Wednesday, September 15, 2021

The Maiden Called Hero or Monster - Chapter 1 - The Nameless Hero



    Once upon a time, long ago, there was a girl who lived a peaceful life. But one day, darkness enveloped the world, and vile bloodthirsty demons appeared throwing the world into chaos.

    The world was in great disarray; powerless, all the weak could do was pray to their goddess for salvation. Then, when the people's misery had reached its peak, a miracle happened. Their goddess appeared before them.

    The goddess gave something special to the girl. It was the power to save the people, the power of a hero. The chosen girl departed on her journey alone, killing countless demons. She killed, killed, and killed, slaughtering them all. Until finally, she successfully vanquished the dreaded Demon King. In a world to which peace had returned and light prevailed, the hero lived happily ever after.

―They all lived happily ever after, happily ever after.

    "... What is this? An essay written by a child?"

    After examining the thin sheet of paper, the girl frankly asked the question that had occurred to her.

    "Didn't you ask me to tell you more about the hero? That’s why I wrote this for you."

    "Was this drawing made by you by chance, Stepmother? It’s the only thing which looks like effort was put into."

    "Yep. It's pretty good for an amateur. I've been losing sleep because of how hard I've been working."

    The woman snorted; an expression of triumph was spread across her face.


    The girl looked down at the thin piece of paper again. It depicted a scene in which a female swordsman, with a fierce visage, struck down the Demon King. The picture wasn’t unnoticeable, but the story ended in a dozen lines or so. Clearly, she had put the most emphasis on the wrong part of the story.

    It was true she had asked for the story of the hero, but this could not be it. She could have written it up in mere minutes herself. The only thing discernible from the flimsy paper was that some random girl, chosen to be the hero, defeated a Demon king.

    "...... Hey, there's no description of the hero anywhere in here. I don't remember asking you to tell me a children's fairy tale."

    "But that's really what happened. See, it's full of realism. I even added a hint of exaggeration somewhere too. Do you know where?"

    "I don't want to know. I mean, the story ends in three seconds, there's no point in embellishing a story ending so quickly."

    "I took the liberty of excluding all the unimportant bits. Paper is a luxury, you know. Don't you think it's more economical this way?"

    She reached out and poked the girl's forehead with her finger, a mischievous smile spread across her face.

    Sensing she was being teased again as usual, the girl rolled up the paper into a crumpled mess and tossed it on the ground. 

 The masterpiece her stepmother had drawn was now crumpled and distorted, yet she felt not a shred of guilt.

    Looking at the disheveled mess, the face of the hero seemed to be contorted with pain; however, it was likely her eyes playing tricks. Her eyesight was quite bad after all. Moreover, influenced by her mother's demeanor, her unpleasant personality and foul mouth, her character had grown quite warped.

    "Thank you very much for making this for me. The feelings my Stepmother was trying to convey really reached me. Now, if you’re done, can you leave? You're interrupting my studies."

    "It's good you understood. I'll write some more when I feel like it. Well, I'm busy too so I'll be going. Don't hold yourself up here with your studies, get outside sometimes."

    "Yeah, yeah; what I do is none of your business."

    She tried to wave her away with her hand while telling her to get out, but she wouldn't leave.

    "And open the curtains, or you'll get called musty, like a certain somebody."

    "Shut up and get out!"

    "Well then, good luck with your studies, Katarina"

    The women left the room while humming a melodic tune.

    The girl reflexively threw the rolled-up paper ball at her, but the target quickly closed the door behind her. 

    She took a deep breath to regulate her mental state. It was aggravating to do as she was told; but nevertheless, she opened the curtains to let in sunlight. The glaring sunlight was truly unpleasant.

    Her motivation to study had instantly disappeared. Following any interaction with that woman, her heart would always be left in disarray. She really hated the smug look on her face. She was sure she would get back at her one of these days; unfortunately, such an opportunity did not always present itself.


    With a sideways glance she glared at the curled-up piece of paper on the floor. Hesitating for a moment, she picked it off the ground with a sigh. The contents weren’t what she was expecting, but she was sure it had been written for her. Wondering if she should throw it away, she pondered for a moment.

    "............ Hmm."

    Carefully flattening out the crumpled paper, she threw it to the back of her drawer.


    "Hey, what are you doing!?"


    The girl's face turned red as she shouted in anger. Her masterpiece had been crumpled up and thrown back in her face; though, despite it being a 'masterpiece,' it had been finished in roughly three minutes as she hummed to herself.


    "Oh, my apologies. It was a slip of the hand. Now then, if you’re done here, please leave."


    "I'm not done here at all! I've already submitted my application, so hurry up and give me my permit──"

    The receptionist woman at the desk raised her hand to stop the young girl's furious outburst and spoke in a monotonous tone.


    "This window serves those already certified by a guild; it's not for country bumpkins like you. You would be dead in three minutes in the labyrinth if you entered the labyrinth. So, wipe your tears and head home. Shoo-shoo."

    The woman snickered and moved her hand in a shooing motion, as if she were deterring a fly.

    In turn, ridiculed, the girl's face reddened like a ripe tomato. Her short black hair trembled, almost as if it were about to stand on end in anger.


    "Y-You bitch! Don't just make fun of people! I'll smash those glasses!"


    "―There are many idiots who don’t realize this, but at the next window over they'll look at both your background and aptitude. Depending on your skillset, they will pick a guild most suitable for you. You should thank the Star God, for their heart is full of compassion."


    Looking at the next window, an incredibly long line containing people of all walks of life was arranged. A lean man wielding a farming tool as a weapon; a bare-chested man who carried a sword; a woman in scantily clad clothing, and a serious-looking monk all resided in within it. It seemed each of them was lined up just to have a letter of recommendation written.


     But it wasn't that the girl had overlooked the line. Feeling as if she couldn't be bothered to wait, she came straight to this window without a second thought, as it had no line.


    "You have nothing to do anyway. Write me a letter of recommendation, quickly.”


    "Let me see. I'd be happy to. If you bowed your head and said some nice words that make me want to help you, I might consider it."


    The girl cursed at the sly, bespectacled woman deep in her heart. Though the woman at the counter didn’t seem that old, she definitely had a rotten personality. 

   Frustrated, the girl nearly hurled the crumpled application form at her, but she managed to control herself. She had to endure. If she couldn't manage that, she wouldn't be able to enter the labyrinth, which would be quite problematic as she had no money


    "...... P-Please."


    "I can't hear what you're saying."


    "P-Please, w-w-write me a letter of recommendation to a guild, or whatever"


    "Well, I guess it can’t be helped. How could I not write it when you ask with such an amusing look on your face? I think I can enjoy the rest of my day at just the thought of it. So, I'll pass some time by writing up a letter of recommendation for you. Here, give me that shoddy application, quickly."


  Struggling to keep a cool head and resist the urge to hit her, the girl carefully smoothed out the crumpled-up application and handed it to the woman.


    "Let's see. Your resume: 'I became a hero, killed the Demon King, and brought peace back to the world.' And you forgot your name to amnesia. Well, you can't go off nameless, so how about we call you, Hero."

    "Something like that’s fine."


    "Really, it must be terrible having amnesia. You have my sincerest sympathy for the state of your brain."


    "Thank you."


  "Don't thank me; that was sarcasm. And now, for the delusional self-proclaimed hero, I present a letter of recommendation to the Warriors Guild."

    With an utterly condescending gaze, the woman at the reception desk stamped the document.


    "The Warriors Guild?"


    "Well, you can't use magic, and it would be a waste of time checking your physical aptitude. There are all sorts of people who are members of the Warriors Guild, from the capable to trash; well, mostly trash, so it would be perfect for you... Alright, it's done."

    Putting the written letter in an envelope, she threw it in the face of the girl — the hero. And once again, attempted to get her to leave with the same shooing gesture.


    "Hey! Damn it, I'll remember this!"

    The hero spat out a throwaway line often used by villains. 

    She felt her heart tighten with the humiliation of a loser. As she thought to herself, she came to understand, even if only slightly, that the trash she had dealt with before likely experienced a similar feeling.


    "Alright, next please."


    Before she realized, a line of people had formed. All of them waiting to apply behind the hero. They must have already had their occupation certified.

     Frustrated, a man pushed the hero to the side.


     "At last, it is my turn! Get out of the way!"


     "H-Hey, ow!"

    Blood surged to the head of the hero, yet she held back her anger. She was starving, and getting angry would only sap her strength. She felt if she exhausted any more of her physical energy, she would collapse on the spot.


    Breathing a sigh of relief, the hero exited the church. On her way out, she grabbed a pamphlet placed near the entrance. It was important to be informed. Using her impaired brain, she attempted to decipher the pamphlet's contents but couldn't quite understand at first glance.


    "...... What is this? It's so pointlessly long and detailed. They should've made it easier to understand."


    Resisting the urge to tear it apart, she reluctantly read through the pamphlet filled with small, tightly packed text, which made it difficult to read, and had a general idea of its contents.

    ──To summarize the contents of the pamphlet

   ・In order to receive permission to explore the underground labyrinth, you must belong to one of the many guilds in Arte.

   ・There are various types of guilds, including the Warriors and Sorcerers Guild. The church will judge which guild you would be best suited for. But you may also request to join your desired guild beforehand.

 ・If your Guildmaster acknowledges your abilities you will be awarded an Occupation Certificate.

 ・After obtaining an Occupation Certificate, you can use it to obtain an Exploration Permit from the church, allowing you to freely explore the labyrinth.

 ・You can hunt demons in the labyrinth and bring back specified parts for money. The harder you work, the more money you can make.

 ・If you're looking for a place to stay, then you can head on down to the Paradise Pavilion. Delicious meals and excellent alcohol await. Stay with us, and you'll make hasty progress in the labyrinth!


    "Wasn't that last bit just an advertisement? And that name: 'Paradise Pavilion.' That sounds like the name of a place that would actually take your breath away if you stayed a night.”

    With the information in mind, the hero set out for her destination.


 Given the map on the flyer, she had a general sense of its approximate location. Thus, with a wooden stick for support, she continued on her way with a heavily limp.

  In her current shape, she wasn't exactly someone one would call a 'hero.' Clad in tattered, inexpensive cloth-clothing and armed with a wooden stick she found fallen on the ground, she was less equipped than even a farmer, at least their tools were made of iron.

  The hero also had no money, and without money, she couldn't eat. The only method in which she thought of to earn money was to fight, but attacking a human would make one no better than a demon. So, after gathering information, she decided upon entering the underground labyrinth. If she killed demons, she could make money; her stomach would be full, and the world would be at peace. Such a path would result in many good things.


    The moment the hero grew motivated, and eager to kill demons, a voice suddenly called out to her.


    "H-Hey, um… "


    "Ah, I’m tired. What a pain. I’m almost too tired to even breathe."


    "Excuse me, may I have a word?"


    A tall young woman spoke up from beside her, but the hero ignored and continued walking. It would be a waste of energy to deal with her   


    "It might be my imagination, but I think I might've heard something. Perhaps it’s the call of a death god coming to meet me. In any case, if I'm going to die, I'd rather end up in a paradise of some kind. I don't care if I end up in paradise, but I'm not sure about going to hell. The thought of having to continue killing demons even in death is a little depressing."

     Ignoring the women who spoke to her, she pressed on. 

    When in times of trouble, one can only keep moving forward. As the hero reaffirmed her conviction to continue doing so, the woman suddenly wrapped around in front of her.

    "Sorry! I mean, if you don't mind, would you like to come to the guild with me?"


    "......Why? I mean, who are you?"

    The hero looked at the young woman as if evaluating her.

  Even if someone might seem like a good person, they could actually be quite the opposite. Such a thing was a commonality. As harsh as it might be, the hero felt it was justified to maintain a sense of doubt upon meeting someone for the first time.


    "Um, I saw you at the church earlier. Because I was going to apply for membership in a guild, I was wondering if you would like to join me. I get pretty nervous when I'm alone. Ah, I also have a letter of recommendation to the Warriors Guild too."


    She had an amazingly bright smile, with not a hint of ulterior motives behind it. The woman seemed to be as authentic as she looked. The distinct smell one exuded made it easy for the hero to tell. Those with a thirst for blood, individuals corrupt to their core, emitted a peculiar stench, one she found unbearable. It compelled her to want to eradicate the source of that odor immediately.


    "...... Why are you assuming I'm going to the Warriors Guild? Did you think I’m so simple that my brain is made of muscle? Well, it’s true that my hands usually move before I think."


    "N-No, that's not what it is. In your conversation I overheard someone say the ‘Warriors Guild.’ And when it comes to warriors, many of them use a multitude of weapons in battle."


    "I'm not a warrior, I'm a hero… "


    "Yes, understand. I understand very well. Everyone longs to be a 'hero.' With such an aspiration, training hard is essential. It’s good to see that you already understand that! That's really great!"

    The tall young woman clenched her fists tightly as she gave an impassioned speech. It seemed she completely ignored the words of the hero.

    This girl appeared to be an exhausting person. Such types of people often drained their mental energy and physical vitality, not their own of course, but the energy of those associated with them.


    The hero took another look at the woman's appearance. She was about a head taller than her and looked to be around the height of an adult man. She wore a well-made suit of heavy silver armor and carried a shield branded with what seemed to be a family crest, with a long sword at her waist. She had the ideal figure for a warrior. Her blonde hair was tied back into a golden ponytail and had eyes that shone with ambition.


    "...... Well, it should be fine. I’d appreciate it if you showed me the way. This city is too big for me to grasp. Just how big can this place be?"


    Arte was a city nestled on a plain between two rivers. With noisy, crowded streets, and a ceaseless stream of people flowing in and out its walls, one could see how prosperous the city was from even outside its towering walls. To her, this was somewhat proof of a world more peaceful than before.

    The hero suddenly had a trivial thought: “A flood would be pretty problematic in a busy place like this.” Though, its flourishing atmosphere was enough to dispel such concerns.


    Also, before arriving to this town, the hero had met an extraordinary girl who had told her the way here. She knew they would never meet again, but she would never forget her monstrous appetite.


    "Yes! The city of Arte was built above an underground labyrinth and serves as a line of defense against the demons, preventing them from escaping. If you go to the Labyrinth Square, you'll be able to see the Great Barrier… I don’t really need to keep explaining it anymore, do I?"

    After explaining, she gave an embarrassed smile.

   However, as someone unfamiliar with the city, the hero found it quite interesting.


   What awaited her at the end of the labyrinth? And why didn’t they seal it off in the first place? If they knew the source of the problem, there should be many different ways to deal with it.

    As the hero thought to herself, her stomach let out a loud growl. It seemed that the energy she used to reflect was all she had left.


    "... Would you like something to eat before we head to the guild?"


    "Well...... I'd say yes, but I don't have money."


    "I have some left on me, so let's eat together."

    The young woman spoke with a dazzling smile. She was like a benevolent goddess.


    "You're really...... Uh, a good person."


    The hero was about to stick a “Congratulations, good for you,'' at the end, but refrained. she didn't seem like the kind of person who would understand sarcasm, and as she was going to buy her food, all the more reason not to.


    "Thank you for accompanying me! Oh, sorry, my name is Matari Arte. I look forward to working with you!"

    The young woman – Matari, bowed her head, and as she did, her hair which was gathered into a ponytail, flicked like a horse's tail.


    The hero had no intention of introducing herself. But remembering that the town's name was also Arte, she asked back.


    "...... Arte? I think this town’s name was Arte too, right? Is there some sort of connection between you and this city?"


    "......Yes, I belong to the Arte family, but I was disowned and expelled. Now, the Arte name is nothing more than an ornament now. All it can do now to survive is cling to its former glory."

    Matari muttered with a clouded expression. Contrast to her previous vitality, a shadow had cast itself on her back.


