Monday, November 8, 2021

The Maiden Called Hero or Monster - Chapter 7 - A Tool that has Served its Purpose has no Value



    "...... That idiot. She never came back."

    Lulurile did not return. Of the four beds that occupied most of the room, only one was without an owner. She wasn't sure why, but she felt uneasy. 


    The hero scratched her head and tried to blow off her frustration.

    "Isn’t she busy with her research?"

    "I don't want to imagine what kind of research she might be doing. That child is too harsh on sorcerers.  Although, I feel as if she's mellowed at least a little bit."

    Edel said so in a roundabout way.

    During the early days of their group, she was quite cruel. The hero had seen Lulurile shooting glares at Edel on many occasions. Nowadays she would make snide remarks but had certainly become more lax.

    "Hmm, what should I do? Maybe I'll just have another lazy day?"

    "Does it bother you that much?"


    "Not really."

    The hero turned her head away, but Edel smiled knowingly.

    "Then why don't we stop by the Scholars Guild today? I'd love to see what Lulurile's researching!"

    "...... I don't really want to see that."

    "Do all scholars hate sorcerers? If there were only people like Lulurile in the world, the world would be terrible."

    "Not exactly. I'm sure there's plenty of people who can't use magic and have no choice but to become scholars. Even now, there are people who are studying with bloodshot eyes in hopes of somehow acquiring the ability to use magic. But there are also people who despise them for not being sorcerers and scorn them."

    "Wanting to use magic without being able to. That sounds terrible."

    "What about you? Don't you feel the flames of jealousy flare when you see Pinky?"

    "Well, not for me. I think it would be convenient if I could use it, but it seems complicated in a lot of ways. I feel like things would go along quicker if I just swung a sword."

    Matari, who is incapable of using magic, didn't seem to be particularly troubled.

    However, the hero thought that if Matari, by some miracle, could chant a spell, it would certainly be interesting.

    "Matari the Sorcerer...... That doesn't sound right. It just sounds like she's gonna start spitting fire out of her mouth. Like a dragon."

    The hero could imagine it. Matari chanting a spell then holding her hand out, only to shoot fire from her mouth. She was afraid of what this boar might do in such a situation. It would undoubtedly be the hero who suffers her wrath.

    "Um, Edel. Why are you suddenly hiding your face?"

    ". . . . . . . . . . . . I-I'm sorry. I just, pff, imagined flames coming out of your mouth."

    Edel stifled her laughter. It seems that Edel has fallen into a trap and was making an amusing face.

    "H-Hero, it’s because you say strange things!"

    "Pinky's the one laughing. I don't know what she's talking about."

    "You're laughing too much, Edel! Why do I have to be laughed at this early in the morning!"

    Matari's face turned bright red. It was fun to mess around, but the conversation was not going anywhere. So, the hero decided to deceivingly change the subject.

    "Alright, that's enough joking around, let's go eat and head to the Scholars Guild!"

    "D-Don't change the subject!"

    "Then you'll miss out on the food. But don't worry, I’ll eat your fill too."

    The hero quickly left the room and left the two amusing people behind.



   After the three had finished their breakfast and were about to leave the Paradise Pavilion, Limoncy had stopped them again.



    "Shut up. Not today."

    "I have a request."

    "You're going to ask me to be someone's meat shield again, I already know it. I hated every second of that."

    "Now, now, just take a look."

    She quickly walked around in front of her again with a speed you wouldn't expect of someone her age. So, the hero reluctantly took the request that was handed to her and glanced at it.

    "Let's see, 'I'm really worried about something covered in cloth flying around, and I'm dying from the anxiety, please do something about it as soon as possible.' Why don't you just die?"


    It was a familiar request, and one of course, she was not going to accept. So, the hero roughly tore up the request form.

    "Why won't you accept the request? Please put yourself in my shoes and tell them they won't help!"

    "It's your fault for accepting them on your own! If you're so bothered by it, why don't you do something about it yourself."

    She stomped on the torn paper.

    "H-Hero, please calm down. Look, everyone is staring at us."

    "You’re in an even worse mood today. I wonder if it's because Lulu's gone."

    "There's also that, but after dropping her honey-soaked peaches that came with our breakfast, she's been in a bad mood. And it seems like the 'second helpings' don't actually exist."

    "It's her own fault that she dropped the peaches. You’re silly, just like a child."

    "Shut up!"

    She brushed away Edel's hand that was trying to pet her head.

    "Ah, wait a second!"

    As the hero was about to leave, Limoncy returned to the counter and pulled something out. It was a letter and a small package.

    "What? I told you I'm not taking any requests."

    "This isn't a request. It's more like a favor. I was asked to give this to you. Don't worry, there's nothing suspicious inside."

    "You don’t just look at people's gifts without their permission."

    "Sometimes, people set traps in them. I don't really care what happens to people who are caught in them, but I don't want blood getting all over my room. I'm pretty good at disarming traps, you know."

    This woman really had a dark character. The hero thought we should hide such things even if we think about them, but it seems that logic did not apply to this woman. It was no wonder her and Edel got along.

    "What is it? Maybe it's a present for Hero."

    “Wouldn't it be funny if it was something like, 'I like you, so please go out with me.'"

    "I'll support you, Hero! Do you want to go out to eat first? Oh, if you need a dress or something, I know a good tailor! I even know some nuns in the Star Church, so whenever you're ready for the wedding──"

    "Edel. Shut this idiot up for a second."

    "She seems to be off in her own head right now, so don't mind her."

    Matari suddenly took off amok at full speed. Like a boar, she went from a gift and skipped all the way to the wedding. She really was a terrifying woman. In her mind, the hero must be holding a baby in her arms right now. Before Matari asked to be the godmother, she decided to quickly check what was inside.

    "Is what was in the box, a stone?"

    When she opened the box, she found a single stone. Though it was no ordinary stone, but a transfer stone. Numbers were engraved on it. She then checked the letter to see what it meant.


    After briefly reading through the letter, the expression of the hero turned grim.

    "What's wrong, hero-girl? You're making a pretty scary face."

    She hid the letter from Edel, who was peeking at it from the side, then immediately crumpled it up and burned it with magic.


    "I've got an errand to run. I'll be back after I clean this up, so you guys do whatever you want."

    "You can't just tell us to do whatever we want with a face like that. We're not just going to say, 'Okay, we get it,' and go on our way."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    The hero thought about explaining for a moment, but she could not get them involved. So there was only one thing she could do.

    The hero suddenly ran off as fast as she could. Ignoring the voices of Matari and Edel, who tried to stop her. Even if they chased after her, they could not catch up to her once she transferred from the labyrinth square.


    The content of the letter was straightforward. It was a transparent trap to lure out the hero using Lulurile as a hostage. It also warned that if she did not come alone, they would kill the hostage. Lulurile was never even an official part of her group. She chose to work with the hero on a whim. Matari and Edel were of similar circumstances. So there was no need to get involved with them from the start. Thinking about such things in her mind, the hero smiled bitterly.

    "If I could've just done that from the start, I wouldn't have to go through all this trouble. Heroes really are unfortunate creatures."

    The transfer destination was the forty-second floor of the labyrinth. She had no idea where she was, as the strange plants that she saw on the thirtieth floor were nowhere to be found, and the moss was not nearly as thick. Despite this place being inside the labyrinth, it was clearly manmade. Fences were constructed to keep out demons, and strange equipment along with even bookshelves and desks could be seen. It gave off the impression of a laboratory you would find above ground.

    "Thank you very much for coming. I was worried you might abandon your companion. As expected of the one who calls themselves a hero."

    With dry applause, someone appeared. It was a middle-aged man with a blend of gray and black hair, wearing a dingy lab coat. He did not seem to be armed.

    "Were you the one that called me?"

     "My name is Benz, and I'm a priest, or something or other. I also run a small clinic, which serves as my main business."

    "So, is Lulurile safe?"


    "Of course. I haven't laid a finger on her yet."

    When Benz snapped his fingers, Lulurile emerged from the shadows, with two women in white coats holding her arms. Her face looked exhausted and emaciated, and there was no sign of her usual round-framed glasses.

    When she noticed the figure of the hero, her eyes widened for a moment, but she immediately felt a sense of relief. For some reason, there was a hint of resignation on her face.

    "...... Ms. Hero. I apologize for the inconvenience. You needn't concern yourself with me. As usual, please, eradicate and destroy the demons."

    "...... Lulurile."

    "Unexpectedly, I succumbed to my envy of sorcerers. It really is such an ugly and petty thing. Until the very end, I was stupid. I thought I had let it all go, but I only just thought I had. I truly am an irredeemable fool."

    Lulurile with closed eyes let her feelings flood out.

    The hero had never seen this logic-oriented girl speak so candidly. She was sure Lulurile was already prepared for this moment, as she urged her to annihilate Benz along with herself.

