing about. Her red face and disturbed hair gave no indication that the voice of the hero had reached her.

    "Nothing? Well, this is too much trouble. For now, just go to sleep."

    When the hero concentrated her strength, Matari lost consciousness and finally became docile.


    When things settled down, the hero, uncharacteristically, lectured Lulurile and Edel, and pinched their cheeks. She then ordered them to clean up after themselves and put Matari to bed. Lulurile and Edel seemed to be sorry in a way for overdoing it, so they began cleaning up as they were told. And while they were at it, repair the massive hole in the entrance wall. With that in mind, the two nodded at each other in agreement to never tease Matari again for fun.

    The hero huffed out a sigh, sat down in a nearby chair, and then stared at me.

    "...... You're there, right? Sorry we ruined your house. I already punished them, so please give us a break."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "I can see you, or you guys. Only faintly, though. You guys used to live here, right?"

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    I thought about the question. My parents have already gone, but I am still here. Who, what am I? I am not sure now that I've mixed it up. But I'm pretty sure I lived here. I don't know if she'll get the message, so I'll just nod to myself for now.

    "I don't really know what's going on. But as long as you don't do anything bad, you're free to stay here as long as you like. I don't care. However, this is already the house of a hero. Remember that"  

    Saying that the hero gently smiled at me. I've been watching them for a while, so I know most of their personalities, but this was extremely unusual. Because everyone in this house it twisted in some way. All of them, including myself, are people who can't be honest with themselves.


     I tried to move my mouth. I wonder if I conveyed the message well.

    "Yes. But if you become a demon, I will annihilate you without mercy. Never do anything bad."

    If she said no, I really was going to leave without doing anything. The hero is one who kills demons. I couldn't win against someone like that. I didn't want to be extinguished. So, when she reminded me, I nodded deeply.

    I also don't know if she would be able to see this, but I pointed it out behind her. And so, she looked towards the bed where Matari was sleeping.

    "Hm? What's over there? ── Geh!"

    The hero turned around to see Matari petrified with her eyes wide open. Her face had completely paled.

    "Y-You were just talking to someone right now, weren't you? You were definitely talking to someone! T-There, w-who's there!?"

    "I'm just talking to myself. Is there something wrong with that habit, Matari !?"

    The hero tried yelling to deceive her, but Matari wildly shook her head.

    "You're lying!! You were talking as if someone was by the window! C-Could it be, the people who used to live here!? Or is it the death god!? Someone help!!"

    After shouting, Matari held out a bundle of talismans in front of her chest. The hero remembered that she had prepared them before as a countermeasure for spirits. But unfortunately, they have proven ineffective.
    Matari trembled while trying to chant some kind of scripture. She looked like a very skilled swordsman, so it was a strange sight to behold.

    "Those two unpleasant women really made a mess of things. Ah, what to do."

    The hero exclaimed while holding her head.

    I wanted to thank her for letting me go, so I put in some extra effort into this one. I moved in front of Matari and revealed myself and gave her a big smile face-to-face.

    "... Eh?"

    Matari's eyes rolled to white, and she fainted yet again, bubbling and foaming at the mouth.

    I actually thought it was pretty funny, but then the hero poked me in the head.

    "...... I told you not to misbehave. What'll we do with this boar."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "Hey, are you alive?"

    The hero shook her body, but there was no reply. She was completely unconscious, straightened out like a board.

    "I guess her phobia of ghosts won't go away for a while. Well, it doesn't really matter to me. I'm not bothered."

    "I'm sorry." 

    When I moved my mouth, the hero just laughed and told me not to worry about it.

    Since then, whoever I am, have been living in this house I love. I don't do much. I just watch everyone whenever I feel like it. Then when I get tired, I just go back to sleep again. It's a cycle. I won't curse or possess anyone, and I rarely even scare anyone. In the end, they're still using the old furniture from before and never disposed of it. It makes me a little happy to see new things together with the old ones; in that sense, it makes me feel as if it's okay for me to be here. Maybe the hero actually cared, or maybe she didn't think anything of it. I don't care which it is.
    Time in this house started moving again. Some of it was funny, some of it was hard. There were sad times, and there were happy times. There were so many different feelings going around all the time. It was fun to watch it all unfold, and sad that all I can do is just watch.
    I want to stay in this house as long as I can. I love this house and those who live in it. Sometimes the hero will smile at me. Sometimes one of them feels something and turns to me. I might not be able to express my intentions, but I'm glad to feel at least some kind of acknowledgment.
     I wonder if one day, I'll go over there too. Two other people are waiting for, whoever I am, to come. But when that time comes, I'll tell them what I haven't been able to say for so long.
    But I'm not done playing yet. So, I want them to miss me for just a little longer. I'm sure they will at least forgive me for my last act of selfishness,


◆    Little disclaimer regarding the ghost's dialogue. I really have no idea what they're referring to, nor how to translate this line: 私なのか、僕なのか. The ghost uses a variation of this line three separate times throughout the chapter, and each time uses both Boku(僕,) and Watashi(私.) I'm not going to act like I possess extensive knowledge of japanese. But are these both not considered pronouns? I know they're interchangeable to a certain extent, but from what I've gathered, watashi is more often used by females, and boku by males. Then なのか, from what I've looked into, is used when requesting information. So, in this instance, I'm inclined to believe the ghost is attempting to recall either their place or who they were as a person, or their gender. So for posterity's sake I've used a placeholder line for the meantime. So if anyone with actual knowledge of japanese wants to help out, it would be greatly appreciated.  

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

The Maiden Called Hero or Monster - Chapter 9 - Where is my Place?


    Enduring the languidness of a hangover, the hero pulled herself up. Matari and the others, already changed, were all around her. It seems that even if they were somewhere different, this scene would never change.

Matari, who finished tying up her golden hair together, called out to her.

"Good morning. Are you sobered up?"

"You look as if your consciousness has flown far into the sky. You really are a late riser."

"I have a good remedy for hangovers. Would you like to try it?"

"I wonder, have you even tried it yourself?"

"Of course not. So I thought I'd take this opportunity to try it out on her."

    The voices of Matari, Edel, and Lulurile constantly assaulted the hero's ears. It was quite noisy and lively. Upon observing the hangover remedy, she could see a bluish-green liquid bubbling up in the bottle.

    "...... I don't need any medicine. Plus, I feel like I’d die if I drank that. Change the color to something that's easier to drink. Something that doesn’t make it look like some kind of poison."

"What a pity. Well, I will take your thoughts to heart and improve its coloring for next time."

Lulurile meticulously wrote down notes.

She wasn’t sure she would drink it even if it was a more appetizing color.

"Are you okay? Your complexion isn't looking so good."

"...... I'm fine. I just drank a little too much."

    "You really did drink a lot yesterday. You'd best take it easy today. There's no need to go out of your way to feed the demons."

"Who's going to feed the demons? And don't worry about it, I'll be fine once I eat something."

"Well, alright then. Ah yes, let's go have breakfast at the Paradise Pavilion."

Edel clapped her hands as if she suddenly remembered something.

"...... Why bother?"

"Because no one here can cook. It can't be helped."

    At Edel's words, the hero looked around at the group. Each of their faces was saying, 'Of course, I can't,' with resigned looks on their faces. They knew this was nothing to be proud of. The extent of the hero's 'cooking capabilities' were boiling water and eating raw ingredients. Could that even be called cooking?

"Well, it would be nice to go back to see the master's face every once and a while."

    "Well that, and uh, Limoncy has something for us to do. We owe her for showing us this place, so the least we could do is show our faces."