    Though, the hero had no idea what the Arte family was and had no interest in knowing either.


    "Sounds like you've been through a lot. Sorry, but I don't want to be put in a mood. If you want to be depressed, could you talk about it later?"


    She wouldn’t go as far as to say it was annoying, as she didn't want to miss out on the dinner bought for her. But she thought it to be easier to attract bad luck when your mood is down. For example, you might pick up cursed equipment or rotten bread, a treasure chest you find might suddenly explode, or you might fall into a cascading pit full of spikes – such things would be terrible


    "S-Sorry, you're right. Now’s not the time to complain about it. So, let's cheer up!"

    Laughing embarrassingly, she scratched her head. It was an expression the hero thought wasn’t at all compatible with herself.


    "Alright, can you show me where to go then? I'll follow you."


    "Of course! Let's go. This will be our first step on the road to glory!"

    Matari seemed to be back in good spirits.

    While the hero, on the contrary, wilted with a hunched back. It was as if the last bit of energy she had was drained by the energetic girl before her.

    Using the wooden stick as a support, the hero kept herself from collapsing.


    "Oh, I forgot something important. May I ask you your name?"

    Matari clapped her hands and brought her face close with a smile.


    The hero thought of what to do. She had no recollection of her real name. Since they wouldn't be together long, should she just tell her a fake name? Though, she quickly dismissed the idea, as there was only one name befitting her.


    "...... Hero. My name is Hero. I’ve forgotten my past because of amnesia, so just call me whatever you want."


    "You have amnesia? But wouldn't it be inconvenient if you didn't have a name?"

    The words of the hero caused Matari to involuntarily shout in confusion.

    But the hero merely patted her shoulder and walked away.


    "I'll remember it eventually, so I don't really care what you call me. Come on, let's go. I'm dying of hunger."


    "Wait! H-Hero!? Do you really not mind that name!? You should have a prettier name!"


    "I told you it doesn't matter, so it’s fine. Just be patient until I get my memories back. It shouldn’t matter what your name is, just as long as you can identify who you are. "


    "I-Is that so?"

    Matari showed an unconvinced expression, while the hero affirmed in a cold tone.


    "... Such is life."


   Following Matari, the hero arrived at a building that looked to be a remodeled bar. Out front, there was a signboard featuring an image of alcohol and some text which read,『Come on in Warriors! 』It seemed like a place for alcoholic fathers; though, the hero chose not to dwell on it, as she felt she would lose the energy regained from her last meal.

    The sound of clashing steel and a bustling atmosphere could be heard even at the entrance. She had no idea what a guild was like, but it seemed that drinking wasn’t their only job. 

    Matari took the lead, and the hero followed while nibbling on a piece of bread, heavily armed with only the bread in her right hand, and a wooden stick in her left. And as expected, the bar was full of drunks sprawled about, as well as people who looked like dangerous bandits. Women and children would seem completely out of place here.

    Matari pushed her way through the crowd undaunted, and made her way to the counter where a man in a blue shirt stood. The blue-shirted man seemed to be middle-aged, with a strong-looking body and a distinctive scar that ran down his cheek. It wouldn’t be particularly strange to think of the man as the leader of a group of bandits.


    "Ah, um, Hero? This is Rob, the master of the Warriors Guild. You give him your letter of recommendation──"


    "Huh, there's no need to look at it. We're not so far gone that we'd let this brat in, no matter how much of a dump this place might be."

    Interrupting Matari's words, Rob eyed the hero and spat out with a bitter expression.

    The hero, frustrated, bit into her bread and, without uttering a word, flung her letter of recommendation at him. Rob, in response, snatched it brusquely.


    "Since it's from the church, I'll give it a look. But once we’re done, get the hell out of here. Name: Hero (Self-proclaimed); Specialty: Exterminating Demons; and a special note from the church: 'Put trash where it belongs.' That bitch. What a joke.”

    After deliberately reading the letter aloud, Rob threw it into the trash, pointed his finger to the exit, and said two words.


    "―Go home."


    "No. I have to kill demons to make money. This is a waste of both of our times, so just give me the Occupation Certificate or whatever. Then I’ll go kill them right now."


    "You’re underestimating life, aren’t you?"


    "I’ve always lived life looking ahead. No matter what’s happened, I’ve never given up. That's why I'm standing here now. I have not once underestimated life."


    "Then let me ask, what's with your getup? You're about to enter the labyrinth, and you're wearing nothing but plain clothes, armed with nothing but a stick you probably picked up off the street. This isn't where you learn to dance. Dress properly before you come back."

    The hero surveyed her surroundings, noticing that nearly everyone in the guild was casting curious glances her way. It was extremely unpleasant, but she had to endure it, so she suppressed her anger. If she didn't, she would not be able to enter the labyrinth to kill demons and make money, although she did not know which of the two was her primary reasoning.

    But even now the hero was dismayed. She knew the building was remodeled from a tavern, but inside it turned out to really be just a tavern. At first, the hero thought it was a gathering place where warriors would meet to challenge the labyrinth. However, it turned out to be a place for them to refuel with booze. To the hero, "The Drunks Guild" seemed more fitting than "The Warriors Guild." Yet, despite that, each member looked the part and appeared quite experienced; their demeanor was not merely for appearance's sake. The man in the blue shirt must be a first-rate fighter himself.

    The hero thought of how to quickly get his recognition. Would quickly hitting him once suffice?


    The men who had been giving her curious glances earlier called out while she was deep in a vortex of dangerous thoughts.


    "Oi, self-proclaimed hero girl. I’m sure you have your reasons, but this isn't a playground. If you want to make money, you’d best go somewhere that suits your figure best!


    "Well, with that poor body of yours, you probably won't get much!"


    "Hahaha! No, no, there might be some drunken maniacs out there! I've heard there’s people with weird fetishes who think the smaller, the better!"


    "Buahaha, do people like that really exist!? Good for you, little girl, I’m sure you'll be popular with all those perverts! Work hard to become Arte's number one whore!!"

    The men laughed themselves silly as they drank.


    All the while Matari's face was blushed a bright red. She seemingly lacked any immunity to such vulgar words.

    With the same expression across his face and tone of voice, Rob repeated the same words.


    "That's it. If you can grasp the reality of the situation, hurry up and go home. I don't have time to deal with you. Matari, there’s some procedures I’ll need to run you through, so you stay."




    "I don't run a guild for fun. I can't willingly send someone into the labyrinth knowing they'll turn up dead. You’ve got to understand that, right?"


    "...... Yes, but."


    At Matari’s urging to reconsider, Rob stopped her himself.


    "No buts. If you’re gonna pick a companion, you need someone better; if you really want the head of the Arte family to recognize you.


    "...... Yes. I’m sorry."

    Matari, completely defeated, turned, arched her tall back, and bowed her head apologetically to the hero.   

    The hero, who had become the most promising candidate to become a corpse, wondered what to do.


    "......This is too much trouble. I'll just go into the labyrinth on my own. I'm just getting angrier. I don't need permission to kill demons. I'll just beat the crap out of anyone who gets in my way."

    As the thoughts of the hero began to drift in an even more dangerous direction, a long-serving member approached her.


    "Come on, Missy, don't just stand there. Hurry up and leave. If you want, I can keep you company later."


    "Bah-ha-ha, is that really your type!?"


    "Wahaha! You perverted old man!"


    "What, I just thought I'd be her first client. You know, the price'll go up afterwards, right?"

    The man smirked, putting his hands on the shoulders of the petite hero. And the moment, his disgusting hands were about to obscenely traverse her body──

    The hero slammed her fist into the man's epigastrium. The man wore a sturdy iron armor, but that did little to mitigate the impact; furthermore, the hero threw the punch with her non-dominant left arm. Though in spite of it all, the single blow made the man cry out like a crushed frog. Then, the hero used her stick to throw the man’s chin up, and quickly swung it down, striking another blow to the back of his head. The hero held back for his convenience, but had it been a demon bearing the stench of rot, it would have already been crushed without a trace left behind.


    "How does this stick taste? It doesn't matter what you use to kill scum, neither does your armor, as long as you can kill. Kill or be killed, that's all there is to it. And you, in your iron armor, are about to be killed by me with a wooden stick. You know that, right?"

    Using both of her hands, she grabbed the stick and pressed it into the spine of the prone man. If the hero exerted any more force, his spine would break, and the man would die.


    "W-Wait, h-hold on!"


     "Come to think of it, if you die a seat will open up. That's where I’ll come in. Hey, what do you think about that? Seems like a good idea, right? It would be painful killing a human. But if it's for the sake of killing all the demons...."

   Mumbling to herself, the hero began chuckling in satisfaction.


    "H-Hey, hey! Somebody! Help me!!"

    Despite the man’s cries for help not a single person dared move. Just as a sharp knife can cut and make you bleed; it was a natural instinct to avoid danger.


    "Don't worry, even though the Demon King is no more, I'll continue killing the demons in your stead. As that is the purpose of a hero's existence. And if the demons disappear, the world will see peace. Isn't that great?  As someone once said, peace is built on noble sacrifices, so feel free to become a sacrifice."

    After speaking in a flat tone, the hero vowed to bring world peace. Then, as she pressed her foot into the man's back about to snap his spine in half──


    "That's enough! I apologize for earlier. I hope you can forgive my rudeness. I'll accept you into my Warriors Guild, so let him go."

    Rob clapped his hands, sending an echo throughout the hall, and apologized to the hero.

    Upon hearing the sound, the madness faded from the eyes of the hero. Looking down at the man, she removed her foot from his back uninterestedly. Her goal was to slay demons, which required her to venture into the labyrinth. To gain entry, joining a guild was essential. If she could accomplish that, there was no particular need to take the man's life, so the hero decided to let him go.

    The man coughed and trembled violently, prompting the previously petrified onlookers to take action.


    "H-hey, you alright Java!?"


    "Oh man, his breathing ain’t good."


    "Hurry up and get him to the Clerics Guild to be treated! This guy's friend should be there, hurry!"


    The injured man named Java was quickly carried out by bullet veterans of the Warriors Guild. Meanwhile, the hero looked away with indifference.    


    "H-Hero, w-wasn’t that a bit too much?"

    A pale-faced Matari approached the hero and asked.


    "You weren’t really going to kill him, right? If you killed someone, you'd be a murderer."




   As Matari remained restless, a troubled look appeared on the face of the hero. The hero felt no need to justify herself, so disregarded the question. However, she acknowledged a small debt of gratitude to her for buying her a meal. So, in return, she decided to teach her something.


    "The most important thing for a human being is dignity. It doesn't matter if you're suffering from starvation or kill. If you've not lost it, you're still a fine human being. But those who lose it..."


    "... Those who lose it?"


    "Become miserable beasts. Those who've acquired a taste for blood, who've drowned, those who have strayed from the path of righteousness— those are demons. So, if your pride is wounded, you have to fight. That's what I've always done to keep from falling into evil. If you want to live as a human, then you’d best remember this."

    The hero, speaking in a high-minded manner, took a bite out of food on the table. As long as you don't lose your pride, it's okay to sneak a bite. That’s just how it was.



    Matari nodded deeply and engraved it into her heart, repeating the word pride over and over. It seemed she had been strongly influenced.


    Taking a deep breath, Rob called out to the hero.


    "That’s a fine philosophy. You talk like a veteran who's experienced a great number of battles. Good grief, just who the hell are you?"


    "A hero."


    "Yeah, yeah, yeah. Anyway, welcome to the Warriors Guild – Well, in a manner of speaking. Your name is..."




    "...... Miss Hero. I'll just write down something suitable on the list for now. Even when I learn the name of newcomers I forget them pretty quickly. Now, hone your skills and do your best to be of service to the church.”

    "Yeah, yeah."

    The hero nonchalantly replied while chewing a piece of meat.

    "... Very well. There’re all sorts of formalities we need to get to, but since it's been such a hectic day, we’ll save it for tomorrow. And here, consider this an inconvenience fee and a token of welcome."

    Rob handed a silver coin to the hero.


    Despite things having escalated dangerously, the hero was able to get some money to pay for lodging.

    "There’s many inns nearby where you can stay, but the best place I can recommend would be the Paradise Pavilion. Many of your peers stay there, and best of all, it's got close ties with the Warriors Guild. If you choose to stay there, a bit of happiness will befall me for recommending it to you two."

  The hero and Matari were subsequently driven from the guild, as though it were being said, "If you understand, then leave."


    Afterward, the hero called out to Matari who had been shooed out along with her as collateral.


    "I'm sorry I got you dragged into this. I'll apologize to you properly."


    "N-No, it's fine! But more importantly, your skills with that stick just now were really wonderful. And your punch was extremely precise. Are you aiming to become a master of martial arts in the future?"

    She clasped her hands together and gazed at the hero as if truly impressed.

    The hero, who was not accustomed to such a gaze, looked away and replied.


    "As I’ve said many times already, I can’t be a martial artist, because I’m a hero. It would be strange for a hero to be a martial artist, wouldn't it?


    "Would it be strange? I feel like you have outstanding talent! Well, anyway, let's head for the Paradise Pavilion!"

    The hero turned her head and wondered if she really was going to end up at the Paradise Pavilion. She still thought they should have chosen a better name. For example, the "Cozy Pavilion." Then it would at least be easier to sleep at night. Don’t you want to pass comfortably when you die?

    As the hero, dazed, had such trivial thoughts, Matari was already running far ahead.


    "Hero, I'll leave you behind!"


    "......Why am I working with her?"


    For some reason, she had found herself working together with Matari. She had no intention of getting along and had planned to split up after she showed to the guild.

    I don’t think I want any more friends...... Well, what happens, happens. I’ve always managed somehow or another. I don’t care.

    She had managed up to now. So, whatever will be, will be.


    The hero ceased her contemplation and began her slow walk towards Matari, who gave her a cheerful wave, her ponytail swaying back and forth like the tail of a horse. 



    "...... Until today? What do you mean? Did I do something wrong? If so, I apologize. So..."

    The hero couldn't hide her agitation at their sudden words, as she spoke in a trembling voice.  


    They were her friends, whom she had overcome many hardships with. They had said they had something important to discuss with her, only for them all to unilaterally say their goodbyes. The mind of the hero was in a state of confusion - What happened? Why? The demons couldn’t be stopped unless they fought.


     ──As the demons gradually expanded their territory, humanity began growing overwhelmed. The physical disparity between humans and demons was too vast. Even their reproduction rate was far superior. If things continued as they were, humanity would dwindle, and eventually perish. That was why the hero had been fighting so desperately, all because the goddess told her she was chosen to be a hero. That was why she's fought tooth and nail, for the sake of everyone. Gritting her teeth, she’s plunged herself into countless battles killing countless demons, all for the sake of protecting humanity.


    "As I’ve just said. It’s not likely we’ll be able to keep up with you."


    "I'm sorry, my brave hero. But we are just ordinary people….… We are not like you; you are the chosen one."


    "We will also contribute to the salvation of the world, in our own way.  We will continue standing at the forefront of the war against the demons...... Although our paths may differ, our goals one and the same. Therefore......"


   Her three friends were also her mentors, training her to embrace the role of the hero she was chosen to be. They taught her how to fight against demons, they trained her in swordsmanship, and in the art of magic and the likes. They had taught her everything there was to know. And now, the brave and dependable companions of hers, with their eyes downcast to the dirt, declared that they were leaving her today.


    "──N-No. We've been through so much together. You all trained me. I'll work harder!"


    No matter how formidable the enemy, no matter how hard the road she walked was, she could fight because she had her friends by her side. She couldn’t do it alone. She wouldn’t be able to continue on her journey like this. There was no way a single person could overcome the demon army and the Demon King who led them, all on their own.


    "I’ve reached my limit. I've been thinking about it for a long time, but now I'm convinced."