    Benz, hearing what she said, laughed with a vile expression.

    "I can save you from that stupidity with my own hands. I will see that you are provided with a body endowed with magical talent."

    "That's none of your business, you rotten demon. I'll be your guide to hell. There's a saying, 'The best thing on a trip is good company.'"

    "Hahaha, so another one that hates me. Well, no matter. Now then, brave hero, source of the calamity. If you wish to leave Lulurile unharmed, please disarm yourself quietly. Quite simple, right?"

    The hero observed with narrowed eyes. So far, there were only three enemies, Benz and the two women in lab coats. However, the women were holding a transparent instrument to Lulurile’s head. The instrument contained a white liquid with a needle attached to its tip. As soon as the hero made any suspicious moves, that needle would immediately be thrust into Lulurile's head.

    "And if I refuse?"

    "...... When you do, we'll simply stab this instrument into Ms. Lulurile's brain. Psychiatric treatment is usually completed after about a week, with careful acclimation. But with this device, that time is condensed into an instant. Although, she might become disabled afterward. Everything comes with a price to pay, Hahaha!"

    The hero thought he was very similar to the puppeteer she killed not so long ago, Russ or something. The putrid stench in the air was of the same level, if not worse. This was a demon in human form. Normally, she would not be negotiating with a demon in the first place. But what should she do in this situation? If it is for the annihilation of demons, the sacrifice of a single person is unavoidable. This world is full of things out of your control.

    ──The hero had made her decision.

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    She tossed aside her steel sword, which remained sheathed.

    "Would you please take off your armor as well? It looks like quite the work of art. I would like it to remain in perfect condition."

    "This fine?"

    The hero took off her armor. Underneath, she wore only light clothing, leaving her almost completely defenseless.

    "Please do not do anything stupid!! Regardless of what happens to me, just kill this demon now!!"

    "Idiot. I'm a hero. So that's something I can't do, right?"

    The hero smiled calmly.

    "How beautiful. Even as a priest, I feel as if my heart has been cleansed....... However, the source of the calamity mustn't be spared; and above all, your sin of interfering with our research is punishable by death."

    When Benz gave the signal, gray hooded figures emerged from the back of the room. In their beastlike hands they held swords and staffs.


    "That's right. Each one of them are my patients. Their sick bodies have been disposed of and, for now, they currently reside in temporary bodies. Someday, I will grant them all perfect bodies. In return, I asked for their cooperation with my plan."

    The hooded beastmen surrounded the hero and gradually closed the distance between them. Their emanating bloodlust pierced the hero.

     "So, you tricked them into becoming puppets. As expected of a demon, everything you do is depraved."

    "I did say, 'for now.' As I am a man of my word, after all. Hehe."

    "Ms. Hero, you do not need to listen to this man’s words! Please, just quickly kill them with your magic right now!!"

    "Lulurile, close your eyes for a minute. This won't be a very pleasant sight."

    The hero smiled gently.

    "It's good that you're prepared for this… Do it!"

    At Benz's command, the beastlike creatures removed their hoods and attacked.


    The hero awaited them without making the slightest movement.


    Several swords were thrust out and pierced the torso of the hero. Her face distorted as she felt the old familiar sensation of her internal organs being gouged out. The sharp fangs of one of the creatures cut through her carotid artery causing fresh blood to pour out. Trampled down, the cowering hero was mercilessly kicked and stomped over and over again from above, some were even firing off magic at her from close range. Several of her bones were broken from the impact of the blows. Or would it be more appropriate to say shattered? Breathing had become extremely difficult.

    They continued to mercilessly stomp on her face, and despite covering it with her arms, they stomped down again and again through the gaps. For a moment, the attacks had finally ceased. Peering up with bloody eyes, through her reddened vision, she saw the beastlike men brandishing their swords, and thrusting them down at her in unison.

    The body of the hero was impaled and posed like some sort of strange doll.

    "That's enough. Thank you everyone for all your hard work. The source of the calamity fell into our hands and was felled with just this? So much for the 'source of the calamity.' This was too easy."

    "W-Why? Why are you doing this, Ms. Hero!? I-Is this my fault? Because of me, you, A-aaaaaaaaahhh!!"

    Through her fading consciousness, the hero could hear Lulurile's cries. With trembling hands, the hero used a healing spell. A thunderous shock ran through her brain repeatedly, but she clenched her teeth and endured. Even if it hurt, she must not make a sound.

    "Could we use her corpse for something? She is the source of the calamity, so let's just collect it for now. Oh yes, we have to treat you too. Thanks to you, we were able to be rid of her. Your ugly envy of sorcerers is what led to her miserable death."

    "N-No, stop! Please stop!!"

    "I don't think you will be able to live on with such memories. But no need to fret, my treatment is perfect. I will take my time and make you forget it. You will forget everything and be reborn as a magnificent sorcerer. Hahahahaha!"


    Lulurile sobbed as Benz' vile words continued.

    Then, the hero stood up. Drenched in her own blood, she pulled out the swords pierced through her body one by one. Stabilizing her trembling hands, she fiercely flung the swords aside.

    Benz, noticing the hero, looked on in astonishment.

   "Listening to demons run their mouths pisses me off. I can't die even if I wanted to."

    "R-Ridiculous!? H-How can you still move!? No, how are you even alive!?"

    "I won't die until the demons are exterminated. I'll get up again and again and again and again, and I'll keep standing until I go insane. A hero never dies until they surrender."


    Spitting out the blood accumulated in her mouth, the hero gave a maniacal smile. The healing spell had not perfectly healed her body; blood still seeped from her wounds.

    "Monster! I knew you were the cause of the calamity. If that's the case, then I'll tear apart your body until it completely disappears! Everyone, kill her!"

    The group of beastmen were closing in once again, and the hero remained where she stood, waiting for them motionlessly.

    "... I wonder which of us is the real monster."

    She heard a familiar voice, and with it, a flash of light burst from behind Benz. A swarm of rats flooded in and pounced onto the beastmen with great vigor. The women restraining Lulurile were kicked off with immense force by someone, and fell into a stupor, ceasing to move.

    "A-Are you both okay!?"

    "...... I told you to wait. Nosy meddlers."

    "We came to help you, so you should be sincerely thanking us."

    While the rats and beastmen rampaged, the hero sat down on the ground. She did not know how, but Matari and Edel had suddenly come rushing in. Lulurile was being rescued while Benz was in a panic, hastily distancing himself from them.

    "No, this isn't what you promised! I told you to come alone!"

    "It's not a promise if one side is forcing the other into it. Dr. Benz, the demon."

    "Hero, are you okay!? Ah, th-these are terrible injuries!"

    Matari tried to take out bandages as she approached the hero. If you were judging her by appearance, she would look similar to one of Edel's corpses.

    "I-I'm fine, just hurry up and ready your sword. I'm sorry, but I'm gonna need a little more time to recover──"

    With these words, the hero collapsed as if the sight of help had relaxed her spirit a little. She had to try and stay conscious.

    Edel watched warily as she took Lulurile and joined up with them, forming a formation facing Benz.

    "It seems this has become quite the messy predicament. Ms. Matari, Ms. Edel, please get out of the way. I'm only after the girl of calamity."

    The beastmen had seemingly regained their composure after annihilating the rats. Benz was poised and ready to give them the order.

    "──I refuse! I can't let someone who kidnapped and threatened my friends go!!"

    An enraged Matari drew her sword, and Edel quickly began to chant.

    Benz once again advised them in an unpleasantly good-natured tone.

    "Listen. All of this is for the sake of world peace. We can't let those who bring calamity live. If you listen to our story, I’m sure you will understand. Above all, your brother, Lord Reken, is our comrade. I wouldn't be able to bear killing his younger sister."

    "My brother? Why would my brother be working with you!?"

    "You will have to ask him yourself...... And the sorcerer, Edel Weiss. You may not know this, but Russ was a good friend and research associate of mine. You must inherit your teacher's research. It could save the lives of many people.”

    "Hmph, how dare you say that to my face. You make me want to vomit, you hypocritical son of a bitch."

    Edel dismissed the proposal and hurled a scathing expletive his way.

    But Benz was unfazed.

    "This is a necessary evil. If I do not do this, we won't be able to kill the one who bears the sigil of calamity. But those who dare bring chaos to the world will soon die regardless. Now get away from her. I'll end it all here!"

    Benz made a final call. Raising his right hand, the beastmen took up an offensive posture and were ready to attack all at once. Apparently, they were nearly finished chanting.

    "Yes, that's right. Matari, I leave it to your discretion. You can respond however you like."

    "You don't have to ask me how we should respond!!"

    "That's an excellent answer. Well then, feel free to use them as shields. They're dead anyway, so no need to care!"

