Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Maiden Called Hero or Monster - Final Chapter - For Me to be Me

    ── The Great Barrier had vanished.

    The horrifying news was immediately delivered to Pope Elena. But that was not all. Terrible news had also come in that the demons had begun a mass migration from the labyrinth's lowest depths. With every demon they passed assimilating into their army, the horde was on a march towards the earth. Elena speculated it to be the work of Ilgachev who had gained the power of the Star Sphere. The disappearance of the Great Barrier and the invasion of earth by the demons. The timing was too impeccable to believe it to be a mere coincidence. This meant that Ikona and the others had met their ends. Any other inquisitors sent would most likely be slain as well.

    Bishop Nikarag who was in the conference room was left unable to utter a word, and the other Church officials' faces were lined with dread as if the world was about to end. Naturally, Elena felt the same way, but she had to take countermeasures as their superior. Research regarding the Great Barrier was being conducted for such an eventuality, but it was still far from practical use. At its current level, it would be impossible for it to stop the demons. It would be a completely different story if she had the grimoire in Reken’s possession.

    As a decision was made, Elena’s mouth opened solemnly.

    "...... How much time do we have until the demons appear on the surface?"

    "According to adventurers who managed to return, they encountered the horde on the sixtieth floor. Assuming they continue moving without rest, the first of the demons will likely surface at dawn."
    Timor stated excluding wishful thinking.

    This was a man who faced demons countless times and won. He has witnessed with his very own eyes just how fast they can move. Timor's judgment was safe to be trusted.

    "That fast?"

    "Yes. Anything commonsensical cannot be applied to them -- they are not human. So, I propose we establish a defensive line around the perimeter of the labyrinth square immediately. The quicker we act, the stronger it will be. We should move while we still can today."

    "Okay. Timor, lead La Florencia and begin constructing a defensive line around the square; and, call upon the guilds to muster volunteers. We are going to need a lot of men."

    "Elena, I have one request to ask of you. I would like permission to recruit soldiers from the Church to create a suicide squad. Placing them throughout the upper floors of the labyrinth will buy us some time."

    ". . . . . . . . . . . . You have my permission."

    "Thank you. Those who volunteer for the suicide squad will surely be granted salvation by our Star God."
    Timor's mouth twisted into a fanatical grimace.

    Even if no one volunteered, they would be forced to go. Well aware of that, Elena gave her permission. They needed every second they could get to form their defensive line.

    After watching Timor leave, Elena gave Nikarag an order.

    "Nikarag. You are to evacuate the residents quickly. This whole city will probably become a battlefield, and I want to minimize collateral damage as much as possible. At the same time dispatch messengers to the other nations in request of reinforcements. If I’m not mistaken, troops from the Yuuz Kingdom and the Keyland Empire are stationed nearby."

    "Yes, they have come to pay their respects to Lady Elena. Though their troop is not that large; In addition to that, we will owe a great debt to the other nations. Are you okay with this?"

    Elena nodded emphatically at Nikarag's cautionary words.

    "All responsibility for this lies with me. Right now, with our current predicament we need as many people as we can possibly muster.”

    "Yes, my Lady. I will dispatch the messengers at once."

    "...... And, as a last resort, I will inject all the magic essence under our possession into the Magic Essence Condenser and make it explode."

    This was a tool capable of condensing magic essence and infusing it into various materials. It was with such a device they were able to produce the many excellent magic tools that brought great wealth to the Church. If a larger-than-permissible amount of magic essence was deliberately fed into it and made to go out of control, it would produce an extraordinary force. It should be easy enough to wipe out the invading demons with it.

    "P-Please think for a second. If you do that, it is liable to wipe out Arte!"

    One of the Church officials shouted in bewilderment, but Elena laughed their reaction off as ridiculous.

    "It would be better for this city to perish than for demons to be allowed to roam the earth again. But, I will do everything within my power to prevent that from happening. Nikarag, once preparations are complete I want you to evacuate as well. If anything happens to me, I want you to take charge as acting Pope."

    "Don't be ridiculous! Lady Elena, you must retreat to the periphery and take command from there!"

    Elena controlled the raging Nikarag with a raised hand.

     "Admonishing believers until the day they die is my mission as Pope....... Nothing can be done now that the situation has escalated to such a degree. The Pope cannot be the first to run away. It could serve to be a severe detriment to morale."


    "All is well....... Everything is as the Star God wills."
    Elena took out the drugs she had hidden in her pocket and gulped them down in a large quantity. It was the same tranquilizer that Klau had forbidden her from taking. Bitterness spread in her mouth, and she could feel the anxiety in her mind slowly dissipate, and her mind gradually reach calm.  If she did not do this, the heavy burden and tremendous pressure would crush her.

    "You really are persistent, Matari. I can’t call myself a hero if I don't fight now. Expecting me to run away when the demons are this close is a joke!”

    "Your body is in no condition to fight right now and you know that. If you suddenly lose consciousness in the middle of battle, you’ll die this time."

    "I won't die until I've destroyed the demons. I’m a hero. Even if they cut me down I’ll take them out with me."

    "Absolutely not!"
    Matari stood in front of the door with her arms outstretched, and the hero was already in her armor, ready for battle.

    While they were out gathering information, the Star Church had called for an evacuation of Arte and for the recruitment of volunteer soldiers. Hearing this, the hero smiled fearlessly and suddenly began making preparations; and so, Matari rushed to stop her. Lulurile and Edel silently watched the situation unfold from the beginning. Matari wanted them to help persuade her, but they don’t seem intent on joining her. She could feel herself crumbling.

     "You're going to join the defensive too, aren't you? If we don’t fight, there'll be a lot of civilian casualties. There's no way you and your brashness would just sit by and watch all hell break loose."

    "Yes, I have a responsibility as a member of the Arte family. Above all, I want to protect the city where I was born and raised. So I'm going to meet up with Rob and help build a defensive line."

    "Then we're done talking. I'll help out too. You said the demons are coming up from the labyrinth, right? I'm gonna kill every last one of them."

    "I appreciate your concern, but I don't intend to take a sick person with me. You’re being bothersome, so please wait outside. I'll fight for you."

    When Matari harshly shut her down, the expression on the face of the hero changed.

     "...... Hey, I’ll hit you if you get cocky. The purpose of my life has only been to kill demons. It's been that way long before you were even born. I will not tolerate anyone who gets in the way of that. Even you. If you get that, then get out of my way!"
    The hero directed her fierce hostility towards Matari.

    It was her first time doing something like this. Her body trembled and her legs involuntarily froze, but she desperately endured. She could not lose her ground.

    "I won't."

    "I said get the hell out of my way!"

    "I can't do that."

    "I'm really going to hit you!"

    "If you're going to do it, then do it!"


    "Grit your teeth, Boar. Prepare yourself!”
    The hero raised her fist, and Matari glared at her with eyes undeterred. This fist had the power to pulverize a demon in a single blow. If she hit her seriously, there was nothing that could be done. But despite that, she kept her gaze forward.
    The fist still did not drop. The hero was furious, but on the verge of it she hesitated with biting lips. Edel took her fist from behind, and Lulurile approached quietly with something clutched in her hand.

    "Why don't you calm down a little? Come on, don't be so angry. Mood swings like that aren't good for your health."

    "Don't treat me like I'm sick! Because right now──"

    "I don't think that’s necessary. Because right now, you're going to sleep."

    "What the hell are you talking about?"

    At Edel's strong statement, the enraged hero turned around.

    At that moment, Lulurile shot something out of a transparent tube. As soon as a mysterious mist fell upon the face of the hero, she suddenly began to stagger.

    Matari rushed to support her body; she could see that the hero was in anguish.

    "W-what d-did, you do to me──"

    "This is a hypnotic sprayer developed collaboratively between Ms. Edel and me. We knew that Ms. Hero had no immunity to poison. But this seems to be quite potent."

    The hero had powerful healing magic, but she seemingly could not neutralize poisons. This was evident when she was poisoned in the battle against Russ, she forcefully treated herself by gouging out the flesh of her arm.

    "This was the only way we could think of to control our selfish girl. I didn't want to do this, but..."

    "But you didn't have to go this far. I'm sure she would've listened if you just talked to her!"

    "I doubt it. This girl won't ever stop. Because she's a hero. If we’re going to stop her, we’re going to have to forcibly restrain her."

    When Matari looked back at the hero, she saw she had drawn her sword and was about to slit her own stomach.

    "──Wh-What the hell are you doing!?"

    "I-I said, don’t get in my way."

    It seemed that she was trying to counteract the drowsiness with an equally potent pain.

    They were too naive in their thinking. If something like this could stop her, then she would never have been able to defeat the Demon King alone. There was no way words alone would have ever stopped her.

    "Don't do something stupid!"

    "S-Shut up. I’m, going my own way!"

    "──You have no idea what you’re saying!!"

    Matari slammed her fist into the hero's medulla, and the dazed hero let out a short groan and finally quieted down.

    "I didn't expect her to try and stab herself in the stomach. She really changes color when it comes to demons."

    "As expected, she did something beyond my calculations. I tried to make a prediction considering her previous behavior, but I could not have foreseen this. This will serve as food for reflection."

    Lulurile checked the condition of the hero. The drug certainly seemed to have worked.

    "...... In any case, I can relax now. I'll be able to go without being held back... Hero. If I make it back alive, I’ll apologize plenty then."

    "Matari. In moments like these, you must always declare that you will come back alive."

    Hearing Lulurile's advice, Matari could not help but smile. She was right, but Matari did not want to make a promise she could not keep.

    "...... You're right. I'll do my best."

    Matari gave the sleeping hero to Edel. She needed to be taken elsewhere. To somewhere as safe as possible. Edel had apparently asked Limoncy to bring a carriage for them, which should be arriving soon. Silca and Colon were arranged to go with them as well.

    "Well, Edel, Lulurile, I should get going. I need to help Rob and the others. Please, take care of Hero."

    Only Matari was planning on joining the front as a volunteer soldier. She couldn’t ask Edel and Lulurile to die with her. They might be her friends, but they had their own lives to lead. If they join this fight, they will die. On the contrary, the hero, who wanted to fight, is different from them. The hero has fought more than enough in her own time. Even after being abandoned and betrayed by her comrades, she fought to the bitter end. So now, it was up to Matari, who was born in this era, to fight. She wanted the hero to live happily in a peaceful world. She hoped with all her heart that she could. This was both her wish and her selfishness.

    "I will join you on the way. I have business at the Scholars Guild beforehand."

    "Then, I'll take care of our hero-girl. There’s no point in trying to stop you now is there?"

    Edel asked, and meeting her eyes, Matari nodded affirmingly.

     "I'm sorry. Even if I was disowned, I am still of the Arte family. I must atone for the sins of my people. There's no doubt that my brother Reken is behind the disappearance of the Great Barrier. As soon as I find him, I'll take care of him."

    The dispersal of the Great Barrier around the labyrinth. There is no way Reken did not know the consequences of such an act. Surely he must have hidden intentions of some kind.
   Initially, she thought the purpose of his actions were to show the value of his existence. But, when she had opened the box Reken had given her, she fell into a stupor. Inside was a grimoire that Reken valued more than life itself. Matari knew how hard he had worked to inherit it. So why would he leave such a treasure to the very child he disowned, Matari? She could not understand. In any case, Matari needed to find him and find out. She would press him to rebuild the Great Barrier, and if he refused – she would cut him down on the spot. That was what Matari, in whom the blood of Arte flows, has to do. The sins of the brother would be atoned for by the sister. As siblings, this was only natural.

    "You shouldn't worry so much about your brother. If you die pushing yourself,  hero-girl will be sad."

    "I know that. But I've made up my mind. In Hero's place, I'll kill, kill, and kill the demons. Until I run out of strength.”

    "...... Matari."

     Perhaps Edel had given up trying to persuade her, but she was not going to hold her back any longer. Matari clenched the hand of the sleeping hero. Her hand was cold to the touch.

    "... Hero. Thank you for everything. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be in this world anymore....... I really am eternally grateful. It wasn't long, but the time we spent together was really a lot of fun."

    There was no answer from the hero.
    Matari smiled, "You’ll be fine. It'll all be okay soon. In a peaceful world, the hero will be able to live happily ever after. This time, you'll get a happy ending. I’m not sure why, but I just have that feeling."

    Holding back something that was about to spill out, Matari slowly let go of her hand.

     "...... Don't throw away your life. People don’t come back after they die. Miracles are that for a reason."

    She must have been referring to the resurrection spell of the hero. Having understood, Matari nodded.

    "I understand. I won't die until the demons are wiped out. Because I'm a berserker recognized by a hero....... Let’s get together again when I get back safe and sound."

    Bidding farewell to Edell, Matari left the room with a red greatsword. Reken would surely appear as soon as the demons began their invasion of the earth. She would not let this opportunity slip through her fingers. No matter how it all ended, she was going to set things right.

    Clenching her fist, Matari affirmed her resolve.


    The Warriors Guild was quiet and still.

    When the Church issued a call for volunteers and an evacuation order for Arte's inhabitants, the majority of the Warriors Guild fled in droves. They had come to make a living and support their families. Not die as heroes saving the world. The only people left here were those tired of living and those with peculiarities. Such a curious bunch, the Guildmaster, Rob, and some veterans who had finished making preparations were having their last drinks together. Though, it was diluted with water to not affect their fighting capabilities. Once they finished these rounds, they would join the defensive line. Rob was waiting for Matari to arrive, but he was hoping she would never come.

    "Well, well, I never thought this'd happen while I was Guildmaster. Geez, why am I even here."

    Downing his drink all at one, he slammed it on the table with a sigh.

    Java poured a drink into the empty glass.

    "Well, guess I should just resign myself to bad luck. Bad things happen all the time, don't they?"

    "Listen to you. It really must be the end."

    At these words, Java poured more alcohol into his glass.

    "Hey Rob, you sure you want to volunteer for the defensive line? You've got a family."

    "I'm the Guildmaster, of course. If I run away, there wouldn't be any way to show for it. I've already had my family evacuated. How’bout you though, you're not gonna run away either?"

    "The cleric is in a good mood. We’ve been stuck together a long time, so I thought I'd go along for the ride. Looks like we’re gonna be together even when we die, man."

    When Java let out a mournful sigh, laughter leaked from those around him.

    "I'm sure things will work out. After all, we've got a hero in our guild. She’s scary when you make her mad though."

    "Yeah, we've got to make that little lady regret not being here, at least. Because she won't be the one to save this city, it'll be us."

    "That's the spirit....... All right, it's about time we got going. The demons won't just sit around waiting for us!"


    Rob and the remaining guild members raised their glasses, drank them down in one shot, and stood up with their trusted weapons in hand. Then Matari and Lulurile appeared.

    Matari wore an apologetic expression on her face.

    "Thank you for waiting! I’m sorry for the delay!"

    "You're too late. We've already made a toast to cheer everybody up."

    "If that's the case, I've already done it too, so don't worry!"

    A cheerful smile broke out on Matari's face.

    "That so?....... I'm sure there's no point in telling you to run away now, is there?"

    "I'm sorry, Rob."

    "What? All we have to do is win, then everything will be fine. We won’t lose to demons. I’ve killed plenty of them before. Well then, let's go, or the Church guys'll start getting rowdy."

    Rob and the others left the guild one by one with determination steeled on their faces. Only Matari and Lulurile, who had stopped by, were left at the scene.

    "Thank you for seeing me here. And thank you for everything──"

    "It is said that a companion is a person who cannot be abandoned in times of need. This was the sale of a certain hero. It is a pretty good saying, wouldn’t you say?"

    "...... Y-Yes. Well said."

    Lulurile laughed at Matari's puzzled expression.

    "So, I will fight too. Perhaps Edel will join us later as well. Because we are a twisted, crooked bunch with warped natures. Pitiful people who can’t be honest with themselves."

    "But, you don’t think we'll make it back alive, do you?"

    "I will not die. Or rather, I cannot afford to die. There is still much research to be done. Besides, this is a good opportunity to try out a new model."

    "...... Are you sure you want to do this?"

    "Of course. I have no emotional attachment to this town, but I do have an attachment to that house. That is reason enough to fight with my life."

    It seemed that not only Matari, but Lulurile as well liked living in that house. She did not know why, but for some reason, she was happy. She was sure that the hero would have been happy to hear those words too.

    "Okay. Shall we go together?"

     "I will head over after I give a morale-raising speech to the junior members of my guild. Plus, I have a rather large procurement I need to attain."


    Meanwhile, the Rangers Guild was being led by Klau and Bogan.

    They were setting lethal traps throughout the upper levels of the labyrinth to delay the demon invasion if even for a second longer. As the enraged demons were blindly advancing through the dark, there was no need to use any sophisticated tricks to hide them. A large number of simple but effective traps such as bows and arrows that fired upon stepping on a pressure plate, pitfalls with poisonous needles, a suspended ceiling and the likes were created and scattered about.