    "Objectively speaking, we're dragging you down. Even in our recent battle a few days ago, you fought while protecting us. And there was nothing we could do to help you. You were able to single-handedly defeat that terrifying demon. I'm afraid we just can't help you like this. We’d just be a distraction for you."


    "My dear hero. If it is you, I’m sure you will be able to defeat the Demon King alone. So please, bring peace back to this world."


    "No, there’s no way I can do it alone, something like that’s impossible!"


    "You can do it. You even managed to defeat that terrible two-horned beast. You will surely bring back peace to this world."

    The Demon King's army had taken the entire nation by storm. Wiping out the kingdom's armies, the demons made the castle of humanity their stronghold, and so, they aimed to cut them down and subjugate it. However, what awaited them was only a lone, giant two-horned demon sat upon the throne. 

    One attack from the fearsome monster easily felled her three comrades. The hero desperately tried to cast healing spells on her companions as they cried out in pain; all the while, fighting back with her sword.

    The two-horned monster's strength was truly almighty. The hero was cut, trampled down, masticated, and torn apart again and again. Even after her comrades drew their last breaths she continued fighting alone. Stained completely with blood, she continued swinging her sword like a madman, splattering pieces of her own flesh about with each swing of her blade. Then, with the first rays of dawn, the hero had taken the head of the two-horned demon. She completely annihilated the monster that had brought down an entire castle all by itself.

    The hero indeed triumphed. And although it came at a cost, she was able to revive her companions too. She thought everything went well, so why, why did her companions want to abandon her?


    "It pains me greatly to do this in the middle of our mission… But we will never see each other again. Know that we will sincerely be praying for your health and hoping for your victories, great hero.”

    The woman who was now a former friend, spoke in an emotionally stifled voice.

   The two men at her side nodded silently and followed her.

    The hero tried to stop them, but her legs wouldn't move. Everyone would leave if she didn't stop them now.


    "W-Wait! H-Hey, please, wait!”


    ──Please, don't leave me alone. Being alone is too lonely. It’s painful. I'll work harder, so that no one can beat me. I’ll push myself as hard as I can, even if it kills me. So please, don't abandon me.  

    The hero exclaimed from the bottom of her heart 

   Please, don't leave me alone. Don't push it all onto me. I was just chosen. I never wanted to be a hero. I just wanted to protect the people I cared about. That’s all I prayed for.


    "Don't leave me!"


    The three of them stopped and turned back to the hero. Did her wish make it through to them?

    With hope in her heart, she stared at their faces, desperately trying to make a smile. However, the woman who had been her companion looked terrified, and muttered to herself as if she were looking at a demon.


    "...We can’t, I can’t. Because deep down, we’re afraid of you."


    "...... Huh?"


    "Because, back then, you looked like a monster. We're only human. How could we possibly follow you!?"


    "Hey, stop it!"


    "And did I say something wrong!? You hypocrites! Just say what's on your mind! How could I not be so terrified I want to cry!? We're supposed to be dead, so why are we still alive!? We all had our heads smashed in! So, what did this monster do to us!?

    The woman screamed like she had gone mad, screaming as if she was letting out everything that had built up until now.


    "Enough, let’s go! That's something we can figure out later! Because we're still alive!"


    "We're just normal people! Even if they call me a sage, I’m still just a human being, we all are! Monsters should be left to kill monsters!"


    All the strength in the body of the hero disappeared. Crumbling to the ground, she watched as her companions left. She had no intention of holding them back anymore.

    She finally understood. She was a monster. A monster who only existed to kill other monsters— demons. So why was she fighting to save humanity?

    The hero thought to herself with tears in her eyes. She thought and thought and thought. Hours passed, yet the hero remained stationary, lost in thought.




    And so, when her tears had wholly dried, the answer came to her. Heroes did not exist to save humans; they exist to erase demons from the world.

    The hero expressionlessly gripped her sword and stood up.

    To kill all the demons, she needed to become stronger. She needed to train her mind and body to the very limit. It would take time, but that didn’t matter. She didn’t care how many people died in the meantime. It was of no concern to her, as killing demons was her highest priority.

    Wiping her eyes, the hero slowly wandered forth.



     "That dream again. I feel like shit."


    The hero took a deep breath to calm her anxious breathing.


    Matari in the bed next to her was snoring away peacefully, a worry-free expression spread across her sleeping face.

    The hero wanted to vent her anger by squeezing her cheeks, but, in the end, refrained.


    This was a room inside the Paradise Pavilion, the place that Rob himself had recommended. The Paradise Pavilion seemed to be a large establishment in the city of Arte, with its occupants mostly consisting of Labyrinth explorers. The hero had planned to rent a separate room for herself, but not enough vacancies presented themselves, so she, along with Matari, had to share. The hero was reluctant, but Matari happily agreed to share.


    "Damn, I’m completely awake now...... I think I'll check what's going on downstairs for a change of mood. My throat’s a little dry too."

    The hero quietly muttered to herself, with no one to listen.


    The hero was well aware of her bad habit, but she didn’t feel like stopping. She had no idea when she developed it. Perhaps it was because of her long and arduous journey she endured alone. But now it’s become a part of her. She says what's on her mind immediately, when she's frustrated, she yells, and when she sees a demon, she kills it. Be it in a dimly lit cave or the depths of a labyrinth, she had to, or she would go insane. Maybe she was already crazy. But that wouldn’t be a problem, as she's already slaughtered countless demons, and even triumphed over the Demon King spectacularly. Be it through insanity, something or other, she would continue to hunt them, now and forever. That was more important than anything else.

    The corners of the mouth of the hero lifted into a smile as she looked at the figure reflected in the mirror. What she saw was a dark-haired girl in shabby white underwear who looked back with bleary eyes. She cut her hair whenever it grew long as it would impede her ability to fight and had no intention of letting it grow any longer. She had no particular interests in fashion either. Her growing body had no severe scars visible to the eye, but that was only because no one could see them; nearly every inch bore scars unseen.

     Finally meeting her gaze in the mirror, she could see her face. It was a girl with a cheeky smile who looked back with lifeless eyes. They were in complete contrast to Matari’s impassioned gaze.


    "I see."


    She knew right away. Just because you aren’t dead, it doesn't mean you’re truly alive. There was no life visible in her eyes. Convinced of this, the hero changed her clothes and left the room.


    Leaving the room and going down the stairs, she could hear the bustle of business. The first-floor bar of the Paradise Pavilion seemingly remained open almost all day, and only closed for a brief period at dawn to prepare food. Though, it’s said that drunk customers can even be found lounging around during this prep-period. So, it would suffice to say it was actually open twenty-four hours of the day. Though it was someone else’s problem, the hero thought it must be awfully troublesome.


    Walking past all of the sprawled-out drunkards, she took a seat at the counter. It was the best seat for someone alone.


    The master of the tavern eyed the hero suspiciously.


    "Welcome. What can I get for you...... Is what I’d like to say. This is no place for children. Why don't you head back to your room and drink some of your mother’s milk instead."


    "I'm not a child, and I don't like milk. Just get the alcohol. I’ve got money."

    The hero knocked on the table to spur him on.


    Why would you even drink milk in a bar? That something Matari would probably do. She'd probably happily drink it down too.


    "Give me a break, kids these days really don't ever listen to adults. You’re probably so small because you don't drink milk. Really, good grief."

    The master let out a light sigh and offered her some alcohol that he carefully prepared.


    The hero took up the mug of alcohol and started drinking.


    "This is the taste that permeates in your chest, mmm, so good. Sure enough, I still can’t stop drinking."


    "...... How old are you?"


    After draining her mug, she asked for a second round. Though, if people were to think she had no money, an unpleasant feeling would arise, so she made sure to pay in advance. She planned to pay in advance and eat and drink as much as she wanted before leaving the inn.


    "Hey, I haven't been in town long, and I'm going to order a third round, so could you tell me about some things?"

    The heroine lifted her eyelids, attempting to signal the master while trying to look as friendly as possible. However, upon noticing her, the master's face contorted instantly.


    "...... Cough, cough, I think I've caught a cold. I’ve been pretty tired lately, but I feel like I just witnessed something terrible. At any rate, I better head to bed early today and get some rest──"




    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    The master frowned and pulled out a new mug without saying anything in particular.


    If the hero backed down, it would tarnish the hero's name. Persistence is the basis of negotiation, and in-depth information gathering is the basis of travel. And the best place to gather information would be a bar. Listen to others and Remember their words. The hero believed these two tips to be essential for adventurers, and things one should not forget.


    "Hey, come on."


    "Huh, you're not only a child, but you’re also naive. What has this world come to if a child like you wants to enter the labyrinth? Is the world finally coming to an end? So, the rumor of the Demon King crawling out from underground is becoming a reality. I've even heard that the Shrine of Sorrow has collapsed. Oh lord, have mercy.”


    After finishing her third mug, the hero pushed for another, but was ignored. Though, it seemed like he was willing to share some information.


    "So, why do people in this town want to go into the underground labyrinth? There's a good reason for that, isn't there? Even if they can make a little money, under normal circumstances, people wouldn't be so adamant on fighting demons. If they’re not careful, they’ll die."

    The hero got straight to the point.


    No one would willingly risk their life for a few coins. It would be obvious if it were for the sake of the world, or for the sake of world peace. But this smelled like something suspicious. Only a madman or someone with a death wish would fight for such nonsense.


    The master offered the hero baked beans as a snack and responded as if he was genuinely dumbfounded.


    "...... You were going to head straight into the labyrinth without even knowing why? You can only get so far being that naive. you’d better watch yourself or you'll really lose your life. Demons don't care who or what you are, women or child, they'll kill you."


    "I know. I know more than I’d like to."


    "Well then, don't ask me about it. Look into it yourself first. Who'd be stupid enough to think about their reason for entering the labyrinth after having prepared to enter it?


    "I don't care, just as long as I can kill demons. And if I can make some money while doing so, what's there to complain about?"


    "... I’ve got no words. But, to each their own, I guess. It's not really my business."


    "As expected of an adult."


    The master stopped polishing a glass, let out a sigh, saying she was helpless, and continued speaking.


    "Simply put, it's as you said, it's all about the money. But it's not for some measly sum, it's all for a chance to get rich quick. The lower you go, the more money there is to be made."


    "I see."


    "Long story short, kill demons, retrieve the specified parts from their bodies and turn them in at the guild for money. The guild, in turn, extracts magic essence from the parts allotted and gives it to the Star Church. You adventurers are like lowly coal miners, and whether you find trash, iron, or gold to mine depends on how hard you work."


    "Star Church? Magic essence?"

    There were some terms said that the hero was unfamiliar with, so she repeated them with suspicion.


    The master looked flabbergasted, wondering if she really was someone from this world. But nevertheless, he began to kindly explain it to her.


    "I never thought there’d be someone on this earth who didn't know about the Star Church. You're not some demon that's been sealed away somewhere, are you?


    "I'm a hero, not a demon."


    "... Well, then, here's a toast to our illustrious hero."


    "Yeah, cheers."


    The two clinked their glasses and downed them in one swig. The drink itself seemed to be quite strong, so the hero felt a burning sensation as it made its way down.


    "The Star Church is the bunch who practically run this city. In addition, they're also the largest congregation on the continent. If you were to shout anything like 'I don't know anything about the Star church' in the streets, you'd be branded a heretic and met with a spiked cudgel. So you best be careful."


    "That sounds scary. I'll try to be careful."


    "They say over and over that the stars guide them, but in reality, it’s not something that'll save your life. Even with this in mind, they have immense wealth that rivals the three continental kingdoms and have a powerful cult-like army at their beck-and-call. So watch yourself, be careful not to catch their eye. Especially the inquisition."


    "Yeah, yeah."


    The hero let it go in one ear and out the other. She had once crushed a group of pagans. Their persistence was truly remarkable.


    "As for magic essence, it’s what one can use to fuel their own magic power and can be extracted from the parts of demons. When a sorcerer uses magic, they consume magic power, and the crystalized form of that, is what we call magic essence. I don't really get it, but it's something like that. In any case, that's how money’s made in this town. Just get the parts of the demons you kill and turn them into your guild for money."


    "Thanks, that makes a lot of sense."


    Kill demons to make money. That was very easy to understand. The mouth of the hero twisted involuntarily. It seemed like it was going to be fun.


    The master poured himself a glass of wine as their conversation had gone on for too long. The hero lifted her empty glass urging him to refill it, and with a look of helplessness, he poured her another drink. No matter how much he complained, it seemed he liked to talk.


    "And who's in charge of the magic essence? Is it those shady church guys?"


    "It’s the Star Church. And if they heard you call them shady, they'd beat you to death. They're all brutes with more than a screw loose in their heads, a terrifying bunch."


    "You just said stuff even worse than I did."


    "I’m fine. I'm actually praising them. After all, I'm a devout follower who’s sold their soul to the Star Church. 'Let the Stars guide us."


    The master's mouth dripped with words that had not a single trace of sincerity in them. He prayed to the heavens, but it was apparent that it was all an act.


    "Oh yeah? Then I'll pray with you. I offer these beans to the Star God."  

    After holding up some baked beans, she put them into her mouth, chewing vigorously. They were fragrant and quite tasty.


    "I doubt there’s anyone in Arte more devout to the faith than I. The amount of money they're taking from me── I mean, my offerings were of great sums. Yeah, I'm sure I could get a prayer from them."


    "Sounds like you're having a hard time."


    "Life is about continuing to live through the struggles, as my father used to say."


    "That's what people who've experienced it say."


    The master began speaking with sincerity and trailed off, but the hero began to think about the Star Church. Apparently, Astrolatry was sweeping throughout the entire continent. She wasn't sure if they were an evil cult of some sort, but it would be troublesome if they were to become her enemy. When it comes to crazy fanatics who devote their whole beings and souls to something, there are those who completely ignore others. People who with all their hearts, think that they're right, even if their idol was a demon or the Demon King himself. So, if she were to make an enemy out of them, she must be prepared to annihilate them completely. Though, as that would be too much trouble, she decided to not get involved.


    "Well, in the upper levels of the labyrinth where you'll be, you'll only be able to get enough magic essence to make it through the day. Those who push the limits of their capabilities and act with overconfidence will be justly rewarded. That's why the number of adventurers in this city generally remains the same.”


    "You’re right, it's not good to push yourself."


    When the hero muttered to herself as if it were somebody else's problem, the master could only respond with a stunned countenance​.


    "Let me put it in a way even an idiot could understand. If you're struggling with just the upper levels, go back to your hometown. Knowing your limits is just part of growing up. Nobody will blame you.”

    The master spoke with a gentle tone and a raw, warm gaze aimed at the hero.


    "Wait, did you just call me an idiot, hey!"


    "You're just imagining things."


    "I wonder."


    "I wonder too."


    The master lightly dismisses the words of the hero, filling a glass with water and drinking it down.

    After a brief pause, he began talking again.


    "By the way, those guys drinking around you are your peers. What do you think? Everyone’s got good looks on their faces, don't they? People who've reached the limits of their abilities and failed, people who've reached their wits' end because they've lost their friends, and guys who can't stop laughing at all the money they've made. I secretly live to see those faces. I wonder, just what in the world is gonna happen to you?"


    "That's not a good reason for living. You should try and find something more fun."


    "Leave me alone!"


    With a wry smile, the master began to work on preparations for something. Perhaps it was for breakfast, the hero thought. The hero took a sip of her drink, thinking that it must be hard working while it's still dark outside.


    "Hey, does everyone go to the labyrinth alone? Or do they find companions to go with them?"


    "If you went alone, you'd be able to capitalize on being alone and take all of the magic essence, but it'd be tough. Though, if you wanna find a partner you can get introductions in guilds, find them in taverns, or threaten them into subservience. Do what you want. If you’re an adult, you can think for yourself."