    When Edel scattered her spell about and snapped her fingers, ten human corpses and ten rat corpses were summoned. She tapped the tip of her staff on the ground and threw them at the surrounding sorcerers. The unexpected attack caused the beastmen to shudder, interrupting their chanting.

    "──Die trash!"

    Matari quickly closed in and cleaved the body of a beastman that was trampling a rat in two, killing it instantly. Immediately after, she grabbed the upper half of the corpse and threw it at another, causing it to stagger. The beastmen, who were known for being extremely agile by nature, were being slaughtered one by one by Matari's sword. As they were originally human, they may not be fully adapted to their bodies yet.

    "Their movements are strangely awkward. I think we'll be able to handle this on our own. A wolf that can't kill a single rat is worthless. In a wolf's body, they’re nothing more than defective misfits."

    The rats that were entangled with the wolves suddenly burst into flames, causing the pack of beastmen to scream and flail about. However, only one was determined to fight back. A beastman fired at a rat with a concealed crossbow, then raised its staff and burned the approaching corpses with a flaming projectile. The beastman revealed its boiling blood lust with a furious roar.

    "It seems there were some good ones among the defective bunch. Well then, let's have a fair bout between sorcerers. My specialty is fire magic, so allow me to show you what I’m really capable of."

    "Guaaaaaaaaahhhhh !!"

    At Edel's provocation, the beastman raised its staff.

    They stood face to face as if in a duel, and both, having finished chanting, released their magic at the same time.


     ── At that moment, she thought she saw what looked to be a sharp bolt pierce the face of the beast. In a daze, the beastman turned to look in the direction from which the arrow flew. Lulurile, panting heavily, was holding a small crossbow, with an air of grief looming over her face.

    Looking at the crumpled beastman still holding onto its staff, Edel gave Lulurile a reproachful look. She felt as if water had been dumped over her in the middle of a duel. One could sense a strong confidence that believed there was no way she would lose in a clash of fire magic.

    "Lulu. That was unnecessary──"

    "I'm sorry, Ms. Edel. But he was the only one I wanted to kill with my own hands. Do me a favor just this once. I'll certainly return it later without fail."

    "... Well, it's fine. All that's left is Dr. Benz. I think it's time you surrender and tell us everything. You seem to have a lot of friends just as scummy as you."

    "If we break his arms and legs one by one, he'll surely start talking. Leave it to me. Hahaha, I'll make sure you suffer the same fate as Hero!"

    Matari's expression was mingled with madness and murderous intent.

    Edel's manipulated corpses surrounded Benz.

    "Kihihihi, I haven't lost yet. The real battle is about to begin. Now, witness his almighty power, resurrected with the hands of Russ and I!"

    When Benz called out, a beastman appeared from the entrance of the room. And in its hand, it held a beautifully decorated sword.

    "I emigrated his consciousness into a mutant variant of Urface! Now, with a power far beyond human capabilities, combined with his inherited natural talent, there's not a swordsman alive that could best him! Yes, the prodigy ravaged by disease, Ramsey Barca, has been completely revived!!"

    "Ramsey...... from the Swordsmen Guild?"

    The hero observed the wolf-like beast. There were no remnants of his former self, but his eyes felt somewhat similar.

    "Go! Kill them and save the world from disaster! It's your duty as a descendant of a hero!"

    At Benz' shout, Ramsey began to move. It seemed that his only target was the hero. As if to stop him, corpses controlled by Edel hurled themselves at him.


    With a single swing of his blade, Ramsey cleaved the corpses in two.

    "Mere corpses could never pose a threat to him. It does not matter how many you send; he is the chosen one. Ms. Matari, you mustn't do this. There is no need to throw your life away. Your brother would surely be sad."

    "Shut up! My brother has nothing to do with this!"

    An enraged Matari tried to charge at him, but the hero stopped her by pulling back her ponytail.


    Enduring the severe pain in her abdomen, the hero tried to show a fearless smile.

    "This guy's a little too much for you. And you two aren’t a good match up. His specialty deals in parrying and counterattacking."

    "H-Hero! Are you all right!?"

    "I almost passed out, but I feel better now, so it's alright."

    With heavy breathing, the hero picked up her sword.

    "Are you sure you're really okay?"

    "I'm fine."

    "Ms. Hero, I──"

    "Let's save the lecture for later. Now's not the time."

    The hero waved lightly to Lulurile, whose face had gone pale.

    "...... Wouldn't it be better if we all attacked it? My corpses were torn apart in a single attack. And, if that thing really is Ramsey, it’s extremely dangerous."

    "No, he's someone I have to fight. I have a score to settle. He's probably thinking the same thing. I'm sorry, but can you leave this to me?"


    Matari looked unconvinced. But once the hero gently patted her on the shoulder, she reluctantly backed down.

    "Well, I'll be rooting for you, so do your best. If you lose, you'll miss out on the food."

    Everyone pulled back.


    Benz also distanced himself.

    "Sorry to keep you waiting. As I recall, the salutation goes something like this.”

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    The hero and Ramsey stood opposingly and faced each other head-on. The hero slowly raised her sword in front of her, and Ramsey followed suit. This was pre-battle etiquette in a Barca-style crossing of swords. Both of them held their swords in low positions and stretched out their left hands to check each other.


    They instantly closed the distance between them, and the moment they crossed, a whirlwind of mighty sword clashes erupted between them. Each swing had enough force behind it to instantly kill. Any ordinary swordsman would have had their head sent flying with only the first strike.


    The Barca style of swordplay was grounded in orthodox swordsmanship but incorporated martial arts. Winning is everything, use any means available to achieve victory. This was the philosophy behind the Barca style, and it was reflected in its teachings. Its basic strategy was to confuse your opponent with a blitz of quick movements and aim for a fatal blow. Though, this style's specialty was landing crippling blows after deflecting an attack. The hero was very familiar with this style of swordplay.



    Both combatants were hit by each other's attacks, all the while narrowly avoiding fatal blows that swept across them at a distance the thinness of paper.


    When the hero launched a series of blows followed by a spinning cleave, Ramsey caught the flurry of attacks and managed to deflect the final swing. A deafening metallic ring echoed around the room from the intense clash, but neither side let go over their swords. The slightest opening could mean their death.

    Without a moment to breathe, the two collided in another flurry of clashes. Both pulled back and closed the distance again and again, until Ramsey suddenly lost his posture. The hero rushed in and swung her sword down from above, and taking advantage of the opening, Ramsey kicked himself off the ground and grabbed the body of the hero. His maw clamped down, and his sharp fangs pierced into her shoulder. For a moment, the face of the hero twisted in anguish, but she grit her teeth and quickly composed herself. Adjusting her footing, she leaned backward, and using the recoil, swung forward into a powerful headbutt.


    "You damn wolf!!"

    Ramsey groaned in pain as he bled from his nose, yet his fangs were still locked in her shoulder. The hero head butted Ramsey again and, this time, directly hit his left eye. As if unable to bear the pain, the fangs that had been sunk into her flesh loosened. Kicking Ramsey in the abdomen through his light armor, she forcefully created distance.


    Ramsey regained his composure and held his sword low once more, and the hero also took up the same stance. The flesh on the shoulder of the hero had been gouged out, and she bled profusely. Ramsey had his share of injury as well; his left eye had been crushed, and he was breathing heavily with his mouth agape, showing no concern for it.


    A moment of silence fell upon the two's dance of swords.

    "Next time, we’ll end this. Let's finish off with the techniques we’re most confident of."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    Ramsey lightly nodded at the words of the hero.

    Both of them quietly put their swords on their shoulders and took a stance as if they were holding a hoe. Sharpening their concentration to its limits, they watched each other as time passed quietly.

    Ramsey was the first to act. Taking full advantage of his speed as a mutated beastman, a Red Urface, he kicked off the earth with tremendous force. With an angry roar, each muscle in his body screamed as each one worked in unison to propel him forward. As Ramsey sprinted towards the hero, he swung his sword from below, running the tip of his blade across the ground sending sparks flying violently. Gouging out the ground, dirt was being thrown around making it impossible to trace the trajectory of his sword.

    The hero put her sword on her gouged-out shoulder and ran forward. No longer paying attention to the actions of her opponent, she simply concentrated all of her strength into both of her arms. Ramsey’s swing from below, and the swing of the hero from above intersected. These were killing blows propelled forward with both the weight of their bodies and souls.

    ── This fight had come to an end.

    Ramsey’s sword was digging into the left side of the hero. In just a few moments, he would cut through the heart of the hero, and split her in half. 


    In the end, his blade never reached her heart. The sword of the hero completely cut off Ramsey’s upper body. In an instant, she tore through the body of the Red Wurface, which boasted an extremely tough body. They both put their everything into these final attacks, and the price to be paid was correspondingly high; and now, the defeated Ramsey would have to pay that price in full.

