Thursday, December 2, 2021

The Maiden Called Hero or Monster - Chapter 10 - In this Ugly and Cruel World

    A week had passed since their first encounter with Yatum. The city has remained reasonably calm with no particular troubles having arisen. No rumors alluding to Yatum being found have reached them yet, so they seemed to be doing well enough.

"...... Speaking of which, did you ever find where the breeding-horse went?"

    After returning from the labyrinth, the hero and the others were resting at the Warriors Guild. Many around her enjoyed drinks as they boasted of their achievements of a long day’s hunt. The unrestrained shouts of the men were quite loud, but since they had bought her a drink, she decided to keep quiet. Her purse strings were always looser at this time of day.

    "Oh, you mean Excel? I heard he's been hanging out with some mercenaries at a bar somewhere. Mabe, they liked his skills with a sword. Well, his business isn’t really for me to talk about."

"No point in complaining now. So, how were you going to take care of that breeding-horses’ girls?"

"I'll help them financially out of my own pocket until he comes back. But that's all they're getting out of me."

    The hero was dumbfounded, unable to utter a word. This guy was really too kind for his own good. Though, if they were thrown out, the women would be left to the streets on their own. It would be difficult to give birth safely in such a circumstance. If Rob decided on his own to do this, the hero had nothing to say. Excel was truly an irredeemable man, but he was lucky to have good relationships with those he does. He probably did not even realize how lucky he was himself.

"Such a heart-wrenching story. I’m weak to talk like this."

"Don't lie. I can see it on your face. You must think they're just some penurious idiots."

    "As I've said many times before, sorcerers have bad personalities. The look on their faces makes it obvious."

"And I've said many, many, times before that that's just prejudice."

    As usual, Edel and Lulurile were bickering with each other.

    "Tch, you all just say whatever you want. Bastards."

    Cursing, Rob withdrew to the back of the guild, saying he'd bring replacement drinks.

    "Rob's blunt, but he's a good person. Otherwise, I don't think he would've trained me after I got kicked out of my house. Someday, I want to repay this debt."

    Rob was the one who taught Matari the basics of swordsmanship. He had a particularly rough way with words, but he was really good at taking care of others.

"You're a really good girl Matari. Unlike some twisted people I know."

"Please don't speak ill of Ms. Hero. I owe her my life."

    Lulurile spoke as if Edel's previous statement was exclusive of her.

"...... You're among those twisted people you know? Why are you acting like you have nothing to do with this?"

    "You guys are making too much noise. Hey, Rob, let's get another next round!"

    Tapping the counter with her empty glass, the hero urged for a refill. And out came Rob with another full bottle in his hands, with a face that wanted to say something.

"Just so you know, this bar business is more like a hobby of mine. Being the guild master is still my main job, don't forget that."

"But, this is like your main job too. Come on, I'll buy you a drink. It's on the house of a hero. It'll give the master of the Warriors Guild an extra edge."

    The hero poured wine into Rob's glass, pouring just enough to fill it completely.

"Ha-ha, thanks for that. Hey you bastards, the great hero just bought me a drink. Here’s a toast to the hero!"


    Rob initiated a toast, and the rest of the adventurers followed suit in high spirits. 

    Ever since the certification exam, no one ever dared to approach the hero, but they gradually began becoming more friendly with her. To put it simply, the hero doesn't touch anyone who doesn't intend to harm her. It seemed to have become widely recognized among the other adventurers that despite not knowing anything about her, she couldn't be worse than a demon.

    "Yeah, yeah, cheers, cheers....... By the way, mercenaries, the thing you mentioned earlier. Is that really profitable work?"

    The hero asked while dangling her glass. 

    Mercenaries were those who sold their skills in exchange for money. To the hero, one wrong step and they would be no better than bandits. They would do anything as long as the money was right.

    "There's mercenary groups of all sizes popping up all over the place. Each and every one of them trying to make a name for themselves. But really, how profitable a gig it is depends on the jobs they take."

    According to Rob, they did everything from guarding merchant caravans and dignitaries, to kidnappings and murders.

"Mercenaries, huh? I saw some the other day. They really don't look any different from bandits. I think they're one of the reasons why this city isn't as safe."

"Despite that they do bring in a lot of money into the city. They are good customers for the merchants in town, thus helping revitalize it."

Rob nodded at Edel and Lulurile's words.

    "As long as they're willing to spend money, they're not viewed much differently than a good customer. These are considered the sacred lands of the Star Church, and as it's a neutral nation, lots of bigwigs from other countries come and go. And once word of their work goes round, mercenaries come running in from all over. Arte really is a great place for mercenaries and adventurers alike to make money. Though, the price in correlation is the security of the city."

     Adventurers killed demons while exploring the labyrinth, while mercenaries dealt with humans. No matter which path you chose both carried a high degree of risk, and naturally, those who went down these roads were often bad people. But as for how far one would go down each road, that was up to the individual themselves.

"...... This town’s a real shithole. Even though it serves as the headquarters of the Star Church. They should at least clean the dirt under their feet before preaching about their teachings."

"Well, there's a little bit of good in it, though..."

    Matari interrupted the hero with a complicated face.

"Like what?"

    "...... Th-There's a lot of good places to eat. And there’s a big river nearby, so you can always eat fresh fish!"

    After much deliberation, she came up with an answer: food. If she couldn’t eat, she would probably be living in misery

"You always seem so happy, I'm jealous. Could you share some of that happiness with me someday?"

    "Of course! If you'd like, please have as much as you want!"

    At the sarcastic mutterings of the hero, Matari gave a wide smile while puffing out her ample chest. The alcohol seemed to have put her in a very good mood. The hero did not know why she felt so annoyed. Perhaps it was the backbiting of being a have-not? And Lulurile, who was about the same level as the hero, wore a scowl on her face.

"I'm full of happiness too, so you can take some of it with you. To be honest, it's hard putting up with these stiff shoulders. Oh, sorry. You guys wouldn't understand."


    Edel said so while emphasizing her breasts. Her character was particularly twisted in that she would provoke others with it, knowing very well what she was doing. Of course, Lulurile wouldn't remain silent. With blue veins bulging on her forehead, she pulled out a small bottle from her bag.

"I have something that will make you even happier. Would you like a dose? Just one shot is all it takes."

    "...... I'll pass. Or rather, what does that warning label on the bottle mean?"


    The vial was filled with a thick pink liquid, and a very conspicuous label with a skull and crossbones was affixed to it.

"I changed the color of the fluid to pink just for you Ms. Edel. I can assure you of its effectiveness, as I have tested it on the rats of the labyrinth. They looked so very happy."

    Lulurile wasn't listening to anyone. Mumbling on with the corners of her mouth lifted. The group of the hero only consisted of people who never listened to others. That was probably because they all had a few screws loose in their heads.

"Good for you, Pinky. Isn't pink the color of happiness? No need to be shy, just give it a shot."

"...... If I took a sip of that, I'd probably end up on the other side."

    "If something happens, just use yourself. You're a master necromancer, can't you at least do that much?"

"Of course I can’t! Use your common sense!"

"Oh no, Pinky's face turned red. What should we do, Lulurile?"

"No need to worry. Coincidentally, I have a new drug that turns one's face pink as well..."

    The usual repartee began. Rob involuntarily set his hand on his forehead in amazement. Meanwhile, Matari was gnawing away at meat on a bone. Whenever they got tired of exchanging, they would pour more alcohol and talk about more trivial things. The hero involuntarily smiled wryly thinking it was not so bad.

    ... Another day had gone by without a hitch. That was what she thought then.

"What the hell was all that about? That was really something else."

    "It's probably best if we act like we didn't see anything. That's the secret to living a long life in this town. Sorry, but I'm not getting involved."

    "Yeah, I feel the same way. Sorry Excel, but we're more worried about our own skins."

Two warriors who returned to the guild walked over to Rob, bewildered.

    "Hey, you two don't seem too happy about surviving another day. And it’s rare to see you come back so late. Something wrong?"

    "Yeah, Rob....... We've got something to tell you. We actually saw that Excel guy earlier."



    Rob scowled.

    "Yeah, we saw him with some mercenary-looking guys like the rumors mentioned. There looked to be about twenty of them heading towards the slums. We had to take one of our wounded comrades to a priest, so we couldn't go after them then."

"Though, afterward, we were still curious, so we made our way to the slums..."

    "We heard something otherworldly. It was a noise so terrifying that it gave me goosebumps....... It couldn't have been human."

The breathing of the hero stopped for a moment. 

    The slums. A terrifying sound. Not human.

    "It was like something's death throes....... No, maybe it was more like a cry of indignation? I was too afraid to even check what it was. My brain just kept telling me to stay away."

"Even the church guards nearby pretended not to hear it. They just looked at us like they had no shits to give about what went on in the slums. But despite that, their knees were still trembling. Ugh, those guys are useless when you need them!"

     After hearing what the two had to say, Rob crossed his arms over his chest.

"Excel, you idiot, what the hell did you get yourself into── Whoa, hey, what's the matter?"

"It’s bothering me. So, I'm gonna check it out."



    Matari looked perplexed, while Edel and Lulurile wore grim expressions.

    After paying Rob for their drinks, the hero and the others jumped out from the Warriors Guild and began running. What started out as a brisk jog turned into a full sprint, each of them running as fast as they could. 

     She had a bad feeling. Goosebumps covered her whole body. her throat ran dry, and her breathing had become ragged without even realizing it.

    Then, the four of them had finally arrived at the entrance to the slums. Ordinary people never dared to approach the vicinity of the slums at night, as it was particularly more dangerous than usual. Even the patrolling guards merely gave cursory glances to passersby. Only those with peculiar business would frequent at this time. Now, there was no sign of human life. It truly felt right to call it ruins.

"...... Our words might not get through to him anymore. If he’s deemed a threat, we need to kill him without question."

"B-But! There’s no way Yatum would’ve done something like that!"

    "If you don’t go in with that mindset, you'll really die. You’ll need to judge for yourself if something like mercy is enough to win!" 

    When the hero shouted, Matari, seemingly unconvinced, pulled a blood-red greatsword from her back. Its lustrous crimson glow looked terribly ominous. 


    Edel brandished her staff and prepared summoning cards in her left hand. It was contraindicated to summon corpses outside of the labyrinth, but she was seemingly prepared for such an eventuality. 

    And Lulurile loaded bolts into the crossbow attached to her right arm. It was too dark to see the expression present on her face. The only light they had to see was the dim moonlight. 

    Not even the vagrants and vigilantes who lingered on the sides of the roads during the day were anywhere to be seen. It appeared that even the inhabitants of the slums were well aware of the terror of the dark. 