    "Yeah, yeah. Alright, wait downstairs while I change. While you're down there, get some cold water ready for me. I'm sure that'll clear my head."

When urged to do so, Matari and the others complied and left.

    After stretching, the hero stood up out of bed and looked out the window. It was another beautiful day with not a cloud in the sky. But it was going to be a long and painful day, more than her hungover mind could handle.


"There are four women in your house, and none of them can even cook?"

    As soon as they arrived, the group received a snide welcome from the master. Once they finished eating, they listened to what Limoncy had to say.

"So, what's the deal?"

"Here you go. I've already accepted the request, so please take care of it quickly. Best regards."

Limoncy handed the hero a folded map.

Opening the map, she saw a big red circle, and "Whereabouts" was written in sloppy handwriting.

"What the hell is this? I know it's a map, but..."

    "You see, we've gone through this before. Remember the request asking you to do something about the flying object in the sky? The client is a scholar whose research apparently wasn't  going so well and is starting to lose it. He was threatening to kill himself there on the spot if I didn't accept his offer, it was a mess."

Limoncy gestured to emphasize her hardship.

The hero glared at her depressingly and muttered only one sentence.

"If it was so much trouble, you should have just let him die."

"H-Hero, you don't have to go that far."

    The good-natured Matari tried to calm the hero down. Brazen individuals take advantage of people like this. One of these days, the hero would have to teach her how to say no.

"You're naive. This world is full of people who say they're going to die but never do."

"As a fellow scholar, I'm ashamed. The proof of the pudding is in the eating, they should try it for themself.”

"Hey, isn’t that too harsh, Lulurile."

"Of course he's not going to do it. The louder they talk, the less likely they are to act."

"Even you, Edel? What if he's already dead!?"

  "It'll be nice to have all this trouble out of the way. I wouldn't be bothered by it at all."

Matari's face twitched as the hero cut her off.

"H-Hero doesn't seem to be feeling too good today. Should we just turn down the request? I don't want to say no..."

Matari, rarely, expressed her own opinion.

    As a hero, she wanted to refuse because she felt lazy, but she didn't feel like going into the labyrinth either. Giving Edel and Lulurile a confirming glance, they nodded helplessly as if they had no choice.

    "Yeah, yeah, alright, we'll take care of it. I don't want a corpse sent to our house. But after this, we don't owe you anything."

The hero proclaimed, but Limoncy wasn't listening.

    "As expected of our hero-girl, she has such a big heart. I don't even care if there's nothing at all. If that happens to be the case, please be sure to make up a convincing story for me."

Limoncy moved on with a beaming smile on her face.

    She really did have some convenient hearing. The hero strongly believed that this woman would probably live a long life. Leaving the counter, they all took their seats at a table, and discussed the flying object.

"So, what exactly is this mysterious flying object?"

"It's probably a bird, don’t you think? Maybe someone put a cloth over it as a prank."

    "Hmm, but I heard it's quite big. And they say it’s like it's trying to hide its true identity. I don't know if there's a bird with that kind of intelligence out there."

"I know of some giant birds, but none of them are native to this area. But a bird that covers itself with a cloth to mask itself. I've never heard of such a thing."

"Then, a demon from the labyrinth must've gotten out."

    The hero frankly said what was on her mind. The only thing that came to mind when thinking of something that could fly freely in the sky, and possessed the intelligence to hide its identity, was a demon.

    "That's impossible. Demons could never pass through the Great Barrier covering the labyrinth. It repels all living things containing elements of magic."

"But don't people like that go through it all the time? You sorcerers normally just walk right past it."

"This mark makes it possible. In other words, only a limited number of people are exceptions."

Edel showed off the sorcerer's engraving on the back of her hand.

The hero also had such an emblem on her left hand.


"Doesn't that mean that those without magic elements can freely pass through the Great Barrier?"

    "Probably. But there is no such thing as a person who doesn't possess magical elements. Humans are creatures that naturally possess magic elements, even if in minute quantities. Therefore, the Great Barrier is able to prevent intruders inside and outside from passing through."

     "Demons are conglomerations of magic essence, so it wouldn't be possible for them to pass through. Well, I guess gods and cats could get through. And maybe some bugs."

Edel argued, sounding completely uninterested.

"...... Is it really alright if the cornerstone of defense against the demons is so sloppily made?"

    "If the Great Barrier really was ‘sloppily made,' then they'd have broken through by now. Besides, it's the demons that are a threat, not animals. Compared to the monsters inside, the monsters outside are nothing."

"I don't know about that, but I agree! The Great Barrier can’t ever be broken!"

    Matari, not understanding, raised her voice. The Great Barrier’s construction was an achievement of the Arte Family, so Matari naturally reacted to the doubtful comment.

"I think things would go much faster if we saw the mysterious object first. So how about we discuss this afterward?"

So suggested Lulurile.


    It was true that talking like this wasn’t likely to get them anywhere. So, the hero agreed, and checked the location on the map.

"Let's see, so the red circle is drawn around the slums. It says this is where tt’s usually spotted in the sky."

"Then why not ask them to show us around? I'm sure Colon, Silca, and the others should be familiar with it."

Matari clapped her hands.

It certainly would be no surprise if they knew something about it.

    "That'd probably be the fastest way. And we did tell them we'd come to visit them again sometime. Alright, let's head over as soon as we're done eating."


"Looks like it’s going to be a relaxing day today. Let's take some sweets and go for a walk."

"You're acting like an old lady, Pinky. Keep this up and you'll end up with more grays."


Edel made an amusing face when the hero teased her. And a seat over, Lulurile was holding back her laughter.

"...... My hair isn't gray. It's silver."

"Good thing it’s hard to tell."

"I'm going to straighten you out one of these days, so be ready!"

    After accepting the request, the girls had arrived at the entrance of the slums. There, Rob stood with folded arms and a scowl on his face. Even the bandits of the slums, seemingly lacking the guts to fight against a guild master, walked by pretending not to see him. Seeing the group, he raised his hand in surprise.

"Yo, what an unusual place to meet."

"Hey, Mr. Rob."

Matari politely greeted him.

Rob was still in his signature blue shirt, and carried a longsword at his waist.

    "Did the Warriors Guild go out of business or something? And now you’re here because you decided to become a guard? Well, you do have an aura that drives people away."

"Sorry, but my guild’s thriving and still open for business. I'm just on a sort of manhunt."

"That so? Well, good luck with that."

"Oh yeah, thanks for helping out with that dumbass Excel. I heard he was about to become food for pigs."

Rob thanked her, but she hadn't gone to save him, so she replied appropriately.

"I wasn't there to save that breeding-horse. I just did it for the sake of it. I only went to destroy the demons."

"You're the only person who could've helped them....... I was going to abandon him as he was."

"That's the right thing to do. There's no need to risk your own life for someone blinded by greed."


    Having said this, she once again realized how stupid she was for going out of her way to help people blinded by greed. Even if it was her choice, she couldn't help but feel depressed.

"But the fact that you killed all the orcs by yourself is really extraordinary. How would you feel about taking over the guild when I retire?"

He spoke in a joking tone, but Rob's gaze was surprisingly serious.

"No, that would be too annoying. One idiot is already enough."

The hero kicked Rob's joking offer to the curb. She wouldn't like being forced to babysit idiots like Excel.

"Um, why are you looking at me?"

"No reason."

The hero looked away from Matari.

    In any case, she couldn’t take care of others. Something like that would suit Matari. She seemed like she would be a good teacher, and most importantly, she was meddlesome.