    "Head Mistress! We've set all the traps we brought with us!"

    "Alright then, get ready for withdrawal. Make sure we leave nothing behind!"

    "Aye! …Are you sure they're going to be okay? I don't think they're going to be enough to stop them."

    In the direction the subordinate pointed to with his chin, soldiers of the Order formed a line in front of the stairs with spears at the ready. Their legs trembled, and their faces were pallid. They were supposed to serve as a suicide squad in defense of the city, but their efforts would likely amount to nothing. Bogan felt the same, but he never spoke it aloud.

    "They have their own problems to worry about. We'll do everything we can from our end. Right, Klau?"

    "That's right. The only difference between us and them is that they'll die sooner, and we'll die later. So you better do what you want while you can, so you don't have any regrets."

    Klau ruffled her hair saying so.

    Bogan could not help but think that she was as excellent a woman as ever. Their children had already been evacuated and were entrusted to their subordinates. Whether or not they would get to see their faces again dampened on their own efforts. To get even more fired up, Bogan decided to confess his feelings to Klau. His intention was to stare in her eyes, but his eyes were drawn to her slightly exposed bosom. The sharp-eyed Klau stared back at him with a devilish-gaze.


    "What is it? If you're about to ask me to have sex with you in our last moments, I’ll whip you a hundred times here and now."

    Bogan stood bolt and upright denying it with all his might.

    "N-No, uh, what was it? Yes, I had something I wanted to say."

    "What's up with you being all serious now?"

    "...... I'm so glad to have met you. My beloved wife. If I'm reborn, I hope to be reunited with you."

    The moment Bogan started to confess with a straight face, everyone around burst into a musical frenzy. Whistling and shouting, the subordinates were all over the palace. Then, twisting at the waist, Klau slammed her fist into Bogan's face with everything she had. It was fast as lightning, leaving no time for him to react. He flipped over onto his back in slow motion and fell into a coma.

    "This isn't the time to be cracking jokes, you big idiot! Come on, you guys, get ready. We'll set up the perimeter when we get back. I'll beat anyone who dawdles!"

    "Aye! We're almost done mistress!"

    The members of the Rangers Guild resumed their work as if nothing had happened.

     Klau looked down at the still unconscious Bogan. Naturally, Bogan had told her, the master of the Rangers Guild, to evacuate along with their children. But Klau had refused, as she would not abandon Elena, who was like a sister to her. Though, she was still happy to hear his words. This battle was sure to be a war of attrition. And just who among them would be gone by the end? Would it be this fool, or would it be her? Or would they all die? Only God could know. But, if there was any faint glimmer of hope. It might be the girl Bogan was afraid of. The girl who slew Russ and Salvadore, and calls herself a hero. A hero who appears in a time of crisis and saves humanity from suffering like the heroes of fairy tales. What if that girl was a real hero? Klau laughed at her overly convenient thought and returned above ground with a transfer stone.


    Even though most of Arte's inhabitants were evacuating, the Paradise Pavilion was as busy as ever. However, customers seemed to be forcing themselves to smile. Even if they were fake they did what they could to keep themselves going; if they didn't, their spirits would not be able to withstand the weight. They had no home to return to, no family waiting for them, and they had no strength to fight as volunteers. This was the last place such adventurers with broken dreams chose to stay.

    The Master let out a sigh for the umpteenth time and addressed the helpless drunk in front of him.

    "Hey, why are you still here?"

    "I've got nowhere to go. I’m not the type of person to fight for the city, and I've got nowhere to run either. But this is a familiar place for me, you know? So, I’ve decided to protect this place till the end as a token of gratitude. I'm sure the rest of 'em feel that way too."

    The drunkard showed his white teeth asking if he could skip the bill.

    He would not have anything to lose if he died. At times like this, it is important to keep in a good mood. He had to pick himself up or he would collapse from fear.

    "I guess it can't be helped. Here, drink as much as you want. You guys can drink whatever you want, no need to be shy! Better to give it to you guys instead of the demons, right!?"

    An "Of course!" was returned from each table in response.

     "That's the master of the Paradise of Pavilion for ya. You know, that stupid big sign out front isn't all for show."

    "Shut up, you son of a bitch! Ugh, We were just getting started, and then this happens! I can't take this anymore!"

    Just as the tavern was getting off the ground, disaster struck. He had no energy left to run away and start all over now.

    "Ha, Ha, Ha! Such is life, Master. So, why haven't you run away yet, you fool?"

    "I'm not so far gone that I'd just leave my customers behind."

    "That's good.  Because everyone here'll fight to the end. In the meantime, you can escape while you can. At our level, we'll be able to hold 'em off."

    After one drunkard called out with a "Yeah!," a boisterous "Yeah, that's right!" followed. The Master could not help but feel a little cynical. They only have ever hunted Earth-Scraping rats but here they were acting arrogant, despite that, he endured the urge to respond with such sarcasm. As he knew it was all out of the kindness of their hearts. If the demons rushed inside, there would be no way to escape.

    "So, what's going on with Limoncy?"

    "She ran away a long time ago. Though she did have a bunch of kids with her, which is pretty out of character. Well, I'm sure even with that she'll manage."

    Limoncy had even hired a group of rugged escorts to push aside the crowds of evacuees. The Master was sure that someone as twisted as Limoncy would be able to escape without difficulty. Even if demons conquered the world, she would be the only one to survive.

    "Come to think of it, I wonder what that little hero-lady is doing. After she disappeared, things have gotten kinda lonely."

    "Who knows. Well, she's probably out there somewhere doing her best, don't you think? That’s what a hero does."

    The cheeky girl who called her room a birdcage and left. It would have been a lot of fun if that lively bunch was here. Were they standing on the front lines right now?

    The Master poured himself a glass of the finest wine they had, deciding to toast to the triumph of those girls he knew.

    The Labyrinth plaza was filled with a choking tension.

    Awaiting soldiers, clutching their weapons, had their eyes fixated on a single point. Sorcerers who had completed their chanting were now concentrating on sharpening their minds. A hastily constructed barrier stretched around the square; and taking advantage of their higher ground, earthen mounds were built to surround the plaza. The defensive line was set up overlooking the massive staircase serving as the Labyrinth’s entrance. Archers and sorcerers would rain down attacks from their superior position while the protective barrier would stall the demons advance.
    The temple-like structure in which the staircase lay had now been mined with simple spells and a large number of explosive traps. At the instance of the explosion, it would signal the start of the war. The Chruchs' elite army, La Florencia, was garrisoned on the boulevard leading to Arte's main gate making it the most important base of defense. Protocol would have them defend the residential districts until all residents could be evacuated; however, it was ultimately decided their top priority should be to keep the demons from entering Arte at all costs.


    A gasp could be heard; and with it, the sound of a loud bang resounded through the air. It was as if a gigantic hammer had been slammed into the gates of a castle. The ominous gradually grew louder. The rangers armed with longbows followed Klau's instructions and set fire to their arrows. The scholars prepared for the moment by equipping themselves with a new type of crossbow, which Lulurile developed herself. Lulurile acted as their spearhead taking command. Large quantities of oil and gunpowder were spread around the vicinity of the temple. The first wave of courageous and pitiful demons would surely meet explosive ends.

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    Matari stood behind the barrier holding her greatsword, waiting for it to begin.

    "I've already accepted that this is where I'll die. I'll deal with Reken as soon as he shows himself, and after that, all I’ll have to do is kill the demons... Hero, please be safe──"

    The sky began to turn white. Dawn has finally broken. The time had come for the demons to return to the earth.

    Matari closed her eyes as if in prayer. Then, as the sound of something crumbling could be heard, the building exploded. The temple was shattered into pieces and began to burn violently, set ablaze by oil that had been spread across it. Charred corpses were scattered about. Without seeing the light of day, these brave demons had died.
    From the labyrinth staircase now exposed by the collapse of the shrine, a crowd of demons  slowly emerged, trampling over the corpses of their fallen kin. The first to rise above the rubble was a giant man-eating troll, who stood with a battle-axe in hand. His hideous features contorted even more as he glared with a loathsome scowl at the rising sun.
    The troll lets out a deep howl. Following, his fellow demons raise a thunderous roar from underground, unleashing their rage that has been buried below the ground until now. Their screams echoed throughout the square, causing the inexperienced to cower.

    "Lady Elena, your orders!!"

    "All units, commence battle! May the Star god be with us!!"

    When Elena gave the order to attack, the commanders of the Churchs' soldiers responded in kind and shouted in anger.

    "Commence firing! Annihilate every last one of these evil bastards!!"

    "Don't let a single one of them outside! We must hold them here!"


    A storm of magic and arrows flew through the air at a single point, the stairway to the Labyrinth. The troll that had screamed was instantly turned into a lump of flesh and was vaporized.

    Demons poured out one after another, and the most conspicuous were the demons of the upper levels, such as Earth-Scraping Rats and Hell Cats. If this was all they had to face, intercepting would not prove difficult. However, the real battle would begin when the demons of the middle levels appeared. How long could they endure? This was a battle that would push their physical strength, magic power, and wills to their very limits.

    "Archers, fire!! Aim properly! There are demons everywhere!"

    "Damn! Look at 'em all!!"

    "Don't waste your breath, just move your hands!! Rain hell on those bastards!"

    "Boss! We're ready!"

    "Fire, fire, kill them all!! No need to be shy! Hey, you bungling scholar! Where'd all that energy go, your hands’ve stopped!"

    Lulurile responded to Bogan's rebuke with a sharp glare.

    "I will ask you to retract the words, ‘bungling scholar' later. This is the new crossbow developed by me. Be sure to burn its tremendous power into your memory."

    With the sound of squealing steel and the clatter of the trigger, six bolts fired in rapid succession. Lulurile quickly reloaded the crossbow and fired without a seconds delay. Dozens of rats were shot dead in a matter of seconds.

    "N-Not bad! Hey, we can't let ourselves lose to them, let's get to it!"


    Flaming arrows fell onto the demon's heads like rain. Dozens of them let out screams as they fell to the ground, while other demons continued their march, stepping over them and rushing forward. As if being controlled, they only moved forward. Some demons stepped on traps and had their torso torn apart; while others caught fire, their burned faces festering with blisters. Even using the corpses as shields, they moved forward, and only forward. Before, at last, the demons were finally about to make contact with the protective barrier.
    Staring at the onrushing hordes of demons, a heavily armed Rob raised his voice.

    "Listen up, you guys! As I said before, the residents haven’t finished evacuating yet! If they break through this siege, they'll all be killed! So, in other words, we have no choice but to take care of them all right here! Don't rush in recklessly by yourself, always work together!"


    "You’re all dead!"

    "Never go in too deep! Use the barrier to your advantage and hit them together!"

    A man-eating ogre with a club charged at them; beneath him, Earth-Scraping Rats with blood-shot eyes ran alongside him. It seemed there were even orcs amongst this horde of demons, the former of whom should have gone extinct. Could the surviving remnants have appeared to avenge their people? Be that is it may, they still had to fend them off with their lives. If the siege was breached, the inhabitants would die; and they were allowed to leave the city, the consequences would be irreversible.

    Rob took aim at the ogre and tightened his grip on his sword.


    "Come on you bastards! Let's kill them!"

    Demons crashed into the barrier, crushing several people who hid behind it. Rob thrust his sword from behind it, and the spears of other soldiers pierced the ogre's vital organs. In the blink of an eye, it turned into a melee. Several rats pounced on a poor man tearing at his throat.

    "Gaaahhh! S-Somebody help me!!"

    "Fucking rats, die!"

    Each of the rats were pulled away and trampled down one by one. The man held his neck with his hand, trying desperately to stop the flow of blood. Despite the gaudy show of blood, the wound was not fatal.

    "Take him to the rear, now! The sooner we treat him, the more likely he'll survive! The rest of you, rebuild the fence! There's another wave coming, we can't let them through!"

    "B-But there's so many of th──"

    "Shut up! Just do it! I don't wanna hear any whining!"
    Rob shouted angrily as he stabbed an orc with his sword.

    Demons constantly flooded out from the labyrinth stairs. But, due to the storm of magic hailing on them, the speed of their advance was slow.

    "Push them back! If we just hold them off here, the sorcerers and rangers can take them out for us! If we just endure, we can win!"


    The soldiers kicked down the damaged parts of the barrier and replaced it with new ones. Using their shields, they fended off the demons reaching through the gaps as spears struck out from behind them, piercing through and stabbing the demons to death. Despite the fight becoming a close-quarters brawl, they still coordinated. Subsequent demons were suppressed by a torrent of magic and arrows.

    "...... If we can hold out, this will be our victory. But that’s only if there is an end to them."
    As Elena stared at the back-and-forth battle with a grim expression, a violent explosion rang out.

    "W-What happened!?"

    "It came from the direction of the Star Tower!"

    As Elena turned and strained her eyes, she saw flames along with a plume of smoke rising from one of the corners of the Star Tower, and the flag of the Star Church being brought down by unknown hands. In its place, a different flag was hoisted up...

    "Is that the crest of the Arte family!? So, it was Reken's doing!"

    "We must send troops to take it back immediately! The Magic Essence Condenser is in there!!"

    One of the executives advised her, but Elena helplessly shook her head. It was obvious that it was too late.

    "Unfortunately, Ilgachev already saw right through us. It is safe to assume our trump card has already been neutralized; and with the presence of Reken, we can assume a powerful barrier has been put up as well. We cannot afford to recapture it now!"
    Elena bit her lip in regret.

    A large amount of magic essence was stored inside the Star Tower; and naturally, the Magic Essence Condenser was managed in the same place. With having to gather all available forces here, the Star Towers' security being severely weakened was an inevitability. They did not plan on sabotaging the Magic Essence Condenser and letting it explode at the outset. But that meant the moment they were figured out; they would be helpless in light of such a predicate.
    Right then, a jubilant messenger rushed in.

    "Lady Elena, I have good news! One thousand men under General Yaldar of the Yuuz Kingdom, and five hundred men under Colonel Borur of the Keyland Empire have come to aid us! They are at the main and rear gates of Arte to collect and defend the evacuees!"

    "They truly are saving graces. Alright, tell them to stay put. We will try and suppress the enemy on our own, but if it comes to it, we will ask for support!"

    The total number of reinforcements totaled one thousand five hundred men, with the defending troops here with a conservative estimate, numbering about three thousand. Every Star Church soldier in the vicinity of Arte was summoned, but despite that, it was still too little to serve as a defense. The depths of the demon horde still could not be seen. Currently, it was a mix of demons from both the upper and middle levels of the labyrinth. If demons from the lower levels appeared, it would be the end. Even the most seasoned adventurers have great difficulty in fighting against them. It was hard to believe that their hodgepodge of uncoordinated troops could compete with such a force. Even so, they must do their best to prevent another invasion of demons. All they could hope for was that Ilgachev would be careless enough to show himself. It would be tough, but if they could get the Star Sphere back, they might still have a chance.

    "L-Lady Elena! A group of demons have appeared behind us!"

    "What do you mean!? Our defensive line has not been breached yet!"

    "They suddenly appeared with some kind of blue sphere! They might have been transferred through the application of Reken's barrier spell!! They are making their way through the evacuees and heading straight for the main gate!"

    "W-What is happening..."

    They had no spare troops to intercept them. All the evacuees who the demons ‘made way through,’ have more than likely been killed. But on the contrary, if they did not do something, demons would be released unto the world. Just what on earth would happen if they were allowed to multiply outside? Elena could only struggle desperately to prevent herself from fainting while the war continued to rage on.


    ──City of Arte, Main Gates.

    Yaldar, a Yuuz Kingdom general, was leading a thousand men in a defensive formation. The situation seemed to be very grim, as residents were constantly flooding from the main gate. A team had been ordered to pitch tents outside to shelter them, but there was not enough to accommodate them all. Thus, they prioritized taking in the sick, women and children, while the rest of the evacuees were extradited to neighboring towns. It was apparent that they would be completely unprepared to accept them; however, they had no choice but to push them onto them.  

    "What the hell is going on!? Can somebody explain the situation!?"
    Yaldar shouted with a blushed face.

    "Yes! According to the messenger from the Star Church, the Great Barrier has disappeared, and demons are emerging from the underground Labyrinth. It seems that the battle has already begun inside!"

    "Demons are coming out from underground? Just like in that old fairy tale? Well, if the barrier's gone, why don't they just put it back up again!?"

    "About that... It seems that the highly renowned sorcerer responsible for maintaining the barrier is complicit in the heretics. Moreover, the one sending the demons above ground is said to be the former Cardinal of the Star Church."

    "What carelessness! For the Cardinal of the Star Church to be so pathetic, despicable. However, those who let such fools go unchecked are just as guilty!"
    Yaldar kicked the ground in a rage.