    While stifling their breathing, the group, with their weapons at the ready, walked with wary eyes on the road ahead. Their aim was to make it to Colon and his friends’ hideout, an abandoned warehouse in the slums. They had no doubts that the strange noises originated from there. 

    Each time she stepped on the debris-littered road, she could hear a deafening crunch. With each step it was like something was crumbling from within, the hero had such an unpleasant illusion. It was her who made the decision to let him go. Therefore, she must accept the result. No matter what the consequences are. That is the responsibility imposed on those who choose.


    They had finally arrived at the abandoned warehouse. It was frighteningly silent. The sound of lively children could not be heard, let alone the sound of a single insect. Only the smell of blood in the air could be discerned, and the source was the abandoned warehouse. 

    The door that had welcomed them just days earlier now smeared with a black stain. Touching it, Luluriles hand was covered with a red liquid that had yet to dry. 

    The hero could hear Matari gulp. Edel turned her eyes to the sky for a moment, then brought a determined gaze back down ahead of her. 

    Then, the hero slowly reached out for the door. She hoped her hand would never reach it, the hero had thought of such a convenient miracle.

". . . . . . . . . . . ."

It was pitch black inside. A world of darkness that not even the light of the stars could reach. Gazing into the abyss, the hero set fire to a copper bill that was in her waist bag and threw it into the room. Its small flame illuminated the darkness. In an instant, the horrific scene veiled by the darkness was revealed.


    Matari let out an inaudible scream.

    There was a small body at her feet. She could tell at a glance that it was a corpse. It had no head. The head was cruelly nailed to a nearby wall. A rusty iron stake had been driven right through the forehead. The hero couldn't even explain the horrific expression frozen on their face. With trembling hands, she pulled out the iron stake. Carefully holding the head that was about to fall, she closed their eyelids.

    Edel and Lulurile, under a calm guise, began examining the area. 


    Was it her imagination that their faces looked pale? 

    The hero collected the bodies of the dead children scattered around one by one and arranged them next to the small flame. There were so many limbs strewn about that it was nearly impossible to tell which belonged to who. But even so, the hero gathered them one by one, putting them all together the best she could. It was as if she was assembling dismembered dolls. Behind her, Matari who was knelt on the ground, vomited incessantly. That was proof that she wasn’t crazy yet. The hero felt envious.

──A total of ten dead children were found.

"...... That's everything."

"Thanks for the help."

"...... It's fine. This is about as hard as I was expecting it to be. I'm still not used to seeing stuff like this."


"That's normal. If you're tired, you can take a breather. I’ll take care of the rest."

    The bodies were no doubt the corpses of the children she had once played with. Even Colon had been killed. A terrible look of regret was stuck to his face, and dirt clung to his body. He must have shed countless tears. Taking out a hand towel, the hero wiped the dirt that was adhered to his face.

    However, Silca was nowhere to be found. None of the bodies gathered resembled her.... and there was no sign of Yatum either. She had not noticed it earlier, but there was a bag near the entrance of the warehouse as well. The fruits inside were crushed and swarmed with attacking ants. Their cruel distorted appearance reminded her of a human head, driving something up into her throat.

"H-Hero. Did, Y-Yatum do this? W-Were these children killed by Yatum!?"

"Calm down. I'm figuring that out. If you want to help, you need to calm down a little──"

"Tch, why are you so calm!? Colon, everyone, they're all dead! Th-This, it's too cruel!"

"...... I guess you shouldn't help. Go wait with Lulurile. You're being too loud, it's distracting──"

    "H-Hero, why, how can you act like that──"


    In a fit of rage, Matari grabbed the hero by her shoulders. She could not tolerate such a cold attitude. Matari's gaze intersected with that of the hero who was forcibly turned around.

"If you want to get in the way....... Just go wait over there. I'll take care of everything else."

    Managing to spit out her words one word at a time, the hero bent down to examine the corpse. Wiping her eyes with her sleeve as her vision grew distorted.

"...... I-I'm, sorry."

Matari sat down on the spot. Meanwhile, the hero continued her investigation without regard to her, with Edel and Lulurile at her sides.

Most of the bodies were dismembered and mutilated. Some of them had their heads nailed to the wall, and some had their arms and legs twisted and mangled into hideous forms, almost as if they were being played with. But the question still remained, who did this? It would be natural to assume Yatum was behind this. There were testimonies of strange sounds having been heard, but he wasn’t here. Since he was a demon, there wasn’t any room for doubt.

But was it really him? The children were killed, not eaten. Moreover, there weren't any traces of his signature poisonous needles or bite marks from his strong jaws on their bodies, both of which were Yatum's means of killing. Would he really have gone through the trouble of using iron stakes rather than his needles? And not just that, but go out of his way to nail their heads to the wall? She needed to be sure.

    The hero viewed the small row of corpses in turn. One person was the limit. And the corpse would need to be as intact as possible. In the end, the hero decided that Colon was most suitable. His legs and arms were twisted and bent, but his head was not lost. It looked as if he had been brutally tortured, but he was in the best condition of them all. He at least wouldn't die instantly. This was a judgment made void of sentiment.

"Should we report this to the Church? They're not reliable, but it's better than just doing nothing."

"We can't just leave Yatum out there. If we don't find him soon, things will get messy."

    "I have something to do before that....... If I fail and I don't come back the bodies to the bone. You'd better not make the mistake of trying to use me, Edel."


     The hero tried smiling cheerfully but was unable to. Her smile came out stiff.

"...... What the hell are you going to do?"

    "Don’t worry about it, just get out of the way."

    Dispelling Edel, the hero, placed her sword on the ground, and took a deep breath to gather her spirit. The stench of death pierced her nostrils, but she paid no mind to it. This time, she might die. But she couldn't, not now. There was still something she needed to do. This wasn't a suitable place for her to die. 


    The hero managed to cross Colon's distorted arms over his chest. Then, after gently stroking his head, the hero initiated her spell.

"Unite the spirit and invoke the spell, so as to not be drawn in. I’m alive. I am alive. I'm undoubtedly here."

    "── Y-You, a resurrection spell!?"

    Edel reached out her hand but was repelled by a pale blue light emanating from the body of the hero. Matari and Lulurile, seeing it for the first time, were left in astonishment. 

    After bringing her left hand to her chest, the hero placed her right on Colon’s chest.

"...O wandering, wretched soul, answer my prayer and return to this vessel once more."

    The illusion of death had already appeared, but in spite of it, she endured the pain and continued the resurrection.

"This is the resurrection spell Russ sacrificed everything in pursuing…"

"I, feel like I've seen this light somewhere before."

"The taboo spell of resurrection. A spell that has been preserved only in legend. Are you trying to say that this is it?"

    A faint light streamed down through the body of the hero and into Colon. The flowing light stayed with Colon for a moment but quickly dissipated. The face of the hero was losing its luster, her breathing had become ragged, and her heart was palpitating. As her consciousness began to fade, she bit her lip and tried to endure, while ignoring the unpleasant feeling at her back, trying to get her to turn around. She must Never accept the sweet whispers in her ear. A severe pain suddenly attacked her – the numerous brutalities that led to Colon's death. Now that very pain was eroding the spirit of the hero.

Her face warped with pain, but the light still had yet to envelop his body. If this continued, then this would all have been for nothing. The clutches of death gripped onto the body of the hero. Countless arms of the damned attempted to drag her back with all their weight. If she wasn't going to turn around, they would drag her down by force.

It shouldn't have been used again. She was well aware of that, but she used it anyway. Bringing back a soul was an unacceptable act. As such, there was a price to be paid.

──Just as the hero was about to make up her mind, Colon's eyes opened slightly with a faint light lingering within them.

"B-Big sister, H-Hero."

    "C-Colon, you’re back!?" 

    The hero took Colon’s body into her arms and immediately used a healing spell on both of his arms. The scars of torture were disappearing. But unlike Matari, Colon would have to endure the pain now that he was conscious. The screams and cries of the past resurfaced along with Colon’s tortured screams and cries.

"H-He really came back to life. But the spell itself isn't much different from what Russ wrote down in his research....... So how did he fail?"

"Ms. Edel, what are you on about?"

    "...... I see, there's a price. There has to be an equal stake to bring a soul back. Yes, so that’s what it was. I-I get it, I finally understand!"


    Edel’s excited mutterings did not reach the ears of the hero.

"Aaaaaahhhhhhh!! It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

    "Noisy, you have to push through it!!"

    Colon desperately clutched at the hero's body. His eyes looked as if he had completely lost his mind. The spell was already completed. The resurrection was successful. Then, perhaps from his mind having reached its limit, Colon's eyes slowly closed. She would have liked to let him rest, but there were things she needed to know.

"Where's Silca!? Did Yatum do all this!?"

"...... N-No. Silca was kidnapped. W-We tried to stop them, but──"

    "I got it. Thanks a lot. Now get some rest."

    The hero rose up. They had to find the missing Silca. No matter what kind of ending awaited them.

    Entrusting Colon to Lullurile, she had left her to take him to a priest. She did not know what seeing his friends slaughtered in front of him would do to his heart, but at the very least, she saved his life.

    Leaving the corpses in the abandoned warehouse untouched, the hero and the others left through the back door, following a particular path.

    Matari, who finally managed to regain her composure, discovered traces of something left behind. It was a green liquid, and upon lighting a fire, a path of the green liquid shone before them. Could it be Yatum's bodily fluids?

    The liquid led through to the deepest parts of the slums, to a lone deserted tavern. Empty bottles were scattered around outside. It seemed like a place where avid thugs would come to hang out. Light could be seen from within the tavern, along with the sounds of commotion. The commotion being a mixture of angry cries and low demeaning voices. Without hesitation, the hero kicked the door down to the abandoned tavern with all her might. The gazes of those inside focused on the hero.

    "Th-The hell!?"

"This is our charter. Sorry but hurry up and get the hell out of here, after fixing that damn door."

"Wait a minute. Three ladies hangin’ around here at this hour must have *that on the mind. Well, wait there."

The men laughed while playing with their peculiar weapons.

"Let's just get rid of them quickly. Hey, Excel. Make sure you've got a tight grip on that little lady, huh? It's a very important package."

"Y-Yes, sir. Leave it to me!"

    "You know, a couple of seats’ve just opened up. I was just going to dispose of you, but I'll welcome you into my caravan of mercenaries. You're a real lucky guy. You better bust your ass?" 