    "I will."


    "I only work the bar, but there's a girl named Limoncy who does odd jobs during the day. If you need to gather comrades or need more detailed information, ask her. I'm sure she can tell you almost anything you need to know— as long as you're willing to pay for it."


    "I see. I think I got the gist. Thank you, master, keep up the good work. I’ll stop by again sometime."

    After the hero finished off her drink, she staggered to her feet. It seemed she had been drinking a bit too much, as her face was flushed, and she had a very peculiar expression on her face.


    "I hope there's more talks to come. Make sure to take care of yourself. You’re human, when you die, it’s over. You don't get any second chances."


    "That's usually true. But some people are different. A monster that regenerates over and over until it kills a demon. Is someone like that even human?"


    "...... You can talk about that kind of stuff with the nuts at the Star Church. They'll tell you gratuitous stories until you cry. You'll have stars popping out your eyes by the end of it."

    The master made a shooing gesture to drive her away, and the hero raised her hand lightly, waving farewell.


    "Alright, good night."


    "Yeah. Well, it's almost morning."


    Returning to her room, with a big yawn, the hero quickly undressed, and prepared for bed.

    As for Matari, she was still fast asleep. It must be a blessing to be able to sleep in peace like that...... One day sooner or later, would this girl eventually become defiled? Or would she perhaps lay down her sword before that and live happily ever after. Holding an adorable child in her arms and telling her heroic tales of how she used to take up the sword and recklessly charge forward into battle?


    "Well, it doesn’t really matter. But I'm tired, so it's time to get some sleep."


    The hero crawled into bed, feeling tipsy, and closed her eyes. The cool sheets felt good against her burning body.

    She felt like she could fall asleep right away.




    "―Hero! Please wake up!"


   Her body was jolted roughly, causing the eyelids of the hero to open revealing a sullen expression. The world was blotchy. She could feel her consciousness fading. The world would soon be destroyed. Left with no other choice, the hero decided to go back to sleep.


    "I'm sorry I couldn't save the world. I don't want to see the end, so I'm going back to bed."

    "What are you talking about?! Don't be a sleepyhead, hurry and get up!"

    The Warm covers were forcibly pulled away, exposing her warm body to the cold air. Feeling a chill all over, the hero finally woke up.


    "...... It's cold. Or what I should be saying is, why are you sleeping in my bed? It's too small and cramped."


    When the hero got up from bed, she found Matari standing right next to her, her cheeks puffed out. Even if she was only in her underwear, the hero felt no sensations of lust.


    "That's what I should be saying! Why are you in my bed!? Ugh, and it smells like alcohol!"

    Matari pinched her nose and shot an accusing glare. Her loud voice scrambled the brain of the hero


    "... Good morning, Matari. Quit talking so loudly, you’re gonna kill me. And why does it smell like alcohol? That’s weird."


    "It’s not weird at all. I bet you got up in the middle of the night and went drinking. Then you got so drunk that you climbed into my bed and fell asleep!

    Matari pointed at the hero. She seemed wide awake this morning.


    "What an excellent deduction. Why don't you become a detective instead of a warrior?"


    "I'll pass! I've never heard of anyone having a hangover on their first day in a guild!"


    "It must be nice to be able to witness history. Congratulations Matari.”


    "There's nothing to congratulate! Just get dressed and get ready!"

    Matari quickly prepared a change of clothes and handed them to the hero.


    The hero was watching her in a daze. As she was about to move, an overwhelming feeling of discomfort hit her, soon to reach its limit. Nausea, making itself known, caused the hero to press her hand over her mouth.


    "...... Ugh, hey, my insides are about to come out. I don't think my luck today is very good, maybe I shouldn't go out. The weather isn't good either, and I'm worried about what the future has in store for me. Yeah, there's no need to push myself──"

    Blinding sunlight from the window suddenly pierced the eyes of the hero.


    "Where's the bad weather? It’s a nice and sunny day! Even the sun is shining down its blessings on us! Hurry up and change, and wash your face. If we don't hurry, we won't make it to the meeting in time!"

    Matari moved around frantically, and after changing her clothes, she even helped the hero get dressed.

    She's a good person. She'd definitely make a good wife. In her heart, the hero secretly endorsed her.


    "Alright, we're good to go. Let's clean up, eat some food and head out with pep in our step!"

    Matari, now in full armor, shouted even louder than before. The volume of her voice had risen by two octaves.

   Her loud voice echoed in the within the head of the hero, placing her on the verge of collapsing. Hangovers seem to be very polarizing with someone of such high energy. And it was at this moment, the hero finally regretted drinking as much as she did last night.

    "...... Yeah. Let's be on our way, with pep in our....... blegh."

    Holding her mouth with her hands, the hero responded to Matari while holding back her urge to vomit. Then, letting out a muffled sigh, the hero left the room chasing after Matari.


     "Are you sure you just want soup? You'll be hungry later."


    "It's alright. I really don't need anything right now. If I eat too much, I'll probably die.”

    Leaning back in her chair with a pale face, the hero took a deep breath.


    Matari was eating bread, scrambled eggs and had a glass of milk to wash it all down. The hero had a sour taste in her mouth just looking at it.


    “By the way, I just heard that apparently the Shrine of Sorrow collapsed. It’s terrifying!"

     Matari tried to emphasize the dread with a low voice; however, the hero didn't feel the slightest bit scared.


    "The Shrine of Sorrow? What's that?"


    "Oh, you don't know?"


    "I've got amnesia, so I don't remember anything."


    "Then I'll explain it to you really quick!"


    Wiping her mouth carefully with a napkin, Matari began to explain.


    In the deepest part of the forest, north of Arte, lay a dark and desolate place where sunlight never penetrated the dense canopy, leaving it eternally shrouded in darkness. No one knew when it was built, by whom, or its purpose, but the eerie decrepit shrine certainly existed. It was about the size of a small house, and there was no telling what was enshrined inside.

    The Star Church was aware of its existence, but even they never interfered with it. As the Star Church had a monotheistic religion, they would not tolerate other religions, and yet, the old and mysterious shrine remained untouched near the city of Arte, the home of the Star God. It wouldn’t be strange if the inquisition were assembled to destroy the place, but the Star Church had given strict orders that no one go near it, and even placed guards to keep watch. Residents of the city have grown afraid of it, as rumors began circulating that a terrible demon had been sealed within it.


    "Hmm. The Shrine of Sorrows and a terrible demon."


    "But the scariest part is, they say occasionally a muffled voice can be heard coming from the shrine. A lamenting voice that resents everything in this world. I’ve even heard of people going mad hearing the vindictive whispers....... Oh, I'm getting goosebumps just thinking about it."


    The hero marveled at Matari's prowess, in a different sense, as she succeeded in frightening herself while telling the story.


    "But it all fell apart, didn't it? Problem solved. The inquisition, right? Maybe they changed their minds and brought it down."


    "Apparently, that's not what happened. I heard the church’s soldiers were running around making a big fuss, saying that the shrine wasn't destroyed, but rather, it just fell apart. I heard it collapsed without warning about a day before yesterday....... I-I feel like I just lost my appetite."

    Matari could no longer stomach any more food and became depressed.

    The hero wanted to tell her that it was because she ate everything and was full, but was too tired, giving up the thought.


    "If you're so worried about it, do you want to go check it out?  I'll go with you after we're done in the labyrinth, so you can lead the way. If you go see for yourself, you'll be able to confirm the rumors yourself.  That'll solve everything quickly."


    "Eh. Uh... No, I, um... cough, I've got a bit of a cold. So, I'll pass on the forest and the shrine."


    "And who was the one that was so annoyingly cheerful this morning that it made me angry? Pathetic."

    As the hero glared at her, Matari's body shrunk in her chair.


    "I-I'm not good with the dark or scary things. I've never even seen the Shrine of Sorrows with my own eyes either. So, I'll pass this time too."


    "You can't stand the dark or scary things, but yet you still want to go into the labyrinth?"


    The hero restrained himself from uttering the words, "Could it be that you're a complete idiot?"


    "Yes, I'll do my best!"

    Matari immediately responded with the loudest voice the hero had ever heard.


    "...... Good luck with that."


    The hero helplessly looked up at the ceiling as the intensity of her voice had rocked her brain. Feeling as if the soup she had just ate, was going to make its way back up.




    "...... I knew it. You really are underestimating life, aren't you?"


    Rob’s stern first words. It seemed as if her improved reputation yesterday had tumbled down again.

    Using a wooden stick to support herself, the hero gave her excuse.


    "......I'm not underestimating it. I'm just feeling a little sick, is all. I’m as thin as I look."


    "From your joke of equipment to a hangover on the first day. You're the first rookie I've seen who's ever underestimated it this much. I can't decide whether you're stupid or funny. I'm really not sure what to make of this."

    Rob crossed his arm with a frown.

    Instead of looking indecisive, his eyes were staring at her as if she were a fool. In front of dozens of new guild members that were gathered, she was being scolded. It was Indeed a bottom-of-the-barrel evaluation.


    "That's the price for collecting information. I'll live with it."


    "Are you sure you'll be okay? Please don't become a corpse on day one. As the one who let you into the guild, I'd cry."


    "No, it's okay. I'm always in my best shape. I won't keel over from something like this."


    "Hero. Your legs are trembling. Please hold onto my shoulders."


    "..... Thank you, Matari. Excuse me for a minute."


    The hero leaned heavily on Matari’s shoulder which were slightly bent down.


    "What the hell is this?"


    "That stupid, ignorant girl must've come here just for the fun of it."


    "Well, I'm sure she'll be the first to die."


    "We'd better keep away from her. If we grouped up with her, she'd just put us in danger."


    "That's right. The underground labyrinth isn't some tourist attraction, don't underestimate it!"


    The praises of the newcomers reached the ears of the hero.

    Glancing over with wavering vision, she found that the newcomers were all heavily armed with luxurious armor adorned with what appeared to be family insignias. After laughing at the hero behind her back, they proudly flaunted their names and noble families to each other. Heirs of nobility and the children of knights, prosperous young men and women who aspired to become heroes were all around them.


    Rob loudly clapped his hands to get everyone's attention and began speaking in a clear voice.


    "Let's get back on track and begin the meeting. Today is the day you new guild members meet for the first time. Some of you have already begun preparations. Some of you haven't."


    Rob studied each newcomer one by one, and finally, his eyes arrived at the hero. He looked with a judging gaze, and the hero shot back a thin provocative smile in response.

    Rob quickly averted his gaze and continued rambling on as if nothing happened.


    "In any case, don’t push yourselves. Just focus on working hard, gaining experience, and surviving any way you can. This is the most important thing. As long as you stay alive, it doesn't matter how many times you go back; if you die, that's it."


    "―Cherish your life, Cherish your life. When you die, it ends. When you die, it ends."

     Everyone chanted the same slogan.


    The hero thought if they were so afraid of dying, they should just stay home. No matter if they were dead or alive, she would kill the demons. Nothing took precedence over that. It had to be this way, for the sake of saving the world.

    While the hero was lost in thought, Rob continued.


    "For the time being, you’ll be taking on the demons of the upper levels. Newcomers from other guilds have the same goals, so it'd be a good idea if you formed groups with them. Kill any demons you find, bring back their parts, and we'll justly reward you. Do you all understand?"


    "Uh, why are we only limited to demons from the upper levels?"

     In response to Rob's words, one of the newcomers raised his hand, asking a question.


    "Good question. Simply put, it's to prevent any of you new recruits from overestimating yourselves and falling prey to the demons. For now, you'll be issued Temporary Permits. With these, you'll only be able to enter the labyrinth for three hours. And when the time's up, a return spell will kick in forcefully bringing you back to the surface. Isn't that great?"


    "Only three hours?"


    "That's right. Three hours is enough for you all to best explore the upper levels. While safely gaining experience and honing your skills by hunting demons. The trash in the labyrinth will be cleared out, and the church will be enriched with magic essence. How about that, huh? Everyone's happy."


    "When will we be able to get rid of our temporaries?"


    "That's all up to the Guildmasters. If I think you're good enough, I'll let you take the exam. All you guys have to do is bring back parts without even thinking about it. Don't worry, we’ll keep your contributions on record."


    "Yes, sir. I'll do my best."

    The well-off newcomer nodded his head as if he understood.


    Rob turned his head, tacking on a lighthearted, 'Good luck with that,' and mentioned something he had forgotten.


     "By the way, the Temporary Permit isn't a physical object, but a magical imprint. Just so no one can carelessly lose it. And don’t worry, it'll still trigger even if you’ve died. I’ll be sure to give you a proper burial. But if you're torn to pieces, only the part of the body that has the engraving will return."

    He added this, laughing jokingly as the faces of the newcomers turned pale.

    Imagining it, Matari’s face turned blue.


    The hero had finally sobered up a bit, though she still didn't feel her best.


    After laughing for a while, Rob straightened out and got serious, and reminded them.


    "In any case, you should prioritize surviving your first year. At that point, you should be able to gauge your limits. About half of the newcomers drop out within this period."

    Some die, some give up, and some search for other paths in life. If people didn't quit, the guild and the city would be overrun with people. In a way, it’s probably best for things to stay this way.

    Rob spoke to himself with a sneer.


    "How far have you explored, Master Rob?"

    One of the newcomers asked for confirmation of Rob's capabilities.


    "I've been to the lower levels all the way down to the seventieth floor. But the deepest level is said to be the hundredth floor....... Though, to tell you the truth, no one is capable of going beyond the seventieth floor due to the miasma of magic being so thick. If you go, you'd better be prepared to binge drink a bunch of neutralizers."


    "I-Is it really that bad?"


    "Just standing in it blurs your vision and gradually saps the strength right from your body. An hour in it would be enough to give you severe miasma poisoning. But I'm not going to stop you guys from going. Go explore the unknown to your heart's content, for the sake of future generations."


    "... A-Alright, I understand perfectly. Thank you."

    The newcomer backed away, looking intimidated.


    But the hero who had something on her mind also raised her hand and decided to ask a question.


    "Hey. Do you know what's on the hundredth floor? Someone has to have made it before, right?"


    If the miasma was as potent as it was on the seventieth floor, it must be even stronger on the hundredth floor. Just what the hell was down there? That was what the hero wanted to know.


    "The hundredth floor is full of hopes, dreams, and despair. Don't think about such useless nonsense, and focus on surviving, you hungover idiot!"


    "Stop being so stingy and tell me."


    "Only if you can convince me to."


    "Don't ever forget those words. I'll definitely get it out of you."


    Having noticed the dangerous smile of the hero, Rob spat out a retort.


    "How am I supposed to remember what I tell a drunkard?"


    The newcomers followed suit in berating the hero.


    "This little girl will probably be the first to die."


    "She probably won't even be around in the next three days."


    "Her equipment is terrible. She's must have gone mad."


    "It must be tough for Miss Matari to be around someone so uncouth."


    "It's really perfect for a fallen nobleman such as herself, don’t you think? And you’ve been disowned, haven’t you?"


    "Hey, hey, at least she's an Arte."


    "Sir G. Arte is the only one who deserving of the utmost respect. I can't bring myself to show a single ounce of respect to the current head, Reken."


    Hearing their words, Matari’s expression stiffened. It was clear she was bothered by their words.

    The hero glanced at Matari and turned a deaf ear to their conversations. She didn’t know the details and had no intention of interfering.


    Rob's parting words echoed throughout the crowd.


    "Remember, don't push yourselves. Well then, Dismissed!"




    The rookies responded with an energetic cry to Rob's farewell.

    With the hero giving a languid, "Aye."


    After seeing off the stream of people, the hero stepped outside to take a breather, without a particular aim in mind.

   Before she realized, Matari was standing beside her.


    "What should we do now, Hero? Do you want to head to the labyrinth first? Or should we try to find a companion from another guild?"