    According to the messenger, a platoon from the enemy Keyland Empire was on standby at the rear gate. Despite their small numbers, they are under the command of an Imperial Spear Master and are said to possess a great deal of skill. Therefore, they could not afford to let themselves tarnish the reputation of their glorious kingdom and be left in the dust. Not a single blunder could be afforded.

    "Then we'd better go in and join the fight. Is anyone familiar with this city!?"

    At Yaldar's shout, a young man stepped forward. It was a man from a local family of nobility who had recently joined the Yuuz Kingdom's army as an advisor. This young man's name is – Sidamo Arte.

    "Yes, despite leaving my family home for personal reasons, Arte was still my home. If it's a question regarding the city, leave it to me. I will be of great service to you."

    "Hmmm, well then..."

    As Yaladar was about to give his orders, a scream came from the main gate. It was a swarm of eight-eyed bees skewering evacuees, firing poisonous stingers while emitting strange sounds.

    "Commander Yaldar! Demons at the main gate──"

    Upon laying eyes on demons for the first time, the soldiers trembled and atrophied. Naturally, Yaldar was as well, but he could not afford to show any trepidation as their commander.

    "I can clearly see that, you idiot! Suppress them and exterminate them immediately! Don't let the demons outside of town! I don't need any overgrown bugs invading my mansion!"


    As the messenger ran, heavily armed infantrymen formed a line and began to charge toward the main gate. Even the eight-eyed bee's venomous stinger has little effect on heavy armor. Furthermore, the flight capabilities of the labyrinth dwelling eight-eyed bees was impaired; forcefully being dragged down with long spears, they were killed one after another. Taking advantage of the situation, the evacuees fled to escape with their lives.

     "Sidamo, your homeland is in trouble. Observe the situation at my side and report any opinions you might have immediately! Let's see what you can do, Chief Advisor! I'm counting on you!"

    Despite being from Arte, Sidamo has never seen a demon before, and could not help but feel paralyzed in fear. But with the encouragement of the general, his morale was restored. Sidamo was proud to be of the Arte family. They had to protect this city no matter what.
    As if letting go of his thoughts, Sidamo raised a shout.

    "──Yes, leave it to me! I, Sidamo, will do whatever I can to the best of my abilities!"

    "Ha, that's the spirit befitting of my Chief Advisor! Alright, I'm ready to go too── Messenger! Head to Belta Castle and the fortresses of Salvador and Antigua. Tell them to assemble their troops and send us reinforcements immediately. Tell them to move like their lives depended on it!"

    "B-But if you ask for such a large-scale reassignment without permission from our homeland, there will be problems. First and foremost, we must contact our home──"
    One of his staff members spoke up, but Yaldar kicked him off with a shout.

    "I am the general of the prestigious Third Army of the glorious Yuuz Kingdom! If we wait for such a thing with indolence, a world where demons reign will come! If you have time to move your mouth, get moving!! Give them strict orders to send them in as soon as possible!"


    "Alright, let's show the strength of our Third Army! We will not allow ourselves to lose to the likes of even demons!! And of course, those guys from the Empire!!"



    Matari was in the middle of the melee when she suddenly heard an explosion coming from the Star Tower. Then, she witnessed the flag of the Arte family flying high from the top floor. Reken was inviting her. With this intuition, Matari rushed to the Star Tower alone, kicking away the demons.
    The Star Tower, the headquarters of the Star Church, was shrouded in a terrible silence. At its entrance, a blue film along with the corpses of dead guards could be seen. It seemed that Reken had set up a powerful barrier. Could she do this on her own? If she failed, she would end up in the same miserable state as the guards. The moment she concentrated and swung her greatsword, the blue film suddenly burst and disappeared. Just as the Great Barrier had.

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    Matari rushed inside with caution. Reken was probably on the topmost floor. Examining the tower's luxuriously decorated interior, she continued on her way to the top.

     She expected an attack from demons at some point along the way, but the only thing to assault her was the sight of demon corpses. Each of them was charred, and not a single one of them retained any semblance of their original form. However, there were no human survivors either. Unlike the demons, many of the guards were left in cruel messes, having either been crushed or torn to pieces. There was no time to pray for their souls. Matari left them behind and moved on.
    Struggling to hold back her ragged breathing, she stepped onto the final floor. It was the most opulently embellished place in the tower. A solemn air of majesty permeated the room. Was this perhaps the Pope’s room where Pope Elena resided? Sat on a luxurious throne was Reken. He looked utterly exhausted; no, it would be more fitting to say he looked like a dead man as he breathed heavy breaths.

    "...... Matari. I was gambling on whether you would come or not, but it looks like I won. I'm not of the betting type, but I'm glad I won when it mattered most in the end."

    "Brother. I will not ask why you did this. Please, just rebuild the Great Barrier right now. Then everything will be okay. You have the power to stop the demons!"

    "I'm afraid I don't have that kind of magic power left in me. I have nothing left. I used what was left to kill the demons accompanying me."
    With these words, Reken let out a wry smile.

    He must be referring to the demons she found on the way here. Matari did not know why he got rid of the demons that accompanied him, or why he was working with them for that matter. But there was no time to pry now.
    Matari pointed the tip of her greatsword at him.

    "I'll say it one more time. Rebuild the Great Barrier. Or, I'll have to kill you, brother. I'm being serious!"

    "Sorry, but that's just not possible. I used most of my life force to disarm it. I no longer have anything to give. That's why I entrusted you with the grimoire. If you want it rebuilt, give it to a powerful sorcerer. It will take some time, but eventually, we will be able to bring the Great Barrier back. Well, there might be some repercussions, but that's inevitable in life."

    Reken must have used his own life to dispel the Great Barrier, the pride of the Arte family. He spoke of it with indifference. Almost as if it or what happened to the people of this city did not matter to him.

    "I don't get it! What the hell are you trying to accomplish!?"

    Reken responded to Matari's words with a smile mingled with madness.

    "I wanted to show everyone how important the Great Barrier we defended really is. I'm sure its significance has sunk in by now, right down to the marrow of their bones."

    "Y-You did all of that just for that? Do you have any idea how many people you've killed!?"

    Matari spat in disbelief, but Reken's expression remained unchanged. It seemed as if he did not harbor even a shred of guilt.

    "...... I will be stigmatized as a heretic and a great sinner for generations to come. But you will be a hero, and known as the one who helped restore the Great Barrier... That much is fine. Now that my unworthy ambitions have been crushed, all is well."

    "Wasn't it your dream to bring glory back to the Arte name again? So why, why would you do something so stupid!?"

    "...... It was all because of the Star Sphere. Ever since Ilgachev showed it to me, wicked thoughts overcame me. If only I had it, then everything I dreamt of would come true. Its brilliance was enough to make me think that, enough to drive me mad."

    "Star Sphere?"

    "Yes. A jewel of madness created by the Star Church by condensing magic essence. It took an incredibly long time to make, and I was willing to join Ilgachev just to get closer to it. But then, when I saw the completed Star Sphere. I knew that this was something different. Ilgachev doesn't seem to realize that it's changed him. It's not something that can be wielded by human hands. Rather──"

    Interrupting Reken, who was muttering with empty eyes, Matari spoke in a cold voice.

    "Brother. I understand what you're trying to say about this 'Star Sphere.' But problems created by the Arte family must be taken care of by the Arte family. Since you can’t reconstruct the Great Barrier, your sins will never be forgiven. Do you know what that means?"

    Matari gradually closed the distance between them. Making sure never to let her guard down keeping her greatsword ready. Reken remained seated and happily looked her way.

    "This was my plan all along. That's why I went through the trouble of drawing you here....... Though it was brief, I was able to become head of the Arte family and will be so now even as I die. I have no regrets. But you know, that doesn't make me feel much better."

    "...... Brother."

    "Kill me, Matari. You who were disowned by the Arte family, will become a hero for killing me. No one will blame you; after all, you need to put a stop to your brother with your own hands! Ah, what a wonderful ending!"

    "...... I still don't get it. No, I don't want to."

    "Give the transfer stone to the hero you're working with. Where that leads, Ilgachev is waiting. The one thing that man feared was the bringer of calamity. The hero."

    "Then I'll kill him. Hero isn't able to fight anymore."

    Now, he was within range of her greatsword. Matari took a deep breath and prepared herself.

    "Hahaha, I'm afraid that's not possible! Humanity is no match for Ilgachev with the Star Sphere. There is no choice but to let a monster fight a monster! Hopefully, they both kill each other and die together!"

    "...... Hero is not a monster. Besides, I won't let her die. Without fail."

    "You will only die in vain if you go. The miasma of magic essence is terribly pungent there...... Just look at me; even though I was there for only a moment, my body was practically destroyed. But I'm sure a hero would gladly die to save the world!"
    Reken rolled up his sleeves, revealing his sore ridden skin. A poisonous purple color infested his insides. Looking closely, she could see that the purple flush even reached his neck. Why did Reken go to such a dangerous place? He knew very well that the miasma there was too strong. Then Matari realized that he must have gone with them only to store the lowest floor onto the transfer stone. It is possible he was planning on stealing the Star Sphere but never tried to, and only stored the location and turned back.


    "Matari, you must step over the corpses of your brother and your comrade and become a hero! Bring our lost glory back to the House of Arte! A hero such as yourself will be worthy of being the head of the Arte family!"
    Reken gave a broad smile and looked around, and seemingly servants in hiding ran away. It might have been some kind of signal, but she did not care now.

    "Don't worry about them. They are merely propagandists. To inform everyone of the end of the foolish Reken, and the birth of a new hero. Now, go on Matari, kill this foolish sinner with your own hands! My dearest, most detestable sister!!"

     After hearing his will, Matari silently drew her greatsword and cut off his head. The spray of her brother's blood fell on Matari's face. On the throne sat the lonely torso of a man who had lost its master. Reken had a smile on his face until the very end, the smile of his last moments was petrified on his face even in death. The maniacal smile that says he had done everything he wanted. Matari struggled to hold back her jumbled emotions and moved closer to his head. She closed his eyes, rested his torso on the ground, and returned his head to his body. She should be sad, but she did not shed a tear. Just as her brother had changed, did she too? Matari did not know. But now, she understood what she had to do.
    To restore the Great Barrier, she needed to give the grimoire to a suitable sorcerer. Then kill Ilgachev, the cause of all this. She planned to consult with Edel first and foremost to ask if she could reconstruct the Great Barrier if possible. If she could control even the dead, it might be possible. If not, she would hand it over to the Sorcerers Guild or to the Star Church. Once the matter of the Great Barrier was dealt with, she would use the transfer stone set for the hundredth floor and kill Ilgachev. She did not know if she could kill Ilgachev who possessed the Star Sphere. But it must be done.
    Matari’s course of action had been decided.

    Then, as she was about to run towards the labyrinth square, she heard a sudden commotion from outside. When Matari looked down from the window of the Star Tower, she could see that a group of demons were advancing toward the main gate. Evacuees who were too late to escape were being cut down and slaughtered as if they were weeds. Thinking that the defensive line surrounding the labyrinth had been breached, she hurriedly turned to it in a panic. The defensive line was still holding strong, though, it was being pushed back by the horde of demons. Humanity was fighting desperately and had not yet been defeated. In any case, she had to do something about the group of demons. As the hero, Edel and the others lay ahead of them. She would do whatever it took to stop them.

    Looking back at Reken's corpse one more time, she turned and started running as fast as she could.


    ──Outside the city, tents were erected in a rush job by the Royal Army.

    In them, residents who have escaped from the city were temporarily accommodated. Every time a scream or roar rose from the direction of the city, everyone trembled in terror. Should the Royal Army guarding the main gate fall, the demons would pour out all at once. But despite knowing that, they would not leave. They had nowhere to go.

    Under such commotion, the hero woke up. She examined her surroundings while partially unconscious. Colon was lying on the bed next to her, and Silca was sitting on a chair watching over him. With a splitting headache she tried to get up but came to see that she could not. Her arms and legs were bound to the bed with strange shackles and chains. The hero attempted to force them apart, but the chains only stretched, and her attempt failed.

    "...... What the hell is this?"

    "You're already awake? Theoretically, you should've been sound asleep for two days. You never cease to amaze me."

    Edel came to the bedside. Perhaps she was looking over her this whole time.

    "Quit acting surprised and get these off me. And don't use dangerous drugs like that on me, Pinky."
    The hero complained, but Edel did not seem to care at all. She looked down at the hero with a gentle smile.

    "I'd love to take them off, but I'm very busy. I have to go help Matari and Lulu. I’ve asked Limoncy to take care of you."

    "Take them off now."

    The hero in her hazy consciousness attempted to yell, but her mouth would not listen well.

    "I'll leave Silca and Colon with you. If demons took over the world, they would be safest by your side."

    "Listen to me. Can't you hear me telling you to get these off?"
    She spoke her words to Edel slowly but surely.

    "I'm sorry, but I can't do that. We're doing this to stop you from running off on your own. I've given Limoncy the keys to the restraints, and they'll come off on their own in a few hours. You don’t have to worry?"

    Edel then called out to Silca, strongly reminding her to find Limoncy in the event of an emergency. It seems they intended to completely leave the hero behind. Out of anger and impatience, the consciousness of the hero began to awaken rapidly.

    "Wait! Why are you leaving me alone? I'm your friend, aren't I? If so, then I’ll go with you──"

    "It's because you're too important to us...... You've probably noticed already, but your body is nearing its limit. If you went to fight, you would undoubtedly die. I can't bring someone like that with me."

    "I’m a hero before a human. A monster who won't die even when they're impaled. So, there’s no problem."

    "No matter how you look at it, you're a human being. You laugh a lot, eat a lot, sleep a lot. Fufu, you're quick to anger, insolent and foul-mouthed. You’re the cheeky girl I hate."

    Saying that, she gently stroked the head of the hero, and gave an affectionate smile that she had never seen before. The bewildered hero involuntarily stammered. After a moment, Edel removed her hand and walked outside with her staff.


    Straining her voice, the hero attempted to stop her. She tried to reach out, but it did not move. All she could do was move her head to try and hold her back.

    "Sleep quietly. We'll take care of it this time."

    "Wait, don't leave, don't leave me. This time, we’ll be together until the end!"

    "Well then, see you later."
    Edel left. She never looked back.

    The hero used all her strength to try destroying the restraints, but it was to no avail. Had her strength diminished that much, or were these restraints special? Glaring at the shackles, she attempted to use an explosion spell. It would blow her arms off, but she did not care now. If she did not act soon, it would all be over.

    "...... Burst!"

    A sudden shock ran through her head, and an unbearable pain caused her to unintentionally stop the cast. The burden was more intense than she had imagined. She took a few deep breaths to strengthen her spirit. If she did not brace herself, her eyes could close at any moment. Edel's words warning that she was near her limit must be true. Biting her lip to contain her anguished groans, blood dripped from her lip.

    "Big sister Hero, don't be so reckless. You really will die."

    Silca looked apprehensively at the hero, but she did not have time to worry about her.

    "If I didn't do anything reckless, what kind of hero would I be!? O-One more time!"

    "Don't push yourself so far. It's as the girl says. Do you really want to die?"

    "...... Bird face."

    "Hey. Or should I say good morning."

    A white crow with a proud face spread its wings gracefully on the stomach of the hero. She glared at him to get off, but he did not move.
    Silca sat dumbfounded with her mouth agape. This was no surprise, considering the bird suddenly began speaking.

    "I know you have got a lot to say, but let's get out of here first."

    "I wondered what you'd say, but to think it would be something so stupid. There's no way I can do that."

    "I said it back in that dream world. Forget about fighting and live in peace; you know, when you were testing inside that crystal. So, come with me."

    The hero instantly remembered the Star-gazing test. It seems the appearance of the alter ego of the hero was all the work of this bird. If she had accepted back then, her soul might have really been ripped out. Originally, he was a Guardian Beast and that protected humanity. Even though his strength has fallen, something like that would be a piece of cake.

    "So that was you? You did a good job trying to trap me with a copycat. I'll turn you into a chicken kebab.”

    "I can't help it. The soul of a hero is truly something fascinating. At that time, I thought it didn't matter as long as I could taste it just once. I did not care if I became a Death God. But it’s different this time. I'm talking about escaping in a physical sense. To another continent, far, far away, beyond the reach of the demons. I will take you there."

    "Do you even know what you're saying? Do you really think I'm just going nod my head?"

    "No, but that's why I'm here to convince you....... Come on, it's alright, the hero has fought enough. I know, because I’ve been watching all this time. Let's leave it to them this time. There's no need for the hero to get their hands dirty."
    The white crow tweeted sweet nothings into her ears.

    The hero wanted to laugh off his words as ridiculous, but she could not. His words were not wrong. The hero is someone who should not be here. This was enough. She has fought hard enough. Leave the rest to the others. They would figure it out. There was no need to suffer to the point of vomiting blood. If she pushed herself too hard this time, she really would die.