    The hero approached the wolf, who had lost his lower half. The dying wolf was struggling to bite down its groans as it spat out blood in agony. In the end, perhaps it was because of her pride. But there was no particular reason the hero chose to fight with only a sword without using magic. She could have easily won if she did. But she needlessly chose to fight with only a sword because she felt she had to. That was all.

    Looking down coldly from above, she told him emotionlessly.

    "I won, and you lost. You had a faster sword, but I've known that technique for a long time. I know both its strengths and weaknesses."

    The Barca secret technique certainly boasted tremendous power. But it had a drawback. The moment the blade pierced the body, there is a brief moment when the accumulated strength is lost. It was a weakness that was impossible to notice witnessing it in a fight for the first time. The hero who was taught the style knew it well. She had learned it from her former comrade ──Ramsus. She knew Ramsus was unable to improve it, and knew he was well aware of that fact. He was a near unparalleled human warrior, but he was incapable of pushing beyond his limits.

    But the hero could do it. As a result of fighting countless death-defying battles, she finally perfected his style and made it into her own. She sublimated this imperfect technique into a profound art, and with it, managed to kill many powerful demons. However, none of it mattered to the hero, who did not care about swordsmanship. It did not matter if her sword technique was superior or inferior, just as long as she could kill demons.

    "...... The real thing is much stronger... So invariably strong."

    Ramsey raised the corners of his mouth in praise. His eyes lost their strength and stared up into emptiness. His voice was also hoarse, hushed as if he was about to disappear at any moment.

    "You knew?"

    "Of course. Our family lineage... it's nothing but, a fraudulent honor. My life is a disgrace. Ramsus felt the same way."

    Ramsey quietly ridiculed himself as blood constantly streamed from the corners of his mouth. Black blood spilled from the cross-section and pooled beneath the feet of the hero. Soon, Ramsey would die.

    The hero decided to ask him only one question.

    "Do you have any regrets?"

    "It was my decision in the end. I'm satisfied."

    "...... I get that."

    "I fought against... the real thing and lost... And I definitely did lose... but not to... some illness."

    "I’m a little jealous."

    When the hero slightly smiled, Ramsey's mouth also lifted somewhat.

    "... Glory... to... the true hero."

    Ramsey reached for the air. His eyes had already lost focus.

    "Well, see you."

    The hero picked up Ramsey's sword and finished him off before he took his last breath.

    The hero felt that she had to do this. He was not killed by an illness, but by a hero. 

    The sword stood up haphazardly in the corpse of the silent beast. Now, there was only a gravestone that remained, one which no one would come to cry. The hero stared at it with an exhausted expression. 

    Shaking the coagulated blood off her sword, the hero turned to the last remaining enemy —a demon who called himself a priest. The one who tried to trap the hero and kill her. She had no intention of letting him live. But Benz showed no signs of distress.

    Looking at Ramsey's corpse with indifference, he let out a sigh of relief.

    "So this is my loss. It's a shame, but I have to admit it. I never expected he would be defeated. Even though he's the descendent of the hero Ramsus, he is only a weak human being. Things don't always work out the way you want them to."

    "...... You're the one that turned Ramsey into a demon?"

    "That is a bit of a misnomer. It’s obviously impossible to turn a human into a demon. I just transplanted his soul into one's body."

    "A soul transplant?"


    When Edel asked, Benz gave a firm nod.

    "The soul resides in the brain. The heart is nothing more than an organ that pumps blood. All I did was transplant a human brain into a demon's body. To save them from any more suffering."

    Benz murmured nonchalantly, without a change in expression.

    The hero remembered the bounty head she killed, Russ Nubes. He had said something like the soul resides in the heart. It seemed the only commonality between the two was the unbearable rotten stench that emanated from their bodies.

    "What do you mean you're saving them from suffering? You disgusting demon."

    "I did it with their consent. I assured them that I would eventually prepare a new body for them. However, it seems to be difficult to maintain one's sanity when one is actually in the body of a demon. So, I had to play with their brains a little bit. Incidentally, Ramsey was the only one who was able to stay himself until the very end. As expected of the descendant of the hero Ramsus, he might have lost, but his mental fortitude was astonishing."

    "That all you've got to say? I'm gonna cut off your head now."

    "Um, what are you talking about? What did you do?"

    Matari looked confused.


    And before Benz could reply, the hero interrupted him.

    "It's just the ramblings of a lunatic. I'll shut him up soon, so don't worry about it."

    The hero gave Edel a look. It was a signal to keep Matari away. There are some things you are better off not knowing, and there are some things you do not need to know.


    Realizing what she wanted, Edel was about to leave with Matari when Benz suddenly stopped them.

    "Ms. Edel, I would like to entrust something to you. In any case, this is where my research ends. But I can't just let it all be buried in the dark. If you don't mind, as Russ' apprentice, you should have it."


    Benz removed a cloth bag from his waist and tossed it to Edel. Opening the bag, she took out a key and a map.

    "Thank you. Don't worry. I'll burn all of your accursed research to ash."

    "Whatever you do is up to you. I'll leave it all to you. And now, Ms. Lulurile."

    "...... What is it?"

    Lulurile expressed her vigilance through the movements of her body.

    "I'm sorry I couldn't relieve you of your troubles. That is my only regret. But if you like, please come visit my clinic again, then, I'll be sure to treat you completely....... Now, if you'll excuse me, I must be going. It's almost time for a medical examination."

    Benz checked his pocket watch and muttered as he turned his head.

     Lulurile was stunned.

    This man seemed to really believe that he was going to make it out alive.

    The hero shot him a fiery glare.

    "What kind of nonsense are you talking about? You’re not going home. This is where you die. I'm going to kill you."

    "I don't get it. Why? Sure I lost, but I'm not going to die. I still have many more people to save. For it is my mission. I've given up on my research, so that should suffice."

    "You just trapped and tried to kill us, yet you're acting so pretentious. Why don't you stop acting so despicable?"

    Edel scorned him, but Benz seemed unapologetic.

     "This was just an unfortunate accident caused by a misunderstanding. The only thing here are the corpses of demons. There's no proof. Besides, if you kill me, you would never get away with it. I'm a priest of the Star Church."

    "Are you trying to scare us?"

    "I'm just stating facts. With all due respect, society has a lot more faith in me than the rest of you. Many people even adore me. It's obvious whose words they will believe."

    "I will testify. I am a well-known scholar, so they should believe me. If they need evidence, I am sure they will find plenty of it in your clinic."

    "Then I'll testify that you were in a state of delirium after your research consumed you."

    Benz spat back and continued to state his case.

    "Who would believe in such a lie?"

    Lulurile frowned.

    And Benz grinned, showing his leisure.

    "The important thing is who the church believes in. Well, you might as well give it a try. Though, it will be all for naught."

    "H-Hey! If we let someone like him go, things will get messy!"

    "...... Even if he is a piece of shit, he's still a priest. We can't act recklessly."

    Matari was flustered, and Edel clicked her tongue.

    "... That's the end of your will, right? Sheesh, what a long one for a piece of shit."

    Despite the situation, the hero gripped her sword and calmly approached Benz.

    "Did you not hear what I’ve been saying? If you kill me──"

    "I won't get away with it, right? So what? Why should I care?"

    "I've earned a great deal of the church's trust. If you kill me, you will carry the stigmata of heresy!"

    If she killed him, she could be tried and be branded a heretic. But there was nothing wrong with that. She would not let a demon go.

    "That won't be a problem. Because I'm a hero."

    "──W-Wait a second! Think about this rationally!"

    "Besides, as Lulurile once said, dead men tell no tales. I don't think there'll be any problems if you die."

    "I-I could save tens of thousands of lives. How stupid do you have to be to prevent something like that! You really are the bringer of calamity!"

    "You say that, but you're the one that's been wreaking havoc all this time. Now, die."

    The hero severed Benz's head from his body and incinerated with a fireball.

    The bringer of the rotten stench had completely disappeared from this world. All that's left were the remains of the madman's research – those who had their weaknesses exploited and were turned into demons. Even if their bodies were brought back above ground, there wouldn't be any way to prove their identities. So, they could only leave them here.

    "...... Ah, I'm exhausted. I'm probably all dirty, huh?"

    The hero clapped several times to dust off her hands. She put on the armor she was threatened to take off not so long ago. The sensation of clotted blood made her feel severely itchy.

    "You look like someone dumped a bucket of blood on you. If someone saw you in the middle of the night, they’d definitely scream. Why not test it out on Matari?"

    "That sounds interesting, but I'll pass...... By the way, how did you even find this place?"

    The hero asked what had been bothering her. How could they come to her rescue when she hadn't told them where she was going?