"Ha-ha, guess I got dumped. Well, in any case, that idiot should be thanking you until he dies. But that dumbass submitted a notice of resignation to the guild out of nowhere and never came back."

"Excel left the Warriors Guild!?"

     "......Yeah. I heard a rumor that he started hanging out with some shady guys in the slums, which is why I'm here. He never told his girls where he went either. I've been paying for their living expenses, you know?"

Rob rubbed his chin and explained the situation.

    He impregnated three different women, was having three different kids, and just up and left. He really was irredeemable. The hero thought it would be hard for them to have children. However, she couldn’t bring herself to sympathize too much. After all, it was someone else’s business.

"Why can't they just leave that idiot alone? There's a limit to how much you can care for a person."


Dismayed, the hero rebuked him, but Rob just let out a bitter smile while saying, "I know what you mean."

"About Excel, what's wrong with him? When I saw him the other day, he seemed really motivated."

When Matari asked, Rob lightly sighed.

    "He was confident in his swordsmanship, and I won't argue, his skills are real. But after being nearly killed by a bounty target, and almost eaten alive by pigs, he's developed a sort of demonphobia. He said he never wants to enter the labyrinth ever again."

"Well, if you don't want to die, that's the right thing to do."

If you don't want to die, lay down your sword and live a life of your own.

That's one way to live, I suppose.

    "I wish he had just ended it there, but it doesn't seem like he can give up his dream of affluence. If you see him anywhere, knock him out and drag him back to me. He still needs to take responsibility for his own problems."


"Don't make empty promises, Matari....... Well, I'll at least give him a kick in the balls."

"Yeah, that's good enough. I think it's about time I stop playing guard and head back to the guild. I'm starving."

Raising his hand, Rob walked away with a wave.

"It must be rough being a master. To have to take care of idiots like that."

"Yeah, I know the feeling. It's probably hard."

Matari looked at the hero as if to tell her something with her eyes.

"What's with that, ' You're one of those idiots and yet you're acting so high and mighty,' stare? You're too cheeky to be Matari!"

When the hero pinched Matari's soft cheeks with both hands, she raised a pitiful scream.

"I-I didn't shay anysching! Ow-Ow, yor tearing them off!"

Excuses like, 'I never said anything like that,' poured from Matari's teary-eyed face. But she wouldn't forgive her.

    "I can see it in your eyes. Alright, next time, I'll get you some armor to go with that big sword. I'm talking a flashy, intense, and cursed kind. Brace yourself!"

"... Eyes speak louder than the mouth. And mouths are the root of all evil. Our ancestors really were wise. This is eye-opening."

Lulurile looked at Matari's face in admiration. It seemed an air of delight floated around her.

    The hero recalled that she once said something like 'people's misfortunes taste like honey.' Lulurile must be tasting that sweetness right about now. Having a character as rotten as Edel's was no mean feat.

"Would you guys stop making a scene at the entrance to the slums? They'll think I'm some kind of weirdo too."

"You're the biggest freak of them all! You rotten pink for brains!"

"Alright, alright. Let's go find Colon then, shall we?"

After patting the hero's head, Edel moved on with a relaxed smile.

    Lulurile followed after her with a satisfied look on her face. The hero pretended to free Matari, and after grabbing her by the scruff of her neck, began running. Matari's inaudible scream echoed through the slums.

    They had been searching for about ten minutes after Matari was finally released, and found an armed child in the ruins of an abandoned slum dwelling. His eyes danced around restlessly watching his surroundings. He was armed, but those armaments were nothing more than a dirty club and a broken set of armor. Thinking that he might have some information, the hero decided to talk to him.

"Hey you, apprentice warrior. I have something to ask you."

"──W-Who are you!? If you do anything suspicious, I'll kick your ass, even if you’re a girl! I-I'm serious!"

"I'm a hero. Do you know a kid named Colon? He's an acquaintance of mine, he apparently lives around here somewhere."


Hearing the words "hero" and "Colon," the armed child lowered his crude weapon, looking relieved.

    "Ah, so you're the hero girl. I heard about you a thousand times from Colon. You're here to play like you promised, right? I'll show you the way!"



Pulling the hero by her right hand, the child began to run. Looking at each other, Matari and the others followed after them.

"This way, this way. Our house is back here. We have other hideouts, but this is our main one!"

"A-Alright, don't pull me, you damn brat!"

"Okay, okay!"

    At the place they were taken to, there was a large building that looked to have once been a warehouse of some kind. The walls were cracked, and the roof was riddled with holes. Debris was scattered about, and weeds grew freely all around them. The hero didn't think it was a suitable home, but it was probably just right for a hideout.

"Hey, the hero-girl is here to play!"

    When the child holding her hand shouted, about ten other children rushed out from the abandoned warehouse. The figures of those they were looking for, Colon and Silca, were among them.

"Oh, it really is big sister Hero! You're just in time, Yatum just got back."

   Behind the backs of the children, something slowly crawled into the hero's field of vision. Its body was much too large to be a human, a vicious visage, and a sharp venomous stinger. It happened so suddenly that the hero couldn't immediately discern what it was.

"──A-A demon!?"

    The moment she clearly identified it, she immediately drew her sword and took a fighting stance. Holding her sword with her left hand, she pushed the child beside her behind. Matari and the others, seemingly in a daze, hadn't yet processed their situation.

"W-Wait a minute!"

A panicked Colon put his hands out in front of him and began shouting something. But the hero had no time to worry about it.

"Matari, Edel, I'll deal with this bug, just get those kids away from it! Lulurile, take aim so it doesn’t fly away!"

"Y-Yes! I'll leave it to you."

"Is this that eight-eyed bee? Why is it in a place like this? This shouldn't be possible."

"Lulurile, you can think about it later. If you're not careful, you'll get pierced by a poisonous stinger!"

“Talk about it after we kill it! Let’s go!”

    ... The creature that emerged from the abandoned warehouse was an eight-eyed bee. It was an insect-like demon that lived in the middle levels of the underground labyrinth, on floors lush with vegetation. As the name suggests, eight eyes sat atop the head of a black body, and though they looked like bees, they usually were bipedal. Apparently, their wings have long since degenerated due to their underground lifestyle, so they are incapable of flying quickly. After killing prey, they have a habit of preserving them in the form of a meatball. Four green eyes sat on their face, as well as four hidden eyes behind, all arranged to look out for threats from all directions.

Lulurile once explained that they were nasty demons that specialized in surprise attacks and boasted a strong defense along with brutal strength. In actual combat they fire poisonous needles from their arms from afar, and at close range, would restrain enemies with their four arms in an attempt to bite down on them with their jaws. In an encounter, the hero tore them apart, but when a dozen more appeared, she became depressed. Working together with Edel, they burned them down all at once. But if they weren't able to use magic, the situation would surely have become rather dangerous.

"W-Wait! Yatum is different!"

"If you don't want to die, get out of the way!"

"P-Please, he's different!"

Colon desperately tried to appeal to the hero.

    The eight-eyed bee, on the other hand, had yet to take up a fighting stance. A small paper bag covers its left arm, where it fires its poisonous barbs. She didn't know what its intentions were, but they couldn’t be too careful. And as the hero was about to make her move, Silca, who had been standing next to her, grabbed the hilt of her sword.

"...... Big sister, please wait. Yatum might look scary, but he isn't a demon. So, listen to us first."

    "It’s a demon no matter how you look at it! If there were bugs normally this big above ground, they'd be eating people everywhere!"

"But he hasn't eaten us. That's why Yatum isn't a demon."