    "Hey, were you actually going to work with me? No matter how you look at it, I'm a poor choice. I’ve even got a hangover."

    The hero was under the misapprehension that they were only sharing rooms. However, it seemed as if they were going to be working together as companions.


    "Y-Yes! It must be more than a coincidence that we managed to meet like this. So, if you don't mind."


    "I don't mind, but won’t people have their eyes on you? Since you're from a renowned family, won't some weird rumors get spread?"


    It may be too late, but the hero thought to give her a heads up. She didn’t want her resentment directed at her in the future for going through with it.


    "No, I'm not worried about that at all. As I said before, 'that' glory is in the past. And I'll restore my family's honor with my own hands."

    Matari's fists were clenched tightly, she had a passionate fire burning in her eyes.


    The hero nodded, slightly taken aback by her energy.


    "A-Alright. Then, how about we head to the labyrinth to get a feel for the situation?"


    "Yes, you're right. We've got to start gathering experience! Let's see how strong the enemy really is and then decide if we want to recruit some comrades!"

    Matari declared emphatically.


    The hero agreed, but deep down, she thought it wouldn’t be possible. No one would want to be her companion, and one day, Matari would eventually leave. Don't reject what comes, and don't chase what goes. After all, the only person you can rely on in the end is yourself. She realized this the moment she plunged her blade into the Demon King's heart. A hero can do anything on their own. Fight with swords, brandish magic, and even use healing spells. This was proof that she was the chosen one. In that case, why would she need friends?

    "Hey, Hero, is something wrong? I'm gonna leave you behind!"

    A short distance away, Matari spun around and called out to her. The rattling of her loud armor shuffling about could be heard.


    The hero smiled bitterly and waved her hand lightly back in Matari's direction.

    "So, our first meeting with the infamous underground labyrinth. I wonder what kind of enemies we’ll face....... Well, I’ll manage. I've been able to get by on my own to this point."

    Lonely empty words poured from her mouth.

    Using a wooden stick to support her body which was once again trembling, she walked forward. The world suddenly started to blacken, though the sky was supposed to be bright.

    ──Her vision distorted and blurred, and through her blurred vision, she thought she saw the backs of her former comrades. Her heart palpitated, and the beating of her heart began to sound horribly loud. Even on the verge of collapsing, the hero sped up to not be left behind. However, she could never catch up, she knew that.



    The hero lost her balance and fell face-first into the ground. Rubbing her eyes to clear her distorted vision, she looked ahead again. There, she saw Matari running towards her, with a worried look on her face.


    Matari Arte was the daughter of the once prestigious Arte family well known in the city. Three hundred years ago, her ancestor, G. Arte, constructed the Great Barrier around the underground labyrinth. The city was left to retain his name in honor of his extraordinary achievements in stopping the demon's invasion of the earth: Arte.

    So why would the daughter of such a venerable family set out alone, with nothing but her name and a sword to explore the treacherous labyrinth? The answer was quite simple, for she was the daughter of a concubine. In total, there were three hereditary candidates for the inheritance of the House of Arte. Her eldest brother: Reken, her younger brother: Sidamo, and Matari, who was to serve as a backup alternative. Soon after her half-brother Reken Arte became the head of the family, Matari was quickly expelled from the house. The moment the position of the head of the family was inherited, Matari no longer had a purpose. The eyes of those around her told her she was obsolete. And her mother, her only friend, had already passed away.

    Reken then gave her the following instructions.

    "―If you want to be recognized as a member of the Arte family, acquire fame befitting of your name. Until then, don't dare return."

   Along with those parting words, she was given a set of armor layered with thick dust, and ten silver coins. With no way to make money and nowhere to go, Matari was at a loss. It wouldn’t be easy for a girl in the middle of her teens to survive alone in this era.

    However, thanks to her innate optimism and good nature being blessings in disguise, she was taken in, half-forcibly, by the housekeeper of the Arte family, who told her,

    "If you have nowhere else to go, please, come stay with me."

    Matari helped the housekeeper with household chores, did housework, and took care of the children. She even began to train herself in the art of the sword, training her body every day by repeatedly swinging a worn-out blade, and ran in her armor. Be it raining or sunny, she trained daily in between work.


    One day, after a year had passed since she was taken in, Matari was introduced to a man by the housekeeper. He was the master of the Warriors Guild, and although he possessed a bad temper, he was first-rate when it came to teaching the ways of the sword. The swarthy, tanned man named Rob showed no interest in training Matari. Though when the housekeeper shot him a glare, he reluctantly agreed to do so.

    Rob began by driving the basics of swordsmanship into Matari. Her demonstrated swordsmanship was abysmal, so, the first thing he did was work to correct it. She learned proper posture and footwork, repeatedly striking a human-shaped straw doll, all the while, building her physical strength through a harsh regime. Each day Matari nearly collapsed from exhaustion, but she desperately held out, all so she could have a chance.

    Rob, who was completely uninterested at first, seeing her excellent physique and proficiency with a sword, finally recognized her potential, and decided to devote himself entirely to her training. He liked the speed at which she learned and her enthusiasm in bettering herself.

    From the next day on, Rob began to gradually tighten the knot of her training. The basics of offense and defense, gauging the distance between you and an opponent, using shields in coordinated attacks, switching weapons during a fight, and how to fight multiple opponents at once. Through many mock battles, Matari's abilities improved rapidly. For Rob to have become her teacher proved to be fortuitous; for Matari, this could be seen as a success.

    When Matari asked Rob why he was training her so passionately, he said,

    "Just like you, I was under the care of that old lady. Though, now it’s just a nostalgic memory from my youth."

    He replied as if he was embarrassed about something. Later Matari would find out that the housekeeper's niece was Rob's wife.


    When Matari turned twenty, Rob had given Matari an assessment: If she entered the labyrinth, she wouldn't die within a week. 

    Matari thought the day had finally come. If one was looking for fame and glory, the city of Arte was the right place to go. Yes, in the city of Arte, the home of the labyrinth, the domain of the demons.

    Her younger brother Sidamo Arte, who turned down the opportunity to become the head of the Arte family early, threw himself into the army of the Kingdom of Yuuz. Sidamo was a very knowledgeable person, and Matari found herself learning from him on occasion. Matari was convinced that one day, he would achieve great honor and fame using his abilities.

    On the other hand, it could be said Matari wasn’t the smartest person in the world. She couldn't use magic, and all she could boast of was her tall figure and strong body that had yet to suffer from illness. For Matari, this was truly the only path she could walk, the way of the sword. She would reach the deepest level of the labyrinth and prove herself as the best of the best. Then she could return to the House of Arte. Then, her eldest brother Reken would recognize her, and together, they would bring back the House of Arte's lost glory. She believed Sidamo, who had gone to the Kingdom of Yuuz, would surely help them as well. The day would come when they would be able to understand each other and live as a family again.

    Thanking the housekeeper for all she had provided for her; she left a small present and said her goodbyes. Leaving the home she had lived in for the past five years, in good spirits.

    "You can come back anytime!"

    The housekeeper wished her a farewell through tears, making Matari’s hair stand on end, yet she did not look back. She decided never to look back, not until she achieved her goal. As if to rid herself of self-doubt, she ran full speed towards the Star Church with all her might to challenge the labyrinth. However, she would need a letter of introduction to join a guild. Naturally, she was going to choose the Warriors Guild, as she was under Rob's tutelage after all, and even if it wasn't much, she wanted to repay him in any way she could.


    But, when Matari arrived at the Star Church, she met an overly confident and cocky girl who claimed to be a hero.


    And was this a blessing, or a curse for Matari? There was no way one could know.




    Matari hurriedly helped the hero who lost her balance and collapsed. The expression of the hero no longer bore a triumphant look; rather, it was weak, with hollow eyes.

    When Matari grabbed her shoulders and called out to her, it was as if the hero had come out of a trance. Suddenly coming back to her senses, she played it off to deceive her.

    "Oh, sorry. I'm just a little weak on my feet from the hangover, but I'm fine now. All that falling threw it right out of me."

    "Are you sure you're okay?"

    "Of course, I’m fine. Right, we should buy any necessary tools before we head into the labyrinth. Please, lead the way, quick and easy."

    The hero punched Matari's armor and began to push her from behind forcefully.

    Unconvinced, Matari led her to an equipment shop she frequented. The shop was one of Matari's favorite places to buy things from. Even if their range of products wasn’t particularly extensive, the store owner carefully explained how to use herbs and tools, and sometimes even gave her discounts.

    It was surprisingly challenging to find such an honest store in a city as big as Arte, which was home to a plethora of shops. Matari had experienced this firsthand several times. She's been tricked into believing a bundle of weeds was actually a bundle of medicinal herbs. They sold counterfeit goods, and charged exorbitant prices whilst claiming they were great deals. Shopkeepers often colluded to raise their prices and would even purchase stolen goods and attempt to sell them off as genuine.

    Such things were commonplace in the streets of Arte. There were an innumerable number of pickpockets and those willing to settle for blood money if it got them by. Light and shadow; Matari understood that in the shadows of this shining city, malice was always lurking. Yet she believed it was worth leaving the House of Arte if it meant gaining experience as commonsensical as this.

    "Here we are. This is the store I always do my usual shopping at. It's a little old, but the owner knows a lot."

    The boulevard of the city of Arte, which ran directly to the underground labyrinth, was a downtown area lined with bars and shops. When night fell, crowds of adventurers returning from the labyrinth would be touted by salesmen from each shop. Matari had been asked once to be a patron but only politely declined. This equipment shop was located off the main boulevard where such hustle and bustle occurred.

    "Hmm. Well, it doesn't really matter how old the store is, as long as it has what you’re looking for. When you're done shopping, meet me out front."

    "Why don't we shop together? We're going to be fighting together as comrades; or rather, we'll be companions who'll have each other's lives and deaths in their hands."

    "...... You didn't have to rephrase it like that."

    "Don't worry, I'll keep track of everything we buy. I'll deduct it from what we earn later, then we'll split the rest of what we make!"

    "You're a surprisingly reliable person."

    "I've learned a lot over the past few years. Well, let's go! Maybe he’ll give us a freebie today since it's our first time in the labyrinth!"

    "H-Hey, don’t push me! You’re not a boar, so calm down! Stop pushing me you idiot!"

    Matari firmly grabbed the shoulders of the hero and barged into the store. Her body was smaller and more delicate than she had expected. She wondered for a moment if she could really fight with her. Her physique was too poor to be called a hero; however, she undoubtedly possessed real combat prowess despite this. She effortlessly beat the old veteran in the Warriors Guild, and the hero also had a suitable aura to match her strength. Matari had felt if she attacked the hero from behind, the tables would most likely be turned against her immediately. No, in fact, they would.

  To tell the truth, Matari was hesitant to even refer to the girl as a hero. Each time she uttered the name, she felt a tinge of embarrassment from the judging gaze of onlookers, and some pitiful stares, as they were both long past the age to play pretend.

    Why wouldn't the girl tell Matari her name? Although she said it was because of amnesia, Matari couldn’t believe it. She could only assume that she had her reasons. Maybe someday, if she gained enough trust from the hero, she would tell her real name. Hoping that that day would come soon, Matari threw herbs and bandages into a basket.

    Stowing away tools into their leather bags, Matari and the hero returned to the main boulevard, and made their way to the underground labyrinth.


    The hero was playing with a banknote bearing the number one hundred, and the emblem of the Star Church on it with suspicion.

    "I still can't get over this. I can't believe these flimsy pieces of paper are replacing money."

    "What's wrong with it? These copper banknotes have been in use for a long time."

    A paper currency that guaranteed the exchange of copper coins for the numeral indicated on it was a copper bill. Such things were prevalent not only in the city of Arte, but in many other countries as well. After paying a small fee, one could exchange these bills at licensed vendors for copper coins. Due to the many counterfeit bills in the market, those who oversaw the exchange were required to have many years of experience, extensive knowledge, and excellent discernment.

    "It doesn't feel like it has any weight. It's so thin."

    "I wouldn't want to feel the weight of ten thousand copper coins. It would crush your body."

    Ten thousand copper coins were equivalent to one silver coin, and one hundred pieces of silver were equal to one gold coin. Copper bills were usually used to buy various goods and groceries, as paying for bread with a gold coin with but nothing short of harassment.


    "So why don't they make silver and gold bills? Wouldn’t that be more convenient?"

    "Wouldn’t it be dangerous to keep such a large amount of money in a piece of paper?"

    A single gold coin would be enough to live off of for a few months. If such a sum were tied to a piece of paper and it happened to tear, it would be no crying matter.

    "So, it really is just paper."

    "...... W-Well, you're right. But this copper bill is amazing. It's stain-resistant, water-resistant, and it's tear-resistant. It seems to have been specially processed."

    "In any case, I’d prefer to have the real thing at all times. We're gonna cash these in whenever they've piled up. Nothing is guaranteed with a piece of paper like this. And aren't those shady church guys in charge of all this? We never know when they're going to go under. If that happens, they'll be worth no more than used tissues!"

    The hero had made extremely dangerous remarks in broad daylight, and Matari's face immediately turned pale from her provocative speech. And as they had been walking while chatting amongst themselves, they had reached the entrance to the labyrinth. And, since the labyrinth was the most important facility for the Star Church, naturally, church soldiers stood guard.

     "Hmm, maybe I'm imagining things. But I think I heard heresy."

    A man wearing a priest's robe donning a star spoke with a heavy-looking mace in his hand. Through the gaps in his heavy helmet, one could see a swarthy gaze.


    The hero was about to make a retort, but Matari quickly interrupted her and came up with an excuse.

    "I-It was just your imagination. We're devout followers of the Star Church! But, more importantly, we want to enter the labyrinth!"

    "It would seem it was. Well, I'm not too keen on handing over someone with a bright future to the inquisition. Alright then, show me your temporary or Occupation Certificates. Though, from what I can tell, you seem like newcomers who’ve just joined a guild."

    The church soldier crossed arms demandingly as if they were nuisances, and the hero witnessing his attitude, muttered to herself.

    "You're so arrogant. Even though all you're doing is just standing here doing nothing."

    "Did you say something? I think I just heard heresy again."

    "No, it’s nothing."

    "U-Um, yeah. Is this alright?"

    Matari offered the back of her hand obediently, and the hero followed suit. A black star with a small sword were engraved on the back of their hands. It was proof of not only their guild membership, but also served as the Temporary Permit. They must continue to don this mark for as long as they have their Temporary Permits. However, once officially recognized as professionals, this imprint would change into something relating to their profession. As it’s not a tattoo, it bore no permanence. Upon retirement, one can request for it to be removed.

    "You're both from the Warriors Guild? Well, you'd best find someone who can use magic sooner rather than later. It's tough to get through the labyrinth with just swords. Without magic, you'll eventually hit your limit. Well, you’ll only be able to see your feet, but that’s something you ought to be good at."

    "Y-Yes. Thank you for the advice!"

    Matari could not use magic, and the hero likely couldn’t either. But if one was blessed with such abilities, other guilds wouldn’t leave them be. Sorcerers and priests are in scarcity these days and also in great demand. They are so esteemed that nations worldwide seek to attract their invaluable talent. Those gifted with magic talent often visit the labyrinth city to hone their skills, gain experience and achieve prosperity. Matari doubted that any magic-user would willingly follow a newcomer who was just starting out. Though, if one were to pay them a substantial wage, that would be a different story.

    "With every demon you kill, the more the Star Church will flourish, you know. So, it would be a shame if you were to suddenly die. Truly a waste of life."

    The church soldier smirked wickedly through his helmet. It was difficult to judge whether he was a caring person or just had a terrible personality.

    "Alright, alright, just let us go inside already. How long do we need to hold out our arms for?"