   The crude man sneered while Excel restrained Silca, holding a sword to her neck. Lying on the floor were two corpses. The faces of which seemed to have been torn off with a single strike, damning them to miserable deaths. Though, the mercenaries who were seemingly their companions did not seem particularly concerned, as they kicked their bodies, laughing merrily while talking about how much they reeked. The remaining mercenaries were facing Yatum with swords and spears at the ready. Yatum appeared to be wounded, but only stood there as green blood bled from his body. For some reason, he had not even taken up a fighting stance.

    As a hero, she wanted to save Silca. But the moment the hero moved; her life would end. She could not afford to act recklessly. Was that perhaps why Yatums stood motionless?  To save a human girl, by offering no resistance?

    "Big sister Hero, help us!! Th-These people killed Colon and the others!!"

    The second Silca noticed her, she let out a cry for help.

"Will you shut up!"

"I’m okay, just get rid of these guys!"

"Hey, stop messing around and get rid of it! How long are you planning on playing with that thing!?"

    The head mercenary loudly rebuked them.

    "We'll get rid of it right now! Come on, time to die you damn bug!!"

    Several mercenaries rushed in at once. Yatum was pierced all throughout his body by the mercenaries’ arms, splattering his green blood all around.

"N-Nooooo - ugaaahhh!!"

"Shut up!! Shut the hell up!!"

    Excel hit the screaming Silca with the hilt of his sword, forcibly knocking her unconscious.

"Finally, some quiet. I can’t hear with the kid’s whining echoing in my ears.”

    "But really, how could a demon be up above ground?"

    "How would I know, idiot. All I know is that bug suddenly showing up sure scared the hell out of me. Hehe, damn. I mean look at that, he got his face torn completely off."

    The mercenary pointed with his chin to another mercenary whose face had been bitten off.

"It's pretty horrifying. Well, eight-eyed bees are pretty formidable enemies."

"If you hadn't used this kid as a shield, things could've gotten pretty nasty. Most people wouldn't even think of using a hostage against a demon. You're one crazy son of a bitch, Excel, and a damn good fit for a mercenary."

"Th-Thanks a lot! I'll keep working hard!"

    Excel gave an enthusiastic reply with a flattered smile on his face. 

The unbearable putrid stench that permeated the room made the hero lightheaded.

"Hehe, now that the bug's out of the way. Heh heh, it's time to have some fun──"

    The hero began to slowly walk into the room while keeping a wary eye on Excel. The instant he moved his arm, she would throw her sword at his face. Since Silca had been knocked unconscious, Excel was in an awkward position. She was sure she could take him before he could act. 

    Three mercenaries who were reaching out for the hero with disgusting hands were blown apart by explosive magic, littering the room in their filthy scraps of flesh. The force of the blast sent Matari and Edel flying backwards.

"W-What the hell happened!?"

    "She's a sorcerer!? You've got to be kidding me!"

    Ignoring the mercenaries who hurriedly readied their swords, the hero approached Yatum. He was crying. Beautiful drops were dripping from his eight eyes. His whole body trembled along with his fluttering wings, as he cried like a baby. The hero choked up.

    "Y-Yatum, very sorry."

". . . . . . . . . . . ."

"Yatum, tried... save Sillca... but... Yatum can't." 

    Yatum spit out an apology through blood.

    ── The hero wondered if this was what happened. For one reason or another, the mercenaries tried to kidnap Silca, so Colon and the others tried their best to stop them. But, as the difference in strength was too great, they were slaughtered. Then when Yatum returned with the fruit and discovered what had happened, he made those strange sounds out of anger and grief. Then, when he eventually found where they were, he rushed in. The green bodily fluid that guided the hero to this tavern must be their secretions that flow when agitated. Eight-eyed bees rely on the secretion to find and rush to the aid of their kin. Yatum was able to kill two of the mercenaries but was left helpless when Silca was taken hostage. 

    A human takes another human hostage, and a demon trying to save the captive human is killed. Something was wrong. She couldn’t understand. Why? Ridiculous. Shouldn't it be the other way around? Why would a demon die trying to save a human?

"... I'll take care of the rest."

"Sorry, Yatum can't help, Hero, friend. f-friend, Yatum, b-beg you, s-save." 

    One by one, the green eyes closed. Yatum's trembling hand rested on the right hand of the hero.

    *Stop. Stop it. You're not my friend. Demons are not friends. Demons aren't supposed to die defending humans. Why... Stop. Stop it. Please stop!

"Y-Yatum, see, friends..."*

    With these words, Yatum died. Never again would light dwell in those green eyes. She would never hear the grating buzz of his wings again. The green fluid soaked into the shoes of the hero, and a steady stream of blood stained her right hand. Looking at her hand, she saw that it had dyed bright green. The hero slowly stood and glared at Excel.

"H-Hero, please wait. Please calm down and listen to me. This is all a misunderstanding. Silca's parents asked us to look for her. See, we were just trying to protect her, but those kids got it wrong and attacked us. A-And then..."

    She heard a voice mixed with the stench of rot. A demon was speaking. In turn, the hero directed a fierce murderous gaze his way.

"So that's why you played with them and killed them? Their heads were nailed to the walls with iron stakes, and their arms and legs were severed and mangled. That’ an act befitting a demon. You reek, so keep your mouth shut, you piece of shit."

"Shut up and stop your whining, brat!"

    The hero quickly grabbed the throat of the mercenary who suddenly attacked her. He was so full of openings there wasn’t a need to evade.

"You're the most annoying one here. I'll shut you up now."


    The hero squeezed at his throat with all her strength and crushed his neck with a single hand. The body completely lost its strength and crumbled, and his filthy head rolled back to Yatum. Finding it unpleasant, she mercilessly stomped on it, causing its eyes to shoot out along with brain matter.

    "This girl’s no joke! C'mon, Let's give her everything we've got, boys!"

    Everyone except Excel took a formation and went on the offensive. Matari and Edel tried to join in, but the hero checked them with her eyes, stopping both of them. She alone was enough for this scum. But above all, she didn't want them to get their hands dirty. As these demons still looked like people.


    Without saying a word, the hero ran with her sword. After severing the arm of one of the mercenaries, she kicked another in the spine, shattering it. Then following, fired a flaming projectile directly at another's face, completely burning his flesh. 

She killed them with indifference, as if she were at work. It was really easy killing demons. Even if they begged for their lives, it wouldn't matter. She killed demons. It was what she resolved to do long ago. There were no exceptions.

    "P-Please, please forgive me. I'm begging you, please!"

    A man who looked like the head of this mercenary group begged for his life, with tears and snot dripping down his face. The hero had cut off his left arm moments ago, and was still alive.

"What did you do to those children? Why don't you try and remember with that rotted brain of yours?"

"F-Forgive me..."

    He was strong against the weak, but certainly didn’t seem to like being the latter.


    Without letting him finish, the hero thrust her blade into his head. Blood sprayed into the air with the droplets falling onto the hero.


    That left only the demon holding Silca. Swinging the coagulated blood off of her sword, the hero walked forward undeterred.

"W-Wait! Just wait a second, please! We're both humans, and I was even a part of the same guild! We were guildmates!"

    "You're not human, you're a demon. Sorry, but I'm not friends with any demons. Don't say anything implying that I'm your friend again, got it? It makes me want to vomit."

"Y-You're mad about those kids, right? There's nothing wrong with what we did! No one's going to be sad to see they're dead. Hell, no one was probably even happy they were alive!"

No one would be sad they died, and no one would be happy if they were alive. Could he have been referring to the hero? If so, he wasn't wrong. The demon spoke no falsehoods.

"...... So?"

    "W-We didn't mean to make a fuss. But those kids turned their swords on us first! So, we killed them in return! What's so wrong with that!? If anything, I'm glad they're dead! They're criminals, pickpockets, all of them abandoned in the slums! Unlike us, they had no future!"

Her lightheadedness worsened, and the legs of the hero had stopped in place. Her eyelids suddenly became heavy, even her arms stopped obeying her. It was so hard. Why did it hurt so much?

". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    The hero looked at her palm. The bright green blood had dried up and turned black. Then she looked at herself. Completely stained with the blood of humans and demons. Red and green coalesced into a chaotic blend. No matter how you saw her, she looked like a monster.

"I'm going to have kids soon. You know that, right? Three of them. And we're going to need a lot of money. The lives of your own children are more important than kids like that with no future. So, please, you've got to understand. Please, let me go. You've saved me so many times before! Y-You're a hero, so that means you're on the side of the weak, aren't you!?"

The hero tried putting strength into her right hand gripping the sword, but it did not move. The world slowly blurred and grew more and more distorted, as a metallic tasting liquid overflowed into her throat. And just as she lost her strength and was about to collapse, someone caught her. It was Matari with reddened eyes, supported by Edel. They both were desperately shouting something, but the hero couldn’t hear them anymore, now only able to stare up at the ceiling.

    This world is so dark. And to think I only just realized it now after all this time when it’s too late.

    The mouth of the hero twisted into a slight smile upon her sudden epiphany.


    Matari hurriedly checked for a heartbeat in the hero's chest. It was beating, but it was weak, and she was still breathing. But it wasn't normal to suddenly vomit blood. Even the expression on her face was one of agony.

"If we don't get her to a cleric now things could get dangerous. She might be overusing her power. It's probably because of the resurrection spell she used earlier."

    "...... Edel, I'll take care of the rest. Can you take care of Hero and Silca?"

    Matari glared into the abandoned tavern. 

    After shouting out what was in his heart, Excel cried on the spot. Silca next to him remained unconscious in a pool of blood. As far as she could tell, there didn’t seem to be any major injuries. The only other things remaining were the corpses of the mercenaries. With pieces of flesh and torn limbs scattered everywhere. However, she could not feel the slightest bit of sympathy for them. They themselves were to blame for their fates.

"What are you going to do? The Church guards probably heard the commotion already and are on their way. There’ll be a lot of trouble if we get caught. Especially since you're a part of the Arte family." 

    While holding the unconscious hero, Edel asked.

"I don't want Yatum to be turned into some kind of spectacle. So I'll bury him with the children. It was a short while, but I was friends with them. And, also…” 

    Matari looked at the hero anxiously, then looked at the last remaining demon with a fierce gaze.

"I have to clean up this mess. There can't be any demons on earth. I'll bear the burden Hero couldn't. Because I'm a friend of Hero."

    With Matari’s strong proclamation, she gripped her crimson greatsword with both hands. She licked her lips as she had caught her prey. The berserker instinct took over, and the will to kill coursed through her veins. Nodding silently, Edel chanted and cast a spell to strengthen her body. Remaining alert, she carefully grabbed Silca and put her along with the hero on her shoulders. Then began slowly walking away.