    The hero ignored her words as they were ridiculous. Although, it was strange that it hadn't eaten these kids yet. This place should be littered with the corpses of children. What did it mean for it to walk out of the abandoned warehouse peacefully alongside the children? The hero couldn't understand.

"Hero-girl. Why don't you try listening to what they have to say? There's no need to panic, the bug doesn't seem to have any intention of fighting."


At Edel's words, Matari lowered her red greatsword in bewilderment.

". . . . . . . . . . . ."


The hero sheathed her sword without saying a word. Seeing this, Lulurile also relaxed her stance and put away her crossbow.

    All she had to do was listen to what happened. Then she would kill it. There was no such thing as a good demon in this world. So, she killed demons. That's what she's always done and would continue to do. No matter what anyone said.

"Well then,could you tell us where the hell this big bug came from?"


At Edel's urging, Colon sighed in relief and opened his mouth.

    "Yatum is an eight-eyed bee that used to live in the labyrinth. But when he said he didn't want to attack and eat people, his friends tried to kill him, so he ran away upstairs. Before he knew it, he reached the entrance, and once he ran as fast as he could across the blue membrane, he passed out.

"Ah, a blue membrane, huh... the Great Barrier!? He got past the Great Barrier!?"

Matari turned a deep blue and let out a scream.

    From Matari's point of view, who had absolute confidence in the Great Barrier, something that shouldn't be possible. She was so shaken that she looked like she would collapse at any moment. Lulurile gently patted her shoulder, but it seemed to have the complete opposite of the intended effect.

"Y-Yeah, and we were the first ones to find him. When we were wondering what to do, Yatum suddenly started crying. We were going to kill him because he was scary, but he looked so scared, and we felt sorry for him, so we let him go."

"The demon cried? A demon... You're saying that this eight-eyed bee cried?"

    A crying demon. Demon tears. The hero had never seen such a thing. Though, if it was a disgusting smile or sinister laughter, she's seen it countless times. She has also seen the look of desperation on their faces as they died, a look as if they were cursing the world. How was it even possible for demons who were beings of pure hatred, to harbor such feelings?

When the bewildered hero questioned him, Colon nodded confidently.

    "He was like an abandoned kid. Tears were streaming out of his four eyes....... I thought we were the same because we were abandoned too, by our parents. So, we hid him here, so he could get better. And as a thank you, he started bringing us all kinds of food. He's the only reason why we can live like this without stealing, it's all thanks to Yatum."

"Yatum alive thank to good Colon. Yatum really thankful."

The eight-eyed bee clicked its jaws while emitting a shrill voice.

    It was hard to imagine peaceful words coming from a creature with such an abhorrent appearance. The hero was about to lose her fighting spirit, but she held her ground.

"Do you really think that a demon can coexist with humans, huh? That's hard to believe."

"But we're living together, and everything’s been okay!"

The children suddenly hugged Yatum without warning.

The horrific scene left the hero stunned. But she had to do what must be done.

    "...... So, what, am I supposed to let the demon go? This isn't a joke. Demons are demons, they only see humans as food. So, I'll kill it before it can taste human flesh. Now, get the hell out of my way!"

  The hero pulled out her sword as if the conversation had finally come to an end.

Colon and the others spread their arms in front of Yatum as if to act as human shields.

"Hey, hero-girl. What's your definition of a demon? Could you tell me?"

Edel asked as if to test her.

"Man-eating monsters. And scum that smells of rot."

"So, what's the difference between a man-eating wolf and a demon?"

    "Whether or not they find enjoyment in eating humans. I can tell if someone's blood-crazed scum when I see them. And from there, I will judge the rest. As I am a hero."

"...... I see. So, does Yatum smell rotten?"

    ... It didn't. It looked like a demon, but it didn't reek of rot. But instead of saying anything, the hero chose to remain silent. If she admitted it, then by letting go of him, she might let go of others.

    "Yeah. By the way, as I said this morning, it's impossible for demons to get past the Great Barrier. So then, what if Yatum──"

"What, are you trying to say it's not a demon? That’s ridiculous! You know the rest of its kind are eating people underneath our feet! There’s no way I can leave it be! It's only a matter of time before these kids are eaten from their heads down! If you don't want to become demon food, then get out of my way!"

The hero screamed, but the children remained unmoved. She could feel their strong will to remain undeterred.

The hero glared at them as she grit her teeth.

"Yatum itsz not human."

"Shut up, you demon!"

"Pe-ople friend, then hero friend. Yatum, friend."

"Shut up, shut up, shut up, shut up!!"

"H-Hero, f-friend."

    Yatum slowly made his way towards the hero, gently pushing Colon and those who tried to stop him away. A demon was approaching. It walked towards her unobtrusively and without caution. Soon, it would be in range.

The brain of the hero continued issuing a strong warning to kill it now.

    There’s no need to hesitate. What of the orcs who begged for their lives? What of the people who fell into demons and were mercilessly killed? It wouldn't be fair; this one has to die too. A hero must kill demons. It has to be this way. So, swing your sword, send it flashing through the air like you always do. Use your magic and burn it to cinders; incinerate it so that not even ashes remain!!

"Why don't you wait and think about it a little. Huh, hero-girl? I don't think anything will happen if you wait a bit."

Edel took hold of the trembling hand of the hero.

The hero stared at Edel with distorted vision.

"...... If something happens, it'll be too late, you know?"

"I'm sure these kids still wouldn't regret it. They're the ones who chose this."

Edel calmly said so.

Looked around at the children, their faces were full of confidence as they declared-

"That's right! If Yatum becomes a demon, we'll do something about it!"

"I don't think Yatum would do anything like that, but we'll stop him."

"Yeah. He's our friend, our best friend."

". . . . . . . . . . . ."

The hero roughly sheathed her sword. After a moment's hesitation, she decided to leave without saying a word.

    If they say they don't care, then there was no problem. If they got eaten, then that was when they would take care of it. That was fine. Yes, there was nothing wrong with that. She was not wrong in her judgment —so the hero told herself over and over again.

And when the hero looked up, she saw the four green eyes of the eight-eyed bee in front of her. Before she knew it, she had allowed Yatum to close the distance between them. Normally this wouldn't be possible.

"You damn bug!──"

As the hero clenched her fist to attack, something red was presented in front of her face.

"Hero, friend. Friend, eat. Sweet, and delicious."

". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    The hero accepted the fruit that Yatum offered without thinking. And after giving these fruits to Matari, Edel, and Lulurile in paper bags, Yatum slinked off, seemingly satisfied.

"Good, bye."

Then he waved his arms towards them in a carefree manner and returned to the abandoned warehouse.

    "Big sister Hero. I don't think it will happen now, but I'm sure you'll understand one day. And besides that, these are delicious!"

"Y-Yeah, I had one a long time ago, but it was really expensive. Only nobles can afford Belta melons..."

"Silca, have you eaten them somewhere else before?"

"Um, yeah. But I don't really remember. Right, I'm going to go with Yatum!"

"What the heck? Ah, well, see you later, hero sisters. Come visit us again! Yatum knows a bunch of games!"

    The children quickly withdrew, leaving the hero behind stunned. While Matari and Lulurile had complicated looks on their faces, Edel had an expression that said everything was fine.

"...... Why are you acting like everything's fine? Annoying."

    "Is there a problem? The request has been resolved. It was just a big bug flying around with a cloth over its head to hide its identity. I'm sure you won't be able to, so I'll explain it to Limoncy myself. That it was all the work of some big bug."

"Do what you want. Shit, this is so frustrating!"