    "Limoncy told us!"

    "You see, when she took the liberty of looking inside the box first, she happened to read the letter. I think she thought it was a love letter or something. After all, it came with a gift."

    "...... What a hell of a woman."

    The hero was deeply dismayed. If it really was a love letter, Limoncy would definitely tease her to no end. Even though everything turned out well, it was hard for her to be happy about it.

    "Once I knew you were headed to the forty-second floor, all I had to do was find a courier in the labyrinth. It took a while, but hey."

    "I'm so sorry. If we had come sooner, you wouldn't have had to go through all this."

    "It's no problem. The bigheaded girl with glasses is safe, as you can see. Ah, I guess she doesn’t have her usual glasses right now. Well, it’s all the same anyway."

    The hero smiled wickedly at Lulurile.

    She was expecting a retort, but Lulurile, seeming dejected, bent down.

    "It turns out hero-girl is surprisingly compassionate towards her companions. Ah, if you were a man, I might've fallen in love with you."

    "...... Could you stop being so creepy? A-Anyway, I'm going back and taking a bath!"

    Edel's flirtatious glance gave the hero goosebumps. She was a perverted pink corpse lover, who knew what she might do in hiding.

    "Then let's head back. It's really tiring moving around so many dead bodies. Even if I can refill on magic power, it would be exhausting trying to stay focused."

    Edel complained while loosening her shoulder.

    The moment the hero was about to say it was because she was so old, Edel was already staring at her with a fearsome expression on her face. The hero couldn't help but be impressed by her intuition.

    "Then I'll use a transfer stone."

    "Ah, wait a minute. Since we're on the forty-second floor, I'll take this opportunity and store this location. I just have to sprinkle the dust on it, right?"

    "That's right. And don't be stingy, use all that's there; otherwise, it won't work."

    "I know, I know."

    The hero sprinkled the dust she bought from the gatekeeper on the transfer stone. With a dazzling light, numerals were engraved. It seemed that everything went well.

    "Yes, that should be fine. Well, now it's time for us to go home──"

    "──Watch out!"

    The hero, feeling murderous intent, quickly pushed Edel's body out of the way.

    A sharp bolt quickly tore through the air with great force, passing the spot Edel stood in that instant. A bloodied wolf with an arrow stuck in its face, was trying to load another bolt with awkward movements. It was the beastman thought to have been shot dead by Lulurile earlier. Was he looking for an opening all along? It really possessed tremendous persistence.


    Edel, who rolled on the ground, stood up again and cast a spell against the wolf who shot the bolt. The fiery core hit the wolf directly, and this time the dying wolf was burned to the ground.

    "...... He was still alive. You're a real lifesaver, thank you, hero-girl."

    "You can thank me with a fruit platter. But it was like he really hated you. He seemed like he was only after you the whole time. What the hell did you do?"

    "Beauty is a sin. It's not my problem if he hated himself."

    "It's too soon for you to be going senile. Don't you think so too, Lulurile... What are you doing?"

    While the two were joking amongst themselves, Lulurile approached the wolf's corpse and pulled out the arrow. She then folded her hands and quietly began to pray.

    "...... In another world, I may have been this beast."


    "If I had not met you, I would have continued my anti-sorcerer research forever. And my efforts would never have been rewarded. If Benz had appeared in front of me and tempted me with such sweet nothings. I definitely would have..."

    Lulurile body was slightly trembling. Fear, regret, relief, sympathy. The hero did not know which emotion applied to her. So, she merely took the arrow from Lulurile and thrust it into the ground to serve as a simple grave marker.

    "To be able to use something like that, you really are a clever wolf. That's as human as it gets."

    "Ms. Hero?"

    "You don't need to worry about it. It's not meant to console you."

    "Thank you. As Ms. Edel said, you are surprisingly kind."

    "It's because I'm a hero —with a big heart."

    Lulurile smiled slightly, and the hero lightly patted her on the shoulder.

    She could have given her pinched cheeks instead of a sermon, but Matari was the only one who could recover from that. As for Matari, she was looking around the room in a carefree manner. Then, she realized something. They completely forgot about the two women who were Benz's subordinates.

    "What should we do about these women? They're Benz's assistants. It looks like they're still alive."

    "Well, why don't we take them upstairs and leave them be. They might be victims too. But I don’t know if they'll ever be the same anymore."

    "Then let's just take them with us. It's not our job to, but it would be aggravating feeding them to demons."

    The hero raised her transfer stone, and when the others tried to place their hands on her shoulders, their bodies stiffened.

    "──W-Wait, you have a terrible wound! How can you act like nothing's wrong!?"

    "Wow, it even goes all the way to the bone! Doesn't it hurt?"

    "This is all my fault. Let me arrange for immediate medical attention."

    "I said I’m fine, you get used to it. I'll heal it on my own when we get back, so just hold on."

    Returning to the surface, the hero stretched out widely. She then healed the wound on her shoulder with a healing spell, at everyone’s urging.


    "It's still as magnificent as ever."

    "There's many prices to pay, though. This world isn't that kind."

    "...... I apologize for the inconvenience. I take full responsibility for this incident. Especially to Ms. Hero, there is nothing I could do to ever atone for this."

    "If you really think so, just buy me some good food. And I don't feel comfortable seeing you without your glasses, so hurry and go get some. It's like if the pink on Edel fell off. We wouldn't be able to recognize you."

    "What is that metaphor? I am unsure why, but I feel as if I am being looked down upon."

    "You're just imagining things."

    "...... This really is a group of interesting people."


    Lulurile laughed. It seemed like she was finally returning to her usual self. However, she didn't have her glasses, and her braids were untied and tattered. Her face was stained with mud, and her proud scholars' cap was worn out. She didn’t look very scholarly, but despite all this, she had a refreshed look on her face.

    After making sure the wounds of the hero were healed, Matari was lying on the ground while Edel approached the labyrinth stairs and gathered their things from Jackie. Jackie, a demon, couldn't make it past the barrier, so this was as far as he could accompany them. After a pointless somersault, Jackie went back after striking a beautiful pose.

    "...... Did you make him do that?"

    "I can't make him do precise movements like that. I can only give general orders like 'carry my bags' or 'protect me.’ I wonder if that’s his original personality."

    "What kind of personality is there when you’re dead?"

    "It seems to still be there. Obviously, when you die, your soul moves on. But Jackie can be considered particularly unusual considering what he is."

    "...... I guess some characters are just weird. I wonder what kind of creature he used to be."

    If he was like that when he was dead, how much wilder could he be when he was alive? The hero couldn't imagine.

    "Even demons are living things, so there are bound to be some strange ones in the mix. Maybe there are even some peace-loving, happy demons."

    "There's no such thing. Demons only think about killing people. The word peace never crosses their minds."

    "Well, I think I could get along with Jackie. He's quite charming!"

    "Oh, evil fairies may look charming at first glance. But if given the chance, they would love to cut you up with a knife."

    "Evil fairies like human flesh, so please be careful. They are especially fond of the flesh of females."

    "...... I-I'll be careful. Ah, here you go."

    Saying that, Matari handed a cloth to the hero. Taking it, she began to roughly wipe the dirt from her armor.

    "Well, I'm glad we were able to defeat the so-called taxidermist. I never would've dreamed that Benz the priest was actually him."

    "Taxidermist? Who the hell is that?"

    "A mysterious murderer who plunged this entire city into an abyss of fear. They put a bounty on his head without even knowing who he was. No one could ever find any information on him."

    "Oh, I've heard of him too. The victims, regardless of their age and gender, were always sent back to their families."

    "Yes. All the victims had one thing in common. Their brains, along with all of their other organs were removed, and left gutted. Because of the crazy way he killed, he was given the nickname, 'Taxidermist.' But there's no doubt about it. Based on his words and actions, I'm sure that was him. He seemed pretty obsessed with people's minds."

    When Edel spoke in an ominous tone, Matari's face turned pale. Despite her gaudy fighting style, it seemed she was still frightened by such horror stories.



    Before the hero realized it, a mysterious bird had landed on her head. It was the cooing of a dove. The hero decided not to worry about it, thinking it would fly away on its own soon.

    "If he killed in such a distinct way, how come they never caught him?"

    "Well, I can't say it out loud. But apparently the guys at the church withheld information."

    "Wh-What do you mean?"

    In response to Matari's question, Edel said that it was simple and continued on.

    "If a priest of the church turned out to be some crazed mass murderer, they wouldn't just tell everyone. Well, that's at least something the elites are likely to do, don’t you think? Or maybe they knew what they were doing and took advantage of the situation. Benz was a lunatic, but he was very capable."



    The dove cooed in agreement, and Matari glanced atop the head of the hero.

    "Um, Hero. A bird’s been sitting on your head for a little bit now."

    "Is it a dove?"