    ... An hour later, raging flames rose from the tavern and the abandoned warehouse. A dozen unidentifiable bodies were found amongst the charred ruins. Each of their faces were completely mutilated, and their bodies were torn to pieces. Identifying them wouldn't be possible in such conditions. The guards, who received the report, conducted an investigation but found nothing of note.

And so, the case was closed and attributed to a fight between gangs. In addition to this, Excel, a former member of the Warriors Guild, disappeared after last being sighted near the slums that day, and would never be seen again.


After returning from the Labyrinth, Matari stopped by the Warriors Guild to exchange her spoils for money. Whether you wanted it or not, money was needed to survive. And the most efficient way to make money in this city was to kill demons.

"All of this please."

"Looks like you've gotten quite the haul today."

"It’s because I hunted with Lulurile today."

    Matari was acting as the vanguard, while Lulurile took the rearguard. But despite there only being two of them, their kill rate was quite fast.

"...... How's she doing?"

"She's in no condition to fight. She's angry that she's being treated like an invalid. But she doesn't have a choice. She’ll definitely be out for a while."

    "I see. Well, I'll have to visit her one of these days. She's our breadwinner, so I hope she can make it back soon. Thing's are boring without her cheeky snide remarks around."

"Thank you, Mr. Rob....... But, Hero..."

"Hm, what's wrong with her?"

    "No, well, it's nothing."

    Matari deceived him with an amiable smile.

    In the abandoned tavern, the hero had lost consciousness and fell into a coma. They had immediately taken her to the Clerics Guild and stumbled upon a familiar face, Clamp, but there wasn't anything that could be done… It could be said that there was no way to treat her. There were no injuries on the body of the hero. There wasn't a single scratch on her, she had a perfectly healthy body. According to Clamp the cleric, her inability to regain consciousness was a matter of her heart and mind. Even with the use of healing magic, he wouldn't be able to bring her back.

    "All you can do is wait for time to heal her." 

    Clamp said so apologetically.

    And when Matari had asked how long, he replied, 

    "It could be tomorrow, maybe a week from now. Or perhaps even a year from now. Only this girl could know." 

      So Matari decided to wait. Be it a week or a year, it didn't matter. After all, she owed a debt to the hero for saving her life. The spell she used back then. It was a lost resurrection spell only preserved in legend. Matari had a memory of someone pulling her back from a dark world. Most likely, Matari had been caught in a trap and died while the hero defeated Salvadore. Now she was convinced that the hero had saved her then. Above all, she was her precious friend. Matari swore in her heart to never abandon her friends.

    Then, a week after the incident, the hero awoke. After Matari embraced her with tears in her eyes, the hero smiled annoyedly at her. While relieved she had finally regained consciousness, the moment she let her go, she fell back to unconsciousness. This repeatedly happened over the past few days. Without warning she would suddenly collapse. She still hadn’t completely recovered. So Matari was going to make absolutely sure she was sedated for a while. If left alone, she might venture into the labyrinth to kill demons.

"...... Matari, can you tell me what the hell happened that day? A few hours after you stormed off, a fire broke out in a warehouse and a tavern in the slums. And someone that strong coming back in such a state. This all can’t be unrelated."


    Rob wrinkled his brow giving her a questioning gaze, and Matari stood her ground without looking away.

"Tell me. What happened there that day?...... Was Excel there?"

"He wasn't there, Mr. Rob." Matari gave a smile, "There wasn't a single human being there."


    After leaving the Warriors Guild, Matari stopped by street vendors along Arte’s main boulevard to buy food and various other goods, then returned home. On their front door, a long nameplate was spread across, on which the following was written: The house of a hero, a Boar, a Pinky, and a Round-eyes. She had no idea when they put it up, but it made her smile, nonetheless. There was no time to spare for that. Maybe the hero had made it in her spare time. When she entered the living room, she found Silca sitting down. The bright aloofness of the past had yet to return. 

    On that day, when Silca had lost both her friends and her home, Matari and the others decided to watch over her. This city was not forgiving enough for a wounded and exhausted young girl to live alone. She would be lying if she said she didn’t feel sympathetic. But she thought she could at least grant Yatum's last wish. Because they were friends. It sounded a bit corny expressing it with words, but Matari did not want to forget that bond.

"I'm home, Silca. I bought some treats."

    "Thank you, big sister Matari."

    Silca accepted the sweets with a weak expression. 

    Stroking her head, she couldn't help thinking she looked like a doll. 

    When they first brought her home, she was in a state of delirium, but now she seems to have calmed, and her appetite, which had completely vanished, was slowly beginning to return. Sometimes she cried alone when thinking of her friends. Really, the only thing keeping her heart from breaking was the existence of the resurrected Colon. He was currently undergoing treatment at a clinic. Though his body was healed, his mind was deeply wounded. But unlike the hero, he still had yet to regain consciousness. Silca didn't want to leave his side; it was Lulurile who forcibly tore her away and brought her here. Lulurile severely reprimanded her; being around such a melancholic atmosphere would slow down her recovery. So, she set a visitation limit and only allowed her to see him for a specified amount of time, and ever since, Silca has adhered to it.

Silca never asked why Colon was still alive either. She seemed afraid that if she asked, the dream might end. She was afraid the last of her friends would disappear like bubbles floating to the sky.


    Would time someday heal the deep psychological scars left on Silca and Colon? Matari did not know. 

    According to what Silca had told her, she was born a daughter of an aristocrat, but she and her mother were kicked out of their house. It is said her mother had been suspected of adultery. Furious, the head of the family banished them. A short time after arriving in Arte, her mother died of an illness, leaving Silca to fend for herself. It was Colon who lent a helping hand to Silca, who had no relatives to help her. 

    Not an uncommon story in this rotten city. The hero called the city a "shithole," and Matari thought she was right. However, it was still her hometown. She couldn't bring herself to hate it.

"If you need anything, let me know. You don't have to be so shy. We're your friends, alright?"

"...... Yes. Thank you."

    "Well, I'm going upstairs."

    After talking to Silca, Matari headed for the bedroom upstairs. On the bed was the hero with closed eyes and Edel looking a little tired.

"Welcome back, Matari. Were things alright with just the two of you?"

"Yeah. But if it's to make a living, I would've gone even if it was just me."

"That's no good. You'll get overwhelmed if Lulurile isn't with you."

    "...... Maybe you're right."

    Hearing Edel's remark, Matari couldn't help but ridicule herself. The hero nicknamed her "Boar" because of stuff like this: her lack of discretion. This was especially noticeable during combat.

"Hero-girl was awake a little bit ago, but then she fell asleep again. She was complaining all day that she was dying of boredom."

Looking at the face of the hero wrapped in covers, she could see she was sleeping with an expression of peace.

"In a little while, I think she'll be okay to at least go out for a walk."

    But even so, she still couldn’t let her go out alone. As long as there was a chance she would lose consciousness, they couldn’t let her be. This city wasn’t safe enough for that.

"This child would probably run right off into the labyrinth with a sword. She's too dangerous to be left alone, in a different sense than you. It's like being aware of the danger somehow makes her worse."

   Edel narrowed her eyes. 

    It was as she said. The hero would charge forward ready to die. And if you asked her why, she would surely answer with: "It’s because I'm a hero."

"...... If you don't mind, I'd like to ask for a favor. There's something I need to look into."

"You're fine. I’ll watch over her. I'm not doing anything else today."

"Thanks. I'll see you later, hero-girl."

    Saying this, Edel ran her fingers through the hair of the hero, and quietly left.

After seeing her off, Matari sat down on the chair in her stead.

    "...... Why don't you just live quietly? There’s no terrifying Demon King that exists in the world anymore."

    Matari muttered. 

    If the hero were awake, she would have definitely pinched her cheeks for being arrogant.


    She has clearly pushed herself too far. She’s continued to fight covered in scars, saying that the pain would be alright once she got used to it. Maybe she is a real hero. Matari did not understand how, but she must be the one who defeated the Demon King five hundred years ago. But even with the world now at peace, she continues fighting to exterminate the demons; tearing away at her own soul to kill those who have fallen to evil. She vaguely felt that the hero seemingly wanted to die. She once joked that she wanted to die killing another demon, but Matari was sure she meant it. And with her current situation, it seemed to indicate that she has finally reached her limits. Then as her companion, as her friend, what could she do for her? Even if she had to risk her own life, she would stop her... Otherwise, the hero would soon die.

    Edel was visiting an abandoned house on the outskirts of the slums. This was the hideout Benz had left on earth. The place where he and his collaborator, Russ Nubes, left a large amount of their research material. No matter the intent, all of their research was inhumane. If the Star Church had known about it, anyone found with it would undoubtedly be taken away as a heretic. Merely reading through their research was enough to arouse disgust.

    Among their research Edel found Benz's pride, a grimoire on Mental Manipulation. An egregious technique allowing one to interfere with one's brain directly and manipulate it at will using magic. Properly speaking, it should all be disposed of immediately. But Edel could not take the leap. The heretical research here wasn’t all there was. She still kept the corpse of *that girl in her house. but also because she still kept her corpse at her house. She was aware of her inexcusable stupidity, but she just couldn’t do it. Not when she had finally found hope. She was able to witness the resurrection spell up close, and grasp the theory. Russ' dream he strove so long for was on the verge of completion. In other words, she had achieved what she had joined the hero’s group for. Now there was no longer a reason for them to work together.


     Edel thought so, smiling self-deprecatingly. She knew she couldn't do that now. She felt at ease when around those people. And yet, she still could not abandon such heretical research. She truly was an irredeemable fool. If the hero did not regain consciousness, Edel intended to resort to a particular method - Interfere with the hero's brain and forcefully remove the cause of her torment. There was even a technique here that allowed one to peer into another's past memories. Benz must have used this to ridicule the misfortunes of his patients. However, it could prove to be a very effective treatment if properly utilized. That was better than lying to yourself and believing deceptive nonsense like waiting for time to heal you, as said by the cleric.

    To probe into her trauma, to tamper with it and erase it. The despicable act of trespassing into the memories of a fellow human being. If Matari and Lulurile found out, there is a possibility they may kill her. She put it on hold to see how the situation developed, but if things took a turn for the worse, Edel was prepared to go through with it. She has already violated the taboo of manipulating corpses. What difference would one more atrocity make? Though, an outcome where she would not have to resort to such a heinous act was most desirable, it was best to have multiple options. If there was a chance to save the hero from suffering, she needed to know about it.

"──Are you familiar with the phrase, 'double-edged sword?" 