    Was this really the right thing to do? The hero didn't think so in the slightest. And she had no doubt that these little bastards would put themselves in her way if she tried to kill it.  Killing the children along with the demon obviously would be wrong. "It's just a big bee, it's just a big bee" The hero tried telling herself this, but the fog of ambivalence wouldn’t subside. The hero gave up; kicking the ground, she clicked her tongue and decided to go home quickly.

"Oh, sorry! I've got somewhere I need to go!"

"Where are you going?"

"T-To my family's house."

Matari's family home, the house of the Arte family from which she was cast out and disowned.

"Ah, then I'll go with you. I've always wanted to see your house."

"Well, it probably wouldn’t be that much, right. Since, you know, I've been disowned."

"It's fine. Just looking at a huge mansion is enough to pass the time."

"If that's the case, alright. Oh, if we can get in, I'll show you around inside! Our house has a lot of history!"

    Despite having said she was "disowned," Matari said so with a smile on her face. There was no gloom in the air, as in Matari's mind, it was already in the past.

"Well, I will head home first then. I would like to consolidate what has happened today."

"Then I think I'll go too and clean up my staff."

"...... Are you going home too, Ms. Edel? Why don't you stay outside some more? It is a beautiful day."

"Why the frown? How about we elders do some elderly bonding every once in a while?"

"I have had more than enough of that, thank you."

Edel and Lulurile left, arguing with each other as usual.

    They were seemingly more tolerable of each other than before. If you were to look at it from a perspective of optimism, that is.

"So, where we headed?"

"Right, I'll show you the way!"

    The hero and Matari also made their way towards the exit. With her left hand, she fiddled with the fruit given to her by the insect. It had a strong aroma coupled with a sweet and sour scent. It was a scent the hero liked.

"They look delicious. Do you want to eat it now?"

"...... Yeah, I'm hungry, there’s no sin in eating, and it'd be a waste to throw them away."

The hero, while making excuses, bit into the fruit. Matari also opened her mouth and took a bite.

"This is really good! It's sweet and refreshing, but the taste isn't overpowering!"

"...... So-so."

    ──It was indeed sweet and delicious. Without caring about the overflowing juices, the hero continued to devour the fruit incessantly, as if to prevent the turmoil within from escaping through her mouth.


    The hero and Matari had arrived in front of the Arte family's mansion. Matari told a servant that she wished to meet with her older brother Reken, but there was no response afterward. Leaving them waiting – a complete waste of time.

"...... Should we kick the door down and break in?"

"No, I'll wait. You can go home first if you’re tired."

"It's alright. I'll stay till the end. I've got nothing going on."

"...... Thanks a lot."

    Matari smiled fondly while the hero leaned against the gatepost. Matari probably wanted to confirm Benz's claim. Benz referred to Reken as a comrade. So just what the hell was he doing? And was he involved in something dangerous? These were the questions she must really want to ask.

After about an hour of waiting, the heavy door opened, and the servant from before appeared.

"I beg your pardon. I asked several times, but Master Reken will not see you."

"He won't see me?"

"Yes. Because you are no longer of the family. He seemed very angry and said not to come near him again."

"...... I see."

Matari's expression became grim.


    The hero thought of interjecting, but, in the end, chose to remain silent. She was inexperienced with these kinds of situations, which couldn't be solved by simply beating the interlocutor.

"... However, Master Reken has asked me to give you something. He said only to open it when the time is right."

"What is it?"


Matari took a box that was tightly sealed into her hands. It didn't seem to weigh much, so what could even be inside?

    "Master Reken said that once you see what is inside, you will understand. Although, he also said it should not be opened carelessly."

"...... I understand. I'll open it when the time is right."

Having said this, Matari turned her gaze to the hero and said they no longer needed to stay.

    "...... Miss Matari. I have heard of your recent activities, and I am very happy for you. And I am sure Master Reken feels the same way."

"Thank you for comforting me. But, brother..."

"Please take care of yourself. We will follow Master Reken to the end. So please, Miss Matari, follow your own path."

    Hearing the servant's words, the hero couldn't help but feel somewhat uncomfortable, but the servant smiled gently. Then for some reason, the servant turned to the hero.

"Are you the hero?"

"...... Yeah, but."

    "I have heard about you, miss. Thank you for taking care of Miss Matari. You might not be able to tell by her appearance, but she is really a sensitive person."

"...... Well, I sort of get what you mean."

    "Thank you very much. It seems to me that our young lady was most fortunate to have met you. Please, please take good care of our young miss'."

Clutching the hero's hand as if to cling to her, the hero could only nod in silence.

". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    At times like this, she resented herself for not being able to handle such situations well. If this was the past, she was sure she would have been able to give an honest response.

With one last deep bow, the servant returned to the mansion.

    On the way home, the hero listened to the story of Matari's past. She had an older brother and a younger brother, and the three of them used to be really close. But before she knew it, they became estranged, and in the end, her older brother, who succeeded her as the head of the family, disowned her. Now she couldn’t even talk to them or see them. As she told her story she occasionally shed tears, but by the end, she had a cheerful smile on her face, seemingly having gotten over it. Now she wanted to keep looking ahead and keep moving forward.

"...... That's a positive way of thinking that suits you, boar. I don't think that's a bad idea."

"Thank you very much!"

Matari seemed as if she was ready to leap off her feet while other passersby looked to see what the fuss was about.

"Alright, now that you're feeling better, let's crack open the box."

"E-Eh!? I was just told only to open it when the time was right! Moreover, not to open it carelessly!"

    "How can you know when the right time is when you don't even know what's inside? We need to get a good idea of what we're working with while we still can."

"...... That's true."

"Just don't use what's inside carelessly until that time. Come on, just open the damn thing! Or I'll open it for you!"

"I-I get it, I'll open it, so quit rushing me!"

While the hero nudged Matari's body, she began opening the small box, yelling for her to stop.

"It's... a stone, and a grimoire of some kind."

"The stone looks like it's got the number one-hundred on it. It might be a transfer stone."

    Inside was an old grimoire and a transfer stone with the number one-hundred inscribed on its surface. Matari took out the grimoire and examined it carefully; flipping over the book, her eyes glanced over the title, causing her to scream out.

"T-This is the grimoire for the Great Barrier of Arte!? It was the only thing my brother valued above everything! Wh-Why'd he give it to me..."

"...... Is it really that special?"

    "What's so special about it is that it contains everything needed to construct the Great Barrier, and most importantly, it's something only the head of the Arte family can read!"

"...... I see."

    Why did he give the grimoire to Matari? There was undoubtedly a meaning to it. And the transfer stone, she remembered hearing that the miasma of magic on the hundredth floor is extremely dangerous. She also remembered that everyone that made it there died. So then, why is the transfer stone to the hundredth floor here? And what does Matari's brother, Reken, want her to do? She had no idea.

"W-What's going on? What does this even mean?"

"Don't worry, I've got no idea either. But I guess we’ll know when the time comes. Until then, just keep it safe."

"Of course!"

Matari tucked the box away into her bag with great care.

    The hero had a feeling in her heart that something was about to happen, but she just didn't know what. But she was certain something would happen. Something that involved Matari and herself. That much was certain.

In the haze of her thoughts, an intense noise rang throughout her head. In front of her, three familiar faces appeared. The hero instantly realized that she was dreaming. As this was a scene that has been repeated many, many times before.


──Then, a man amongst them spoke.

"...... I'm glad you're here. I thought you'd never listen to us again."

Ramsus the Swordsman spoke to the hero.

"What the hell are you spouting now, after having chased me for so long? Your damn scouts were everywhere.”

    Words had begun streaming from the hero's mouth unconsciously, and she couldn't stop it. Whether she wanted it to or not, the dream would continue until it ended.