     ...Such thoughts ran through her mind.

    "Well then, come with me. You will be happy."

    The white crow began slowly flapping its wings, as if prompting for an answer.

    ──City of Arte, in front of the main gate.

    A fierce battle between the Yuuz Kingdom's army led by Yaldar and the demons continued. The soldiers under his control were elites trained by Yaldar himself, but though they were under good command, their opponents were demons who defied all notions of common sense. Soldiers who have only ever fought against humans were forced into a troubling situation. Furthermore, to prevent the demons from leaking through the front gate, they fought with their bodies close together. With no way to space themselves from the demons, their strength was severely depleted. Yaldar decided to deploy a guard around him, take up a sword himself, and head for the front lines.

    "We won’t get anywhere at this rate! Push them in all at once and take control of their trajectory! A war of attrition is the height of folly!"

    "Sir, it's too dangerous for us to push in! Please, just wait for reinforcements to arrive! They will be here in a few days──"

    "Nonsense! The demons here are only a small part of a large whole! If we spend too much time here, the defensive line inside will fall! If that happens, we won’t be able to stop the demons from advancing!"

    They have not yet received any reports of demons leaving the area. The church soldiers and volunteers must be risking their lives to hold them back. But it was only a matter of time before it fell apart. They needed to join with them and reinforce the main line of defense before that happened.

    "B-But how would we do it with the number of men we have here!?"

    "What do you think, Sidamo!? Do you think it's a good idea for us to just wait around like this!?"

    "No, I think it's time we proceed. I'll lead the way, your excellency, follow me!"

    "Alright, I relinquish command to you! Let's see you gloriously save your hometown!"

    Yaldar gave his sword to Sidamo. It was proof that he delegated command of the vanguard to him.

    "Huh? Thank you for your kind words! Imperial Guard, let's move out!"


    Sidamo drew his sword and rushed to the main gate, followed by Yaldar and the guard. A swarm of eight-eyed bees stood in their way, firing large venomous stingers their way. Those hit by the bee's stingers collapsed to the ground as a purple hue began to permeate from within. With only a glance one could tell that poison was circulating through their bodies.

    "Even if they're demons, they are still living creatures. If you gut them and cut off their heads, they will die just like any human! I will not allow General Yaldar's good name to be disgraced! Everyone, brace yourselves!"


    "After the volley of arrows, move in and attack all at once! Go!!"

    At Siadamo's signal, the archers in formation fired a salvo of arrows. The eight-eyed bees were skewered, causing them to crumble as green liquids spewed from their bodies. Behind them stood a giant figure with a hideous face. It held a huge club in its hands, and human remains could be seen from inside their parted mouth.
    Just as Sidamo reconsidered charging in without a plan, the head of the titan was flung into the air. Blood poured out from the open wound like a fountain.

    "Haaaaaaaaaaa!! Die you damn bugs, you're eyesores!!"

    A familiar young blonde woman appeared, clad in black steel armor.  With a flash of her red greatsword, she easily sliced through the surrounding demons with a mad smile on her face. The kingdom's soldiers, emboldened by the woman's advance, killed the demons one after another. Before they knew it, there were no living demons in sight. They had succeeded in taking control of the main gate with stunning ease.
     Sidamo quickly walked around to the woman's front and checked her face. It was because she resembled a familiar face. She glared back at Sidamo in a battle-ready stance. She looked fierce, almost as if she might attack at any moment, but there was no doubt about it.

    "── S-So it really is you, Matari! What the hell are you doing here!?

    ". . . . . . . . . . . . Hm?"

    "It's me, Sidamo! Have you really forgotten your brother's face?"

    "... Ah, S-Sidamo!? Why are you here!?"
    Matari, who had regained her composure, looked at him with a puzzled expression.

    Sidamo tried to explain the situation, but he remembered they had no time to spare. The demons at the main gate may have been wiped out, but the demon horde was still advancing towards the main boulevard from the labyrinth square. The Star Church’s line of defense may have finally collapsed.
    Yaldar, who had rushed to the scene, was speechless at the sight, but quickly composed himself with a shout.

    "See, there is no need to be afraid of these demons! Now is the time to exalt our military's renown! Don’t let them break through the gate, defend this place with your lives! Sidamo, you lead us to the labyrinth square!"


    “We will not let any through even if it costs us our lives! Just as planned──”

    "Kill all the demons!! I'll take Hero’s place! I will kill every last one of them!"

    Interrupting Yaldar's words, an enraged Matari charged forward. Cutting down a reptilian-like demon in her way with a single blow.

    "Oh, what a heroic figure! We can't let her get the better of us, follow after her!!"


    Soldiers with spears collided head-on with the horde of demons, and a close-quarters brawl ensued once again. But unlike before, there was no end to them in sight. The horde of demons stretched endlessly into the distance.


    ──The Labyrinth Square.

    The course of the war, which had been going back and forth, was now leaning against humanity. The reason was simple. No matter how many demons were killed, others would take the place of the fallen, but humans did not have such a luxury. Such a difference was what made all the difference. At the forefront of the defensive line, rage-filled shouts and screams of agony intermixed. All fronts were beginning to be pushed back, and the demons were drawing nearer and nearer to the main boulevard. At this rate, they would soon break through their defenses.
    A messenger rushed over to Elena with a heartbroken expression on his face.

    "Lady Elena, we have received a request for reinforcements from the frontlines. There are too many casualties; if this keeps up, they will fall!"

    "This is earlier than planned but send in all the troops in our reserves. We cannot let the barrier be breached. Tell those who are exhausted to fall back to recover their strength immediately! After that, tell those defending to sit tight and hold out the best they can!"


    The messenger quickly left, and another wounded messenger rushed in taking his place.

    "The Rangers Squad’s arrow supply will soon be exhausted! They are requesting permission to move to the front lines!"

    "Permission granted. Tell Klau that I leave everything to her discretion."


    The face of the woman who was like a sister to her, flashed through Elena’s head. But she quickly erased it from her mind. Now was not the time to be sentimental. It would suffice to save such thoughts for the moments before her death. Tossing the forbidden drug into her mouth, she glared at the sorcerers chanting at the rear.

    "Why is the interval between magic attacks growing longer!? I gave a strict order not to stop providing support to the frontlines!"

    "They have used all of their magic power, and they'll need time to recover. They've used as many magic potions as they could take, but their bodies have reached their limits!"

    Looking closely, she could see that the sorcerers' faces had turned pale, and their bodies were staggered.

    "...... Then, I will join the sorcerers' squadron. I am still a descendant of Mina the Sage. I should be of some use."

    Elena's unexpected words were met with fierce opposition from church officials.

    "Absolutely not! If anything happened to you, the Church's very existence would be in jeopardy! Please, wait here at the main camp!!"

    "IThe survival of the Church is no longer important! All that matters now is preventing the demons from invading!"

    As Elena tried to forcefully push them away, a shrill cry came from allies on the frontlines.

    "D-Dragon!! A red dragon has appeared!!"

    "... I-It's massive. W-What kind of monster."

    "W-We can't win! It's the end of the world!!"

    The volunteer soldiers began to scatter, abandoning their weapons. All of them fled in terror without looking back. The Church soldiers hit them with their weapons in an attempt to stop them, but there was no knocking sense into them now. Elena squinted at the sky as she received the tremendous wind pressure emitted by the dragon. The red dragon flaunted its existence to the world as it turned its gigantic body through the air. It was a demon with fiery red rugged skin, and the loyal servant of the Demon King in the Legend of the Three Heroes. With a flap of its two wings, the dragon let out a mighty roar to bring all living things to their knees.


    Elena fought to keep from collapsing to her knees, and desperately raised her voice to issue orders.

    "Do not be discouraged! Rangers and sorcerer squads, change targets to the red dragon!! Shoot it down and kill it while it's grounded!!"

    "I-I don't think we can get through to them!"

    The official hesitated, but there was no other way to intercept it. Despite knowing well that this was akin to sprinkling water droplets on a raging fire, they had no choice but to do whatever they could at that moment.

    "There is no other way! Concentrate all fire on it and drag it out of the sky! If we bring it down, we will still have a chance! It has been defeated once before, so fear not!"

    "Understood! All units──"

    "The dragon's gonna breathe fire!! Everybody get down!!"

    As the sound of someone's cry reached Elena's ears, scorching flames gathered in the mouth of the red dragon. The red dragon turned and glared at the chanting sorcerers hiding behind the earthen mounds and fired a burst of sweltering flames. The scorching flames completely consumed the poor sorcerers. They were instantly incinerated without even being let to scream.

    "Th-This is insanity."

    "Another one coming!! Evacuate, Lady Elena! Get her out of the city immediately!"

    Elena stood at the scene in a daze as church soldiers drug her off by her arms. The red dragon again began preparing another burst of flames. Its next target was the detachment defending the main boulevard, Elena's last support and the Church's' heart, La Florencia. They fought frantically against the enemy before them, uncensored with the dragon's next action.

    "T-Timor! Runaway!! Get out of there!"

    Elena's cries went unheeded, and the blazing fire directly hit La Florencia. The flames burned ferociously, devouring both man and demon alike. The Church's elite platoon was destroyed in a single attack. People who were more devout in their faith than anyone else were burning to death without mercy. It was over. Now having lost the sorcerers and even La Florencia, there was nothing they could do. There was no hero in the world who could slay a dragon. Elena was just a descendant, not one of the Three Heroes. It would be impossible for her to kill a dragon as in the legend.


    "Lady Elena! Pull yourself together!"

    "I-I need to regain my composure... H-How, what can we do? Th-There is, no for us to bring it down. What is the best thing to do? I-I need to think──"

    "Lady Elena!! We need to get away from here!!"

    "S-Somebody, anyone, help us..."


    The dragon's roar reverberated throughout the air; humanity fell into despair, and the demons screamed with joy. The red dragon stored another inferno within its gaping maw to burn everything in sight.

    "You seem quite proud despite merely being a big lizard... Fire!"

    With a calm signal, an arrow shot out into the air. It resembled an arrow, but it was the size of a hammer that could destroy a castle gate. A direct hit on a human would surely kill them without leaving a trace. That much was certain. The arrow pierced the dragon's wing, sending the red dragon into a frenzy while throwing flames about. The pain seemed so severe that it lost control of itself. Another arrow ripped through the air. It may not be able to inflict a mortal wound, but it was certainly capable of inflicting wounds. The sharpened blades pierced through the dragon's tough scales with an unrelenting force.

    Looking in the direction from which the arrow was fired, a massive wooden weapon had been constructed before Elena noticed. It looked like a trebuchet, but the platform was loaded with a giant arrow. The one commandeering it was a scholarly-looking woman with round-framed glasses. Despite her inferiority to the creature, she looked full of confidence.

    "It seems to be functioning well. If we drop this dragon here, we will be dragon slayers. I can brag about this to Ms.Hero later. "

    "Th-The dragon found us!"

    "I wonder, will the dragon die, or will this LuLurile-style crossbow be crushed first. Now it is a matter of mettle. I am not going to lose."

    "It isn't a good idea to stay here anymore! Let's get out of here, Ms. Lulurile! We have already contributed enough!"

    "That's right! If you die, you won't be able to conduct any more research!"

    "You are too querulous for a man. It is much too late for that now. Hey, we have no spare time to cry, move your hands."

    Lulurile pushed the frail scholar aside and took the initiative in loading a giant arrow.

    This weapon was one of the many prototypes made in the development of the reinforced crossbow. It would be a great confidence booster if they could successfully bring down the dragon, but that was quite a tall order. Although, It being capable of piercing the skin of a dragon was something she could be proud of even after death. Perhaps this next arrow would be their last. There was no conceivable way they could ward the dragon’s flames. With the situation at hand, it would be most satisfactory if they could go out together.

    "I am a human being. Even if the chance of victory is slim, I'd like to think of this as a fight between a dragon and a tiger. Come now, we are going to hit it with everything we have!

    With a wry smile, Lulurile gave the signal to fire.


    ──Space distorts, and Cardinal Ilgachev, along with several of his protégés, appears above ground. His mouth twisted into a smile while his protégés looked as if they were in bliss.

    "That damn Elena. To have gathered such a large fighting force in such a short amount of time. Though she was only an ornament, I'd say she's grown a little. She is still a descendant of Mina the Sage. "
    Ilgachev muttered amusedly.

    He reconsidered his previous plan and thought that perhaps he should capture Elena and brainwash her. It would be a shame to let the blood of the founder Mina die out. Without her, the completion of the Star Sphere would not have been possible. Ilgachev had a great deal of respect for Mina, and Mina alone.

    "It is true that there was little difficulty. But with the red dragon... With the introduction of the Ark Dragon, our victory is assured. Their defensive line is on the verge of collapsing, and now, there is nothing they can do to stop the demons."

    "It seems that that troupe of scholars is putting up a vain resistance, but they will meet their ends in due time."

    "Congratulations, Master Ilgachev. Please, usher the world into the next era."

    "It's too early to rejoice. Dogs from the Yuuz Kingdom and Keyland Empire are right outside Arte. Let us wait until we've dealt with them to celebrate....... By the way, what has happened to Reken?"

     Reken was given the task of removing the Great Barrier and disabling the Magic Essence Condenser within the Star Tower. In return, Ilgachev was to give him control over the city of Arte. He would have been happy to renege on his agreement with a fallen nobleman who was nothing more than a disposable pawn, but an agreement is an agreement. Ilgachev certainly intended to give him control of the city of Arte - an Arte which will have been reduced to ash and ember.

    "We have not heard from him since he led the demons to the Star Tower. But it seems he was able to fulfill his task."

    "... Has he died? I gave him a group of demons and still died in spite of that. What a pathetic man. Well, he was at least useful."

    "He is a fallen aristocrat after all. However, this is the end of Arte. The city and its people will all burn."

    "Kuku, that's right."

    Ilgachev and his subordinates all followed, laughing in derision.

    "Now, I shall return to the sanctuary. My faithful servant. I leave the red dragon to you. If possible, take only Elena alive."

    "Leave everything to me."
    Costa, the most talented of his protégés, knelt in reverence.

    The corners of Ilgachev's mouth raised in amusement and gave a deep nod.

    "These infidels must be exterminated, not a single one of them overlooked. Kill even the infants. Burn all the filth of this city to ashes. Let it be known that a new age has come. Let this grand bonfire act as a blessing upon the new world!"

    "... All will be as you will it."

    Ilgachev flipped his robe and raised the Star Sphere. With a terrible light, his figure disappeared.

    …Ilgachev had moved to the lowest floor of the labyrinth, a place he called, "The Sanctuary." Costa, who was entrusted with the task of cleansing the city, immediately instructed the demons while manipulating the red dragon. One section of their defensive line had already been breached, and it was in the direction of the main boulevard; it was a vital point. Now the demons began cutting their way through the opening. The humans desperately attempted to reestablish a line of defense, but it was already too late. Their willpower, strength, and magic power were long exhausted, but the demons tirelessly pushed forward, with only more demons continuing to crawl out from the labyrinth. The red dragon spread scorching flames from the sky, sprinkling death across the battlefield from above. The situation they were in was apparent to everyone.
    Costa gave orders to immediately incinerate the scholars still resisting, and the red dragon responded with a roar. The Star Sphere even had the power to control such a huge demon. It was Ilgachev who completed the Star Sphere; thus, only he was qualified to be the agent of the Star God. Not some Pope who was merely a figurehead.

    "Everything is going according to plan. Master Ilgachev, who brought the Star Sphere to fruition, is the only one worthy of leading this world into a new era. Once the world is born anew through his power, the Star God will surely descend upon us. Only then, will this world truly be saved."

    Costa smiled fanatically and dreamt of the world soon to come.

    The hero glared at the white crow and firmly declared.

    "──No. If you want to go, go by yourself."

    "I don't think you should suffer just to save people. Has a single good thing ever happened to you in helping humanity up to now?"

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "Even now, all of this is their fault. Foolish humans are behind the demon's rampage as well. I know because I’ve watched them all my life."

    "I see."

    "Say, how about I remind you of that time. That time, when you were deceived and sealed away."

    "It's fine. I remember everything. I don’t care about that, so release these restraints. Even if you're rotten, you're still a guardian beast, I know you can do it."

    "Hmm, but..."

    "Hurry up, or I'll really turn you into a kebab!"
    The white crow's head twitched at the command of the hero.

    "With a body like that? Why would you subject yourself to such suffering? I’m not trying to scare you, but if you push yourself too hard this time, you will die. Even with that in mind, do you still wish to go?"

    "That’s right. "

    "Hey, I want a serious answer. Why do you go to such lengths? I couldn’t comprehend human beings until the very end. They are truly foolish creatures beyond saving. That is why I abandoned my mission. Other guardian beasts have also forsook humanity and have fallen... Friend, please tell me. Why are you willing to risk your life to fight?"
    So asked the white crow, who was once her guardian beast.