    A sudden voice called out causing Edel to quickly turn around. Lulurile, dressed in her scholar's uniform, stood at the door with a crossbow. The expression behind her glasses was unprecedentedly grim.

"...... I wonder how you got in. No, I should be wondering how you found this place to begin with."

    The door had been locked, so there was no way she should have been able to get in. Perhaps she found this place beforehand and made herself a duplicate key. Edel had come here a few times before, so maybe she had followed her at one point.

    "It is a scholar's job to investigate....... What you are trying to do will only bring about more terrible wounds. As someone mere moments away from having their mind tampered with by Benz, I know as much. No matter the circumstances, it is not an acceptable act."

"Is it because it’s inhumane?"

"No. I am telling you to stop because it will hurt you the most. I do not want to see my two companions hurt or unhappy."

    "...... You, who hate sorcerers with all your being, are calling me your friend? Fufu, how interesting. Aren't I supposed to be the object of your jealousy?"

"I cannot say that my ugly jealousy has entirely disappeared, but I have learned the folly of being trapped in it. I'm not sure about you, but I like our noisy life. I don't want to do anything that would jeopardize it."

  Lulurile spoke with confidence on her face.

   Edel couldn't feel any maliciousness beneath it.

"I wonder, did hero-girl bring you hope? Then I guess it really was worth all that effort just to follow her. I'm truly happy for you."

"The same is true for you. The day when the hero’s miraculous light shone on you, the hope in your heart must have finally been fulfilled. It was like you were in awe witnessing the resurrection spell."

"...... So, are you just here to give me advice?"

    "I won’t speak a word of it. Do what you like. However, the one thing I cannot overlook is the utilization of Benz's technique. No matter the reasoning, it is something I absolutely can’t let be."

    Lulurile's right arm had Edel effectively restrained. If she pulled the trigger, Edel would be pierced by a sharp bolt. There would not be time to cast a spell. Lulurile wasn't so naive as to miss the opening chanting would provide. After all, she is one of the leading researchers in the field of "Anti-sorcerery."

"...... And what would you do if I don’t comply?"

    "I will not kill my companion. But, be prepared to live bedridden for a while. This bolt is coated with a potent paralyzing toxin. It was the only way I could think of to keep you in check without killing you."

"...... If we give up Benz's research, we'd be burying the best treatment for that child. Do you understand that?"

    "It is hard to understand how it would be the 'best treatment.' If she heard that, she would be furious. I don't think she would want to live her life having her mental trauma gutted and her mind messed with for the sake of convenience."

    Lulurile declared in a voice that was loud and clear.

"That's what you think, huh? It's obvious her pain stems from things that happened to her in the past. I don't mind getting dirty if I can free her from that pain. Because I'm already soiled."

"Well then, would you like to ask her? If you can get her consent, I will not object."

    At Lulurile's question, Edel could only remain silent. There wasn't a need to ask. She would surely give her a beating. Therefore, Edel had planned to administer the spell by force when she used it. 

    After pondering for a moment, Edel let out a deep sigh.

"It's a bad habit of yours to ask nasty questions like that when you already know the answer."

"My apologies."

    "How about we just wait for her to heal normally together at the house. Let's see if time can heal."

    "Destroy Benz's grimoire and all of his research documents. Right now. So you won’t have strange temptations like this again. Though, I will obviously stay here until you do."

    Lulurile's right arm still wouldn't drop, her finger still on the trigger.

"I guess I'm not the most trustworthy person. But, isn't the point of knowledge to be preserved?"

    "There are things in this world that should not be left behind. Like for example, the research material contained here. I propose this abandoned building be incinerated without leaving a trace."

"Sorry, but I can't do that. Just as that child is obsessed with being a hero, there is something I can't give up either. I can't abandon what's here, not now.”

    Edel glared at Lulurile as she spoke. 

    While they spoke, she readied herself to summon corpses. The moment she activated her summoning spell, an arrow would be fired. But, in that time, she should be able to restrain Lulurile. Silence reigned between them. A silence of merely a few seconds which felt like minutes. The first to break it, was Lulurile.

"I understand. Then, you need only dispose of the things regardings mental manipulation."

". . . . . . . . . . . ."

"Can I have your answer?"

"...... All right then. Let's burn it together. And, if possible, don't tell anyone about this..."

    "Yes, not a word leaves here. As a fellow human, I should be stopping you. But it does not seem like I will be able to change your mind. So please, do not do what they did and walk down the wrong path. Everyone would be sad. Especially, Miss Hero."


    As soon as Lulurile dropped her right arm which held the crossbow, Edel dispelled her summoning spell. The tension that had been building up in her body suddenly relaxed.

"...... I'm sorry. Thank you."

    "No. I'm glad I was able to stop you from getting beaten. If Ms. Matari found out, she would pin you down and beat you half to death, then send you off with a kick. I believe an angry Ms. Matari is the scariest person in the world."

"Fufu, indeed, she definitely is the scariest when she’s mad. They really show no mercy."

    Laughing with Lulurile, Edel began to gather the research documents: everything Benz left behind surrounding manipulation of the mind. They carried the documents outside and set them ablaze, incinerating them completely. She did not know if this was the right thing to do, but it felt as if a slight weight had been lifted from her shoulders.

    "...... I'm really glad you were here. If it were just me, I'm sure I would've used it sooner or later. The desire to save a friend let the desire to use it overwhelm me"

    Edel involuntarily let her true feelings loose.

"It is human nature to want to use such a thing. I have had the privilege of learning all sorts of things, so I guess I could say the feeling is mutual."

"It’s truly strange how people connect. Despite both of us never having gotten along."

"There is an old saying, 'Even the brushing of sleeves is preordained by fate."

"That's a strange one. What does it mean?"

"Actually, I do not know either. If you would like, how about we study it together?"

    "...... Why not. Maybe it wouldn't be such a bad idea to think about it with hero-girl. She’s got plenty of free time on her hands."

    "The expressions of our ancestors really have many interesting implications. Even if you use them without knowing their meaning, you can leave your opponent at a loss. Just like now, for instance."

    Lulurile smiled triumphantly.


... A meeting was currently being held in the conference room of the Star Tower. Elena had called an extraordinary convening of each faction head, with only the exception of Ilgachev. Ikona, Nikarag, Timor, and the likes were all present.

"Firstly, there is something I would like to confirm. What is the condition of the girl who was prophesied to bring the calamity?"

    "Yes, it seems that she has regained consciousness after a brief bout of apoplexy. However, according to the cleric who examined her, she is in no condition to fight."

"...... I see. Then we shall shelve matters regarding the prophecy for now. Continue to monitor her."


    Elena closed her eyes and exhaled once. She did not believe in prophecies, but she wanted to speak with the girl who claimed to be a hero. What on earth was she thinking, and why did she call herself a hero? What did she wish to achieve? She wished to have a thorough conversation with her. However, it seemed unlikely that such an opportunity would present itself in the near future. Perhaps it would never happen. As that was how dire the current situation was.

Elena opened her eyes with determination, looked around at the executives lined up in rows to her left and right, and spoke.

    "Now, let's move on to the main subject....... The other day, I secretly met with Ilgachev. The agenda was an unresolved matter of concern: the Star Sphere."

"W-What a dangerous thing to do!? I thought I told you to be careful!"

   Ikona’s raised voice was restrained by her hand.

    "This time, it was to be one-on-one, between him and I. And Ilgachev kept his word....... But, as it turned out, the final negotiations broke down. It seems he only has interest in completing the Star Sphere. He even said that if he did not get my approval, he would build a true Star Church with his own hands."

──Ilgachev made a grand declaration saying, *"The completion of the Star Sphere is the long-cherished dream of the popes. If you stand in the way of that, I will not obey even your words, Pope Elena." *

    Hence Ilgachev’s bold proclamation of creating a true Star Church. Elena knew the statement was of no threat in and of itself. But, the body of the old Cardinal oozed with an overwhelming ambition and desire that he could not hide. It was then Elena finally understood - The Star Sphere mustn’t be allowed to reach completion. If it came down to it, she would have had it destroyed. Great power can be a great poison, and Ilgachev's ambition embodied the notion.

"How dare he speak to Lady Elena like that! That is outside what is acceptable even for a Cardinal!"

    "Ikona, please calm down. Let her finish....... Lady Elena, when you said 'final negotiations,' do you mean that there will be no further negotiations?"


    Nikarag stepped forward and raised a question. In response, Elena deeply nodded.

"That is correct. He has already taken the Star Sphere to his mansion. Moreover, he said he was resuming the infusion of magic essence. This is an act of disobedience to my will as Pope and is synonymous with treason against the Star God whom we revere."

"P-Please wait, Lady Elena."

    Nikarag hurriedly rushed towards Elena's front, but Ikona quickly intercepted him.

"Do not be disrespectful, Nikarag! Stand down!"

"Please give me another chance to negotiate. I, Nikarag, bet on my life that I can persuade him!"

"It's pointless. Nothing will change his mind now."

"Harmony is the essence of our teachings, we must not forget that!"

    "It is as you say. Harmony is the essence of our teachings. But those who do not comply must be severely punished. We cannot let be those who think they can use the power of the Star Sphere to satiate their evil desires!!"

    Elena slammed her star scepter into the ground and stood up, and declared with a firm resolve.

"Pope Elena decrees! Cardinal Ilgachev and his followers are, of this moment, excommunicated! Any sympathizers will be found just as guilty and excommunicated! And those in opposition will be regarded as heretics and face divine retribution!!"

"Lady Elena! Only use force as a last resort──"

    Nikarag tried to give cautionary words but was interrupted by guards ordered by Ikona.

"General Inquisitor, Ikona!!"


    "Lead all of the inquisitors to detain Ilgachev and his benefactors immediately!! If they dare resist, crush them, it matters not if they live or die! You must get the Star Sphere back!!"

"Understood! I, Ikona, will put my very heart and soul on the line to carry out your orders without fail!!"

Elena glanced at Ikona, who gave a firm salute and continued.

"La Florencia, Grandmaster Timor!!"

"──Your orders?"

    "Suppress those who are sympathetic to Ilgachev's cause! Likewise for you, if they defy us, do not hesitate to use any means at your disposal to crush them!! The head of the Arte family, Reken, must be detained and forced to release all information regarding the barrier spell! I cannot overlook him any longer just because he is the descendent of a meritorious man!"

"Leave it to us. In the name of the elite La Florencia, I will undoubtedly destroy every last heretic."

    Timor gave confirmation without changing his expression.

    "Nikarag, I leave the responsibility of contacting the branches located outside our country. Assure they do not shelter Ilgachev and his co-conspirators from us. And, of course, liaise with the leaders of each country as well."