     "No, it is a crow. But white crows do not exist, so it must be a mutation. This is quite rare."

    "I think he likes your dense head. Maybe it's just firm enough to be used as a perch. I mean, you even headbutted a wolf with it."


    Edel teased the hero making a snide remark. She wasn't going to listen to her words, but she would surely get her revenge for it later.


    "White crows are quite strange. Very beautiful."


    "Well, this is how it's gonna go."

    The hero quickly clasped her hands over her head and caught the mysterious crow. The white crow screamed and struggled, but the hero firmly held it, preventing it from escaping. It was a familiar white crow. Even its beak was white.

    "You damn crow. You seem to be in a really good mood sitting on someone's head. If you're going to imitate a dove, I'll strangle and roast you like one right now!"

    "Coo, coowugh, coowujh ──G-Geez! H-Hey!"

    "Noisy. How dare you talk to me like I'm some kind of crow."

    "W-Wait a second, let's talk about this──"

    The hero grabbed the crow by the neck and threw it up into the sky with great force. And the crow, screaming, flew away to distant lands, far, far away.

    Strongly clapping her hands, the hero prepared to leave.

    "Well, now that we're refreshed, let's get out of here. Lulurile, today's your treat!"

    "...... Errr."

    "Were, you just talking to a bird?"

    "She undoubtedly was. I have never seen a talking crow before. I would really like to capture it and study it."

    Matari looked up at the sly in a daze.

    "There's no such thing as a talking crow. Stop talking nonsense and get ready!"

    "No, I'm definitely sure you were talking with it right now, weren't you?"

    Matari decided to bite.

    "It's not surprising that in an age with talking demons, there'd be talking crows. But I don't know, and I don't care."

    "W-Well, you might be right...... No, I still think it's strange."

    "You just reminded me, Matari. I need to go to the weapons shop, so show me the way. I need a new sword. The blade's ruined because of that wolf."

    "Is it ruined already? You just bought it the other day."


    The hero showed off her sword. 

    The blade had been broken off and rendering it useless; although, it could be used as a bludgeon, the core was also cracked and could break at any time. But all things considered, it really was a fine sword to be able to hold out against Ramsey's blade until the end.

    "You're right, it really is ruined. Then, let's make our way to the weapons shop!"

    "I'll meet up with you guys after I stop by Benz's hideout. If I don't hurry up and take care of this, the people from the church will try and seize everything. I have to burn it down before it becomes a problem."

    Edel showed the hero a cloth bag. It was the bag that Benz had given her with the map and key at the end of their encounter. There was more than likely going to be a spectacle as or more tragic than Russ' at his hideout. The hero would like to refrain from doing so now, as her mental energy was all but exhausted, and barely had enough left to help.


    "All right then. Let's go!"

    "Ms. Matari, please wait. The weapon shop will not run away if we walk."

    As the hero was about to follow after Matari and Lulurile, a voice called out to her from behind. It was Edel, who was making a serious expression.

    "Hero-girl, can I talk to you for a second."


    "In his last moments...... What were you and Ramsey talking about?"

    The hero responded to Edel's question without looking back.

    "It wasn't anything important. I just listened to his last complaint."

    "...... Did he regret it?"

    "I don't know. No matter what choice you make, there's some things that leave you with nothing but regrets. But he was satisfied. To have died fighting. So, it's fine, isn't it."

    The hero remembered the look on Ramsey’s face as he passed and expressed her thoughts. The truth is, only Ramsey himself could truly know. There was no way others could understand the pain of his illness or the struggle in his mind.

    "...... Yes. Thank you for answering. I was very curious."

    "In any case, it's important to make your own choices for yourself in the end. Then, even if you regret it, you can at least find a little solace in that. I envy him."

    "...... Envy?"

    "He was able to choose his own place to die himself. S
omething I couldn't do, you know. Just because you win, that doesn't necessarily mean you’ll be well."

    "You say that as if it's an experience from the past."

    "Well, I wouldn't know. Because I lost my memories."

    The hero smiled wickedly, dodging the subject.

    Matari turned around and beckoned to her with an energetic wave.

    Raising her hand, the hero began to walk again.


    Heroes still have regrets. Hers wasn’t that she became a hero, nor was it her decision to fight alone. The only thing the hero still regretted — she died in the wrong place.

    In the battle against the Demon King, both sides fought for their lives, beyond the limits of their minds, bodies, and souls. It was a fight to the death which could have gone either way. In the end, the hero won, and the Demon King lost. However, the Demon King seemed satisfied in his defeat. He had a look on his face that said he was finally free of everything. 

    But on the other hand, the triumphant hero was left with nothing but emptiness after her elation. She thought something would change if she defeated the Demon King. She really believed so, but nothing did. The hero could have died in that battle. No, they should have fought and died together. Then, the story of the hero would have ended happily ever after.

    The hero took a deep breath to mask her dark mood.

    Looking up at the sky, she saw a white crow with its wings spread, comfortably gliding above. Adventurers around them looked up in curiosity, and some of them even began to pray in trepidation. This time, it seemed not to be a dove's cry, but that of a nightingale. It flew around with a proud face, slowing down and speeding up repeatedly as if to mess with the humans.

    "...... Bird-face is still the same; carefree as ever. So am I. I guess humans and birds can't change so easily.

    The hero exhaled loudly and quickly walked toward Matari and the others.


    ──Two weeks had passed since the incident with Benz. The hero and the others have been exploring the labyrinth, steadily making good progress, they reached the forty-eighth floor. Since the hero said she didn't want to go back and explore the previous floors, they resumed their exploration from the forty-second level, where Benz had ambushed them. They made sure never to push themselves. If their strength was exhausted, they didn't hesitate to retreat. And once they recovered, they would challenge it again. Never push yourself, rest, and try again when you’re ready.

    The speed of their progress was solely dependent on Matari's physical strength. At the moment, they had two main objectives. To train Matari and make money. Since the hero was limiting the strength of her attacks, Matari would inevitably run into situations where she would have to lead the attack. But even Matari, who was confident in her physical strength, couldn't withstand the constant strenuous battles, and when they returned above ground, she would be left exhausted and languid.

    She still had a long way to go before she could consciously activate her berserker state, and still ignored their words during battle. And the recoil of the berserker state was seemingly intense, and the wear and tear on her mind and body were remarkable. But now, she was at least capable of distinguishing friend from foe, which was already a tremendous improvement. The hero praised her for that, though for that alone, as there was nothing else praiseworthy, she's accomplished so far. But regardless, Matari looked to be really happy, so that was a good thing. Edel and Lulurile smirked at the sight, but the hero had completely ignored them.

    The types of demons that appeared still mostly consisted of demonic plants. Occasionally, unusually large insects would appear, and Matari would desperately hold back her desire to scream before going berserk. 

    Matari seemed to not be good with insects. Dark places, ghosts, bugs were all a no-go. And the fact that despite that, she still took on the labyrinth amazed the hero. But she indifferently cut them apart; insect bodily fluids, along with pieces and the like rained down onto the four of them.

    This time Edel was the one to scream. She didn't want her pink robes to be painted a disgusting green with their blood. On the other side of the spectrum, there are those who like to collect the remains of insects. They're a perverse scholar named Lulurile. She would gleefully pick up legs and feathers from corpses. She was a different breed of people that you'd want to avoid, in a different sense from the necromancer.

    "Ah, I'm getting tired of hunting bugs. Our bags are almost full, too."

    "Yes, we've gathered quite a few parts that can be used as research material. I'm planning to grind them up and make a prototype strength enhancing drug. I would definitely like if Ms. Matari would try it."

    Lulurile showed Matari the legs from an insect. Clutching one in each hand, she looked like a praying mantis. Her new round glasses shone with a suspicious light.

    "...... I-I'll just take your sentiment."

    "I'll tell you right now. I don't want it."


    "I see. I understand. I won't force you to do something you don’t want to."

    Lulurile was disappointed, but she probably hadn’t given up. The corners of her mouth were slightly lifted.

    "Jackie also seems sleepy, so I think it’s time for us to go home. Half a day of exploring is more than enough."

    Jackie yawned as he put their stuff down on the ground.

    When the hero tossed one one of the fried beans she had brought into his mouth while he was yawning, he began to cough violently. He was an interesting creature. She thought he was going to get angry, but when he made a strange noise, he started happily chewing the bean.

    "Oou, Oou!"

    "...... A Monkey?"

    "Ah, ah!"

    Jackie made strange noises like that of a monkey. Even though he was dead, the hero thought he was a strange character. He's a demon, but he didn't seem like one at all. The hero couldn't help but feel powerless seeing his gestures. It would be hard to harbor any murderous intent towards such a creature.

    When the hero threw another bean at him, he performed a great leap into the air and caught the bean in his mouth. After repeating this for a while, the beans all disappeared. And Jackie patted his belly looking very satisfied.