    Without even a hint of being troubled by the question, the hero vehemently declared.

    "Because I am a hero... That's it. It's why I'm who I am. Why I'm me. I can't just cast that aside. For me to be me, no matter what happens, I have to see this through to the end."

    The white crow sat stunned for a moment, then burst into boisterous laughter, with Silca staring on in wonder.

    "Ku-kahahahaha! Right, that’s right. I forgot that the hero was a fool! Is this why you went off to face the Demon King on your own!? You really are foolish, so foolish!"

    The white crow's ridiculing laughter made the face of the hero blush. Just as she was about to complain, a light shone from the white crow's body, and the rings and chains that held the hero in place burst apart.

    "Okay, then I shall act as a guardian beast only for the hero. I'll play along with your foolish zeal until the end. We are still friends, after all."

    The small white crow revealed its true form. The tent blew away with great force, and a giant white bird appeared. The nearby evacuees raised their voices in astonishment. If a giant bird suddenly appeared out of nowhere, it would definitely be surprising. He could be easily mistaken for a demon. This is what he looked like when he carried the hero to the castle of the Demon King. It seemed to have a dignity worthy of a Guardian Beast. His character still remained a disappointment, though.

    "...... Are you going to carry me again?"

    "Indeed, and take these. They have been lost and forgotten for five hundred years."

    Two swords appeared at the feet of the hero. One was a sword tinged with a nostalgic white light, and the other was a familiar sword covered in an ominous black light.

    "This one's mine, but this──"

    "A keepsake of the Demon King. Let's pay these lunatics a visit. Come, get on!!"

    "Yeah, yeah. You’re pretty pompous bird-face."

    Clad in silver armor and holding the two swords, the hero leaped onto his white back. The sacred bird spread its wings heroically. Almost blown away by the wind, Silca called out to the hero.

    "N-No, you can't, big sister Hero. Everyone said you shouldn’t go. They said you would die if you ever fight again."

    "I'll be fine. More importantly, does this look good on me? Do I look like a hero?"
    The hero asked the worried Silca as if to deceive her.

    When Silca gave a slight nod, the hero smiled with satisfaction.

    "Then it'll be okay. It’s a rule that heroes don’t die. I’m off then. I’ve gotta complain to the idiots who left me here.

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    "Don't look at me like that, could you at least give me some words of support?"
    Silca laughed a little when the hero made a playful gesture.

    "...... Do your best, big sister Hero."

    "Leave it to me!"

    "You can do your best, but don't die at the end. Such an ending would be boring."

    "If I die, just poke me, and I'll wake up. Let's get moving. We’ll start with the demons at the front gate."

    "...... It looks like you’ve found some good friends this time. You have an awfully nice expression on your face. I'm a little jealous."

    "Stop messing around and get your ass in the air! Bird-face!"

    At the signal of the hero, the scared bird vigorously kicked off the earth and flew away. Those who witnessed the sacred bird cheered and shouted for joy.

    A hero had appeared again. A hero who would bring them salvation. The return of the legendary three heroes was upon them. They all wept tears of joy, all shouting that they were going to be saved.


    ──Near the main gate of Arte.

    A mortal struggle between humans and demons was underway. Matari and Edel had joined together, and the two of them were struggling alone against dozens of demons. The battle was so fierce, even the Royal Army fought was left gasping for air. Slowly but surely they were gradually being pushed back. No matter how many demons they slew, there was no end to the slaughter.

    Yaldar grit his teeth as he crushed the demon in front of him.

    "Damn it, damn it, damn it! Why are we being pushed back!? Don't back down, stand your ground!"

    "But, sir, the enemy's offensive is too fierce, we can't hold out!"

    "No excuses! This is where we must hold!"

    "Sister Matari! You’ll be isolated if you keep moving in!"
    Sidamo panicked and condemned Matari for cutting deep into the horde of demons. However, after a single nod, she continued showing no signs of stopping.


    Matari wielded her greatsword as she pleased, slashing at a giant insect and smashing in the face of a red troll. The more blood she spilled, the more she could feel her fighting spirit burn brighter and brighter. This must be a trait of a berserker. Turning, she plunged her gauntlet deep into the face of a coming one-eyed demon causing its face to cave inward.

    "Die, trash!!"

    With each swing of Matari's sword, the heads of several demons were sent flying. This cycle repeated itself over and over and over again. Before she knew it, Matari was surrounded by blood-thirsty demons. There were so many, that not even a single gap could be seen between their bodies.
    Edel tried to make her way towards her, but it is unlikely that she would be able to break through the waves of demons. She too was surrounded. Unlike the labyrinth, where a sorcerer can use magic freely without worrying about their magic power, above ground was a different story. Here, the number of corpses she could manipulate at once was limited.

    From the wave of demons, an enraged red troll rushed forward. With only the desire to kill in its mind, it left itself full of openings. Matari thrust her huge sword into its ugly and swollen abdomen with all her strength; but, as his face distorted, he grabbed the blade and leaned into Matari with all his weight, pushing her to the ground.

    "──Tch! Damn you!”

    To finish it off, Matari turned her blade within to tear apart the troll's internal organs. If she did not kill it soon, she would be swarmed by the surrounding demons.

    『Guh, guge. Ke-ke–ke-!!』
    The troll vomited blood and died with a content sneer, as if saying it fulfilled its role.

    Matari struggled to move the body, but it was too heavy. The horde of demons around her slowly closed in, clanging their clubs, spears and hatchets with glee.

    "Get out of there!! You'll die if you don’t!!"

    Matari could hear Edel's plaintive screams. It was not like her. Gathering all her strength, she threw the corpse aside and was finally able to free herself from its restraint. She could not hide her breathlessness. Her vision was terribly blurred. Her hands and feet trembled, and the red greatsword in her hands felt incredibly heavy. All the fatigue from her strenuous battles finally came crashing down on her all at once. Until now, she had been cheating herself out of physical exhaustion by upsurging her spirit, and now the bill has come due.

    "... Even so, I must fight."

    Yes, she must fight until the very end.Taking out as many demons as she could. She swore to kill every demon in place of the hero

    "I, will fight until the bitter end!!"

    Matari let out a mighty roar from the depths of her chest.

    "Well said, boar!"


   A familiar voice came from the sky. When Matari looked up, she saw a girl descending from atop a giant bird. She plunged straight into the horde of demons, and began mass-producing corpses at once with her two swords.

    "Hero!? Why are you here!?"

    "Aren't you noisy? I came all the way down here to pick you guys up. We're running out of time, so let's clean this mess up and head straight to the labyrinth square. If we don't kill the one behind this, then this'll never end!"

    "N-No, you have to evacuate now!!"

    "Do you think we have time to talk about that?"

    "I don't! B-But!!"
    Matari hesitated. The hero slashed an eight-eyed bee that was approaching from behind. Its green bodily fluids fell onto Matari.

     "I wasn't going to let you leave me behind. So, this time I chased after you guys and caught you. Is there something wrong with that?"
    The hero smiled at Matari, who stood motionless, and at Edel, who approached them.

    "Really, I have no words. We did all of that thinking of you, only for it all to be in vain."

    "There's a thing called minding your own business. Alright, let's hit 'em together, Matari!!"

    Matari replied without a second thought.

    With the addition of the hero, the tide of the battle immediately changed. The hero and Matari cut their way through as Edel manipulated the corpses of the fallen demons. Though one of them was missing, now they could work together. The burden of battle was not so heavy when working together. Her entire body felt lighter. But the face of the hero looked pained. She had a pale complexion similar to Reken. After all, she was not in perfect physical condition. In any case, Matari would not let her push herself too hard. She never intended to let her fight in the first place. Matari resolved to do everything in her power to prevent her from doing so if the need arose.
    Contrary to Matari’s concern, the hero was slaughtering the demons with tremendous speed. Disturbing would be an apt descriptor of the scene. Pieces of flesh from various species intermixed each time the hero swung her swords. Matari followed, swinging her greatsword in kind. Each of her swings left herself vulnerable, but the hero quickly covered for her. As the demons' momentum slowed, the corpses controlled by Edel and the Yuuz Kingdom's soldiers rallied and launched a fierce counterattack. The Yuuz Kingdom soldiers, bewildered by the sight of demon corpses moving even in death, identified the living from the dead and wielded their swords to kill their enemies.

    "Alright, this place is mostly cleared out. Now hurry up and get on that big bird. We don't have time to mess around!"

    "Got it!"

    "H-Hey, what the heck is this bird? Isn't it a little too big?"

    "Just as there's big bees, there's big birds in the world!"

    The hero jumped on first, followed by Edel and Matari, and the sacred bird immediately began to rise in altitude. Matari clung desperately to the sacred bird's body so as not to slip. Looking down, the soldiers who they had fought together with were cheering; shouting, long live the heroes; screaming at the top of their lungs, the three heroes have returned.

    "... The return of the heroes, huh? I wonder why hearing that doesn't make me feel any happier?"
    Muttering this, the body of the hero staggered for a moment. Matari hurriedly held her down to keep her from falling, she did not look well.

    "Hero? Are you okay?"

    "...... I'm fine. Just, didn’t get enough rest."

    Saying so, the hero spat a wad of blood from her mouth.

    Riding the sacred bird, the heroes rushed to the labyrinth square, the site of the greatest battle. A huge red dragon turned in the sky above as if it owned the battlefield. Looking at the ground below, the defensive line had already collapsed, and the soldiers had become isolated. It seemed they would be completely wiped out in less than an hour.

    "...... Is that, by chance, a dragon?"

    "The legendary red dragon. The Ark Dragon. It’s said its skin is impervious to both swords and arrows."

    Edel answered Matari's question, with an expression as if to say an unpleasant enemy had appeared.

    "B-But, it seems like those arrows made it through."

    It was as Matari said, several giant arrows were pierced in the dragon's body. While not fatal, they succeeded in making it bleed.

    "It seems like the work of LuLu. Look, she’s standing there all arrogantly as if to say she did it."

    "So the ‘large procurement,’ was a weapon? When did she make something like that?

    Behind the barrier, Lulurile's round-framed glasses shone as she gave orders imperiously.

    "It's too dangerous for them there. There's no way they could avoid an attack from the air."

    As Edel pointed it out, the red dragon turned in Lulurile's direction. Roaring, it began gathering flames. At this rate, Lulurile would be burned to death.

    "I’ll take care of it. After all, I killed it once a long time ago. Back then I had to cut off its wings before I could lop off its head. Hold on tight, try not to fall off."
    Cautioning Matari, the hero gave a light tap on the back of the sacred bird as a signal.

    "Go in from behind. I'd like to bring it down in one shot, but if not, I’ll do it however many times it takes."

    As if in response to her voice, the sacred bird turned and began to fly in a wide wraparound.

    The hero gripped her two swords tightly and began to gather her strength. She knew just how little strength and energy she had left, not to mention magic power. However, deciding there was no point in holding back, she began to gather magic power. The dragon let out a loud roar as it prepared to spew out scorching flames. It was completely oblivious to the heroes approaching from behind.

    "── Let's go!"

    The hero jumped from the scared bird and onto the descending dragon. With the weight of gravity pulling her down, she drove the two swords deep into its back with a great momentum. The dragon roared at the sudden pain, causing even the air to tremble.


    "Shut up, you damn lizard!"

   She sunk her arms into its body until they were both buried, pushing as deep as she could as gouging out its internal organs.The dragon's flames were turned to the air as it began to fire madly into the sky. The hero used all her bodily strength to keep from being thrown off, and explosion magic within its body. Furthermore, while generating light magic from the blade of the sword of light, sliding down severing its spine bone by bone. A flash of light erupted from its body, and with it, a great deal of blood burst from its mouth. The struggling red dragon began to plummet to the earth, and the hero, meanwhile, jumped down onto the moving scared bird.

    "D-Did you do it?"

    "Not yet, the clincher....... Get ready.  We're going to cut off its head from its side. As we pass, finish it off with a cleave."

    "Yes! I'll try!"

    "If you pull this off, you'll be a dragon slayer. Looks like you’ll finally be able to graduate from boar"
    The hero smiled at Matari.

    The scared bird carrying the heroes began to dive toward the falling dragon. The hero readied the sword in her right hand, and Matari, with her greatsword at her side, awaited the opportunity. 
    The dragon was in a falling tailspin, and the scared bird swiftly passed by. At the moment of passing, the hero and Matari's blades flashed across each other. The two swords cut deep into the dragon's neck, cutting right through the bone. The headless body fell directly into the plaza crushing many unfortunate demons; the head of the dragon, with a look of regret frozen on its face, fell near the entrance of the labyrinth and lay enshrined like a tasteless piece of art. 
    Lulurile waved widely, having finally noticed them. Even after nearly dying, she was such a carefree woman.

    "Good grief, it’s rough getting up after waking up. It would've been nice to start out with something close in strength to the rats."

    Breathing heavily, the hero leaned on the back of the sacred bird.

    "D-Dragon, we killed a dragon, we’ve actually slain a mighty dragon!"

    "That's right, dragon slayer. But don't get too excited just yet, boar. Look down."

    Looking down at the earth, countless demons sprawled about. If they did not act soon, the few remaining humans would be wiped out.
    The hero let out a big sigh and pondered what to do. There was not enough time to kill them off one by one. But it was unlikely she would be able to cast a spell strong enough to destroy them all at once.
    The hero raised her eyes towards the sky. The dazzling sun shone as brightly as ever.

    "I think this will work. If I use the energy from the sun and magic power. "

    "...... What are you going to do? I told you before not to use magic!"

    "If I start passing out, stab me with the dagger at my waist. That way I can stay conscious."

    "You idiot, I said to stop! Why won't you listen!?"

    "It's too late for that. Pinky the idiot."

    Gathering her remaining mental strength, she concentrates. Edel was not alone in her opposition, the sacred bird also warned her with loud cries, but the hero ignored it. Her target was the entirety of the labyrinth square. Focus on the image of a circle. If this worked, it should change the course of the battle. Matari grabbed her by the shoulders and tried to force her to stop, but the hero did not stop invoking the spell. Crossing her two swords crosswise, she began to pray. The hero did not know whom she was praying to, but she prayed with all her heart.

    "──For the dead and for the living, for humans and demons alike, let there be light for all!!"

    A dazzling light enveloped the labyrinth square, and a massive magic circle formed on the ground. The magic circle emitted a white light, and began to have an effect on those who stood on it. All of the demons enveloped in the light began to grow sluggish and lose energy, while the opposition, humanity, was filled with strength.

    "W-What on earth was that light!?"

    "There's no time to explain. Just get down and crush them all!"


    "Hurry up!"

    When the hero yelled, Matari and Edel descended and began to fight the weakened demons. The volunteers and the Church soldiers who had been pushed back, began to wield their swords with their last ounces of strength.

    "...... You’re a fool. You used up most of your heroic power just now."

    "I know. But it’s alright. All that's left is to take care of the head of the rats."

    "...... You really are a stupid girl. Nothing has changed since then."

    "I’m well aware of that too."

    Originally only a few wax candles were left. But, she ultimately decided to simply douse them in oil and burn them all at once. It was better to burn out brightly than to quietly disappear. That way seemed much brighter and did not seem as sad. But, if possible, she hoped it would last until she could burn the last rat to death. So the hero thought.

    "W-What is happening!? How the hell am I supposed to justify such a fiasco!?"

    Ilgachev's protégé, Costa, was completely distraught. After someone had decapitated the Ark Dragon, a blinding light suddenly filled the square. The advancing demons were at a standstill, and the defending garrison, which was on the verge of falling apart, counterattacked. The three that descended from the sky were especially fierce, wiping out the army of demons in an instant.  Moreover, the corpses of the demons had come back to life and became the enemy's pawns, and begun attacking their own. Their predominance in the war had been completely overturned.

    "Why have reinforcements stopped coming from underground!? Why won’t they come!?"

    When Costa turned his attention towards the stairs leading to the labyrinth, a huge white eerie bird glared at him with a murderous gaze. Occasionally, it would turn towards the stairs and unleash a purgatory of flames, from its beak, and low shrieks echoed from underground.

    "... Th-This is absurd. How did this happen!?"

    "You're an idiot. It seems you’ve got a lot of time on your hands if you can look the other way in the middle of battle."

    The moment he turned around, the edge of a shining sword was stabbed through his abdomen. A copious amount of blood poured from his mouth, staining his green robe. Costa stared at the girl in front of him, stunned.

    "...... You, you are, a calamity──"


    Before he could mutter a curse his head was abruptly cut off, and Costa had died.