    "They were ordered to do so, so please, forgive them."

"It's alright. I killed everyone who dared pull their sword on me."

They were afraid. Afraid of that very anger and hatred being directed against them.

"We were so foolish back then. But to atone for our mistakes, we trained desperately and rode to the Demon King's castle with an army. So, we could put an end to this nightmare with our own hands."

The woman in red, Mina the Sage, wore a grief-stricken look on her face.

    "Don't make me laugh. You just surrounded it with an army and watched. You had to have known I was still alive. The strongholds of the Demon King’s army fell one after another. You were all waiting for me to cut down the Demon King and die, weren't you?"

"You have got it all wrong! We were carefully awaiting the opportunity to launch a full-scale assault! Because if we lost that battle, there would be no next time!"

The Sorcerer Unisys's imperturbable face twisted as he desperately pleaded his case.

"...... After a fierce battle, we repelled an army of demons and rode into the throne room. But by that time, the one we came to kill had already been slain. We couldn't understand what had happened."

Ramsus averted his eyes, fully aware he was making pitiful excuses.

They undoubtedly knew the hero was alive. The reason they chose to stand by and watch was simple: They were hoping they would kill each other off.

"I see. So, after thinking about it you decided that you were the ones who defeated the Demon King? That's a very impressive way of going about it. You're only heroes in that you're not afraid to do what it takes."

    "We had to tell everyone fighting everywhere that the Demon King had been slain! Because there are still demons left on the surface!"

    "...... And now you're the true heroes who defeated the Demon King? Let me ask, you're prepared for this, right? I mean, you all just walked out in front of me."

Her three former comrades shriveled up in fear as the hero glared at them with murderous intent.

That's right. It wasn't this scum who vanquished the Demon King, but the hero. And they could never hope to win in a fight against the hero.

    "P-Please, wait a minute! To clear up this misunderstanding, we have created a forum for discussion. You are undoubtedly the true hero. The only reason we temporarily took the name of heroes was to stabilize the situation. We've already contacted the kings of each nation."

Unisys, dismayed, spat ridiculous excuses. Knowing how calm and unperturbed he was before; the hero found his current state of being almost comical.

"You've been treating me like a servant of the Demon King, like a monster. Never in my wildest dreams did I think I'd see the day where I would be hunted by humans. You all did a great job laying the groundwork. I wonder if stories even a child wouldn’t believe become true when told by a 'true hero.'"


Everything they said was a lie. They had already sent word to the other nations that their 'brave hero,' was a monster who had become nothing more than a pawn for the Demon King — and they believed who they wanted to believe. They probably decided that these people were more useful to them than some girl unbeknownst to them. For those in power, truths and falsehoods did not matter. Was it of use or was it not. That was all. Thanks to that, there was no place for the hero in the world. No matter how hard she looked, she couldn't find it.

    "W-Well, it's just, there’s been a mistake──"


  The hero involuntarily spat.

    How many times had assassins been sent after her because of something as inane as a 'mistake?' Humans were interesting things; they were terrified of demons but would become so belligerent when dealing with their fellow man; though, she made sure they all paid for it.

"I-If you had just stayed put everything would have been fine!"

    "Liar. If I had stayed there, you would have killed me off as a pawn of the Demon King. Because if I survived and returned, you would have all lost your positions. You didn't tell anyone you just abandoned me and ran away, did you?"

". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "I wonder if our heroes will end up as royalty and nobility. Congratulations, I wish you all the best. I'm happy for you all, I really am."


The hero laughed as she drew her sword. It was the mighty sword of light that took the head of the Demon King. Contrary to the heart of the hero, it shone with a brilliant white radiance. 

It wouldn't be just one against three. They more than likely had dozens of soldiers in hiding, all waiting to ambush around the perimeter. They weren't demons; they were the same, human. However, that didn't matter. She would kill them all. 

Maybe one day she would go mad and fall. Maybe, she would lose her strength as retribution for committing acts unbecoming of a hero. If that was so, then so be it. That would be fine. As she alone would still be the hero. No one else.

    "H-Hey, calm down. Just hear me out, please!"

Ramsus tried his best to stop her.

"What am I supposed to 'hear out?' Your pleas for mercy?"

    "You have every right to be angry. But just give us one last chance. One last chance to atone for our sins."

   "Killing us won't do anything to change your situation. But if you just listen to us, everything will be all right!"

    "W-We've set aside a special seat for you. In the shrine where we trained you. D-Do you remember?"

"...... The shrine?"

    The hero remembered. Those nostalgic days when her inexperienced self was in training. Despite it only being a year ago, it felt as if hundreds of years had already passed. But she's changed. She's become a monster who only thinks of killing demons. If she hadn't, she wouldn't have been able to keep fighting. 

But they changed as well. They were once people she had the utmost respect for. However, they abandoned her and were now spouting nonsense in an attempt to further entrap her.

"We'll tell everyone that you're the true hero. We've already made all the preparations. So, once you get there, we'll set everything right."

    "Now, you can live in peace. You won't have to fight anymore. Everyone across the world will praise you... As the true hero."

    "Please believe in us. Please, with that kindness you had once before, trust us just one more time."

"...... Believe? What the hell is there to believe in, after all this time?"

"Humanity. Come on, let's go. The arduous days of fighting are over. Now, you can live in peace for the rest of your life. You're the only one who should have that right."


Ramsus stroked the head of the hero with his large hand as Mina healed her wounded hands, and Unisys watched over them. Thinking about the days they once spent together, the hero fell silent. She could feel something black enveloping her whole body. The end of the dream was near.


──What decision did she make, then?

    Did she believe in such an absurd story? Maybe she was tired of running away every day. Maybe she was tired of killing humans instead of demons. Is that why she let the smiles of her former comrades get to her? Is that why those nostalgia invoking days flashed through her mind? The enemy that needed to be defeated had been defeated, but the painful days of endless fighting continued. Was that why she chose to believe in their ridiculous story? Just what was in store for her? The place they took her to... It was a place the hero knew all too well – a place of fond memories.

In the midst of thick vegetation, there lay a small shrine. Despite being in the middle of the woods, it was a sacred place always illuminated by the sun. It was a shrine constructed to house the statue of the goddess. Once the demons appeared, the shrine would no longer see visits from people, but it was an ideal place for training the hero. In this place, she was trained by her three comrades, learned from them, and fostered bonds with them. Then after a long day of grueling training, they ate their meals in the shrine and slept.

… When I walked into that shrine full of memories. What the hell happened to me?




    Her body was shaken, and the hero awoke to an unfamiliar sight. Edel stood beside her making an unfamiliar face. Her pink nightgown dazzling as ever. Darkness still enveloped the world outside the window, with only a small lamp illuminating the room.

"Are you okay? You looked like you were in a lot of pain, so I woke you up."

"...... It might’ve been because I had a nightmare. I feel awful."

"What kind of nightmare? I could analyze it for you if you'd like."

"I'll pass....... Hey, did I... say anything?"

"No, you just sounded restless, nothing peculiar happened. It's just..."

Edel stammered slightly.

"... Just?"

    "You were laughing before I woke you up. But you looked like you were in a lot of pain. I've never seen your face like that before, so I woke you up in a panic. I'm sorry."

    Edel apologizing was a rare occurrence.

The hero stopped asking questions and lay back down in her bed again. After a while, the light in the room went out, and silence fell again.

Just how much time had passed?

Then the hero quietly whispered.

"Hey, are you still awake?"

"...... Unfortunately, my brain seems to be wide awake now. I don't think I'll be able to sleep for a while."