"Lady Elena. Forceful suppression through the use of military force will create distortion, only leading to disaster. Please, give me, Nikarag, one last chance!"

"What do you think will happen if we let him be? The time for dialogue has long since passed. A little bloodshed is unavoidable in our world today. We are armed for such eventualities, No?"

The Star Church's military force was merely a self-defense deterrent. It had no purpose as grandiose as dominating the continent, but rather to maintain complete neutrality. But after a certain point, it was no longer merely a deterrent, but a military force that existed to annihilate the enemy. Ilgachev had crossed the line himself. Therefore, Elena would respond in kind.

"...... Yes, understood."

    Nikarag nodded reluctantly, looking unconvinced.

    Initially, it was Nikarag who had proposed the destruction of the Star Sphere. He must have been well aware of the danger it posed. Elena apologized in her heart for the delay in her judgment. If she had listened to his suggestion, the situation would not have escalated to such a degree. Though, there was a chance Ilgachev's outburst would have occurred earlier.

Elena looked around at everyone present and affirmed with a stern tone.

    "We are now in a race against time. I cannot imagine Ilgachev will be sitting on his hands awaiting his capture. We need to defuse the situation before he and his followers act!"


"... May the Star God guide us."

    The Inquisition and La Florencia sortied and marched out in formation. Their inexorable march left all who witnessed them in awe and fear. The inhabitants of Arte hid in the shadows, fearing they might become collateral damage. The Star Church possessed a gathering of fanatics who would not hesitate to sacrifice ordinary citizens in the pursuit of heretics. 

    Elena looked down at the scene from the window of the Star Tower for a long while. Hoping and praying that she had made the right decision. This power struggle between Pope Elena and Cardinal Ilgachev would be known to future generations as the Civil War of the Star Church, and would become the greatest stain on the glorious history of the Star Church.

    Half a day passed since Pope Elena issued the decree to exterminate the Heretics. The efficiency of Timor, who spearheaded the Church's elite troops, La Florencia, was astounding. In just over half a day, they apprehended nearly every extremist believed to be closely affiliated with Ilgachev. Most of them, terrified, obeyed without resistance, but those who bravely drew their swords and fought met miserable ends. Those branded heretics had their arms and legs broken on the spot, and after being taken, were subjected to cruel torture. It did not matter whether they spit out information or not. The only sentence for heresy is death. 

    Approximately a thousand people were detained on suspicion of heresy, and over three hundred were immediately disposed of as heretics. As a first step in punishing Ilgachev's faction, it could be called a success. However, Ilgachev, the most important target, managed to escape, and the Star Sphere was unable to be secured.

On the top floor of the Star Tower, Ikona regretfully reported to Pope Elena in the Pope's room.

    "Unrest among the general populace has been kept to a minimum....... But Ilgachev, along with his disciples and the head of the Arte family Reken, have not been detained."

On Elena's orders, Ikona rushed to Ilgachev's mansion, but it had already been vacated, and there were no signs of the Star Sphere. Thus, it had slipped through their fingers. The situation was the same at the Arte mansion, their next target. Perhaps word had leaked that the inquisition was going to induct a raid. But this made one thing apparent: Reken and Ilgachev were working together. And Ilgachev had two aces: The Star Sphere and the Great Barrier. It went without saying that if they did not take action as soon as possible, a terrible situation would befall them.


"Do we have any idea where he is?"

    "I just got word from our informant on the inside. Supposedly, they’re hiding out in the lower levels of the labyrinth. We’re soon beginning our pursuit. They have nowhere else to run now."

Just as information had been leaked by someone within their ranks, they also had an insider within Ilgachev's faction. This was a precautionary measure Ikona made in case of an emergency... in actuality, he took the informant's family hostage and forced his compliance.

"I leave everything to your discretion. If at all possible, please capture Reken alive. Make him tell us where the grimoire of the Great Barrier is....... If I knew things would have escalated to such a degree, the Church would have taken control of it a long time ago. I made the mistake of refraining as he’s the descendant of a great man."

The Great Barrier spell was passed down from generation to generation in the Arte family. If they were able to obtain the grimoire containing all information regarding it, there would be no need for Reken. However, Elena treated him with the utmost respect, as he was a  descendant of G. Arte, a past head of the Arte family, and the man who constructed the Great Barrier. But now that treatment has backfired.


...A certain floor in the lower levels of the labyrinth.

    Ikona and the inquisitors, who had rushed in to destroy the heretics, were suddenly surrounded by a terrifying number of demons. According to the information they had received, Ilgachev's group was hidden in a room constructed on this floor. However, what awaited them in the room was a relentless baptism of fire by demons.

The inquisitors preceding them were immediately torn apart, and now, the main unit was dire straits. Demons of all sizes - small and large - rushed in formation and attacked from all sides of the room. Although in formation, this was not of the demons' will. It was almost as if someone were controlling them. The elite inquisitors under Ikona's command quickly took a formation in the passageway and covered each of their flanks to intercept. But there was too great a difference in their numbers, and they were equivalently different. The moment one demon fell, another stepped in from the behind. The corpses of the demons that gradually piled up and became obstacles were swept away by the hands of the same demons, and new hands stretched out one after another. Each of them individually was no significant threat, but their numbers left them helpless. The inquisitors who had taken advantage of the narrow passage to defend, were gradually driven to the center of the room. Demons had a constant source of bodies, while the humans did not.

"G-General Ikona! We can't hold them off any longer! There's too many of them!!"

    A heartbreaking cry reached Ikona’s ears. Ikona grit his teeth in humiliation but calmly assessed the situation and gave what he believed to be the best possible order.

"We have no other choice. I'm allowing the use of transfer stones! I'll cover you! Everyone withdraw immediately!"

"B-But, General Ikona, what about you!?"

    "There's no other way. You must fall back and bring back reinforcements! Advise Lady Elena to use La Florencia! Come on, hurry up!"

"Yes, understood!"

"Here I go ── 『Scattered Light!』"

    At the signal, the inquisitors closed their eyes. To buy time, Ikona used a blinding spell. Demons looking directly at the intense light held their eyes, raising screams in anguish. Ikona immediately began changing an attack spell, and the inquisitors quickly raised their transfer stones ──But.

"W-What? The transfer stone isn’t working? W-Why?"

"Look out you fool!"


    The club of an ugly demonic troll who regained its sight, smashed directly into the inquisitor's head mid-turn. With a split-open head, the inquisitor crumpled to the ground, with blood and brain matter spewing from his head. Despite no longer breathing, his limbs senselessly convulsed.

    "Don't panic! There must be some force at work disabling the transfer! Keep from breaking formation! Give them an opening, and we all die!"

    With a shout, Ikona quickly chanted an attack spell and unleashed it on the troll. A sharp icicle pierced the troll's face, and it died while standing.

"B-But, if things go on look this we'll──"

    "We will be dying for our Lady Elena, what is there to fear!? All of us must fulfill our duties as inquisitors!! Remember our oath!"

    "With our lives, we kill heretics, and by our lives, we carry the will of the Pope. If we give our lives for Pope Elena, our souls will be eternally saved from damnation."

As Ikona recites their oath, all the inquisitors recited along with him. The inquisitors, who were in a state of panic, immediately regained their faith. They would all keep fighting until not a single one of them remained. Fight until not a man remains, fight until the die. That was the role of an inquisitor. 

    Each of them did their best to fight against the hordes of demons. Welding staffs, swords, and spears, they lashed out in an attempt to take out as many as they could in this unwinnable battle. The strength they used to kill many heretics was not just for show; even now, the corpses of demons continuously piled higher and higher.

"Vile demon, eat this!!"

"Fight the trolls together! Don't let them get to your head! Deflect their blows!"

    Dodging the troll who attempted to crush him, the inquisitor pierced his vitals, successfully killing it. But, his actions left a small gap in their circle. Evil fairies cut their way in. Using their shields, the inquisitors drove them back, but more giant trolls stood behind them. Ikona and the others fought bravely, but as human beings we are bound to reach our limits. And morale, though reinvigorating, has its limits.

"Damn it, there's no end to them!!"

    "──That’s it for me! Long Live Lady Elena!"

    One of the inquisitors, who had reached the limit of their strength and morale, recklessly rushed into the horde of demons.

"Don't break the formation! You'll drag us down with you!!"

    The moment a small hole opened in the corner of the circle, an avalanche of demons coursed in. Unlike before, they all attacked at once. Under such circumstances, the humans who were already in the minority no longer stood a chance. The demons who naturally had the advantage in close quarters combat possessed overwhelmingly superior numbers. Some were being chewed to pieces by earth-scraping rats. One of them was cut clean in half through his shield by the axe of a stray orc; and some were even drenched to the dissolving liquid of insects and melted alive. Roughly two hundred inquisitors were killed in the avalanche of demons.

──The only remaining member of the inquisition was General Inquisitor, Ikona. Creating a powerful barrier of ice, the approaching demons’ march was brought to a halt. Unable to distinguish between friend and foe, he previously could not use such a thing. But now it was different. Everyone other than himself was an enemy. Ironically, now that he was alone, he no longer needed to hold back.

"Even if I am alone, I will carry out my mission. Surely, that opportunity will certainly come!"

    A barrage of icicles shot out from around him, skewering the struggling demons around him. Ikona drank the entirety of a magic potion all at once and cast an omni-directional ice spell.

"Purify all, 『Ice Needle』!"

"Burn to nothing, 『Flaming Bullets』!"

    The barrage of ice scattered by Ikona was blocked by an equal number of flaming projectiles. Out of the deep darkness emerged Cardinal Ilgachev. Compared to the him of the past, the terrifying aura emanating from him could convince one that this was a completely different person. Could it be due to the power of the completed Star Sphere?

Ilgachev gave a deep grin, and spoke in a haughty manner.

    "Ikona. It’s time you give up. Your men are already waiting for you on the other side. Along with that foolish insider."

"He’s finally shown himself! Heretic Ilgachev, I will take your head!"

"Don’t waste your breath. It would just be a waste of time."

"Shut up, and witness my strongest spell! O, holy winter, grant him eternal rest! ──『Ice Storm』!!"

    Ikona slammed down his staff and unleashed his most powerful attack using all of his magic power. 

    The temperature in the room dropped sharply. In order to compensate for the lack of chanting time, one's own vitality is sacrificed. The cost of such an excessive intake of magic potions and using magic beyond his body's limits would undoubtedly lead to miasma poisoning.

"I will kill this heretic, even if it costs me my life! Death to those who oppose Lady Elena!"