    "Don't rush. Those with Temporary Permits are given a special opportunity to give a special offering –Therefore, if you want to enter the labyrinth, you must pay one hundred copper coins. By the way, this is the protocol every time."

    "What the hell is this!? This is a rip-off! Why are you charging money just to pass through!?"

    An enraged hero shouted angrily, while Matari admired her courage, in a different sense. There weren’t that many people who would raise their tongue towards a member of the church.

    "It’s only natural. We're going to bless you with a miracle to bring you back to the earth in three hours. Compared to the value of your lives, this is much too cheap. It wouldn't be out of line to demand a single silver coin for it."

    "Y-You bastard!"


    The face of the hero turned a bright red, and the church soldiers watched the simple girl in amusement. She reacted stronger than before, so he was probably toying with her rather than actually being angry. If left to his own devices, he would likely ridicule her even more.

    "I guess we have no choice, let's just pay. Why don't we just kill demons and make back what we lost? Let’s do our best!"

"B-But with a hundred copper coins, we could get delicious food and wine──"

    "It's just as the Arte lady said, if you make more money than you spent, there shouldn’t be any problems. And, if you work hard enough, you might even be able to regain your former glory── Oops, it was a slip of the tongue."

    The church soldiers mocked and spoke condescendingly towards them as if they were fools, and all Matari could do was grit her teeth in frustration and say nothing.


    When Matari silently held out a copper bill, the hero turned her head and followed suit.

    "Very good. I have witnessed the faith in your hearts. May the star god have mercy and guide these devout stargazers."

    As the church's soldiers chanted a ritual prayer, the black stars on the back of their hands began to shine and turned completely white, neither feeling heat nor pain. Apparently, it was a sort of spell.

    Matari, lacking expertise in magic, earnestly asked a question.

    "What's this?"

    "This is a sign that you can now pass through the barrier that surrounds the labyrinth. A transfer spell will be activated when the white star turns completely black, in exactly three hours. The countdown has already begun. Best get going if you don't want to waste your time."

    "Why didn't you say that first!"

    "Hero, let's go quickly!"

    Pulling the hero along, who was still complaining, Matari began running through the large gate.


    On the other side of the large gate was grassy plaza, and what seemed to be a spot to clean yourself off with water. People appearing to be adventurers were inspecting and preparing their tools and equipment. Judging from their unhurried demeanors, they probably already had their exploration permits. Meaning it was safe to assume those in a panic were those with Temporary Permits.


    The last thing that awaited them was a solemn temple-like structure. At this was once a gateway for demons, one could never predict what could happen beyond this point. A pale film enveloped the temple. This was the Great Barrier that Matari's ancestor G. Arte erected. It was also the first time Matari had seen it up close in person, so she couldn't help but be deeply moved. After all, this sacred barrier was the only thing stopping the demons from taking over the earth. It was the dazzling glory and pride of the Arte family.

    "Just as you start running, you suddenly stop!? You can savor it later!"

    "I-I'm sorry! Let's go!"

    On their way to the temple, they passed a group of people dressed in matching uniforms. Each of their armor was emblazoned with the crest of the Kingdom of Yuuz. When a man who seemed to be the group leader held up a sort of stone-like object, the group was enveloped in light and vanished in the blink of an eye.

    Matari had no idea what happened, but guessed it was some kind of special magic tool for teleportation. As otherwise, adventurers would have to start from the first floor every time.

   Inside the temple was only a huge staircase leading deep underground. It looked as if over a hundred people could go down it at once. Despite being aged, the material still seemed sturdy and very difficult to break, which was only natural to presume, as three hundred years ago hordes of demons emerged from these steps. 
Not a single other adventurer could be seen. and now that they had passed through the Great Barrier, it was safe to assume demons could appear from anywhere at any time.

    Matari cautiously moved forward while the hero walked alongside her, swinging her stick nonchalantly, without a hint of nervousness in her body.

    "Um, shouldn't we proceed a little more cautiously?"

    "What are you talking about? We've only got three hours, let's keep moving."

    After descending the long flight of stairs, they reached a passage that split into three different directions. Lanterns lined the stone walls at equal intervals. Perhaps adventurers or church soldiers had put them up previously. Thinking about it, Matari regretted being so reckless by not bringing torches. Obviously, it would be pitch black without any light; the light of the sun would never shine in the accursed labyrinth.

    Each aisle was wide enough for a large carriage to pass through. Which meant fighting within them should be without any inconveniences, but any opponents would be fighting back under the same circumstances. And, the possibility of being attacked from the ceiling remained.

    "Hey, Matari. This is a dangerous labyrinth full of demons, right? I'm pretty sure that’s what I heard."

    "Yes, I'm sure of it. I’m sure we’ve heard it more than enough times now."

    "So, what's this?"

    The hero stomped on a yellow arrow marked on the stone floor. Even if she asked what it was, no matter how one looked at it, it was an arrow.

    "It's an arrow. And it’s yellow"

    "I can see that! I wonder if it's telling us, 'Please proceed this way, there’s demons.'....... I'm starting to feel like an idiot, maybe I’ll just go home."

    "We just got here! Please wait a minute!"

    The hero had clearly lost her motivation. Thinking their current situation less than ideal, Matari pulled something out of her bag and quickly looked through it.

    "Let me see, this arrow seems to be like a sign pointing in the direction of the second floor. According to this, a skilled and kind senior adventurer painted it for fledgling adventurers with Temporary Permits."

    "What's that?"

    "This is The Beginner-Level Guide for Labyrinth Exploration. They were on sale at the church's headquarters, so I bought it without a second thought!"

    "...... How much was it?"

    "One silver coin."

    The intermediate version cost ten silver coins, so she couldn’t afford it. 


    Matari, who once heard somewhere that information was a weapon, quickly bought it without hesitation. Although, the space it took up in her bag was quite worrisome.

    "..... My head’s starting to hurt. So, is there any useful information in it?"

    "It has information on the kinds of demons that will appear, useful tools to bring, and places to rest safely."

    On the front, in large letters, it read, 'With this, you're sure to get an Exploration Permit in no time!'

    "Successful people talk...... Ridiculous. Ah, only the types of demons might be useful, let's see..."

    ──Demons (some of them) that appear in the upper level (part one)

  • Earth Scraping Rat - extraction part: tail - Two copper coins - If found in large numbers, withdrawal is recommended.

  • Hellcat - extraction part: tail - One silver coin. Although rarely seen, it is fast and ferocious.

  • Headhunting Rabbit - extraction part: claws - One silver coin. Possess razor-sharp claws. Be wary as they obstinately aim for the neck.

  • Slime - extraction part: core - Ten silver coins. Attacks with swords are useless, they also possess resistances to magic.


    "It seems like many types of demons will show up. The slime seems like it will be a problem."

    "Well, I get the gist. For now, let's just wander around and hunt demons. We don't have much time."

    "Yes. Now, let's get back on track!"

    Matari drew her sword and began walking with her shield out in front of her, while the hero still swung her stick around. It didn’t matter which path they chose, so they both decided to go in the direction of the arrows for the time being.


    As they continued walking down a dreary, unchanging corridor, a rat suddenly appeared. It was scratching its body busily as its nose twitched. It must be the earth-scraping rat the book had mentioned.

    These rats earned their name from their habit of clawing their way through the ceilings and walls of the labyrinth to build nests. If one found any strange holes within the labyrinth, it was likely a flock was lurking just beyond it.

    When it noticed them, the rat bared its teeth in a threatening posture, red and bloodshot eyes along with sharp claws on full display. With claws that could tear through the earth, it was only natural to assume it could do so with human flesh just as easily. At its size, it was necessary to remain vigilant. Unlike the small rats that dwelled on the surface, the shrew was almost the size of a large dog. If it appeared in a group, would it even be possible to handle them alone?


    Thinking it would be troublesome if it called for help, Matari decided to take the initiative. If you don’t have time to worry, then just go for it. This was the crux of Matari's thought process.

    "They're pretty big for rats. They'd be annoying in the right numbers."

    "I'm going in!"


    Without waiting for the hero to finish, Matari went on the offensive, and began rushing forward.

    The rat raised a peculiar shriek and jumped to meet her, but Matari used the shield in her left hand to bash it down.


    "Get ready!"

    The rat fell on its back, exposing its soft underbelly. Matari then sharply swung her sword down at it gaining momentum as she went, and upon contact, could feel her blade cut through its flesh.


    The skewered rat cried out in despair, and eventually, its movement ceased.

    "...... Good job."

    "Thank you very much!"

    Matari swung her sword lightly to remove any remnants of blood, though her face, like her armor, was splattered with blood. If you wound your enemy, they will bleed. It was only natural she would be exposed to it.

    "You must be the kind of person who doesn't listen to people finish talking, huh?"

    "Huh? I’m not sure I understand."

    Matari tilted her head in wonder; she really did not understand.

    "It's whatever."

    "Alright, then I'll carve off the extraction part now."

    Matari knelt and began to take apart the corpse of the earth-scaping rat she killed. Putting her sword down on the floor, defenseless, she pulled out a small knife. For a small moment, the hero showed a frown but remained silent.

    "Hmm, it's hard to cut off. This tail is really tough."

    "Why don't you try pulling it while you cut it?"

    "I'll try."

    Matari tautened the rat's tail, sliced it open, and moved the knife back and forth to tear it apart. And while Matari was absorbed in her work, the hero turned her gaze to the ceiling.

    "Matari. Don't move."

    "... What?"

    "It’s fine, just stay put!"

    The hero created a ball of fire in her hand and threw it at the ceiling.


    Following the flames, Matari looked up to the ceiling. There, five rats were awaiting the chance to pounce on their defenseless prey. Their mouths were full of sharp teeth and vile drool which dripped from their gaping mouths onto the ground below.

    The moment the startled Matari tried to stand; the fireball the hero threw made contact with one of the rats. A violent burst of flames engulfed the rat's body in the blink of an eye.



    "Let's go!"

    The rat engulfed in flames fell from above becoming a ball of fire, and the hero rushed in and met it with a horizontal swing from her stick. Above a petrified Matari’s head, with the sound of a strange crunch, the engulfed rat was cleaved into pieces, dispersing its flesh into the air. All that remained was charred meat, and a shredded tail.


    Seeing the terrible fate of their ally, the other rats showed no hesitation in fleeing as they acknowledged their inferiority.

    "There’s no way I'd let demons escape! Die!"

    The hero raised her right and shot flames at the frontmost rat, though it wasn't a mere ball of fire, but a raging wave of flames that swallowed each of the rats. Not even being allowed to fight back, the rats were instantly burned alive.

    A rancid odor suddenly pierced the back of Matari's nose, and she couldn't help but involuntarily cover her nose with her arm.

    The hero clapped her hands, dusted herself off, and muttered as she caught her breath.

    "Phew, trash clean-up is done."

    "I… Didn't even notice them all on the ceiling."

   Matari was entirely focused on dismembering the rat and was completely off guard. If it weren't for the hero, she might have been unpleasantly surprised. She hadn’t trained for so long just to be devoured by rats and had no desire to die in such an unpleasant way.

    "Don't let your guard down. You have to be aware of your surroundings at all times. It doesn't matter who you are, anyone can die at any moment if they’re not careful. So, stay on your toes."

    The hero severely reprimanded Matari. She was silently watching Matari and waited to see if she would notice the rats above. 

    "Of course you didn't notice," added the hero, flicking Matari's forehead.

    "I'm sorry, I'll make sure it doesn’t happen again!"

    "Being eaten by rats is one of the worst ways to die. Well, it's a good thing you learned before you did."

    "Yes! ..... Which reminds me. You can use magic? You really surprised me!"

    If one could use magic, they would have no need to join the Warriors Guild. A magic-user could also join the Sorcerers Guild or the Clerics Guild if they so desired. If they did, they would gain access to a variety of resources and guidance for using higher-level magic spells. The door would be open to serve in various nations and would have no trouble finding companions. This was the value of a sorcerer. As one could see, with the sorcery of the hero, the earth scrapers were destroyed instantly. With the strength of such a flame, even a giant bear would be incinerated.

    "Didn't I already tell you?"

    "I never heard you say anything about it! If you needed to chant, you should've just said so. I could've at least bought you time."

    Sorcerers needed to chant spells when utilizing magic. It's said that the more powerful the spell, the more magic power one would have to gather, and the longer they would need to chant.

    ──Matari had a general idea but hasn't been able to gather any detailed information on magic.

    "Time to chant? Well, whether it’s with magic or with a sword, all that matters is if you can kill a demon. And I'm glad we were able to do just that."

    "That's true but, that's besides the point."

    "Then what’s the point?"

    "...... W-What was it again? A-Anyway, please tell me what kind of magic you can use later. I don't really know anything about it, and I have no idea how to work with somebody capable of using it."

    The warrior was the vanguard, and sorcerers the rearguard. This was a fundamental tactic written in stone -- as the opinion of magic users was always the highest priority.

    "Anything works for the formation. Just kill the enemy so you don't die. It's simple and easy to understand, isn't it?"

    "I-Is that so? I hope that’s okay with you, it’s okay with me."

    "Alright, let's get the tail off and move on. It would be boring if we left with just a few rat tails."

    The hero patted Matari on the back and urged her to hurry and carve off its tail. The two were covered in blood, and charred pieces of flesh.

    After reflecting on her actions, Matari continued to work alertly, and this time, succeeded in dismembering the tail without any problems.



    Afterwards, they two ventured further, following the arrows to the end, they arrived at stairs leading to the second floor. The leather bag that held their spoils was crowded with rat tails which numbered fifty in total. 

    The hero was drenched in blood, and her clothes were stained red. She had not brought a spare change of clothes, so she began to wonder what to do in the meantime.

    Matari's armor, however, was treated with an anti-corrosion coating, so all was in order. The armor itself was an excellent piece of art, a true masterpiece kept by the Arte family, though all it did was collect dust as it saw no use.

    "Hmm, what should I do about my clothes? They won't arrest me if I went back covered in blood, right?"

    The hero wouldn't put it past the arrogant gatekeeper to do such a thing. And in the back of her mind, she was worried he would find fault in that and ask for more “offerings.”

    "Why don't you wash off at the watering hole at the square? Everyone else was changing there you know."

    "Are you telling me to strip naked and wash my clothes with a bunch of filthy bastards? I think that's a pretty great idea. You know, I've been keeping this a secret, but I'm actually a girl."

    "I-I know!"

    "Well, good."

    The hero abruptly took off her overcoat and began vigorously wringing out the filth. Black blood yet to harden flowed down, and then, the hero nonchalantly threw it back on as if nothing happened, leaving Matari in a panic at her sudden bold demeanor.

    "Okay, let's just go home covered in blood and jump into bed. I’m sure the master of Paradise Pavilion would cry tears of joy. Maybe I'll even give the gatekeeper a big hug too.  I'll dye the robes of that arrogant priest red."

    The hero laughed mischievously.

    "...... Please don't do that. I don't want to get kicked out."

    After some more bickering, the two decided that they would buy a new change of clothes on the way back, and finally began to move on.

    As they descended the stairs, Matari muttered something that suddenly came to her mind.

    "By the way, who's going to clean up all the demon corpses? If we left them be, wouldn't there be a lot of trouble?"

    The bodies were likely to rot and become infested with maggot, and a rotten odor would waft through the labyrinth. First and foremost, there would be nowhere left to walk with piles of corpses everywhere. But there were no signs of such an occurrence in any of the passages to this point. Which meant somebody was cleaning them up.

    "It's probably the demons. They'll eat anything. Whether it's human or not. Even the corpses of their own kind."

    "..... As expected, demons really are terrifying. They even eat the bodies of their companions.”

    Matari imagined an image of a rat feeding on the corpse of another dead rat and felt nauseous.

    "People aren't much different you know."