    With Costa’s death, the remaining demons were thrown into disarray. Rob and Klau, who were on the front lines, immediately regrouped their forces and launched a counterattack. The isolated survivors followed suit, as morale rose even higher. Lulurile's new crossbow raged on, its fearsome projectiles instantly left those in their trajectory dead in their tracks. While Elena used the last of the strength she could muster to raise one last inspirational cry to the soldiers of the Church. With a great number of sacrifices, they had finally managed to push the demons back to the entrance of the labyrinth, though.

    "Looks like things have been pretty much taken care of here....... Sorry, but I'm gonna take a breather."

    The hero collapsed on the spot. Thrusting her sword into the ground, she leaned on it in a desperate struggle to stand. Her legs no longer listened to her, and her vision began to blur. This was the price of using magic beyond one's limits.

    "H-Hero! Are you okay!?"

    "I'm fine, just hurry and help take control of the entrance. He can't hold them back forever."

    The interval between the sacred birds' fires was shortening, as the demon's numbers were seemingly increasing . At this rate, they would break out again.

    "B-But, I can't just leave you alone! Besides, I have to kill Ilgachev on the hundredth floor!"

    "...... So, he's their ringleader?"

    When the hero asked, Matari pulled out a transfer stone. The number one hundred was inscribed on it, which see remembered seeing before

    "Yes! It was one of the last things my brother told me. He said Ilgachev was in a place called the Sanctuary on the hundredth floor. So, I'm going to take care of it now!"

    "Shut up. Our first priority right now should be to stop the demons from invading the earth. We can deal with the perpetrator later! Don’t ever get ahead of yourself."

    She sternly reprimanded Matari and pushed her away. Matari seemed to be surprised by how weak the force was. The hero felt miserable about her declining strength, but she tried not to let it show on her face.


    "Go, Matari. I'll join you after I get some rest. Go on, get going!"

    Matari stood up and began heading towards the entrance of the labyrinth. Looking back at the hero one more time, she raised her greatsword and ran off again.

    The reason she drove Matari to the entrance is simple. If the hero had said she was going to kill the enemy's leader, she would definitely have said she was going too. The hero remembered Rob saying the one-hundredth floor was filled with a miasma that would lead to certain death.  There was no need to take one of her companions to hell with her. In truth, the hero really wanted to take Matari's transfer stone, but refrained as that would undoubtedly raise suspicion. However, according to what Rob had told her before, there must have been another transfer stone she could use. A relic left behind by the first adventurers to enter the Sanctuary.

    “...... It’s been a lot of fun fighting with you. Thank you for everything, Matari."

    The hero bid her farewell in her heart, and turned her eyes in the direction of the entrance.

    Edel was doing everything she could to hold off at the entrance. She manipulated not only the corpses of demons, but even humans who had died in battle, sending them into the labyrinth. That should buy her some time. Edel did not need a goodbye.Tomorrow, she would be vigorously manipulating corpses while clad in pink. The only thing of concern was the promise she made to her; but for that, she would have to forgive her. Besides, if Edel really was about to fall from the path of humanity, these meddlers would surely do something about it. And Lulurile──
    The second she thought of her shiny round-framed glasses, she saw the person herself. The hero smiled wryly, just like Edel, parting words did not seem necessary.

    "You stole the most delicious part from me. Is it not too extravagant to be a dragon slayer on top of being a hero? There is no punishment for sharing."
    Lulurile, with her scholars in tow, called out to the hero.

    "That's because you didn't finish the job quickly enough. If you had a dozen more of those you could've downed it."

    "I do not have that kind of money. Besides, it is a failed prototype. It is much too costly and bulky."
    Lulurile touched her cracked glasses.

    "Then improve it and make it smaller. There'll be plenty of time for that."

    "Is that so? Then, when the time comes, please lend me your help. It would be a dream come true to collaborate with Ms. Hero."

    For some reason, Lulurile was staring at her with a serious expression. The pressured hero averted her gaze.

    "...... Stop with the stupid talk, hurry up and help──"

    "Excuse me, may I have a word?"

    When she was about to tell Lulurile to go help Matari and Edel, a young woman in red robes called out to her. She was surrounded by soldiers of the Church who guarded her. It was a familiar face dressed in familiar red robes. The image of a certain woman came to the mind of the hero.

    "Who are you?"

    "Y-You, what impudence!!"
    "Who do you think you are!?"
    "She is the revered leader of the Star Church──"

    Stopping the enraged Church soldiers, the woman began to speak her name.

    "── Wait, we cannot afford to speak of trivial matters. My name is Elena, Elena Ecarlate. I am the Pope of the Star Church. The girl who claims to be a hero, is that you? The attack that felled the dragon just now was  truly spectacular. I would like to ask you a few questions."

    The hero stared at the woman intently, and gave a slight nod. She was the descendant of Mina, who abandoned her and sealed her away. The resemblance was irritatingly similar. And the earnestness the two shared was annoyingly similar. She understood that she had nothing to do with what happened then, but her hand moved first.



    A fistful of bones exploded into Elena's face. The Church soldiers became furious, but when the hero shot an intimidating glare their way, they involuntarily shrank back with their spears pointed at her. Although they swore fealty to the Pope, they lacked the courage to stand against the dragon slayer.

    "Where did that come from!? Do you have any idea what the hell you’re doing!? I am the Pope of the Star Church, you know!!"

    Her speech became a jumbled mess of solemnity and frivolity. She seemed quite upset

    "Shut up. Quit being pretentious; give me the transfer stone that will take me to the one hundredth floor underground. I know you guys have it. I'm gonna go kill the one behind all of this."

    "What are you saying so suddenly!? It is an essential piece of evidence that proves there is an end to the labyrinth. We cannot easily hand it over to a stranger! Besides, now is not the time to talk about this──"

     "I'll be brief. The ringleader is in a place called the Sanctuary a hundred floors down. He's the one controlling the demons. In other words, if we kill him now, this’ll all be over."

    "A-Are you sure of that!?"

    "It was apparently the last will and testament of the head of the Arte family, Reken. Can't go wrong with that, huh?"

    "...... So he's in a place called the Sanctuary? That place is filled with a terrible miasma of magic essence. On top of that,  Ilgachev possesses the power of the Star Sphere. We do not have enough time to assemble a force capable of defeating him. We cannot expect to come back alive either…… "

    The hero violently grabbed Elena by her chest, whose face was clouded with grief. When the surrounding Church soldiers charged at her, she restrained them with a murderous glare.

    "Look, I don't have time for this. I'll go kill that rat, so give me the transfer stone right now!!"

    Using the transfer stone that Elena possessed, the hero entered the Sanctuary alone. Lulurile seemed to understand the current situation, so she did not say anything. She obviously knew that if the hero went, she would not come back. She is a brilliant scholar after all. Typically, one would think her farewell to be a cold one, but the hero felt rather happy. There was certainly nothing else that could be done, and in such cases, she appreciated those who say nothing. She thought she was more or less able to say her goodbyes.

    ". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

    The hero stared silently at a single point, tightly gripping the two drawn swords in her hands.

    The hundredth floor of the labyrinth consisted of only one large room. A strange altar sat in the center of the room, and an old man sat atop a throne. The hero imagined that the air would be stagnant because of the dense miasma of magic, but was nothing like that. The faint torchlight dimly illuminated their surroundings.

    "...... Welcome, you brave fool. You are not ignorant of what happens when you come here, are you?"

    "This place is filled with a miasma that'll poison and kill me just by being here. I know."

    "Yes, so you know it is too late. Your body is already being ravaged by the miasma of magic elements. The miasma on this floor is extremely dense, even so, it cannot be seen with the naked eye; however, it certainly is there."

    "That so?"

    "You can choose to die by my hands or choose to rot from the miasma. As you have vanquished the Ark Dragon, I shall give you the right to choose. Be thankful for my mercy."

    "I'll take my time thinking about my decision after I kill you."

    The hero held up her two swords, but Ilgachev remained seated without taking a combative stance. He only pulled out the Star Sphere from his pocket in a suggestive manner.

    "Foolish girl. Do you even know what magic essence is?"

    "It's a lump of magic power that can be exchanged for money."

    As the hero received his question, she answered, and began gathering her strength. To kill him with a single strike.

    "You are not wrong. But, it is not the correct answer either. To be precise, it is the embodiment of human malice. This labyrinth is an apparatus for absorbing human malice."

    "The labyrinth, is a device?"

    "Yes. And as a result of the condensation of mankind's malice, demons are born. It is our own malevolence that gives rise to such abominations. Quite ironic, don't you think?"
    Ilgachev continued speaking indifferently, and the sinister glow emitted from the Star Sphere began to grow stronger.

    "Human malignance is a terrifying force. For example, the feeling of jealousy. If that jealousy grows, it can turn into a desire to hurt, which in turn can eventually lead to the death of another person. Just a single emotion of a weak human can produce such a tremendous amount of negative energy. If we were to condense that to the very limit, what kind of power would it produce? Even an ignoramus like you should understand."

    "I have no idea. I can't understand the words of trash being danced around by that malice. I don't want to understand either."

    When the hero snorted, Ilgachev's emotions were aroused.

    "I am not being ‘danced!’I am of complete mastery over it; it is under my control! I am free to do as I please!!"

    Ilgachev quickly chanted a spell and raised the Star Sphere. A black light shone, and a familiar giant monster appeared from black smoke. Unlike in the past, their attire had deteriorated and their body had decayed. Even so, the hero could feel the pressure just by being face-to-face with them. It was a descendant of a tribe of dragons, a being with three horns and four enormous wings. It was a proud demon who fought a life-or-death battle with the hero and fell.

    "...... So, that nostalgic face again."

    "What frivolous drivel. This is the ancient Demon King who once plunged humanity into the depths of despair. With my power, bringing him back to life is a simple matter. You can try your best to run away! After killing you, the demons will once again invade, and conquer the world!"
    Ilgachev scoffed, confident of his victory.

    "Don't be stupid, there’s no way this guy will listen to your orders. No, not from you or anyone. We fought and settled the score of our own volition. His soul wouldn’t ever bow to scum like you."

    "... Then taste it for yourself. ──Go forth, old Demon King, tear this foolish little girl to pieces!!"

    ". . . . . . . . . . . ."

    The Demon King did not move even an inch to the order.

    Ilgachev raised a shout in frustration.

    "You have been resurrected by my power. Has your intelligence degenerated to the point where you cannot comprehend that!? You will do as I command!"

    The Demon King's corpse silently raised its arm and sunk it into its own body. Seizing a dry heart, its hand crushed it without hesitation. The soulless corpse crumbled, and its four withering wings faded into mist.

    "What a failure! Even if he is the Demon King, he still is a defeated man!"

    "You're the real failure!"

    The hero quickly threw her shining sword, piercing Ilgachev's left arm. The target was his torso, but it deviated. Perhaps it was her shaken vision. Or perhaps it was because her arms were trembling. Ilgachev's right hand also remained unsevered. It seemed he physically enhanced his body with magic. If the battle were to draw out, she would be at a disadvantage.

    Biting her lip, the hero plodded towards the enemy. Preparing to withstand his oncoming attack.

    "This is the end anyway. I don't care what happens as long as I don't get my head blown off."

    "Y-You, miasma-ridden bastard, how are you still alive!? I am an agent of God! I will not allow you to hurt me!"
    Ilgachev screamed and cast a counterattack spell as his face contorted.

    It seemed he wanted to avoid a direct confrontation. Instead of trying to pull the sword out of his arm, he prioritized attacking the hero. The physical damage inflicted appeared to be much less severe than expected.

    "──You will be punished for your blasphemy! I invoke the lost spell, 『Ice Crystal!!』"

    She could hear the sound of something exploding from within her body. As she was suddenly thrown backwards, distorted blades of ice emerged from within her body piercing her flesh, revealing themselves. She was like a sinner who had been sentenced to death by impalement. Such an attempt to distract herself with such a thought proved a futile effort. As a beat later, a fierce pain rushed through her body.


    The hero endured the terrible pain and stifled a scream that threatened to spill out. A hero cannot be defeated by a demon. They cannot complain. It was just, the pain she had been desperately trying to ignore, she finally reached her limit. That was all. Yes, it hurt, there is no way it could not. Anyone would hurt if they were stabbed. It hurt her heart to hear hurtful things. She told herself she would get used to it, but the truth is it still hurt. There was no point in crying about it, so she just turned away from it.

    The hero bit her lip so deeply she drew blood and cast a healing spell. Her body slowly regenerated with the pain. It seemed there were still some candles left. The ice inside her body turned red and melted away.

    "A-Absurd. No human being can survive having their internal organs gutted! You, are you really human!?"

    "I’m a hero before I’m human. Something like that won’t kill me."

    "A-A hero!? I see, you are the monster who is supposed to bring about calamity!!"

    "You're full of openings, you piece of shit!"

    The hero burst the magic power contained within the sword of light, and Ilgachev's left arm, with the sword of light still impaled in it, blew apart with a flash of light

    "Gya-gyaaaaaaaaaa!! M-My, my arm!!"

    "You're so confident of that Star Sphere's power, aren't you? So, why not just use a healing spell like I did? But it’ll hurt like hell. It will regenerate with the same pain that blew it apart. I wonder if a frail thing like you can withstand it."

"D-Don't underestimate me, you damn brat!! I invoke the lost spell, 『Complete Healing!』"
    Ilgachev clutched the Star Sphere and cast a healing spell.

    "A-Ah - It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!!"

    The lost left arm regenerated, but the same excruciating pain ran through his body once again, causing Ilgachev to roll around on the floor unbearably.

    Then, the hero ripped her left foot off the ground and delivered a powerful kick to Ilgachev's head. If she were in perfect physical condition, this one kick would have crushed him. Her body was unsteady resulting in her positioning being off -- it was not a finishing blow.

    Ilgachev, who was flung away, crashed into the wall and let out a groan.

    "W-Why, why, why!? Why can I not overpower you!? With the power of the Star Sphere, I should be invincible! So why!!"

    "It doesn't matter what garbage you use. I said it earlier, you’re just being danced around. You've been taken in by malice, and have lost sight of yourself. I don't know how long you've been like that, but it's really pathetic."

    "I-I will create a new world. I cannot be killed until I bring the Star God down to our world! Lost Spell──"
    Ilgachev began to chant but abruptly exclaimed in anguish. His throat had suddenly compressed, and a multi-layered ring of blue light had wrapped itself around it.

    "It's useless. I've already sealed it. While you were monologuing about your dreams."

    The hero began limping forward, using the sword covered in black light as a walking stick. Ilgachev's face scrunched up as he put his hand to his throat and desperately backed away.

    "I-I will become the Pope. With the power of the Star Sphere, I will make that a reality. I cannot die here without having accomplished anything!"

    "Is that your real dream? You've really fallen a long ways down from your god's prophet."
    The hero smiled tiredly. A few more steps, and Ilgachev would be within reach.

    "W-Wait. L-Listen to me. As I said before, magic essence is the malice of man, and this Star Sphere is generations worth of it. And, I have magically attuned it myself, so that only I can control it. If I die, it will run out of control. D-Do you have any idea what will happen?"

    "I don't know, and I don't care."

    "If I die, this malice, condensed to the very limit, will be dispersed throughout the world. The Great Barrier that prevented the spread of the miasma has already disappeared. A great malevolence will wash over the earth! Think about what kind of catastrophe that would bring!"
    Ilgachev, using the Star Sphere as a shield, raised a transfer stone from his pocket. Light began to envelop Ilgachev.

    If she left him alone for even a moment, Ilgachev would be transferred to the surface. Although, she did not know if he would be able to escape from there in one piece.

    "Y-Yes, good. You will die here, helplessly. I will await another opportunity to──"
    In the middle of his speech, Ilgachev let go of the transfer stone. A great deal of fresh blood fell onto the Star Sphere. The sword of the hero pierced the old man’s heart.

    "──D-Do, you know, what, you've done?"

    "I know. I'm just returning this stuff to where it belongs. Above all, if I let you live, that'd be an even bigger catastrophe."

    "...... F-Fool. H-How did this happen? I, don't want to die. I am, the Pope. A-As an agent of God. I must, create, a new world..."

    Ilgachev left these words behind along with this world, dying in a daze. In the aftermath, a light emanated from the Star Sphere, and his corpse immediately rotted away.

    "...... Now."

    The hero exhaled once. The mere act of doing so caused immense pain. If what he said was true, then the Star Sphere would soon run out of control. She must escape now or she would die. But the miasma had already completely ravaged her body. It seemed silly to transfer to the surface now.

    The hero pulled the sword of darkness from the corpse, and began to search for a certain place. Perhaps because it was because her lungs had rotted, but she could not breathe as she wanted to. A warm and metallic liquid continuously flowed from her mouth. Her eyesight had deteriorated, no longer allowing her to see her surroundings.

    "...... Found you."

    In the end, she managed to make it in time. She was able to find the corpse of the Demon King. The hero let go of the sword of darkness and fell upon it. The sword should be returned to its rightful owner. Such a thought suddenly occurred to her. Perhaps there was one thing she could thank Ilgachev for. A place had been prepared for her again. A place she had carelessly overlooked back then.