    "You look like you're having fun, hero-girl. This is unusual for you who hates demons to death."

    "Is this thing really a demon and not some kind of monkey?"

    "He's a real demon. But isn't he cute and charming?

    "...... I'’d have to disagree."


    When the hero turned away, she saw Matari sitting on the ground. She was staggering, and looked as if she was about to fall down.

    "I'm so tired today. I feel like I'm the only one who's been fighting."

    "I am sorry, but it is Ms. Hero’s education policy. As they say, 'If you love your children, send them out into the world."

    "Matari looks so exhausted. I guess it can't be helped since she's been working so hard. Why don't you try helping her a little more?"

    "What are you pampering her for. I’m not only covering her, but I’m also healing her after battle. If I got serious, then it wouldn't be training. Practice makes perfect, s
he needs ingrain it into her body as if her life depends on it. This repetition is the fastest way to get stronger."

    "You really are an ogre."

    Lulurile nodded knowingly.

    "I don't care if I'm an ogre. If you've got the energy to whine, use that energy to kill as many demons as you can instead! The next time you say you're tired, I'll kick your ass!"


    At the hero's curt dismissal, Matari stood up in arbitration. It was a vigor that made it seem as if she was about to bow. 
Matari essentially listened to the words of the hero obediently. This is probably because she herself is aware of her gradual improvement. After all, not even the hero would be naive enough to teach someone who couldn't comprehend what they were being told.

    "Hm, it's difficult having a strict teacher. I wonder if this is a roundabout way of saying she cares."

    As Edel teased her, the hero fought back.

    "Hmph, I'm just making an investment now to make things easier later. I'd at least want her to be strong enough to trust her with my back."

    "I'll do my best! Please leave your behind to me!"

    "It's nice to be young. Isn't that right, Jackie?"


    When Edel asked for his opinion, Jackie nodded his head in agreement.

    The hero once again thought that he really was a strange creature. Maybe Jackie, under the pinkish influence of his master, would eventually mutate into something indicative of Edel's tastes and become the Pink Fairy. She could imagine it; Pinky dressed as a fairy and a flock of pink Jackies rushing towards the hero. The hero shook her head violently to forcibly banish the frightening image from her head.

    "Did you just imagine something interesting just now? If you do not mind, you can tell me secretly, as I am a hero researcher."


    "...... Go wipe your round-lenses."

    Ever since the Benz incident, Lulurile has lost all sense of reserve. Her feelings towards sorcerers also seemed to have improved from 'hating them to death,' to 'hating them as pests.' She even told Edel this with a refreshed smile on her face, causing Edel's face to twitch in a way the hero had never seen before. It didn't seem she had completely mended her ways, but if she was convinced, it was alright. She didn’t want to get into it, as it would probably be too tiring.

    Back on the ground, Edel and Lulurile were accompanying the Hero and Matari to the Warriors Guild today. They said they wanted to give their earnings to Matari who worked the hardest. But, this was just a guise for their true intentions. In actuality, they just wanted to have some drinks at the Warriors Guild, which had the appearance of a tavern.

    Once the group cleaned the dirt from their armor and performed maintenance on their weapons, they sat down at the counter and began to drink. 

    As the cold alcohol moistened her dry throat, the hero raised a refreshed cry.

    "Ahh, this is great! This is just what you need after a battle! It really soothes my parched throat."

    "You're probably the only one who makes such a big deal out of apple wine you know."

    Rob poured more drinks in amazement. He was acting as the master of the bar. If he really felt like it, he could make this his full-time job whenever he pleased.

    "What? Do you have a problem with other people's preferences?"

    "Not at all. It's a great honor that the drink I served is suited to the hero's taste."

    "Fufu, just give a child something sweet and they’ll be in a good mood without causing trouble."

    "Oh, I'll have an apple wine too. When you're tired, there's nothing better than something sweet!"

    "Me as well, please. Sweets are the best way to stimulate the mind."

    "Good grief. You're like children."

    After Rob poured each of them a glass of apple wine, he turned to the hero.

    "By the way, I have a few questions for you guys."

    "I can't answer your question about how to become a hero. There can be only one hero. There's no need for a second or a third! Because I'm the hero!"

    The hero laughed wickedly with a slightly red face. She seemed to be more tired than usual, and as a result, got drunk faster than usual.

    "That's not even close! When did I ever say that!?"

    "So Rob doesn't want to be a hero. I see, I see."

    "I don't want to be. I'm not cut out for fighting for world peace."

    Being strongly denied, the hero felt somewhat empty, and drank her apple wine in one gulp to distract herself.

    "Then what is it?"

    "...... Do you guys know a man named Benz? He's a priest who runs a reputable clinic in this town."

    "I don't know him."

    The hero feigned ignorance.

    "The Star Church just announced that he died a brutal death. And since there's no one to inherit it, the clinic is going to be closed. It was a place that left its doors open for the poor, but it can't be helped. This world’s a cruel one."

    "Oh, really?"

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    Matari looked away with her mouth in a straight horizontal line. She seemed to be the type of person who couldn't tell a lie. But the hero showed no interest, it was of no importance.

    "So, why am I telling you this? I heard the female assistants at the clinic were screaming, 'Benz was killed by a girl who called herself a hero.' I just had a hunch, so I thought I’d ask.”

    "Oh, yeah? I don't know anything."

    "Well, it's not like it matters anyway. The church thought these women had gone mad and locked them up. And apparently, they aren't making this incident public."

    "They are not making the incident public? That is a little concerning."

    Lulurile muttered, and Rob nodded in response and continued.

    "There's also rumor that the inquisition raided Benz's clinic, a supposed devout priest. That’s awfully suspicious, don’t you think?"

    The hero thought for a moment about how to respond. She didn't know to what extent those of the Star Church were aware of Benz's crimes, but she was sure they had already decided to keep everything in the dark. And even if she told Rob the truth right here and now, he probably wouldn't believe her. That was just the way of the world.

    "Also, Ramsey, who was being treated at Benz' clinic, disappeared. His whereabouts are currently unknown. I don't know what happened to him, but as far as the Swordsmen Guild is concerned, they're finished."

    According to Rob, everyone apart of the Swordsmen Guild was aiming to become officers in various countries. There weren’t many amongst them who wanted to run a guild. Apparently, the higher-ups of the Star Church suggested they might be integrated with the Warriors Guild in the near future. Some of the more spirited people in the Swordsmen Guild were trying their best to get things going, but without a master, there was nothing they could do.

    "You should be happier that your business rival has been crushed."

    "Don't be ridiculous. How could you be happy winning a war you didn’t struggle to win? I wanted a fair fight with that Ramsey guy. I'm just disappointed with the way things've turned out."

    Rob frowned and spat.

    The hero couldn't tell if he meant what he said, but she thought that he wasn't so bad. Resting her cheek, the hero complimented him.

    "That’s a good point. I'll buy you a drink as a reward. You can have all the alcohol you want today, you can drink all you want today!"

    "Drink whatever I want? This is my liquor! Well, I'll just take that as a sign of your goodwill. You seem to be in a good mood."

    Rob tried to pour himself a drink, but the hero forcibly took the bottle from him.

    "Don't be so slow. Come on, do it all at once!"

    "H-Hey, hey!"

    Taking out a freshly washed mug without permission, she poured a generous amount of strong alcohol into it. And then, she slammed it down with a bang. Rob's face twitched violently.

    "H-Hero. Are you drunk? Your energy doesn't feel the same as usual──"

    "I'm not drunk! Come on, look at me. I'm not drunk at all!"

    "Y-Your face is red, and you smell like alcohol. Even though you've only been drinking apple wine."

    "It's amazing how drunk she got just off of that alone. That's a kind of talent."

    "Let us closely observe her just in case. It is rare for her to be in such high spirits."

    "Ah, this is getting fun. Today might be a good day!"

    The mood of the hero rose. Compared to being alone, bickering with these  dummies wasn't so bad. That was how she really felt.

    "I don't get it at all. What do you mean?"

    "Don't take any of their drunken bullshit seriously. They’ll forget about it all tomorrow. In a situation like this, all you have to say is 'yeah, yeah,' and go with the flow."

    "Those are wise words."

    Though, their frivolous words never reached the ears of the hero.

    As she continued to drink alcohol in a good mood, the door to the guild opened. A young man with a brand-new set of armor and a fine sword appeared: Excel. When the hero involuntarily looked at him, he approached with a smile.

    "Oh, everyone, I came at the right time! I was actually looking for you!"

    "Hey, Excel. What happened to that job I offered you last time!?"

    Rob yelled at him, but Excel laughed with a "Ha ha ha," as if to hide the fact that he messed up.