    The hero spat coldly with a blank face.


    "Sigh, are there nothing but rats here?"

    The hero whined and complained while waving one of the dismembered rat tails.

    Currently, the two were exploring the second floor of the labyrinth. And their bags full of earth-scrapping rat tails had doubled.

    "We must have hunted at least a hundred of them."

    Matari replied, wiping the sweat from her face.

    The towel she used was stained a deep red; though, not from any injuries, but from splashes of blood returned from slain demons.

   The hero then pulled out a hand towel and briskly wiped her face.

    "Did we come here just to exterminate rats? Maybe if they let some cats loose in the right places, their numbers would go down, don’t you think?"

    "If I remember right, the book said there's a demon called a Hellcat."

    "The name’s the only thing that sounds nice. But just a warning, don't try to get cute with it because it's a cat. A demon is still a demon."

    "I-I wouldn't do anything stupid like that!"

    Matari puffed out her cheeks in anger, and the hero smiled wickedly and lightly brushed off her reply, thinking she would be fine. Matari was twenty years old, while the hero was seventeen. Even though Matari was older, the hero behaved as if she were the elder. As there was a difference in experience and mental age, it couldn’t be helped.

    "Speak of the devil. It’s a rat."

    “Please leave it to me!"

    Matari, with refined movements, jumped forward and slashed at the rat before it could get into a position to attack. The pitiful rat, whose brain was impaled in a single strike, expired in a cloud of brain plasma. Matari swiftly slashed off the tail with her sword and threw it into the bag.

    "Looks like you're getting the hang of this. But that's when you're in the most danger. You should be especially careful now."

    "Yes. You can't be too careful."


    Receiving advice from someone younger than her made Matari hesitant to reply.

   And as they began walking again, the hero began to grumble.

    "The bag is full of rat tails. I feel like it takes more time just to cut off their tails than it does to kill them."

    While Matari took a defensive stance with her sword pointed forwards, the hero approached defenselessly, quickly striking enemies in their vitals and killing them in a single strike with the wooden stick. The speed at which the hero killed was overwhelmingly faster than Matari's— without even having used any magic since their first encounter.

    Curious, Matari asked why that was the case.

    "I don't use magic because it drains my mental energy, and it wears me out."

    Hearing the answer from the hero, doubt arose within Matari, leading her to give the following explanation.

    As the labyrinth was full of a miasma of magic elements, sorcerers could easily take in the miasma and quickly restore their magical power in a short amount of time. Those capable of taking in more significant amounts of it were considered superior sorcerers.

     However, above ground, they must concentrate and consciously take in magic elements from the natural environment to restore their magic power. Sorcerers could also use a potion with mixed dissolved magic essence, though excessive use could lead to miasma poisoning. This was common knowledge even to those who couldn't use magic. The environment in the labyrinth was one in which sorcerers could flourish. Aside from chanting to create a spell which took time, there was no need to use their magic sparingly.

    The hero let it all into one ear and out the other, as it didn’t matter whether it was with magic or not, just as long as you won. She didn’t feel the need to resort to using it on small fry like rats.

    "Well, you can use more magic since I'll be protecting you. That would definitely be more efficient."

    "I told you; I don't use magic on small fry because it's tiring. If I collapse, will you carry me?"

    "Um, why would you collapse?"

    "...... Because talking to you drains my mental strength."

    When she tried to flick the head of the boarish girl, Matari recoiled in a panic and with seemingly no choice, changed the subject.

    Opening the heavy leather bag, she displayed their spoils of war.

    "Looking at it like this, it looks disgusting. It’s sort of creepy."

    "It smells like a dump. If we couldn't exchange them for money, I'd burn them all to ashes right now."

    "Experienced adventurers don't even bother looking at the tails of earth-scrapers. I guess two copper coins aren't really worth the effort.”

    "What the hell, you can't even buy bread with that. Let's just throw them away."

    The price of bread was ten copper coins, and for two pieces, they might sell you some crumbs.

    "We spent all that time cutting them off, let's just bring them back. It's our first time too."

    "Yeah, let's bring some back home as memorial souvenirs too. If you want, I can make you a necklace out of them when I have time. Just for you.”

    Her mouth twisted and as she made a ring with the tail, and Matari hurriedly stopped her.

    "Please stop! It stinks, and it's disgusting, it's like it’s cursed!"

    "I'm kidding. I'm not a demon. They make disgusting things out of human bones and skin. Just thinking about it pisses me off."

    Frowning, the hero put the tail back into the bag. When she once saw a necklace made of human ears, she had a deep realization that humanity could never come to understand demons.

    Matari quickly closed the leather bag with great caution.

    "...... I'll try not to let that happen to me."

    The hero told Matari "To do so," in a half-hearted consolation.

    "Let's ignore the rat tails next time."

    "Are you sure? I mean, we can exchange them for money."

    "They're already heavy, and any more would hinder us when we fight. If you want to laze around up above, it'd probably be fine. Like the drunks back at the bar."

    The men in the tavern who continued aimlessly drinking had looks of resignation on their faces. These very rat tails covered their indulgences of alcohol. When they ran out of money, they would head off back into the labyrinth, hunt rats, and return to the tavern to drink. Their days were an endless cycle of repetition, until their bodies deteriorated due to their slothful lifestyle. Then, when it became a fight just to hold their sword, they become food for the rats.

    "No, that's not good. We should be aiming higher!"

    Matari declared emphatically, her voice echoing through the labyrinth corridor.

     Her loud voice caused the hero to scowl. Even though she wasn't using any magic, she felt her mental strength quickly exhausting. Mainly because of the energetic girl before her.

    "Yeah, yeah, while you were screaming, we made it to the next set of stairs."


    They smoothly made it through the second floor and had arrived at the stairway to the third. The star engraving on her left hand was half black, and half white— about an hour and a half had passed.

    "There's still a lot of time left. I think we’re doing good for our first time."

    "....... I think someone's down there. Let's move in carefully."


    At the end of the stairs leading to the third floor was a very bright light, and the hero could hear voices. They weren’t demons, but seemingly, people.

    "Could they be other adventurers? It's strange that we haven't crossed paths before."

    Naturally, other adventurers would also be exploring the labyrinth. Most adventurers didn't take the initiative to cooperate with each other, but they also did not go out of their way to sabotage each other. There were plenty of demons to go around, so there was no need to fight over prey.


    ―With one exception.

    "I don't want to be suddenly sent on my way to the other side because of a surprise attack. Matari, be prepared for an ambush. Rather, be ready to attack."

      The hero took up a fighting stance and readied her stick. With a serious expression, incomparable to the ones before. Naturally, there were fallen humans she had slain amongst the countless demons she had killed. Humans that would pretend to be kind. Those kinds of demons were much more troublesome to deal with than their inhuman counterparts which were easily recognizable as enemies.

    Matari, thinking that the hero was about to do something serious, hurriedly stopped her.

    "Th-That’s unreasonable. No matter how we look at it, those are people down there."

    "That's why. Come on, put up your shield. I'll go first."

     The hero quietly descended the stairs with her stick out in front of her, and Matari held her shield up in front of her, ready to defend herself from any attacks. Stifling their breathing, they descended the stairs which led to a large room. A fire was burning at the center of the room, around which a group of people was resting.

    The hero decided to call out to them. If they showed any signs of attacking, she would immediately annihilate them.

    "Is it alright if we join in too? I was just starting to get hungry."

     At the sound of her voice, the resting people raised their heads to the hero. Five young men were sitting on the floor in splendid armor, appearing exhausted. Next to them, was a man with stubble who was roasting meat on a skewer, he presumably had already noticed their presence. And a thin man with closed eyes, dressed in the priestly vestments of the Star Church. There were seven people in total.

     A beat later, the young men stood up and quickly drew their swords. Their reaction speeds were much too slow. If the hero were a demon, they would already be dead.

    "W-Who the hell are you guys!?"

    "Are you a demon!?"

    "Where in the world would you find a demon like me? Keep the jokes to your face. And contrary to that bravado, your legs are shaking."


     When the hero called them out, the blushing youths grew agitated. They seemed to be from families of nobility and weren't used to being ridiculed.

"You're that drunken girl from before!"

"You impudent plebeian! Get on your knees and apologize! Who do you think I am―"

"Shut up! Can't you at least eat quietly, you useless bastards!"

     The man roasting meat violently threw his finished bone with great force, hitting the young man in the face causing him to faint from agony. In light of the man’s intimidating spirit, the other members of the group began to wilt and shrink.

    "What kind of ‘plebian’ do you think you are, acting so high and mighty. In this labyrinth, you can only rely on your own abilities. Having friends won't change anything, and your rank and status certainly don't mean shit either. Just like you guys....... Wait, it's you!?

    The man with a stubble beard who was speaking with a sullen expression froze with a strange sound when he saw the face of the hero.


    The hero, suspicious of his attitude, looked at the warrior's face intently. It seemed vaguely familiar to her, so she closed one eye and squinted with the other in an attempt to recollect. Then, an unpleasant feeling arose within her, as she still couldn’t remember who he was.

    "Hero. This guy, I’m sure he's the one from the Warriors Guild."

    Matari seemingly remembered immediately.

    The hero seemed to have remembered who he was as well, as she rested the stick on her shoulder. The pitiful veteran messed with the hero but received retaliation several times more severe. He was a sort of senior to Matari along with the other new members.

    "Oh, from back then. You're surprisingly tougher than I expected. Maybe I should've beat you more."

    She leaked out a laugh unbecoming of a hero, "Kekeke." Her fearless smile did not fit a hero who fought for justice. Though killing demons was her righteousness. She didn’t care about justice.


    Matari attempted to soothe her, saying she was speaking excessively, yet the hero did not care.

    "Are you the one who hurt Java that bad? Thanks to you, I only got an hour's sleep last night. It seemed your blows were unexpectedly strong. I express my deepest gratitude to you."

    A man– a cleric by the looks of him, opened his eyes and spoke to her sarcastically.

     Matari had told the hero about clerics when she told her about sorcerers. It is said that only individuals skilled in magic and whose faith was recognized by the Star Church could become clerics. They used healing spells, along with exorcism spells, and fought demons as a practical part of their physical training, thus were skilled in close-quarters combat. Even though they could use healing spells, there was no such thing as a miracle capable of instantly recovering one’s strength or healing wounds in this era. What they do is only contribute to the natural healing of a person. In the labyrinth, where anything can happen, such a profession is one you would definitely want to have with you.

    "You didn’t need to thank me."

    "I see sarcasm doesn't seem to work on you."

    "...... Clamp, drop it."

    Java stopped the cleric-like man – Clamp, with his eyes.

    "I wasn't going to do anything. I hate pointless fighting."

    Clamp muttered with a sigh and began meditating again.

     Java hesitated for a moment and stood up, making his way to the hero. He left his weapon by the fire, but had a small knife strapped to his waist.

    Matari panicked and took a precautionary stance, but the hero remained calm. She couldn’t feel any murderous intent from him and was confident she would slaughter him in one strike if he were to attack.

    "What do you want from me?"

    "...... I'm sorry about yesterday. Looking at you now, there's nothing to complain about. At least I know now that you're not here for fun."

    "What do you mean?"

    It was in contrast to what she thought was going to happen. The hero made a dubious face. Looking down at herself, there wasn’t anything out of the ordinary except that her clothes were stained red.

    "There’s too many stupid people who think this is a place to test their mettle and an exciting place of spectacular adventures. I got carried away, and for that, I want to apologize."

    Java bowed his head deeply in apology.

     This was no half-hearted bow either. With his entire upper body, he bent at a completely right angle. After about ten seconds had passed, Java raised his head and rubbed his stubbled chin to hide his embarrassment.

    "I was a little surprised by your sudden apology. I hope you like my bloody makeup. Don't you think it's pretty cool?"

    When the hero twirled around to show off her clothes, droplets of blood scattered all around her. Unfortunately for the young novices, they couldn't escape the small drops and emitted small screams.

    "These idiots make a fuss over some blood on their heirloom armor. They see one rat, and all hell breaks loose, and on top of that, they wouldn’t shut up about the smell of blood. They wore me out to the point where I needed a break."

    "I can't help it, this armor's really heavy! I can't run around with this thing on!"

    One of the young men began making excuses, complaining about his own equipment.

     Though Java, who was fed up with them, gave him the cold shoulder.

    "That's what happens when you're not good enough and use things you don't deserve. For people like you, wooden armor would be enough."

    Heavy armor provided excellent protection, but also restricted one's movements. It also demanded a great deal of physical strength from its wearer.

    Wooden armor, however, had poor defensive capabilities and was quite fragile, but very light. It was suitable for a novice to build up strength. It was also inexpensive and could be found almost anywhere.

    "As if we, noblemen, would wear such squalor!"

    "Then do what you want. I don't care if you live or die. I won't be accompanying any of you ever again. No matter what you offer to pay me."


    At a loss for words, the young man sat down again in disappointment, completely exhausted.

     The hero looked at the faces of the slumped youths one by one. She remembered they were the ones making fun of her at the guild gathering on their first day.

    "You certainly didn't last three days. You act all high and mighty, but all you've got is your bravado and your loudmouths. How pathetic. Your elegant armor is crying."

    The hero smiled devilishly and let out a "Keke!" poking each of their foreheads one by one.

   Matari gently told the hero to stop laughing like that. And so, after her petty revenge was complete, the hero turned to Java.

    "About what you said earlier. I don't care anymore. But if you shared some of that meat, I'd care even less."

    The hero pointed to the few pieces of meat that were being seared by the fire. The smell of burning meat coated in oil whets the appetite, and one could see that they were ready to eat.

    "Alright, now we can let bygones be bygones....... You know you don't seem like an ordinary person. And I know what I'm talking about, I've been at the receiving end of your fists."

    Java spoke seriously while handing her meat off of a skewer.

    "Thanks a lot. I overdid it, too. When I get angry, I get angry. Sorry about that."

     The hero apologized while biting into the meat.

     What happens in the past stays in the past.
The hero believed this to be the secret to living a happy life.

    "No, all adventurers are like that. But, if you don't have that kind of spirit, you wouldn't be able to survive in this shithole."

    "But it's a place where you can be rewarded as much as you struggle, right?"

    "Ha, well, that's only if you can survive. In my experience, guys like these who consider this place a tourist attraction are the first to die. In this sense, it's your lucky day, boys."

    Java showed a grin, and unlike the last time he was face to face with the hero, he could be seen radiating the aura of a veteran.

     The young noblemen that were watching from the side turned pale.

    "Still, I can't believe Java was beaten so one-sidedly. Despite his appearance, he's actually an experienced adventurer. The guild even trusts him enough to lead trainee adventurers."

    "What do you mean by 'actually?"

    "I mean what I said."

    Java glared at him, and Clamp replied curtly.

    "Everyone gets caught off guard sometimes, don’t they? I'm sure I got lucky that time."

    Java and Clamp looked scandalized as the hero replied jokingly.

    "Ugh, well. Anyway, I'm done leading these brats. I'd be damned if I’m going to let all of my luck be sucked away by these idiots."

    After roughly chewing a piece of meat, Java spat affirmatively.

    "Now that they got their reality check, there won't be a next time. Because next time, they might end up as rat food."

    ".......H-Huh?  Why are you doing this to us?"

    "Because that's what you wanted. And we were your bodyguards, I don't need to confirm it again."

    "But this is completely different from what I've heard! People said we could fight brilliantly and elegantly!"

    "If you want something like that, I'd suggest you read some heroic fairy tales. How about the story of the three heroes who defeated the Demon King five hundred years ago? At least then you wouldn't lose your life. I'm sure your parents would be very pleased with that."

    Clamp smiled cruelly at the youths, and they already made up their minds to never come back as they shook their heads to themselves.

    "By the way, we've only seen rats so far. How long is this rat hell going to last?"