   "So, this is where I'm going to die. In the end, it was a pretty amusing life, so I guess it's okay."
    The hero smiled with satisfaction.

   She found new friends, she found a place where she belonged, and a place to die that she once missed. There was seemingly no greater luxury than that. If she had one regret, it would be that she wished she lived in that house just a little longer. If it was with them, there were sure to be many more fun and interesting times to be had. But that was too much to hope for.

    The hero closed her eyes as if to shake off her lingering regrets. The hero clung to the corpse of the Demon King, and decided to sleep. Her consciousness grew hazy, and slowly grew darker. She could feel all the intense pain fading away. Now, she could finally be free.

    "...... I've been through a lot of bad things, but, I'm glad, I'm a hero."

    The faces of her friends flashed across her mind for a moment. Imagining that noisy bunch, her lips relaxed ever so slightly. 
    Then, just as she was about to let go of her consciousness while still in a pleasant mood──

    The body of the hero was pulled up with tremendous force, forcefully pulling back the consciousness she was about to let go of.

    "Are you giving up!? I won’t ever let you die alone in a place like this!"

    "...... Auditory hallucinations, I think. Somehow, it sounds like Matari's voice──"

    "Never mind that, please drink this quietly! We need to get out of here quickly!"

    Something like a potion was stuffed into the mouth of the hero as she was held down. She was unable to comprehend the situation due to her impaired vision, but could feel a light enveloping her body.


    "I’ll beat you if you spit it out!!"

    As the Star Sphere exploded in a disastrous flash of light, the bodies of the heroes disappeared.


    ──『History of the Star Church』, the end of the civil war of the Star Church.

    Not long after the courageous girls plunged into the underground Labyrinth, a massive earthquake struck. The epicenter was at the lowest level of the Labyrinth. Later investigations would determine it to have been caused by the explosion of the Star Sphere, a mass of condensed magic essence. However, the cause of the explosion itself is still under investigation.
    The body of the apostate Ilgachev was never recovered, but he is presumed dead due to the condition of the Labyrinth. Each of his surviving 'protégé's were condemned to death, and their collaborators excommunicated. Taking this opportunity, Elena carried out a purge of extremists in line with Ilgachev across the continent. Despite being scorned as a Deranged Tyrant while doing so, she succeeded in the complete annihilation of Ilgachev's faction. Pope Elena abdicated after the situation was resolved, taking responsibility for the civil war. She ceded the papacy to the moderate Nikarag and went into seclusion. the civil war itself was short-lived, it resulted in greatly tarnishing the prestige of the glorious Star Church.
    After the civil war, natural disasters and extreme weather events frequently occurred in a short period of time, plunging the entire continent into chaos. A plague followed, taking countless lives. The people called this series of natural disasters the, "The Star Gods Wrath," and could only hope that this wrath would soon supside. The inhabitants of Arte engaged in the difficult task of reconstruction, but the presence of new heroes instilled courage in their hearts.

    One of them was Matari Arte, who had been disowned by the Arte family. She slain her brother Reken, who was behind the disappearance of the Great Barrier and retrieved Great Barrier's grimoire. Afterwards, she joined the defensive front and fought hard, a true display of heroism. Though her relationship with the Arte family was severed, Matari was hailed as a hero.
    The second was Edel Weiss, the necromancer. Despite being a heretical sorcerer who practiced forbidden magic, she fought as a volunteer when the city was in crisis. She contributed greatly to the containment of the demons in the underground labyrinth and also succeeded in reconstructing the Great Barrier. Some still detest her, but without her, the city of Arte would not exist anymore. And so, the Star Church issued a decree permitting only her to practice necromancy.
    The third was the scholar Lulurile. Despite her status as a scholar, she stood on the front lines and displayed a courage that would put even a warrior to shame. Furthermore, she intercepted the red dragon that suddenly appeared from within the labyrinth and succeeded in saving Pope Elena. She also provided weapons she herself developed to the soldiers participating in the defensive. Without the many weapons she has created, it would have been no doubt more difficult to fend off the demon horde. But above all, her greatest achievement was the development of a drug to alleviate the symptoms of miasma poisoning. A great number of lives have been saved thanks to her magnificent work.
    Lastly, a girl whose name has not been recorded. She called herself a hero and is said to have slain the red dragon with a single blow while riding atop a giant white bird. She is said to have defeated hordes of demons using a number of lost spells and with excellent swordsmanship. In the end, she defied Pope Elena’s attempts to stop her and headed down to the hundredth floor of the labyrinth, where the miasma is most potent. Rushing into the so-called "Sanctuary" alone, she fought a fierce battle against Ilgachev and successfully slew him, the main culprit of the civil war. Without her valiant efforts, the world would have been threatened by the demons yet again.

    ──There are no records of her whereabouts after that.


    "This is what happened in this city back then. Did you get the gist?"

    "...... Did, that really happen? If it was eight years ago, I should have been old enough to know better. So, why don't I remember any of it? How could I forget such a catastrophe?"
    Katarina asked her Stepmother after she finished telling her an old story.
    She already knew her Stepmother and Stepsister were praised as heroes. She had done some research on her own, but thought it would be better to hear directly from her. Her Stepmother was reluctant speak about it, but Katarina's persistence finally got the better of her, and she finally told her.

    "That's because you were sick in bed at the time. It's no wonder your memory's so foggy. A memory of a bunch of demons running after you isn't a good one to have. Some things are better forgotten."
    Her Stepmother smiled gently at her.

    Embarrassed, Katarina involuntarily looked away. A painted piece was displayed at the end of the room. Even an untrained eye could see it was painted with extreme precision. The painting depicted her Stepmother wearing splendid armor and a sword. Surrounding her were the familiar figures of three other women, smiling, standing shoulder to shoulder. Only the dark-haired girl in the center looked somewhat embarrassed.

    "Is this a picture from back then?"

    "I said no, but they forced me anyway."

    "...... She's always been a contrarian."

    "They asked me to stand there with a smile until they were done, all because they wanted to paint a picture of a hero, you know? It was too ridiculous for me to go along with."

    "But you still ended up doing it anyway. You are what is called a walking contradiction."

    "...... Shut up. You know, you're insidious just like round-eyes."
    Her Stepmother let out a deliberate sigh.

    The insidious round-rimmed glasses she was referring to were those of Lulurile, the city's leading scholar. This woman was the only one who spoke rudely to her authority.

    “Oh, were you both looking at the painting together? Isn't that unusual."

    Then, a woman entered the living room. Silca was her name, and she had been helping her stepsister run the orphanage since its inception. At first glance, she appeared to be an elegant lady, but she was really an aloof and inscrutable person. She takes great care of the children along with Colon, her childhood friend. Katarina on the other hand kept her distance from the other children. It was hard to say whom she had taken likeness to, but her words were harsh, and her vision was bad. Words of disparagement came to mind first, rather than words of concern. It seems she was putting up a wall. The reason why she was like this was quite apparent. It was all because of the twisted woman next to her.

    "Oh, Silca. I was just telling Katarina an old story. She's too stubborn, so I couldn't help it anymore."

    "What do you mean, 'stubborn?’"

    "Oh, be quiet. Why don't you wipe off those glasses and be quiet for a minute."

    Her Stepmother pressed her finger against her glasses, leaving a terrible print on her lens. Katarina quickly took out a lens wipe in exasperation.

    "Whenever I look at it, I'm always reminded of that time. You know, with Yatum and everyone else. Sometimes I wonder if one morning when I wake up I'll see everyone playing happily as they did back then."

    "If that’s the case, I'll get rid of it. I'll go tell the boar myself."

    "No, it's a precious memory, so please keep it on display. Besides, it's a picture of Teacher Hero's most cherished friends, isn't it?"
    When Silca smiled mischievously, her Stepmother returned a wry smile.

    "Hey, can’t you do something about that ‘Teacher Hero,’ thing? Those brats, the children have been calling me that. No matter how many times I tell them to stop, they won't listen."

    The children of the orphanage call this woman, 'Teacher Hero.' And on that note, Katarina's stepsister Matari was the headmaster of the orphanage, and Lulurile was just Lulurile. By the way, Katarina was known as the Scary Big Sister.

    "There's a simple solution. If you really want them to stop, just remember your name and the problem will be resolved."

    "Yeah, yeah. I'll remember it by next year."

    "That's what you said last year."

    "Did I? Well, it doesn't matter."

    Her Stepmother took off her apron, stretched widely, and brushed her long black hair. It seemed she wore her hair short when this picture was painted, but now she maintains it long now. This was the way it had been for as long as Katarina could remember, so seeing her with short hair in the painting made her feel somewhat strange.

    "Well, what should we teach those damn kids today?"

    "Why don't you let them study something actually useful like Lulurile does every once in a while?"

    They called her teacher, but Katarina had never seen her teach a classroom lecture before. The so-called "Lessons," are in fact, just them mostly playing. She seems to be relatively young mentally for her age and is well-liked by the children. Katarina was amazed by this, but at the same time a little jealous. Although, she would never say that aloud.

    "Studying, hm? Like how to tell the difference between humans and demons? I think showing them efficient ways to kill demons might be a bit..."

    "Obviously I meant things normal people would study!"

    "I know, I'm just messing with you. I never get tired of seeing your funny reactions."
    Saying that, her Stepmother laughed in amusement.

    Katarina's eyes curved at a dangerous angle.

    "We don't have time to mess around. They are all waiting for you, aren't they?"

    "It’s fine, I’m not in a rush. Everyone’s probably running around outside anyway."

    Then, a tired-looking Colon came in from outside. Two mischievous imps were clung to his arms.

    "Hey, Silca, I can't hold them off alone, so can you hurry. I don't have the strength left for this."

    "You look like an old man right now, Colon. It's pretty funny."

    "Shut up. Try getting jumped by ten kids. You would look like this too. Seriously, I don't know how Teacher Hero can spend an entire day with these guys. She’s a monster."
    Colon sighed as his hair was pulled.

    Colon was not bad with children. He was rather good at caring for them. But these children were more energetic than your usual breed. They made a lot of noise, laughed a lot, cried a lot, and acted out, not at all concerned about being orphans. Though, this could be attributed to being under her Stepmother's upbringing. While this might sound like a good thing at first, everything has its limits. If they are allowed to continue acting like this, they would grow up to be terrible people. The thought of seeing dozens of people like her Stepmother unleashed unto the world made her feel dizzy. Fearing this, Katarina tried all she could to fix it, but it was to no avail.

    "If they’re strong enough to be seen as monsters, then they’ll be fine when they leave. I'll be proud of myself for having raised them."

     "Quit acting proud and teach them some common sense. She might be a hero, but because Stepmother keeps saying that, no matter how much Silca and I tell her, she won’t listen!"

    "It's the headmasters policy, so it's alright. If you have any complaints, you can direct them to the esteemed Matari. But whether or not she'll listen is another question."
    Her Stepmother grinned as she reopened the door.

    Katarina was about to raise a complaint, but Silca quieted her down.

    "Well then, Colon looks like he's about to cry so I’m going to go. Katarina, try not to fight too much."

    "I-I wasn't arguing, I was giving her advice! She's one of the heroes, so she should act like one──"

    "Yes yes, I'll see you."

    After saying that, Silca left the living room. Leaving only Katarina and her Stepmother.

    Katarina lived here with Matari, Lulurile, and her twisted Stepmother. The children all live here in an orphanage converted from a mansion. Silca and Colon as well. The orphanage was created by renovating the mansion where her Stepsister, Matari, used to live when she was a child. Here, she gathers children who had lost their parents in the Star Church’s civil war and takes care of them at her own expense. It was not her place to say this, as she was in a position where she was already in her care, but she thought her stepsister really was a good-natured person.  It seemed that most of her personal funds she accumulated as an adventurer was invested into this orphanage. Now, she makes money by teaching classes on swordsmanship to the Arte’s Policing Corps. She has even turned down numerous offers to serve in various nations. Katari truly respected her stepsister Matari from the bottom of her heart.
    According to Matari, her Stepmother is the most good-natured person on earth. She was told over and over again that she had fought for peace at her own peril for nothing in return. But she was not buying it. Though, it was probably true that she fought with all her might. This was because her Stepmother was still suffering from the aftereffects of miasma poisoning. She looked healthy, but she has witnessed her vomiting in hiding several times. She often has high fevers, and sometimes suddenly loses consciousness. If she did not regularly take the drug developed by Lulurile, it would be fatal. It was a miracle in and of itself that she was able to return from the hundredth floor of the labyrinth alive. Even Matari, who stayed for only a few tens of seconds, suffered from severe poisoning for some time.

    "Hey, Stepmother."

    "What? You’re making a pretty serious face."

    "Didn't you go down to the hundredth floor by yourself back then? Did you want to die?"

    "Yes. Because I existed to kill demons. So, I was going to end it by going out killing the head rat."
    Her Stepmother spoke of it fondly.

    "...... But, you came back alive."

    "That meddlesome boar did something unnecessary. That idiot forcibly saved me. Now I've lost the best place to die twice."

    The second time must be referring to when she was in the labyrinth. She had no idea where or when the first time was. She probably wouldn't tell her even if she asked. She always glosses over the most important details.

    After her Stepmother and Matari escaped, the Star sphere went out of control and the lower levels of the labyrinth completely collapsed. As it was currently, the Labyrinth was inaccessible due to a dense miasma polluting it. The entrance was tightly sealed, and the Great Barrier reconstructed by one of the heroes, Edel Weiss, prevented the spread of the miasma. There may still be many demons roaming around its depths.
    With the labyrinth sealed off, the adventurers in the city disappeared in search of new work. After a while, Adventurers' guilds became places of learning, where the teaching of knowledge and skills were exchanged for money. Former guild masters such as Rob, Bogan, and Klau remained as instructors. Katarina sometimes participated in lessons through her Stepmothers connections, but unfortunately, she did not have the aptitude to become either a swordsman or a ranger. Each endorsed that fact, so there was no doubt.  But on the contrary, it was surprisingly easy for her to wrap her head around magic.
    Although the adventurers might have left, the city retained a considerable amount of its liveliness. According to her Stepmother, it used to be even more lustrous. Thanks to the competence of Pope Nikarag, the city of Arte had been successfully reconstructed and was steadily reviving. This city is considered the holy grounds of the Star Church, and many devout believers come here on pilgrimage. Guards act as escorts to protect the faithful, and merchants who come to trade to keep them in their favor. Traded goods are bought and sold as people come and go, so Arte has amassed a wide array of goods from all across the continent. It is a cycle which has drawn many to the city.
    From what Katarina has heard from merchants, the city of Arte is the safest and easiest place to conduct business. Disasters and epidemics across the continent caused a great deal of damage to the major cities of each nation. Therefore, many merchants base themselves in this town. Meanwhile, signs of war had begun to circulate, and many merchants traveled to dangerous places to try and make a fortune. If a war starts, prices will soar, which leaves a possibility for massive profit. At the same time, there is a risk of losing everything, including your life.

    "...... I know I’ve asked this before, but do you really have no regrets? You've been through so much pain....... I think it's foolish to fight for others."

    "Well, there might be, but they were all choices I made. I can accept them for that reason. So, don't be swayed; make your own choices for yourself until the very end. It's the most important thing in life."

    Saying it clearly, her Stepmother left the living room, the expression on her face more serious than ever.

    Katarina deeply engraved her words into her mind. They held weight, for they were the words of a hero. It was advice from her Stepmother, and just for Katarina. She did not know why, but she felt uplifted. Katarina dreamt of becoming a hero. She wanted to be someone everyone could admire. She wanted her existence to be recognized. That feeling was even more prevalent as she was surrounded by people who had already done so. But what she got in exchange for her renown was the sequelae of severe miasma exposure. People will praise you, but will forget about you sooner or later. In fact, there are even those who scoff at the sight of her Stepmother who can no longer fight. She cannot even hold a sword properly, and survival was not guaranteed if she used magic. Is that not too miserable an end for a hero?
    Katarina once asked a terribly cruel question. It was after she learned her Stepmother had been suffering from the aftereffects of that day.
    “Is it not miserable for someone renowned as a hero to be in such a state? If you died, you would still be a hero, so why are you still alive?"
    She knew she was somewhat crazy for coming up with such a question. But she had to ask. She wanted to know what her Stepmother's reaction would be, who always wore nothing but a fearless smile. She could not resist the urge to try. And, as a result, she was immediately beaten by Matari who was present. The ordinarily mild-mannered Matari had an expression as terrifying as a demon. She did not think she would follow through, but she had no idea what would have happened had Silca and the others not stopped her. Matari's true nature was that of a berserker whom everyone feared. Even those who ridiculed her Stepmother kept their mouths shut before her. At least, after a few brave souls were beaten half to death. 
    Her Stepmother gently restrained Matari, and as expected gave her usual brazen smile.