    "Ah, I quit because I wasn't making much money. I don't think I'm cut out to be a warehouse guard. A sober job like that doesn't suit me. As a man, you should always dream big. I mean, we're in the labyrinth city. I don't think I'll be able to quit being an adventurer after all."

    Rob let out a deep and sincere sigh at Excel's carefree words.

    "You're gonna have to take care of your kids that are going to be born. And to top it all off, there’s three of them. What’s going to happen if something happens to you? Even if you have to put up with──"

    "I don't want to be tied down. And I think they understand that. In any case, I can only live by my sword alone!"

    As the idiot's words penetrated the ears of the hero, her good mood began to gradually worsen. She thought about hitting him with all her might but refrained, it would be a waste of her strength. It's his life, and he can live it the way he wants. People should be free to live as they like and die as they like. Although it would be a pity for his children, there was nothing anyone could do. There is a worldly misfortune called not having the freedom to make your own choices; therefore, the hero believed she was fortunate to be able to do as much.

    "Do what you want. I don't know what's right for you. It's your life, so do as you want with it."

    " Of course! That’s why, I've found a great gig, and I'm here to let you all in on it!"

    Excel looked at the hero and spoke to her. It seems he really wanted to drag her in.

    To emphasize that the hero wanted no part of it, she turned away and began to savor her wine. He was ruining her fun.

    "What kind of job is it?"

    The good-mannered Matari asked politely.

    "Actually, the day when the orcs who live in the middle levels of the labyrinth gather to hold a banquet is coming soon. So, I decided to try and bag some orc flowers that only bloom at this time of year."

    "You dumbass! It would be insane to waltz in there with the banquet so close. Orcs are most ferocious before the banquet. Even the most seasoned veterans think twice about even going near their domain. I’m sorry, but if you really cherish your life, you'd best not do this!"

    "Don't worry. I heard that at last year's banquet, the raiding party used a clever strategy, and everyone ended up surviving. They sold a bag full of orc flowers and got rich overnight.  But it apparently takes a lot of people to throw the orcs into disarray, so they agreed to let me join them. So that's why I've come to invite you all, hoping that you would join us!"

    Excel gave a smooth-tongued explanation.

    Edel and Lulurile weren't particularly interested, and Matari was at a loss for a response. Of course, the hero was slightly curious, but she wasn't troubled with money, so she had no reason to participate. However, she didn't know what an orc flower was, so the hero asked about it.

    "Hey, what's an orc flower?"

    "Well, I mean, it's... how should I put it? I-It's kind of hard for me to explain."

    Matari couldn't explain it clearly, as her face had turned red, and she began to mumble.

    "They are white flowers that bloom only in orc nests. And are cultivated so that they bloom right as the banquet draws near; thus, can only be harvested during this period. It is also quite rare, so the demand for them is substantially high."

    "That’s no good Lulu. You need to explain it meticulously, and in a particular fashion."

    Edel, who had been waiting for this, began to explain. Her face was like a child who had just found a new toy.

    The hero had a bad feeling about this, but now there was nothing she could do.

    "Each flower can be sold for one gold coin each. And if you happen to bring a bunch at once, you join the ranks of the rich overnight."

    "...... Wow. it really must be a great flower."

    "You're probably wondering why they sell for so much. Would you like to know? Of course you want to know. Why, it's only a flower. You've got a curious look on your face."

    "No, I actually don't──"

    Edel quickly opened her mouth and interrupted the hero attempting to stop her. Her smooth tongue showed no signs of stopping.

    "The orc flower is a plant used by the orcs as a stimulant during their banquets'. When a human takes it, they feel a sense of euphoria. However, it's true value lies elsewhere. If you use it before you have sex, you'll reach the highest level of heavenly bliss upon climax. It's apparently so great that the feeling seers your brain. I’ve heard once you get a taste, you become addicted, unable to live without it."

    Pinky looked very happy with herself.

    The hero averted her gaze. She had a bad feeling, and it turned out to be warranted. For some reason, whenever it came to such topics, this woman always targeted the hero. She must think of her as a child, wanting to tease her. But the hero had no retort. She decided that it was best to leave it be and ignore her.

    "...... Oh."

    The hero looked away to emphasize that she wasn't interested.

    "My, my, you're blushing, hero-girl. I wonder if it’s too early to talk about this with a child like you."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."


    If she reacted in any way, it would make her happy, so the hero remained silent. Edel probably had a very proud look on her face. And when she glanced over, it was exactly as she expected.

    "Is it really that expensive because of an effect like that?"

    "Yes, and it is all because of those who get addicted. It is as Ms. Edel said, people become wholly absorbed by it, and it turns people into monkeys for an entire day."

    Lulurile calmly answered Matari's question.

     "The market price for orc flowers is constantly rising gradually. The supply can't keep up with the demand. Stupid aristocrats all over the world are trying to buy them up. I wonder if that’s just because of how much they’re enjoying themselves. Right, hero-girl?"

    "How the hell would I know!? And why are you specifically asking me about this stuff!?"

    When the hero screamed out involuntarily, Edel smiled with a look of satisfaction on her face. The hero who was baited by the provocation, ruffled her hair and drank her wine.

    Matari, in a panic, interrupted, seemingly trying to help the hero.

    "M-Maybe they just want to have kids."

    "I don't think so. I think they just want to shake their hips like monkeys. You should be careful, Matari. You don't want to be deceived by some bad guy into taking some strange drug. I guess I don't need to tell you, Lulu."

    "Even without drinking it, you can often tell if it has been tampered with by its scent. Do not underestimate a scholar."

    "...... Why do only Matari and Lulurile need to be careful?"

    "Well, I guess there are people with certain kinks out there, so you should be careful too hero-girl. But I'm sure you'll be fine."

    Edel scanned her body, starting from her head, and the hero didn't miss her gaze stopping at her chest. She will never forget the sigh and pitying glance she gave her.

    "I like women like you, Hero. Petite girls are easier to hold, and the more aggressive they are, the wilder they are in bed──"

    Rob hurriedly covered Excel's mouth. He was seemingly the first to notice the fist of the hero clenched with a lust for blood. After she lost her momentum, she took a look at everyone around her and spat out a bitter statement.

    "Enough of this damn stupid sex-talk! I'm going back first. I can't handle this pink nymphomaniac and this rotten breeding-horse. Feel free to talk as much as you want, alone!"

    "If you're interested, I can tell you all about it in private. About this kind of stuff and that kind of stuff. Ah, but I'm not really into those kinds of things. I’m just going to teach you some common knowledge. If you want the orc flower, you'll have to work hard to get it yourself."

    "What are you implying!? I'm not into that kind of stuff either, you brainless pink bitch!"

    "Fufu, you're not as sharp as you usually are. You seem quite upset."


    When the hero grit her teeth, Matari attempted to soothe her.

    "Please calm down, Hero. Come on, take a deep breath."

    "If you are interested, the Scholars Guild has some in stock. Would you like me to bring one?"

    "I told you I don't need it! You grimy round-eyes!"

    Even Lulurile was riding off of Edel's antics. 

    The hero only grew angrier.

    "Well then, now that the mood’s up, let's go home. I'll leave you guys to it. And you, just give it up, you don't have a chance this time. A man needs to know when to give up."

    Edel flicked Excel's forehead with her finger and quickly left the guild, followed by Lulurile.

    "They have some nerve saying whatever they want and just up and leaving… you hags! I'm going to chase you down and make you pay!"

    The hero kicked her chair and chased after Edel, and as Matari tried to follow, she hurried to take out her wallet.

    "W-Wait for me! Ah, Rob, the bill──"

    "Save it for next time. I'll put it on your tab, so you'd better get after them, or they'll leave you behind."

    "Th-They're already gone!? Please don't leave me, you three!"

    After seeing off the adulterous quartet, Excel, who was left dumbfounded, muttered.

    "They're still like a storm. Always so lively and fun."

    "I can't stand the noise....... But they're good at what they do. I'd say they're probably one of the top five groups in Arte. I'm sure of it. It would be problematic if you became their enemy."

    "R-Really? They're that strong?"

    "That's right. And never do anything that would make our hero-girl angry again. She's not all talk. Her strength is real. And you don't want to be the one who's beaten half to death for underestimating her."

    "It's fine. For some reason, she’s helped me before. And besides, isn't she a sweet girl? I'd like to be in a group with her just once. I want to see how she fights with my own eyes."

    "...... Do whatever you want, but I've warned you. And if you're really going after the orc flowers, leave a suicide note for your family."

    "Come on, don't say unlucky things like that, Rob. I'm not gonna die! There's still so much in life I want to experience!"

    Excel grinned and downed his drink.

    With a sigh, Rob began to clean up the mess that the hero and co had left behind.


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  2. Thank you for the chapter, i really love the novel from this author