    The hero who had enough of watching Clamp's bullying asked no one in particular.


    "It doesn't matter where you go, earth-scrapers are everywhere. Some are even bearers of poisons or disease, so be on your guard. If you aren't, they'll strip you to the bone."

    "The threat of earth-scrapers is in their numbers. People who grow overconfident become food for the rats, and there's no shortage of them either. So, pay attention and be very careful not to get attacked by a pack of them."

    "I see, so it's the rats that are eating the carcasses. That's what you mean when you say they're everywhere, right?"

    When the hero asked for confirmation, Java nodded.

    "Yeah. They'll eat anything. But the one thing they won't eat is your equipment. However, there are demons out there that'll eat your equipment."

    "...... Um, is that the slime?"

    Matari, who had been sitting in silence for a while now, spoke to confirm.

    In her hands, she held The Beginner-Level Guide for Labyrinth Exploration book she bought at the church. She was thoroughly reading each page during their break.

    "Yeah, that's right. Wait, did you actually buy that bogus book, young lady? You can find any information you want on demons at the guild."

    "No, it’s actually been a great guide for me. It's been very helpful so far!"

    Matari said so confidently, and the hero glared at the book with a sparkling hatred.

    "...... I knew that book was nothing but nonsense."

    "It was just a bunch of random crap made up by the people in the church with their fingers up their noses. There's an endless stream of bullshit in there. 'Watch out for rats?' funny they can be conceited enough to think that's worth shit."

     Java was grumbling in disgust, though Matari didn't seem to be listening to him at all. As she was once again nose deep in the book, looking for information on the slime.

    Meanwhile, Clamp began to talk about the slime.

    "Slimes are translucent, green demons made of liquid. When they see any living thing, they will attack without question. It's a tricky opponent to deal with, as it boasts strong resistance to all physical attacks."

    "They're something that you would want to avoid at all if possible. Though they don't show themselves that often."

    "The mucus that makes up the slime's body has corrosive properties and can dissolve equipment. Obviously, if it were to make contact with your body, it would be unbearably painful."

    "Do they have any weaknesses?"

    "There is a nucleus in the center of their translucent bodies. Attack with a weapon you're alright with getting destroyed. If you can hit the nucleus, it's a one-shot deal. When your weapon comes in contact with the liquid, it will be destroyed, so give it up. The best way to go, however, is to kill them with magic."

    "Well, they’re slow, so it's best to avoid fighting them altogether. Even if you kill them, you wouldn’t be able to reap any rewards."

    "Since the nucleus is the designated part for exchange. It's really difficult to take down the slime without damaging it. So, there's no need to push yourself for nothing."

    "Hmm, sounds like a hassle, but we'll figure it out. You'll be fine with me!"

    "The nucleus is the slime's weakness; the nucleus is the slime's weakness. Hurts to touch, hurts to touch."

    Matari recited these words as if she were casting a spell.

     Deciding to destroy that scam of a book later, the hero asked Java and Clamp.

    "So, how long are you guys going to stay here?"

    "After three hours, these idiots will be forced to return. We'll see them through to the end and go home as usual. In the meantime, we'll just sit here and relax."

     Java held a bamboo shaped bottle to his mouth and drank up the liquid. Of course, it was not alcohol but water. Even if the man looked carefree, he was always on his guard.

     "Indeed, the labyrinth is a good place for meditation since it's filled with magic elements. It’s also a way to sharpen your spirit. As the elements seep into my body, I can feel myself tense up."

    "Geez, there he goes again. Can't time go by any faster?"

    "Why don't you join me, Java? I’m sure if you focus and meditate, your sword will be sharper. Maybe a miracle will happen, and your potential to use magic will come forth."

    "No thanks. For me, lazing around is the best meditation."

    Java lightly waved to the hero and Matari, holding back a yawn as he cleaned his sword. While the young nobles remained stretched out on the floor, motionless.

    "Well, should we get going? We've been resting for a while."

    "Yes! I was able to learn a lot about slimes as well!"

    As the hero and Matari were heading out of the large room, a voice called out to them from behind.

    "Oh yeah, a little advice. Though you probably don't need to hear this, but just in case."

    Java advised them with a serious look on his face.

    "There is an unspoken rule amongst everyone that disputes in the labyrinth are to be settled by adventurers. Don't expect the Star Church or the guild to lend you a hand. Even if you cry and beg, there's nothing they’ll do about it."

    "...... Does that mean someone's going to attack us?"

    "There’re guys who think they can make more money hunting adventurers rather than demons. Because there’s a lot of idiots like this bunch who mistake this for a hobby."

    Java turned his gaze to the noble youths.

     Their weapons and armor were first-class. If they were put up on the market, one would have no trouble finding buyers, even if they were stolen goods.

    "But wouldn't other adventurers hate you? Rumors about you would spread soon enough."

    "A bounty would immediately be put on their head. The church won’t ever get involved, but the guild will put up a bounty. As soon as they’re found, we’re to kill them on sight. However, they're not the kind of people who’d turn tail so easily, and because of that, many inexperienced adventurers are weeded out."

    Java went on to explain the following.


    Commit a murder in the labyrinth, an adventurer turns into a pitiful corpse, and that was usually the end of the story. However, if one were lucky enough to survive and turned to the guild with a report, the suspect would be summoned to an interview. In the case the suspect complies, their Guildmaster would decide whether they were innocent or guilty. Afterward, they would be handed over to the Star Church to be judged.

    However, if the suspect failed to comply, a bounty would be placed on their head in relation to the crime committed. They would be expelled from their guild, and their bounty would be up in each guild. Those who were given bounties would either escape into the labyrinth or hide in the slums of Arte. Wanted or not, the guards would still allow them to enter the labyrinth, as it was not their job to catch these bounty heads. When there was a commotion above ground, they would rush over to the disturbance, but they would never get involved with any disputes within the labyrinth. Though if one were to be recognized as a heretic, that would be a different story.


    "It’s important to stay away from any suspicious looking places as much as possible and be extremely cautious of everyone. These are the rules to living a long life here."

    Clamp mumbled to himself as he meditated.

    "I'll remember that. Thanks for all the advice."

    "Thank you! Mr. Java and Mr. Clamp!"

    "Yeah, it’s all good. We all belong to the Warriors Guild. Don't be too hard on yourself. Things are just getting started."

    "I'm with the Clerics Guild, though."

    "You always have something to say."

     Bidding farewell to Java and Clamp, the hero and Matari began to move on.


     After killing more earth-scrapers, they made it through the third floor and reached the fourth floor. Nothing particularly distinctive could be discerned, aside from the same image of a bleak aisle the hero was tired of seeing. The demons encountered were still only rats, so they both managed to handle them without any trouble. Neither of them even glanced down at their tails anymore, as they both agreed to keep going down until their time was up ──Then, the yellow arrows reappeared.


    The hero looked down in displeasure. Since the path they were on was a straight shot, they had no choice but to follow them.

    "...... I don’t think we should rely on these arrows too much."

    "What? Why not?"

    "The upper levels are probably only filled with novices whose first instinct would be to rely on them. So, is there any proof that these arrows are actually right?"

    "But in the church's book, they said that a kind adventure painted it──"

    "That was back then. Who knows how long it's been since that was written."

    The hero aggressively stomped on the yellow arrow painted on the ground, causing it to peel, revealing the gray stone ground beneath.

    "...... Does that mean it could be a trap set up by someone?"

    "Maybe it's a sign on the road to hell. Either way, be careful. Even if it’s impossible to be on guard at all times, just be sure not to let yourself be taken by surprise."

     When the hero issued her a strong warning, Matari’s face tightened as she nodded, and her body was stiff from the tension. The hero wanted to hold her head in her hands as it seemed to have had the opposite of the intended effect but decided it was better than dying, so she left it alone. Eventually, they arrived at a fork in the road. But Matari chose to follow the arrows, with her shield out in front of her.

    Since there was no guarantee that the roads without arrows were safe either, the hero just followed silently. Her expression gradually grew grim as a feeling of discomfort had arisen within her. There was a smell all too familiar to her, and she felt as if they were being watched. Looking behind her, there was no one to be seen. Squinting, she still couldn’t find anything. So, the hero clicked her tongue and kept moving.


    All that could be heard was their breathing and their footsteps as the sounds echoed off the walls— it was deathly quiet. They found another two-way path, and followed the arrows right, which led to a small room that awaited them at the end of the path. Remaining vigilant, they followed the arrows, making it to the end without being attacked, and stopped just before the small room. No stairs leading to the next level awaited them, but a red arrow pointing into the small room at its entrance. From what she could see from the entrance, nothing seemed out of the ordinary.

    "O-Oh. This room's a dead end."

    "...... Seems like it."

    "What shall we do?"

    "It would be dangerous to go in recklessly. You've got to be careful in situations like this. Especially because..."

     It had an unbearable rotten stench. Which was coming from nearby.

    In the center of the dimly lit room, a treasure chest-like object could be seen. Light leaked through cracks in the chest as if inviting them.


     The hero frowned, though not because of the suspicious chest, but because the traces of blood in the air were too overwhelming. The smell permeated the room, and it lingered all throughout it, drifting down to them at the entrance. Even if the scent of blood dissipated with time, the hero could still smell the faint odor that was stuck to the room. Quite a number of people had lost their lives in this room. One wouldn’t even need to step into the room to be in great danger.

    ──And, just as the hero was about to warn Matari of the trap.

    "There might be something in that chest. I'll go check it out, please watch my back!"

    Matari advanced in a straight line, shield at the ready, even as the hero was about to warn her.


    The hero hurriedly stretched her hand out in panic, but she couldn’t reach her. Did she think demons were not capable of setting traps, or did she not know the concept of doubt?

    From the hero's point of view, it was like she was jumping right into the death’s maw.

    "You idiot!! Come back!!"

    "But there might be magic crystals inside! That's what the book said!"

    The book Matari bought spoke of demons with a habit of collecting crystallized miasma. Since these crystals could be sold at a high price, adventurers intentionally set up chests and vases for bait, since demons deem chests and pots perfect hiding places. Even if there was a chance other adventurers might have taken it, it was worth looking at. As if you found one, you could make a small fortune.

    And Matari, who had obtained the information from her book, believed that this chest was used to collect such magic crystals.

    However, the chest in the center of the room did not have such a simple purpose.

    "Just get back here!!"

    By the time she stopped her for the second time, Matari had already crossed the red arrow. 

    Hearing something click into place, and Matari let out a puzzled voice.


     Something exploded at Matari’s feet and threw her to the center of the small room, leaving her in a disoriented state.

    The hero was also caught by the blast and thrown back.


    This phase of the trap had seemingly been activated.


     Matari slumped in the center of the room and looked around. Her shield had been thrown out of her hand by the impact.

    Stumbling to her feet, she tried to regain her cherished shield.


    ──At that moment, the second part of the killing machine was initiated.

     Sounds of air being dispelled could be heard from around the room. It was a sign that something had been automatically triggered.

     The hero calmly checked to confirm, she found numerous arrow launchers cleverly hidden, and were aimed at a single point from all sides of the room.

    "...... A-ah."

   Matari looked down at her body, and saw that a small sharp arrow had pierced deep into her chest through her heavy armor. And not just one, many arrows lined her body, each powerful enough to penetrate her thick armor. A great deal of blood was pouring from her mouth. Then, she collapsed, unable to comprehend what had happened. Her body was riddled with arrows like a pin cushion. Could it even be called luck that her head remained unharmed?



    Matari's eyes turned to the hero.

    She could no longer move, and her world slowly grew darker. As the light faded from her eyes, it seemed she was trying to reach out for her.


     The hero observed the scene with cold eyes. A single human life had been extinguished. Her instincts issued her a strong warning, to never enter the room. The trap was still there, and if she were to go in to save her, she would be jumping right into the clutches of death.


     Despite the warnings from the hero, Matari still went in. The immature girl got her comeuppance. There was no doubt that those were fatal wounds. She was doomed to die in a matter of seconds. Matari will die. Her cheerful face and heartfelt words flashed in the mind of the hero.

    "We're going to be fighting together as comrades; or rather, we'll be companions who'll have each other's lives and deaths in their hands."

   She didn’t mean what she said. The hero knew that. If their positions were switched, the hero would surely be abandoned. No one would be there to grab her reaching hand. That’s how people are. And so, the hero was left to fight alone. Until that very day, until her damned soul disappeared. She would torture herself, and rise again and again, no matter how many times she got hurt to destroy the demons. She should have been alone from the very beginning. Just as she was abandoned, she should abandon her.

    "...... I don't need any friends. So, I'm sorry, but I'm going to leave you. I've always been and will always be alone."

    The hero slowly turned on her heel, muttering as if to let out what was bottled up in her heart. First the left foot, then the right foot. She wanted to leave as soon as possible.

    "I want to leave this place as soon as possible. I want to forget that woman's face right now. So that way, I won't feel anything."

     But for some reason, her legs were very heavy, and using all her strength she took a third step.

    Then, a maniacal cackle reached her ears, and the hero who smelled the stench of rot reflexively spun around.


     ──What the hero saw was a man, with a lowly smile on his face, about to swing a white blade towards Matari's slender neck.




  1. Thank you so much for picking this up! The Web Novel version kept getting picked up and dropped again and I lost all hope that this story would ever see the light of day again. But wow, I thought the Web Novel chapters were long, but this was even longer! Major props to you for all that work. I hope you'll see it through to the end (no pressure though). Do you have a KoFi or anything?

  2. I'm really happy that you picked this up. Thanks for the chapter.

  3. Woah that was so long, for a first chapter, how many chapters are there? Thank you for translating!!!! You're amazing I've been waiting for more TLs of this author ever since I heard they're all in the same universe from flame ring

    1. There are only eleven chapters in the novel; I say "only," but these chapters are pretty damn long, as you know. So, in reality, it's more like four or five web novel chapters, a light novel chapter.

  4. Thank you so much for translating these books, especially with your health! I hope you get better soon! I'm really glad you genuinely enjoy this story too! You've done more than enough for us already, especially with this fast update speed, but have you considered translating the other books in this series, please? Flame Ring's only had a WN translated and the other stories have either been abandoned or haven't been started at all. Again, you've done more than enough, but I wanted to know what your thoughts on the matter were. Thank you again, please keep up the amazing work!

    1. Edit: I know you said this would be your only TL work in Bonus Chapter 1, but I was curious if you'd reconsidered after working on the chapters since. Apologies if that was unclear! It sucks that you can't edit these comments directly...

    2. It's alright, don't worry about it. To be honest, I've thought about it; but if I were to, I'd at least want to read it over once myself, so I can get a lay of the land. Though, before that, I'd like to try and give "Rosetta Wants to Stay home" a go. It's a good bit shorter - I think it has like eight chapters and is about a girl who lives in another world that's been taken over by "demi-humans." And to make friends, she conducts a ritual that ends up summoning the three protagonists; Schera, Noel, and Hero. So even though it's not finished, I think it might be a little breath of fresh air before tackling something big again. So, I guess maybe look forward to something, lol; thanks for the kind words too; it means a lot.

    3. Thank you so much for your reply! And I completely understand, don't worry about it! I totally get wanting to work on something smaller first too! To be honest I'm fascinated by Rosetta's premise too, a crossover sounds awesome! If there's an isekai element, I'm surprised the protagonist from Polar Star isn't involved though. I haven't read it so don't know if there's a spoiler there, but still.

      Anyway, thanks again for the amazing work and the reply! I'm excited to see what you do next! :D

  5. Thanks for the translation. I absolutely love reading this and the little references it pays to The Girl who Ate a Death God.

    A small issue
    "Matari advanced in a straight line, shield at the ready, even as the euro was about to warn her."
    - "euro" should be changed to "hero"