    "I don't care what anyone says, I’m a hero. And I'm not miserable at all, I’m still having fun. There's lots of unusual creatures like you out there, you know. I've never wanted to die."

    Standing in front of Katarina, who was shedding tears and bleeding from her nose, she spoke clearly. Those words did not sound like the ones of someone trying to be tough; but rather, of one speaking from the heart.

    ... At that time, Katarina had a strong desire. She wanted to become someone just like her.

    Matari and Lulurile greeted the hero as she left the house.

    "You didn't have to wait for me."

    "No, it's a beautiful day today, so I was just soaking up a little sun."

    "A certain someone will say it smells musty. So, this is the so-called sun-drying."

    "You're still holding onto that? Pinky was the first one to bring it up."

    "But the only one who continues to mention it is Ms. Hero. It is quite regrettable."

    While talking about such nonsense, the heroes began to make their way toward the orphanage.

    "Did you tell Katarina about that time?"

    "Well, yeah. But I haven’t told her everything. It's a little too early to tell her about Edel."

    "Indeed. It is still seemingly too early. We should wait for her sense of self to solidify a bit more."

    "......  Pinky, that idiot. You're supposed to take care of your own messes!"

    The hero kicked the ground and swore to a friend who was not here. The missing companion was the necromancer, Edel Weiss.


    Immediately after the civil war, the hero and Matari fell ill with miasma poisoning, and Lulurile was busy developing a drug to alleviate the symptoms. In the meantime, Edel was working on the reconstruction of the Great Barrier, however, she was also conducting research on something else in parallel. Rather, it would be more accurate to say she was devoting all her energy to it.
    When the hero regained consciousness and Matari's condition recovered, Edel succeeded in reconstructing the Great Barrier. At the same time, Edel disappeared. Without saying a word to her friends. As the hero was bedridden, Matari and Lulurile took it upon themselves to search for her, but were unable to find her. When the hero told them she would be back soon, they reluctantly obeyed. The hero had a rough idea of why she left. She never really could give up on the research of her past mentor, Russ Nubes. She must not have wanted them to see the moment she went astray. The hero remembered the promise she made to her that night. If was to fall from the path of humanity and become a demon, she would kill her.
    Half a year passed while she was asking herself if she could really do it. And on the day exactly six months had passed, Edel came home with a carriage in tow. Along with a single strange girl.

    "It's been a long time. Where have you been wandering around?"

    "You're looking better. I'm really, really glad. I've been so worried about you."

    "Well, I’ve been so-so. Matari's already in good shape. By the way, when did you have such a big baby?"

    When the hero asked about the girl, Edel's face seemed to stiffen.

    "I came here today to ask you for a favor...... I want to entrust this child to you. I have already prepared as much money as I could. I just don't think I'll be able to raise her."

    "... Please take care of me well. Stepmother."

    "...... S-Stepmother? What are you talking about?"

    "I've manipulated her memories so she wouldn't have an adverse reaction. This was what had to be done, as she's had her soul brought back twice now. If I hadn't, she would have gone insane until the day she died."

    Katarina, who had been implanted with false memories, ran doubtlessly towards her. She called the hero her Stepmother, showing a pure smile. She had no idea how, but it seemed that in addition to resurrecting her, she created an entirely new body and even manipulated her memories. This was the result of a conjoining of Russ's and Benz's insane research and experiments.

    "...... Just to make sure, you are okay with this, right?"

    "Yes. Katarina is an innocent child. Right now, she knows nothing. A blank slate. Whether you want to tell her about this is entirely up to you."

    "You sure?"

    "Yes. All my sins are mine to bear."

    After one last confirmation, the hero agreed to take her without prying. The reason was that Matari was preparing to open an orphanage, and with that, one more child would be nothing to worry about. Edel's face was devoid of vitality, and Katarina's face was reminiscent of that which she once saw at Russ's house. Edel took over the research of her late mentor and accomplished it brilliantly. The complete resurrection of Russ' daughter, Katarina Nubes. And she must have paid a heavy price. A forbidden spell left even the hero wandering the edge of the abyss time and time again. Despite manipulating corpses herself, it would be no doubt unbearable for someone like Edel to endure it, who was an ordinary human. It was a miracle she was even alive.

     "Thank you so much. Her soul settled within the body I created. But Katarina's soul was distorted because of my inexperience. I screwed up at the last moment. I thought I could handle it, but the fear of death was too much for me to bear. What have I done…"
    Edel broke down into tears on the spot. Her cheeks were emaciated, and her complexion was terribly pale.

    "Hurry up and come inside. Matari and Lulurile have been looking for you like madmen. They have a lot of things they want to tell you."

    When the hero urged her to go inside, Edel shook her head.

    "I've done everything I had to do. I have no more regrets. So, I want you to fulfill the promise you made that night."

    After thinking for a moment, the hero refused. She could not kill a friend without reason.

    "Kill all demons. I thought that was your creed. I've committed many atrocities and have fallen onto the path of heresy. There's no reason not to kill me."

    Edel did not smell of rot. So she would not kill her now.

    When the hero said she would kill her without mercy if she really fell to evil in the future, Edel smiled wearily. Staggering to her feet, Edel climbed into the black carriage. She looked like an exhausted old woman who was tired of living. There was no semblance of the proud and confident necromancer she once was. Dressed in tattered rags, the coachmen slowly brought the horses to a run.

    "Your room’s still here. Come back anytime. But it's really dusty, so you'll have to clean it yourself."

    "...... Thank you. When I'm ready, I'll do that."

    "Stupid Pinky."
    The face of the hero contorted as she spat.

    "It was only a short time I lived with everyone in this house. Still, it was fun, it was really fun. With those memories, I can live on. Really, thank you."
    Edel's face crumpled as she squeezed out a voice.

    “Like I said then, if you fall to evil, I will kill you. Anytime, anywhere. So don't go dying off on your own. You need to keep your promises."

    "...... What will happen if I break my promise?"

    "It's simple. If you can't keep your promises, you won't be able to eat a delicious meal."

    "...... Fufu. That sounds terrible."
    Edel laughed faintly as she wiped away her tears. Then, in a hushed voice, she spoke.

    "Don't worry, I'll keep my promise too. I'll see you again someday."

    Edel had never been seen since. The hero regretted it. She could have tried to convince her. She could have forced her to stay. But she could not judge whether it was a good idea or not. But she knew that Edel had thought it through, and after much consideration, chose to entrust Katarina to her. Katarina's existence was like proof of Edel’s sins. To constantly be confronted with it every day, must be like laying on a bed of needles. What should she have done, what should she have said to her? Even now the hero still thinks about it. Though, the answer is likely never to be found.

    The heroes and the rest of the group from the orphanage came to a hilltop overlooking the city of Arte. The weather was so nice that the children wanted to go outside of town to play. The Church’s soldiers regularly patrolled the area around the city, so security was reasonably well maintained. Merchants would even stop their carriages to rest for a while.
    However, once you step out of the Church’s sphere of influence, it is like hell. Thieves roamed the streets in search of prey, ambitious mercenaries form gangs, and impoverished farmers sold off their children or killed them with their own hands. Unable to come up with effective countermeasures, other nations are using the situation as an opportunity to expand their territories. Rumor has it that people claiming to be the Liberation Army are rising up in the Yuuz Kingdom's territory in the central border zone.
    Peace is unlikely to come anytime soon. As when demons are no longer a threat, with the lack of a common enemy, humans will fight each other. That is how human beings are. No matter what state the world is in, we can live only by dividing ourselves into distinct groups of friends and foes and continuing to fight. Was this a sign that the malice Ilgachev spoke of had begun to circulate again?

    "Hero, you’ve got a pretty serious look on your face. Um, I've got your lunch here since you look like you want it. "

    "I'm not someone who lives by my appetite alone. You go ahead and eat."

    "I'll go first then!"
    Matari bit into meat on a bone with a carefree look on her face.

    The hero rolled over in the grass and looked up at the sky. It was a peaceful and tranquil world. Katarina and Lulurile started playing with a board game they had brought along.

    "Hey, how's Katarina's story going?"

    "Oh yeah, I received a reply from Sidamo. He said if she was serious, to go visit him.  But I don't think he will give her an advantage in the exams. Sidamo is too hard-headed for that kind of thing."

    "I see."

    Katarina apparently wanted to leave this town. She had secretly asked Matari to make arrangements for her to serve in the Yuuz Kingdom. Just the other day, Matari had told her about it confidentially, but had yet to hear about it from Katarina herself. The hero was a little disappointed, but it could not be helped. Matari's younger brother, Sidamo, served in the Yuuz Kingdom, and it seems she wanted to get Katarina to take the recruitment exam through her connections. Though it was a highly competitive cadet exam. If she succeeded in becoming an officer assigned to the front lines, she could die at any time. But the hero had no intention of stopping her. If Katarina made an earnest choice for herself, she had no intention of trying to interfere with that.
    ──However, whether or not she would step in an emergency would be decided when it happened. As her parent, she should be allowed to meddle at least a little bit.

    "Do you feel lonely being the 'stepmother, you don’t feel old?"

    "...... Not really. She might call me her stepmother, but I'm not that old. She’s more like a sister at best, you know?"

    "Well, if I ever have a child someday, could I call you my sister-in-law then?"

    "Don’t do that, you'd confuse everyone."

    When the hero smiled, Matari pouted in dissatisfaction. Despite being in her late twenties, her mental age seemed to have not matured at all.

    "By the way, why am I her stepsister while you're her stepmother? Edel did that, right? And Lulurile was originally supposed to be her aunt."

    "I don't know. Why don't you find her and ask her."

    The memories imprinted on Katarina made the hero her stepmother, Matari her stepsister, and Lulurile was supposed to be her aunt. It was unclear if it was some form of harassment or not, but it caused quite the trouble at first. Lulurile was especially indignant. Though, despite the trouble, she was sure that it helped bring her closer to Katarina; but within her, she could feel the malice of the twisted pink woman. Edel might seem debilitated on the outside, but perhaps she had a little bit of heart to spare. If so, that was a good thing.

    "You know, Katarina's personality is just like Pinky's. She's twisted and has a bad mouth. They really are alike."

    "...... Well, I think she’s just like you."

    "How? She has your short temper, Lulurile's glasses and logic, and Pinky's twisted personality. She's nothing like me."

    The hero assured her, but Matari was not unconvinced.

    “Katarina might seem logical, but she's actually not good at thinking things through. Look, her face is all red."

    The hero turned to see Katarina playing against Lulurile. Judging by her appearance, she seemed to be overwhelmed, and her face was red and troubled. She looked as if she was about to turn the board over.

    "...... She's so obvious. I knew her emotions would show on her face right away."

    "She says she wants to become an officer in the future. Lulurile and I have been trying to stop her, but she won’t listen to us. She's just like you in that sense! She's stubborn, twisted, foul-mouthed and solitary all at the same time! It’s kind of funny how much you two are alike."

    She seemed to be in a good mood.
    The hero pinched Matari's cheeks as hard as she could. It had been a while, but she was still so easy to pinch.

    "You look quite pleased with yourself, boar. I won't show any mercy even against the headmaster. Even if you were a queen or an empress or whatever, I'd still pinch you."

    "I-It h-hurtsch!"

    "Oh, you want me to use both my hands. You'd better be prepared."

    "N-No, schtop!!"

    After kneading both of her cheeks with both hands, she released her. Both of her cheeks were swollen, and the children were laughing with their stomachs witnessing her assault. Lulurile and Katarina had looks of dismay on their faces. And both Silca and Colon could only sigh as they watched this scene play out yet again.

    "Why did you do that all of a sudden!? I'm twenty-eight, and you're twenty-five! Please stop being so childish!"

    "Our age doesn’t matter. No matter how old I get, I'm still me and you're still you."

    "What does that even mean!?"

    The hero stood up, while an angry Matari held her cheeks.

    A white crow was leisurely circling in the sky above them. That idiot wouldn't leave even after everything was said and done. It seemed he never got tired of watching the hero. She told him if he really had so much time on his hands, he should serve the world as a guardian beast, but he refused saying it would be too much trouble.

    "Oh, I had just remembered my name, and now I forgot it because Matari was so annoying."

    "Y-You remembered!? Please tell me right now! Do you know how many years it's been since you said you would tell me!?"

    "Wait a second, it’s in my throat, but, oh, it went back into my stomach──"

    "Then I'll push it out of you!"

    "H-Hey, stop it, you stupid boar!"

    Matari, with her fist clenched, approached her, so she hurriedly stopped her. If she left her alone, she might have gotten a full fist in her gut. She could never be too careful around her. She was the type to act rashly when you least expected it. The hero would never forget the time she was about to be killed in a sparring match before the civil war.

    "So, do you remember now?"

    "Yeah, I remember. I just remembered it."

    When the hero spoke these words, the children around her drew closer, along with Katarina, Lulurile, Silca and Colon. The expectant eyes of everyone were focused on the hero.

    "Finally, the day has come when the long-standing mystery will be solved."
    Lulurile's glasses shone as Katarina interjected.

    "I wouldn’t call it a mystery; I think she just didn't want to say it. Stepmother is really twisted after all."

    "That is quite insightful, Katarina. By the way, people like this are called Amanojaku. And yes, they are of the same race as you."

    "M-My personality is not that distorted! Don't lump me together with them!"

    "Only he who knows not is ignorant of it. But now is not the time. Ms. Hero's name is more important. So let us listen intently."

    "That's right, everyone listen quietly! We will finally know her true name. She didn’t like any of the names I tried to give her. What's wrong with Shera and Lamy!? Are they not good enough for your heroness!?"
    Matari uttered words that made no sense.

    The hero recalled that Matari had suddenly asked out of the blue if she liked the name Shera, and when she refused because she did not know what it meant, Matari was devastated. It seemed she had been holding onto that one for a long time.

    "Ms. Matari, please calm down. You were the one who told everyone to be quiet."

    The children all shouted at the headmaster to be quiet in unison, and Matari apologized while putting her hands over her mouth.

    All eyes were on her, leaving the hero feeling somewhat embarrassed. She cleared her throat, and inhaled.

    "So, are you ready? My name is..."

    "Your name is?"

    There was a breathless silence. Then, the hero grinned fearlessly.

    "My name is Hero! No matter what anyone says, I am a hero! Any objections!?"

    She shouted at the top of her lungs. 
    The white crow cawed in the sky in amusement.

    Then, amidst the cries of dissatisfaction, the hero folded her arms with a look of triumph on her face.


    The future was sure to have a lot more in store for them, but she was sure she would be able to live happily in her own way. Edel would surely come back soon too. Sometimes life is good; more often, it can be not so kind. Sometimes it can be fun, but sometimes it can be painful. But with this noisy bunch, she was sure she would be able to smile even on the last day of her life.

    That is what the hero, who had found her third place, believed from the bottom of her heart.

    ◆ The Maiden Called Hero or Monster - End


──Well, it's done. I was honestly prepared for this to take much longer than it actually did. I'd spend up to an hour on some lines just trying to make sure I got them right. Special mention to one of Lulurile's lines in particular, for making me waste an hour figuring out what one of her proverbs meant and how it should be written. Turns out it was a quote from an old eighties Japanese drama called "Oedo Sosamo," who knew.
    For those that might be wondering, I chose the light novel version of the story as I believe it to be a great deal better than the web novel. Some things are excluded from the light novel, but the original material added greatly outnumbers the few things left out from the web novel. Such as, an extra scene with Hero's diary if you even remember the fact that she had one, but it's nothing too significant. Lulurile is also a very minor character getting only one scene in the web novel, then is turned into one of Benz's wolves. So virtually every scene involving Lulurile in the light novel either has her cut, or just doesn't exist in the web novel. That includes everything regarding their house, it flat out doesn't exist in the web novel. Hero also really does die at the end of the web novel, but her body is recovered by Edel and is resurrected along with Katarina. Matari plays the role of her stepmother in the web novel, but actually beats Edel before letting her go out of anger of having not let Hero stay dead. But for the most part everything is generally the same in the light novel, "generally" being used somewhat loosely.
    Now to hurry and wrap this up as this chapter was long as hell and to keep from rambling on forever about this damn novel. I want to attempt to translate "Rosetta Wants to Stay Home," and, depending on how things go, "The Girl Who Fell From the Polar Star." It might be some time before that happens, at least for Polar Star, as admittedly I haven't read Death God or Flame Ring yet, so those are on my list of things to do including going back and correcting all the chapters. But if someone does pick up translations for them before then I'll leave them be.
    But with all that said, thanks for all the support and "Thank you's." I didn't respond to really any of those messages but I read them all. I'm glad most of you seemed to enjoy my translation, especially with it as messy as it is. So thanks for reading my translation of, "The Maiden Called Hero or Monster," and have yourselves a Merry Christmas, o7.