"I wanted to ask you something."

"Ask me what?"

"Do you think demons and humans can coexist on this earth?"

"That's impossible."

The hero gave a wry smile to Edel's immediate response.

"For someone who was defending that bug, you seem quite sure of yourself. How come?"

    "Demons eat humans, and humans fear demons. Humans hunt demons to satisfy their greed, and demons resent humanity for that fact. And the cycle repeats itself endlessly in the labyrinth –eat or be eaten, kill or be killed. It's not that complicated. It would be the same if they lived above ground too."

"Then what about that big bee? Why didn’t it show any hostility towards us?"

    The big bee, The eight-eyed bee Yatum. If all demons were like that, would humans and demons be able to coexist? That was unlikely, but the hero asked as she was slightly curious.

"Yatum is an exception among exceptions. It shouldn't even be possible for him not to have any magic elements within his body. Well, there might have been some like him in the past, but they're no doubt extremely rare."

". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "Hey, what if someone said something like, 'It's a pity we kill demons.' What if someone told you with a straight face that we could understand each other and get along?"

Edel suddenly asked her a question out of the blue.

The answer was simple.

"I’d hit them and knock them back to their senses. You'd have to be out of your mind."

"And what if they still didn't change their mind? What if they incessantly insisted on the notion?"

"I don't know. I'll figure that out when the time comes."

Edel smiled faintly in the darkness at her ambiguous remark to dodge the question.

    "If you said something like that in this city, you'd be taken into custody by the church as a heretic. They'd without a doubt think you're insane. Someone with views like that could never be understood. Things we don't understand make us feel uncomfortable and scared. That’s not limited to us either. I'm sure it's the same in the world of demons too."

"What do you mean?"

"Yatum, who was insistent on getting along with humans, ran away after almost being killed by his own kind. Ordinary demons wouldn't be able to understand the 'heretical' thoughts of a demon with no magic elements. They don't accept what they don't understand. So, they reject, chastise, and kill them....... Doesn't this sound a lot like human society?"

  "...... In other words, there is absolutely no way we can understand demons. So, we can kill them without a second thought. Well, I've at least killed them without hesitating, until today."


The hero felt a little relieved. If such a hard-to-kill demon appeared in the future, she would be in trouble. Demons always reeked of rot; that was how it had to be.

"It's sad, but that's just the way things have to be. Because demons are naturally born that way. Masses of hatred and malice, the natural enemies of humanity, that’s what demons are."


Hearing Edel's words, the hero tried putting herself in Yatum's position.

Yatum is a demon lacking any magic elements – magic essence. I was chosen to be a hero. Yatum wants to be friends with humans, and I want to exterminate the demons. Yatum was almost killed by his own kind, and I was outcast by my own.

"...... I'm kind of like that bee. Those who aren’t understood are rejected. That's just the way the world is."

The hero accepted this fact, closed her eyes and wrapped herself in her covers.

    "...... But you and Yatum have both found places for yourselves. And on top of that, have friends like Matari and Lulu. I think having people like them in today's world is something to be happy about."

Edel spoke in a gentle voice unbefitting of her, but the hero pretended to be asleep, giving no answer.

    The hero and the others decided to visit the slums again to check on Yatum’s situation. Matari, seemingly having gotten along with the children, took it upon herself to join their circle. All the while, Edel and Lulurile were intently writing things in their notebooks with great interest. But the hero sat alone away from the children's circle, sitting atop a dirty crate, with a sullen look on her face.

"What are you sulking for? Why don't you try interacting with him?"

"This is what we call a cross-cultural exchange."

    "Don’t kid yourself. I never said anything about letting it go yet. I've been keeping an eye on it this entire time. This damn bug could freak out at any moment. If you get it, then get out the way."

The hero shooed the two onlookers away with her hand.

    Edel and Lulurile looked at each other with faces as if to say, “Good grief,” and went to join the lively circle of children.

Snorting, the hero looked out the window of the abandoned warehouse at the clear sky above. It was an infuriatingly blue sky.

What the hell am I even doing here?

Too tired to even think about it, the hero decided to close her eyes and take a nap.


    ──After some time had passed, a noisy ring had formed around her. The children's shrill voices combined with the strange hoarse voice of the eight-eyed bee had woken the hero up. A terribly disgusting insect sat before the hero, and all around her were dirty but happy children. Even the empty-headed boar, the ill-tempered snake woman, and round-eyes were among them.

"...... What? If you don't want to get punched in the face, get out of my sight will you?"


Despite her hostile words, Yatum remained undeterred.

    "Hero, stones."

    Yatum's hands...  Or should they be called legs? It stretched out its two clawed appendages and offered her a large number of cube-like stones. Helplessly taking them in hand, she closely observed them. They were neatly cut, but there was nothing unusual about them. They were just ordinary stones.

"Unlike you insects, I don't like being given rocks."

"No, Hero! We're going to play with them!"

Matari interrupted her.

    The hero took another look at the square stones, but there didn’t seem to be a mechanism of any kind. Perhaps Yatum was the one who cut them so cleanly. Each of the stones varied in size, but their surfaces were perfectly polished. She couldn't imagine how they could play with these.

    "Whoever builds the highest tower with the blocks wins. But since the foundation is made of stones, if you use too many of them, you won't be able to make it as high. Yatum told me how to play this game, they call it 'tower."

"Hero, play. Yatum strong."

"According to Yatum, demons play games like this too. This is a revolutionary discovery. This proves that they also have a culture. Though, it's a real shame we can't announce our findings to the world."

Lulurile let out a sigh.

    The hero's eyes widened as she froze up. A demon's game of stacking stones? Such a peaceful-sounding game didn't correspond with their image in the slightest.

"...... P-Play with a demon."

"By the way, I couldn't win. Despite his appearance, he is quite dexterous."

    Lulurile admitted her defeat. Although she acted indifferently, her mouth twitched indicating otherwise. It must be very frustrating.

"...... Fu, I won't lose against some bug. I only need my left hand to beat you."

The hero tossed the stone high into the air and grabbed it with her left hand.

"Yatum, strong. Is not going to lose."

"You pompous bug. Don't start crying when you lose."

    She could have refused, but the thought of others thinking she was running away was irritating. And the eight-eyed bee in front of her seemed way too big to make precise movements efficiently. Lulurile must have lost because her glasses were off-put. Either that or she was just stupid.

"...... Ms. Hero, do you think I am a fool because I lost? I felt like you had such a look in your eyes just now."

"You're just imagining things. Alright, let's do this!"

    "If your tower collapses in the middle of the game, you lose. Whoever builds the tallest tower after ten minutes wins! Alright, go!"


With Colon's call as their cue, the hero and the eight-eyed bee began construction with the small stones.

    ... Five minutes had passed, and while the hero was working meticulously, Yatum fully utilized his four limbs to assemble his tower with tremendous speed. He would set down a stone with two claws while his other two ligaments held the tower in place. Each of his movements was full of confidence. In contrast, having declared she would only use her left hand, the tower of the hero grew more and more unstable.

"...... This isn't good. At this rate, I'm sure I'll lose. It wouldn't be funny if a hero lost to a bug."

    Out of desperation, she secretly tried to use her right hand, but when she saw Lulurile's grin, she quickly pulled it back. Because of what the hero said earlier, Lulurile had completely flipped over to the Yatum faction, and now a wide smile had broken out on her face. Glancing over at Yatum, she could see a magnificent tower standing high and proud. But the tower of the hero on the other hand, was twisted and contorted, looking as if it would collapse at any moment.