    "Silence, Heretic! You will be brought to justice!"

    A mighty storm of ice debris raged inside the room. The demons caught in the blizzard were torn apart by the ice and died with deafening screams. However, it had no effect on Ilgachev. The large shards of ice flew around him, and the violent winds didn't so much as move him. He just stood with a smile on his face. As if watching a second-rate performance. Faced with such a massive gap in strength, Ikona could only sit in awe. This clearly was not the same Ilgachev he knew before. Despite being a Cardinal who's mastered the art of sorcery, he was old, and it was apparent that his physical and mental well-being were deteriorating.

    ... Was this the power of the Star Sphere? Could the Star Sphere, which was a result of condensing generations of magic essence to the limit, really be this powerful?

    Ikona bit his lip ruefully.

    "Woe is you, Ikona. That is the end result of mistaking whom to follow. You have such tremendous power but yet are about to meet such a miserable end. If you want to grudge anyone, grudge Elena. I'll have her after you soon, so don’t fret."

"Nonsense! There is no mistake in her judgment! Lady Elena is always right! Glory to our Lady Elena!"

    "I admire your loyalty. Well, allow me to show you something interesting as a parting gift. This was a fragment of the strength the Star Sphere possesses. Let the radiance dreamed of by generations of Popes, be burned into your eyes before you die."


    Ilgachev slowly raised the Star Sphere from his pocket. A terrifying radiance illuminated the entire room


    ──Instantly, a shock wave burst forth, and the barrier Ikona had deployed dissipated without a trace. Seeing the barrier obliterated in an instant, Ikona nearly lost his mind.

"H-How did he dispel my barrier so easily!?"

"This is a lost spell that exists only in legend. Have a taste of it yourself."

"A-A lost spell?"

    "That's right. Over the ages, its strength has become more and more of a liability, and now, there is no one left alive who can wield them. This is precisely because the magic power required to cast such spells is much too great for any sorcerer's mind and body to handle. However, with the Star Sphere, I can do as I please."


    When Ilgachev muttered, 『Ice Crystals』, several blades of ice sprang up from within Ikona's body. As if he were being devoured from the inside, the white blades of ice quickly turned red, each edge absorbing the life out of Ikona. Collapsed and laying crumpled on the ground, Ikona peered up, and in his fading consciousness, saw a massive block of ice floating above him.

"If you have a will, I will pass it on to your owner."

    "G-Go, to hell, heretic."

    As soon as Ilgachev snapped his fingers, the icy mass crushed Ikona. After a short time, the ice disappeared, leaving only a warped mass of flesh.

"...... Elena. It looks like I've underestimated you. I never expected you would take such a firm stance. I was sure you weren't strong enough to make a decision like this....... Well, it doesn't matter. The end result will be all the same."

    Ilgachev stomped on Ikona's carcass disgustingly.

    "Hehe, Hahahaha! I killed all your stupid dogs. You're excommunicating me!? You fools! This Star Sphere can even control the demons themselves. There is not a single being alive who can compete with me now!!"

Ilgachev's confidant and Reken appeared. And behind them, a multitude of demons prostrated themselves.

"... Master Ilgachev."

    "Move forward with the plan. Nothing stands in our way now. My faithful servant, Costa. Begin the cleansing of the city!!"

"Please leave it to me. All is of your will Master Ilgachev."

    Costa knelt down in reverence.

Immediately after him, Reken stepped forward and spoke.

"Preparations for the Great Barrier are ready. We should be able to take advantage of the turmoil as planned."

    "Sir Reken. I am grateful to you. And as for Arte, I will relinquish control back to you as promised. I must move beyond this city towards more ambitious goals. Now that the Star Sphere is complete, I have no use for such a filthy city."

". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "I will set the Star Church on the right path with my own two hands. Not by Elena or anyone else. Then, I'll create a just world using the power of the Star Sphere and await the advent of the Star God. A bright new glorious era will be brought about by me!!"

    Clutching the Star Sphere, Ilgachev trembled with an overwhelming feeling of satisfaction and continued laughing incessantly. 

    He completed the Star Sphere, something no Cardinal or Pope of the past had ever done. He made it happen. And now, the power of the Star Sphere dwelled within him, and his once waning magic power had now easily surpassed that of his prime. He could feel death growing ever more distant. With the Star Sphere in his possession, not even the natural law of aging could affect him; immortality was no longer a mere dream. The city of Arte was just a steppingstone. With his magic power, he would bring the other countries to their knees and spread the Star Church’s prestige throughout the continent. Then, in a right world, all would await the coming of the Star God. Ilgachev will receive praise from their God. Only then would Ilgachev be brought salvation. This was no dream. He believed with all his being that the Star Sphere had the power to bring this to pass.

Ilgachev laughed like a madman, and an echo carried out his crazed laughter deep throughout the labyrinth.


    Under house arrest, the hero felt she was going to die from boredom. Even if she wanted to escape, she couldn't, as one of the meddlers was always by her side. Having already been bedridden for a week, she would lose her patience if she had to rest another week. It was true that she occasionally lost consciousness, but it wasn't life-threatening. She told the others many times not to worry, but they never listened. It was true that what happened to Yatum and the others was hard on her, but the hero was not so fragile that she would be left grieving endlessly. It would be good enough to remember them for who they were every once in a while. Though, if the hero were in the opposite position, they would probably be praying for her right about now. It seemed like it would be lonely if she were to be completely forgotten; even so, that would be perfectly fine. Based on Matari's recent reactions, it seemed that if the hero were to die, she would probably live with a shadow cast on her back for the rest of her life. For a berserker, she sure was sensitive and vulnerable. She finally seemed to have gotten used to the strange atmosphere within the house, though her fear of the supernatural had not improved at all. A while ago, Matari fell prey to a trap set by Edel and Lulurile. Of course, the hero had laughed aloud.

    Now, that ghost-hating, sensitive-berserker, Matari, was now pondering and groaning before the hero. It had been five whole minutes since she started doing this.

"...... Hey, I think you lost. It doesn’t matter what you do. You're dead in the water."

"I'll never give up until the very end! Maybe a miracle will happen, who knows!"

    "One won't happen. Silca, can you move it for me? Our boar doesn't seem to be able to fight back."

    The hero urged Silca, who had been quietly watching the game in silence since the beginning.    

"... W-Wait!"

"Um, well, is this okay?"

    "N-No, don't move it!"

    Matari rushed to stop her, but Silca moved the pieces appropriately. Then, Matari's king was defeated by the hero. By the way, the game currently playing was a game in which players moved pieces on a board resembling soldiers to defeat the king. It may look simple at first glance, but it was surprisingly complicated and troublesome. It seemed that most people nowadays knew how to play, but the hero had only seen it for the first time today. In other words, she was a complete novice.

And the woman who lost to that novice was right in front of her.

"...... B-But. I hadn't even moved my piece."

    "Times up. Me and Silca win, you lose!"

    Leaving Matari in a daze, the hero raised her thumb and declared victory together with Silca. Silca, who had been in low spirits as of late, now looked a little happy.

"Edel and Lulurile are too strong, and you're too weak. Isn't there someone more my level?"

"Why don't you just play against them? You'll get better if you fight against stronger opponents, you know."

    "I just don't want to keep losing over and over again to get to that point. I can't stand the thought of Pinky and round-eyes being annoying."

"A defeated general should not speak of their troops. The only person you can speak of is Ms. Matari. So feel free to do so."

    As she said this, Lulurile carefully put the pieces away.

    Unable to admit defeat, Matari held her head and groaned.

"Humph, it doesn’t matter how many times you lose, as long as you win in the end. I've been doing it my whole life."

The hero flicked the king’s piece with her finger.

    "Well, it's time for you to take a break. I don't want you to lose consciousness again using too much mental energy playing."

"...... I just woke up three hours ago. I can’t sleep."

    "Three hours of movement is enough exercise for a sickly person. If you keep your eyes closed, you will fall asleep."

    Matari and Lulurile nodded. 

    She could have listened and obeyed, but there was something she wanted to do today.

"Sorry, but I can’t. I really need to get out the house today."


    The hero raised her hand to control Matari's reproachful gaze.

    "...... I want to go somewhere with you guys."

    The hero had no intention of giving up. She felt that if she missed this opportunity, she would lose it forever. So, no matter how much opposition she had to face, the hero was going to push through.

"Where to?"

"...... It's an old shrine. The place you call the Shrine of Sorrow. It's the place where I had by beginning, and my end."


    A short distance from Arte, amongst a sea of trees, lay the Shrine of Sorrow. The Church’s investigation of the shrine had been suspended, and now, there wasn't a single person there. It seemed only they would dare approach such a place. Incidentally, Silca had gone to visit Colon. Now it was just the hero and her companions. The number of people here was the same as back then. But that was the only similarity.

"Um, what are we doing here? There’s better places to go for a walk if you wanted."

"This used to be a beautiful sunny place long ago. Now it's all creepy."

    What used to be a shrine was now completely collapsed with rubble scattered about. Tall trees blocked out the sunlight, and weeds and grass overgrown leaving the site in complete ruins. It was understandable why many strange rumors surrounding it were circulating. It wouldn’t be out of place for demons to jump out at you in such an atmosphere.

"...... So, may I ask why you brought us here?"


    Edel sat on a nearby rock. And the hero cleared away some grass to find a place to sit.

    "I thought it would be better if I explained everything properly at least once. It was just a whim....... Matari, did you get what I asked for?"

"Y-Yes. I got it from the master. I brought some glasses too."

     Matari took out a bottle of wine from a cloth bag and handed it to the hero. 

    She was not crazy enough to drink in such a place, but today she had to. It was like a ritual, so to speak.

    As the glass was filled with wine, a soft fragrance wafted through the air. This was the same Apple Wine she drank in the past. Drinking it down with a single gulp, the sweet taste permeated her mouth.

"It’s still delicious. It’s my favorite drink. It was this good even then too."

"...... When was, 'then?"

    Lulurile asked with a dubious expression.

    "It's a funny story from five hundred years ago. This is where I became a hero, and where I met my end. And this is what I drank back then. It's got a taste so good it could kill. You don't have to believe me, though."

". . . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "I'm just glad it's not poisoned this time. That time, there was something in it so strong it could melt your insides."

"...... What."

    "I was just fooled by my old companions. Only, I guess they couldn't kill me. So, they decided to seal me up in this shrine for a long time. That was the end of the hero who defeated the Demon King."

They could have killed her, but they didn't. Or did they try to kill her, but couldn't? She didn’t know anymore. There was no way she could know what they were thinking. In either case, the hero was sealed in this place. But what she knew for certain was she had been betrayed once again.

"I didn't come here for sympathy or to be understood. I just wanted to start that day over. Nothing else. That's just what I was in the mood for today."

"...... You told such a heavy story so easily. It wouldn't be strange to have become a vengeful demon after something like that. How can you be so nonchalant?"

"They’re already dead, and I'm still the hero. Everything's fine. It would be embarrassing trying to take my anger out on them now."

If they were in front of her now, she would probably punch them. But they no longer existed. She felt no particular hatred towards Ramsus' descendant Ramsey either. It wasn't that she had forgiven them. She couldn't forgive them. Maybe, it just didn't matter to her anymore. Otherwise, she wouldn't have come back.

    When the hero handed Edel a glass of wine, she made a strangely troubled face and drank it down. Then, she gave glasses to Lulurile and Matari as well.

"You were a hero and still are, nothing has changed. However, my view of the three heroes has completely changed. If you do not mind, I would like to know more of your past."

"No. That’s too much trouble."

    "...... Hey, wait a minute. If I’m not mistaken, Mina, the founder of the Star Church, was also one of the three heroes. Did someone like her really stab her companion in the back?"

    Edel raised a question for which the answer of was quite simple. Mina the Sage, companion of the hero, smiled and offered her a homemade Apple Wine. And although her hands trembled terribly, the hero still took it and drank it down. The taste was the same as before, but the contents were very different.

    "Isn’t that what this is all about? The fact she put up a barrier around the shrine and kept it under surveillance, makes me think she really was afraid I'd try taking revenge. Plus, she was probably the one who made that prophecy about me being the source of their supposed calamity."

    However, she never imagined Mina would go off and become the founder of something as dubious as the Star Church. If it was all done in order to monitor her, then she truly had a terrible obsession. If she were in front of her now, the hero would slap her for not using such persistence in defeating the Demon King.

"...... Somehow, I can’t really buy her believing in anything like that. Well, I kind of doubt she ever believed in the Star God to begin with.”

"But that's not right! You’re the real hero, aren’t you!? Then, we should tell everyone!"

    Matari stood up and emphasized, but Edel rebuked her.

"I believe you, but if you went around saying that out loud, you'd be deemed a heretic. Be careful with what you say back in town."

"I just can't accept this!"

    Matari frowned, trying to make her case, but the hero shook her head. She didn't want to be surrounded by a bunch of fanatics.

    "It's not that I want to be praised. I just can't give up the fact that I'm a hero. Besides, everyone who accepts me calls me a hero. So that's enough."

"...... My head is such a mess. What is this feeling? I just want to shout something, but I can't."

"Ms. Matari, that condition is what we call melancholy or depression. Does that make you feel a little better?"

    "...... Even though I understand, I still don't feel any better." 

    Matari sat down heavily, exhausted. 

    She was the kind of person you could never get tired of watching. She was easy to understand, good-natured, and at the same time a crazed berserker. The same could be said about Edel and Lulurile. They were both interesting to watch as well, and she never tired of talking to them. She couldn't say they had good personalities, but she was still glad to know them. She obviously wouldn't say that aloud though. As she could already see them making fun of her.

"Hero-girl, can I ask you something? You said they sealed you away because they couldn't kill you. But is something like that really so easy to do?"

"It seemed like they were preparing that sealing spell for a long time. In the end they impaled and crucified me. Well, there were a lot of different ways of doing things back then. I'm not sure if they're still around anymore."


"...... Why were you left at their mercy? You definitely could have turned the tables on them."

    "I was tired of it all. At the time, I thought if that was the end, it was fine. That's it....... But I guess it wasn't the end. Fortunately, or unfortunately, I only have bad luck."

    The hero tried smiling cheerfully. 

    She didn't know if she was lucky or unlucky to have been chosen as a hero in the first place. She could no longer remember how she felt about it at first. She had forgotten that feeling along with her name. But now it was something she could never give up.

"...... If you're telling us this, does that mean you’ve accepted us as your friends?"

    "I don't really get what being 'friends' means. They work together and don't abandon each other when they're in need, right?"

"It's deep, but not so deep. It’s hard for me to explain. How about we hear it from you, Dr. Lulurile?"

    With one eye closed, Edel joked.

    "The definition of friend. It seems simple but is quite difficult to explain. Since I cannot do it alone, let us think about it together. It is said that if four people gather, you will have the wisdom of Manjushri. Though, I am currently investigating who said 'Manjushri' is. But, in my opinion, this how I would describe it... "

"You need to fix your strained logic, and habit of saying random stuff like that you don't understand."

"That is my propensity. It is ingrained so deep inside of me that I cannot get rid of it. It is called being well-trained."

    Lulurile said so proudly. Despite there being no sunlight, her glasses shone brightly.

"I don't like the way you said it."

"It is a propensity."

    While the hero and Lulurile had a silly argument, Matari approached her with bright eyes. In such a case, the boar usually said something nonsensical.

"Um, we're friends, aren't we!?"

"Maybe, you are someone like that. Someone too loud. I can hear you, so be quieter──"

"Well, I have only one request!!"

"...... W-What?"

"Please, Hero, tell me your name!"


    Matari bowed deeply, and the hero, in shock, burst into laughter.

"What the hell was that? I feel like an idiot for bracing myself for what you were going to ask."

"It's not funny! It's about time you told me your real name! I really want to know!"

    Matari looked very serious.

The hero looked away with a troubled expression. She would like to tell her, but she doesn't know what she doesn't know.

"Well, I wish I could tell you, but I really don't know it. I just can't remember...... I probably won't ever remember."

"...... I-I see."

    Matari's shoulders slumped. 

    The hero patted her on the shoulder to cheer her up.

    "If you care so much about my name, why don't you think of one. Come up with one that won't make me cringe. If you can, I'll live with that name for the rest of my life. So, think long and hard."

"Y-You can't just leave me with that kind of responsibility! Please, just ask Lulurile!"

    "You were the first to ask, so I'll leave it to you... Well, it’s about time Silca came home, right?" 

    The hero stood up, paying no mind to the fussy Matari.

"W-Wait a minute! It’s unreasonable asking me to think of a name!"

    Matari shouted, but no one listened. It couldn't be helped, because the individuals gathered here were those who never listened to others.

"Yes, it’s certainly a good time....... Well then, let’s head home. We had quite a meaningful time today."

    "I'm both happy and sad to finally know the truth. I suppose that is a scholar's karma.  Oh, I forgot to tell you all that I will be preparing dinner tonight. I have reserved some delicious, dried fish for you all. It goes along perfectly with a good drink." 

    From a scholarly dilemma to dinner, Lulurile had changed the subject. If she tried bringing it up, Lulurile would just say it was her propensity or something, so the hero left it alone.

"Come on, Boar! If you don't hurry up, I'll leave you here!"

    Lulurile and Edel had already started walking. The two often acted together despite their incompatibility. She once wondered if they really were on good terms, but that proved to be nothing more than a misunderstanding. What they were actually doing was probing each other's weaknesses through conversation. She was sure of this as their eyes didn't match their smiles. So, in short, everything between them was as usual.

"Everyone, please wait! Why are you only united when you’re leaving!?"

    Leaving the shouting Matari behind, the group set out on their way home.

    A meddlesome white crow was flying above them. It seemed that he had been spying on them. Nothing had changed even after five hundred years. Back then, he had warned the hero many times to not listen to them. 

The hero continued walking, wondering if that bird really was among her friends. In any case, in the place where the hero should have met her end, she had begun again. She was unsure if she was happy about it. But for now, she would accept it.


As she entered Arte, the hero had noticed something was different. In the evening, the streets were filled with people looking for taverns to drink. But now groups of people were leaving on horse-drawn carriages in droves. They mostly seemed to be merchants and adventurers. And those remaining in the city were scrambling about in confusion and terror. 

    The hero called out to someone in question.

"Hey, what's going on? Everyone’s acting like something weird happened."

"It's more than just something! The Great Barrier just suddenly disappeared! Everything's going to go to hell!"

    "Th-The Great Barrier disappeared!?"

    Matari let out a scream, but those around her paid no attention. Everyone was too preoccupied with watching out for themselves.

"The demons haven't appeared on the ground yet, but that doesn’t mean they won’t. If you've got somewhere to go, then you'd better get the hell out of here as soon as you can. Without the Great Barrier, this town's gonna become a gateway to hell!"

    The man left these words and walked away with a deathly pale face.

"Looks like there's trouble. Let’s go take a look──" 

    When the hero tried to move toward the labyrinth, both of her shoulders were strongly pressed down. Suddenly wrapped in a cloak, she was left unable to move. Frowning, she looked back and saw the two culprits, Lulurile and Edel.

"For now, you need to go home. You're still recovering. Lulurile and I will go see what's going on, alright?"

    "Ms. Matari, please take care of Ms. Hero. Never take your eyes off of her. You never know what she might do, so please be careful."

    Lulurile reminded her of the importance of persistence, and Matari repeatedly nodded, indicating she understood.

"I understand! I'll never let her out of my sight! And if she doesn't obey, I'll tie her up with a rope!"

"H-Hey, I'm not a dog!"

    "Yeah, I know. You're more like a cat. And a cat will disappear before you realize it's gone, you know. So, please, please bundle up at home!"

     Matari forcibly took the hero away while she spouted incomprehensible things. Leaving the words of the hero telling her to let go, to fall on deaf ears.

"Come on, just listen to me!"

There is no doubt that a troubling situation had arisen. But if it's demons to be dealt with, then she must fight them as she has always done. That is what she chose to do and is her mission as a hero. In any case, all a hero can do is fight. Then and now, that has not changed.


◆    Couple things. When Lulurile mentions "Manjushri" in one of her proverbs, it's actually referring to someone in Buddhism named Manjushri (Mañjuśrī/文殊,) a Boddhisatva associated with transcendent wisdom. While what she says isn't actually the proverb word for word, it's pretty close. The only difference between Lulurile's iteration and the real one is hers mentions four people, while the real one mentions three. In English it can be equated to the proverb, "Two heads are better than one." Also, when Lulurile says she is "well-trained", she specifically uses the term "調教済み," which happens to have very sexual implications.


  1. Thanks for the chapter!
    Oh man, this was a good one. Hero's found some good friends. Only the finale left! I'm so excited. It's all coming together.
    But do take your time on it. I'm excited, but health and quality are paramount. Get well soon Hobo, final stretch.

  2. Oh man, im glad hero finally find some true comrades, eh the bird is one of her loyal comrade too i think? Anyway pls continue with the last chapter, thanks for this chapter