"Hero, you haven't lost yet! Don't give up until the very end!"

Matari's supportive words simultaneously were painful.

    Despite her talking big game just moments ago, the victor was already decided. The children, seemingly aware of her current state of affairs, refrained from shouting any words of encouragement. She did not dare to turn and look at the faces of either Lulurile or Edel.


    Perhaps due to being distracted by these unnecessary thoughts, the hero lost control. Her left hand hit the crooked tower, and from the impact, the 'Tower of Hero' crumbled.



"Gamer over, Yatum wins!"

"Yatum did it, Yatum win."

"...... I-I lost. To a bug."

"It's okay Ms. Hero. You are not stupid. You are just like me."


    Lulurile grabbed her hand as if she was genuinely happy. Annoyed, the hero grabbed her braids with both of her hands and pulled her left to right, but even so, Lulurile's smile remained unchanged.

"There's nothing you could've done. Yatum is just really good with his hands. Even these stones were cut by him."

    "We lose against him all the time. But sometimes, Yatum loses too. The last time I saw him lose was when he got too excited and accidentally knocked his tower down!"

When Silka smiled at him, Yatum scratched his head in embarrassment. With claws that could easily tear through a human being. It was a gesture so human-like, the hero couldn’t help being at a loss for words.

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret! So don't think about it too much!"

She didn't know who she would tell, but the hero nonetheless brushed off her compassion.

"...... Shut up. I don't care. Even heroes make mistakes every now and then. I'm not worried about it."

"You say that, but that's not what your eyes say. You look frustrated."

    When Edel pointed this out, the hero involuntarily looked away. Thinking that it was nonsense, she turned back to see Edel with an expression on her face as if saying, "You know I'm right."

"Yeah, yeah, I lost. I'm a pathetic loser. Take a good long look at the sight of the pathetic hero who lost to a bug!"

The hero threw a pebble and lay down on the floor of the abandoned warehouse. Her cloak got dirty, but she didn't care.


    Why was she even playing this stone stacking game with a demon in the first place? She did not know. But what she did know was that she was terribly disturbed associating with an eight-eyed bee. An entity that was both a demon, and not a demon. Such a phenomenon was incomprehensible to her.

    "Here. This for, doing best."


    A pink fruit was placed on the chest of the reclined hero. It was a fruit that shone with a refreshing-looking pink light. A light as dazzling as Pinky.

"...... Alms for the losers?"

"It very delicious, pink fruit. Everyone did best. Eat."

    The children bit into the fruit with innocent smiles. Matari was smiling carelessly, while Lulurile, tempered by the flames of revenge, was again working on masonry, and Edel tucked away some of the fruits in a bag. The hero was the only one sullen among them.

"...... Fine. Whatever. He's just some big bee anyway, so it doesn't matter."


    With a sigh, the hero opened her mouth and bit into the fruit. Juice spilled from her mouth and ran down to the dry floor. Looking up at the ceiling of the abandoned warehouse, sunlight streamed through its several holes. The hero thought that rain might prove a problem, but aside from that, this place was well ventilated.


Suddenly, she recalled one of Lulurile's proverbs: Home is where you make it. Thinking back on it now, the birdcage at the Paradise Pavilion was not so bad. No matter where she went, that loud and lively atmosphere followed.

    "Yatum, big bee."

"Oh, that's right. If you go out for food, do it at night. I forgot to mention yesterday that someone has been seeing you flying around. So, we were hired to find out what you really were."

"Oh, I never thought we'd get caught if we just threw a cloth over his head."

    "With as big as he is, people will definitely notice him. Just try to stay out of sight. The excuse that he's just some big-bee won't work on anyone else....... got it?"

    "Yatum understand."

"Do you really?"

At her words, Yatum stared at the hero with four eyes. They were beautiful clear green eyes.

    "Yatum really understand."

Hearing Yatum’s response, the hero stood up and stretched herself out.

"Alright then, let's go home. Eating sweet stuff makes me want a drink."

"I don't get what you mean, but I'll act like I do! So that's the end of the Yatum case!"

"Fufu, I guess we'll have some relaxing drinks along with this fruit."

"I will win next time."

    "Lulu, let's play again."

    Lulurile and Yatum seemed to have a strange affinity for each other and promised to fight each other again next time. He even started calling her Lulu as a nickname.

"Oh, you're leaving already?"

"Stay a little longer!"

"Come on, let's play some more!"

Colon, along with the other children, raised complaints in disappointed tones. Yatum fluttered his wings as well with them.

Despite a headache from the chaos, the hero raised her hand in farewell.

"I won't lose next time. I'll give you everything I've got, so be ready. The hero always wins in the end, that's a given."

    The next day, the hero and the others dove into the underground labyrinth. Matari swung around her red greatsword, tearing her enemies apart into a bloody mess. Using a sword with both hands seemed to suit Matari more, as her swings used no more than the energy needed to kill her foes. She even seemed to have learned how to deter enemies utilizing her blood-craved aura as a berserker. Just being near her fighting spirit one could feel its effect. It would be terrifying to face such a beast face to face. A berserker with a brutish red greatsword sneering your way while looking for an opening. It was a sight intimidating enough to make enough demons involuntarily hesitate and freeze.

    Edel shot out flames, and the hero quickly cleaved apart the inflamed insects. When one of the eight-eyed bees tried to fire its poisonous stinger, Lulurile shot it with a bolt, and Matari quickly rushed in to finish it off. Teamwork was starting to become natural for them. They were able to act without even needing to communicate with one another.

"...... They really are different from Yatum. I actually even tried talking with them at one point."

Matari muttered regretfully.

    "Don't do anything stupid in the middle of battle. It's kill or be killed. These guys even try begging for their lives as a means of surprise attack. Never let your guard down."

"...... Yes. They didn't answer. But even though I can’t read the expressions on their faces, I got the impression that they were mocking me. Well, I guess that's usually how they are."

"You guys keep your eyes peeled. Jackie, please, dismember the parts from this corpse...... After meeting Yatum, I'm not in the mood for this."

At Edel’s command, the evil fairy Jackie pulled out a knife while dancing with joy. The eight-eyed bee's poisonous stinger, along with its eye, were carved out and put away into a bag. These were the parts that contained the most magic essence and could be exchanged for a sizable amount of money.

"You’re being picky for a necromancer."

"It's good to cherish these feelings. Because if you don't, all the death around you will drive you insane. This is something necromancers specifically deal with."

Edel spoke with a serious face.

    "...... Yesterday we played with Yatum, and today, we killed and tore apart his kind. Hey, maybe we're already crazy. What do you think, scholar?"

Looking around, the area was littered with the corpses of insects - the former friends of Yatum.

In response to the hero's question, Lulurile shook her head.

"An insane person would never say such a thing. You will be fine, Ms. Hero. I assure you."

"Thanks for that. I guess there’s nothing to worry about having a scholar’s endorsement."

    "If you don't like it, you don't have to force yourself to come down here, you know? No one's going to blame you for not wanting to."


The hero answered Edel's suggestive words with a smile.

    "I don't mind. I don't really care if anyone thinks I'm crazy either. I'll keep fighting, fighting until my soul is worn out, and in my dying breaths, I'll go out killing a demon. This is my ideal. Matari, could you retrieve my body when that happens?"

"Where the heck is this coming from!?"

    "Alright, let's go. I'll keep killing, killing, and killing. Demons are the natural enemies of humanity, there’s no other choice but to eradicate them."

The hero trampled down the carcass of one of the eight-eyed bees and began to move forward. She made the mistake of remembering Yatum's face just before she stomped on it.